Spelling suggestions: "subject:"classification""
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Adenocarcinoma do estômago: análise de aspectos morfológicos e do perfil imuno-histoquímico de mucinas dos tipos histológicos propostos na classificação da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia, 2005 / Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: analysis of morphological and immunohistochemical profile of mucin-type proposed histological classification of the Brazilian Society of Pathology, 2005Almeida, Ricardo Camillo de 17 December 2009 (has links)
Com objetivo de analisar criticamente os tipos histológicos propostos na classificação da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia para o adenocarcinoma gástrico, estudamos os tipos histológicos e o perfil imuno-histoquímico de mucinas em 272 adenocarcinomas gástricos operados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A casuística pode ser dividida em 237 tumores únicos, 4 tumores múltiplos e 31 tumores com mais de um tipo histológico. Foram avaliados idade, gênero, localização, aspecto, estadiamento tumoral, padrões de expressão de mucinas intestinais pelos marcadores MUC2 e CD10 e gástricas por MUC5AC e MUC6. A coexistência de focos de padrão pouco diferenciado e de padrão gástrico em adenocarcinoma gástrico com mais de um aspecto e em casos com mais de um tumor e a ausência de tal concomitância com o padrão intestinal favorece sua compreensão como padrões independentes. As variáveis histológicas \"favoráveis\" predominaram nos adenocarcinomas gástricos de padrão intestinal, seguido dos de padrão tubular gástrico. Estes representam o cerne para estudos futuros por compreender o tipo túbulo-papilífero cujos aspectos clínicos se assemelham aos intestinais, o tipo tubular com expressão de mucina incaracterística e o tipo microtubular pela primeira vez individualizado, com aspectos morfológicos menos favoráveis e expressão imuno-histoquímica própria da mucosa gástrica. Os adenocarcinomas mucinosos mostraram marcante dicotomia quer nos aspectos clínicomorfológicos, quer no padrão de expressão de mucinas. Os dados indicam a necessidade de compreendê-los como entidades díspares. O tipo histológico foi detectado em casos com apresentação precoce, mas representa a maior fração daqueles avançados Borrmann IV exibindo predomínio de mucinas gástricas. O mucinoso muconodular só foi detectado em estadios avançados e co-expressou mucinas de intestinais e gástricas. O padrão pouco diferenciado diferiu distinto dos demais tanto pelos dados clínico-morfológicos, como pela escassa expressão de mucinas. / Aiming at a critical assessment of the histological types proposed at the classification of Brazilian Society of Pathology for gastric adenocarcinoma, we studied herein the histological and immunohistochemical profile of mucins in 272 gastric adenocarcinoma surgical samples from Hospital das Clínicas University of São Paulo School of Medicine. The casuistic can be divided into 237 single tumors, 4 multiple tumors and 31 tumors with more than one histological type. We evaluated age, gender, tumor location and appearance, tumor staging, the expression patterns of intestinal mucins by the markers MUC2 and CD10 and for gastric tumor by MUC5AC and MUC6 markers. The coexistence of foci of poorly differentiated pattern and foci of gastric pattern in gastric adenocarcinoma with more than one pattern and in cases with more than one tumor and the absence of such concurrence with the intestinal pattern, lead to its understanding as independent patterns. Favorable histological variables prevailed in gastric adenocarcinomas of intestinal pattern, followed by the gastric tubular pattern. These represent the core for future studies to include: the tubulo-papilary type, whose clinical features resemble the intestinal types, the tubular type with uncharacteristic mucin expression and the microtubulat type, individualized for the first time in the present study, with less favorable morphological aspects and immunohistochemical expression of the gastric mucosa itself. Mucinous adenocarcinomas have shown a stricking dichotomy in both clinical and morphological aspects, as in the expression pattern of mucins. Data indicate the need to understand them as disparate entities. The mucocelular type (signet ring cells) was detected in cases found inearly tumor stages, but includes the highest fraction of advanced tumors, Borrmann IV with predominant expression of gastric mucins. Muconodular type was only detected in advanced stages and co-expressed intestinal and gastric mucins. The poorly differentiated cases were frankly distinct from the other types, by both clinical and morphological data, and by the scarcity of mucin expression.
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Řešení hromadného neštěstí na dálnici D3 / Managing Multiple Car Accidents at D3 MotorwaySEDLÁČEK, Marek January 2010 (has links)
The current development of transport involves lots of pros, but also lots of cons includ-ing real risks. On one hand, there is a need to transport many people at reduced time and costs and on the other hand there is a risk of incidents. New and modern motorways and I. class roads plus using most updated means of transportation allow us transport more people more quickly, in even more convenient and safe way. Car accidents interventions are considered as routine procedures of the integrated rescue system in domestically as well as worldwide and their coordination is not a big deal for emergency teams. However, complications may occur when performing the intervention on the road with more lanes and with a center dividing strip as well as when there is a higher number of injured or a greater area of intervention, such as in the case of a chain accident. Sections of the integrated rescue systems are trained to handle such extraordinary events and follow new methodology, which is step by step put into practice. Within the process of its application, a major role plays the synergy trainings of the integrated rescue sys-tem, which require the approach to the actual conditions simulation. This thesis was produced to serve the needs of the intervention commander and pro-vides a comprehensive view on the issue of managing interventions where a higher number of casualties and injured occurs and related rescue systems on motorways and I. class roads. The thesis also brings information on new trends in training rescue teams for this type of events. It focuses on South Bohemia, D3 motorway is under construc-tion and on its first part Mezno {--} Tabor, which was opened in December 2007.
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Projekt zařízení zdravotněsociálních služeb / Project in the field of health care and social servicesJEHLÍKOVÁ, Radka January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the work is to determine the investment costs of the tangible assets and coverage. Further, the work summarises the costs, profits and economical results. Another issue relies on the identification of the factors influencing the classification of the economical effectivity of the investment project and of the cosequent use of the information in the particular investment project in the field of health care and social services.
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Adenocarcinoma do estômago: análise de aspectos morfológicos e do perfil imuno-histoquímico de mucinas dos tipos histológicos propostos na classificação da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia, 2005 / Adenocarcinoma of the stomach: analysis of morphological and immunohistochemical profile of mucin-type proposed histological classification of the Brazilian Society of Pathology, 2005Ricardo Camillo de Almeida 17 December 2009 (has links)
Com objetivo de analisar criticamente os tipos histológicos propostos na classificação da Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia para o adenocarcinoma gástrico, estudamos os tipos histológicos e o perfil imuno-histoquímico de mucinas em 272 adenocarcinomas gástricos operados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A casuística pode ser dividida em 237 tumores únicos, 4 tumores múltiplos e 31 tumores com mais de um tipo histológico. Foram avaliados idade, gênero, localização, aspecto, estadiamento tumoral, padrões de expressão de mucinas intestinais pelos marcadores MUC2 e CD10 e gástricas por MUC5AC e MUC6. A coexistência de focos de padrão pouco diferenciado e de padrão gástrico em adenocarcinoma gástrico com mais de um aspecto e em casos com mais de um tumor e a ausência de tal concomitância com o padrão intestinal favorece sua compreensão como padrões independentes. As variáveis histológicas \"favoráveis\" predominaram nos adenocarcinomas gástricos de padrão intestinal, seguido dos de padrão tubular gástrico. Estes representam o cerne para estudos futuros por compreender o tipo túbulo-papilífero cujos aspectos clínicos se assemelham aos intestinais, o tipo tubular com expressão de mucina incaracterística e o tipo microtubular pela primeira vez individualizado, com aspectos morfológicos menos favoráveis e expressão imuno-histoquímica própria da mucosa gástrica. Os adenocarcinomas mucinosos mostraram marcante dicotomia quer nos aspectos clínicomorfológicos, quer no padrão de expressão de mucinas. Os dados indicam a necessidade de compreendê-los como entidades díspares. O tipo histológico foi detectado em casos com apresentação precoce, mas representa a maior fração daqueles avançados Borrmann IV exibindo predomínio de mucinas gástricas. O mucinoso muconodular só foi detectado em estadios avançados e co-expressou mucinas de intestinais e gástricas. O padrão pouco diferenciado diferiu distinto dos demais tanto pelos dados clínico-morfológicos, como pela escassa expressão de mucinas. / Aiming at a critical assessment of the histological types proposed at the classification of Brazilian Society of Pathology for gastric adenocarcinoma, we studied herein the histological and immunohistochemical profile of mucins in 272 gastric adenocarcinoma surgical samples from Hospital das Clínicas University of São Paulo School of Medicine. The casuistic can be divided into 237 single tumors, 4 multiple tumors and 31 tumors with more than one histological type. We evaluated age, gender, tumor location and appearance, tumor staging, the expression patterns of intestinal mucins by the markers MUC2 and CD10 and for gastric tumor by MUC5AC and MUC6 markers. The coexistence of foci of poorly differentiated pattern and foci of gastric pattern in gastric adenocarcinoma with more than one pattern and in cases with more than one tumor and the absence of such concurrence with the intestinal pattern, lead to its understanding as independent patterns. Favorable histological variables prevailed in gastric adenocarcinomas of intestinal pattern, followed by the gastric tubular pattern. These represent the core for future studies to include: the tubulo-papilary type, whose clinical features resemble the intestinal types, the tubular type with uncharacteristic mucin expression and the microtubulat type, individualized for the first time in the present study, with less favorable morphological aspects and immunohistochemical expression of the gastric mucosa itself. Mucinous adenocarcinomas have shown a stricking dichotomy in both clinical and morphological aspects, as in the expression pattern of mucins. Data indicate the need to understand them as disparate entities. The mucocelular type (signet ring cells) was detected in cases found inearly tumor stages, but includes the highest fraction of advanced tumors, Borrmann IV with predominant expression of gastric mucins. Muconodular type was only detected in advanced stages and co-expressed intestinal and gastric mucins. The poorly differentiated cases were frankly distinct from the other types, by both clinical and morphological data, and by the scarcity of mucin expression.
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Měření základních parametrů plynových filtrů / Measurement of basic parameters of gas filtersMedek, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with establishment of parameters of the PPI filter material using methods of image analysis. The first part is aimed at general methods used in practice, an overview of splitting into filter clasification and characterization of the PPI filter material. The second part represents an introduction to problems of machine vision. There are outlined basic methods of image processing. Last parts of the thesis study the method using detection of bright light levels. The measurement and interpretation of results is performed with the PPI material - types 10/6 and 10/12. For image processing is used the MATLAB program, version 7.0.1.
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Získávání znalostí z obchodních procesů / Business Process MiningSkácel, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explains business process mining and it's principles. A substantial part is devoted to the problems of process discovery. Further, based on the analysis of specific manufacturing process are proposed three methods that are trying to identify shortcomings in the process. First discovers the manufacturing process and renders it into a graph. The second method uses simulator of production history to obtain products that may caused delays in the process. Acquired data are used to mine frequent itemsets. The third method tries to predict processing time on the selected workplace using asociation rules. Last two mentioned methods employ an algorithm Frequent Pattern Growth. The knowledge obtained from this thesis improve efficiency of the manufacturing process and enables better production planning.
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Манифестациони туризам Војводине / Manifestacioni turizam Vojvodine / Manifestations tourism in VojvodinaBjeljac Zeljko 11 June 1999 (has links)
<p>Досадашња теоријска истраживања указују на недовољан приступ проучавању манифестационог туризма. Географска основа није узимана у обзир. Полазећи од туристичко - географског приступа и методологије, као новина и посебност издвојена је повезаност природно -географских елемената Војводине и манифестационог туризма. Та повезаност, пре свега, указује на географски положај и специфичности природно - географских елемената Војводине. Проучавајући досадашње дефиниције, а узимајући у обзир и специфичности Војводине, уз лична запажања, предложена је и детаљна дефиниција манифестационог туризма. Извршена је и детаљнија класификација облика манифестационог туризма. Код облика је дата подела са образложењем на: уметничке, привредне, научно - стручне, географске, спортске, забавне, политичко-историјске, и туристичко-пропагандне манифестације. У оквиру манифестационог туризма, утврђено је да друштвено - географски елементи Војводине, са својим специфичностима, представљају својеврстан основ за што тешњу и разноврснију сарадњу Војводине са иностранством. Дат је и образложен предлог нових манифестација, као и место и улога у укупном Војвођанском туризму. Такође, детаљније су образложени елементи организовања манифестационог туризма (мотиви организовања, планирање, маркетинг, пропаганда), указано је на економске ефекте, као и аспекте манифестационог туризма.</p> / <p>Dosadašnja teorijska istraživanja ukazuju na nedovoljan pristup proučavanju manifestacionog turizma. Geografska osnova nije uzimana u obzir. Polazeći od turističko - geografskog pristupa i metodologije, kao novina i posebnost izdvojena je povezanost prirodno -geografskih elemenata Vojvodine i manifestacionog turizma. Ta povezanost, pre svega, ukazuje na geografski položaj i specifičnosti prirodno - geografskih elemenata Vojvodine. Proučavajući dosadašnje definicije, a uzimajući u obzir i specifičnosti Vojvodine, uz lična zapažanja, predložena je i detaljna definicija manifestacionog turizma. Izvršena je i detaljnija klasifikacija oblika manifestacionog turizma. Kod oblika je data podela sa obrazloženjem na: umetničke, privredne, naučno - stručne, geografske, sportske, zabavne, političko-istorijske, i turističko-propagandne manifestacije. U okviru manifestacionog turizma, utvrđeno je da društveno - geografski elementi Vojvodine, sa svojim specifičnostima, predstavljaju svojevrstan osnov za što tešnju i raznovrsniju saradnju Vojvodine sa inostranstvom. Dat je i obrazložen predlog novih manifestacija, kao i mesto i uloga u ukupnom Vojvođanskom turizmu. Takođe, detaljnije su obrazloženi elementi organizovanja manifestacionog turizma (motivi organizovanja, planiranje, marketing, propaganda), ukazano je na ekonomske efekte, kao i aspekte manifestacionog turizma.</p> / <p>The abstract has been processed with OCR optical text recognition technology:</p><p>Manifestation tourism in Vojvodina, has been studied according to the<br />methods with have been applied for the study in social scienaics and according to the tasus of this work. During the research we come to the fact that Vojvodina 's geographic space like touristics stimulans is not full exploited and with ooranizing manifestation touristic offer in Vojvodina can be broth to higer level and better organization. We notist that their is most sport, art economy and acience manifestations. It is pointed to meaning of planing and touristic propaganda, where subjects - organisations motivs are economica, touristic, comercial, also cultural, ecology, or public political.</p>
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Rozpoznání květin v obraze / Image based flower recognitionJedlička, František January 2018 (has links)
This paper is focus on flowers recognition in an image and class classification. Theoretical part is focus on problematics of deep convolutional neural networks. The practical part if focuse on created flowers database, with which it is further worked on. The database conteins it total 13000 plant pictures of 26 spicies as cornflower, violet, gerbera, cha- momile, cornflower, liverwort, hawkweed, clover, carnation, lily of the valley, marguerite daisy, pansy, poppy, marigold, daffodil, dandelion, teasel, forget-me-not, rose, anemone, daisy, sunflower, snowdrop, ragwort, tulip and celandine. Next is in the paper described used neural network model Inception v3 for class classification. The resulting accuracy has been achieved 92%.
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Segmentace obrazu nevyvážených dat pomocí umělé inteligence / Image segmentation of unbalanced data using artificial intelligencePolách, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problematics of segmentation of unbalanced datasets by the useof artificial inteligence. Numerous existing methods for dealing with unbalanced datasetsare examined, and some of them are then applied to real problem that consist of seg-mentation of dataset with class ratio of more than 6000:1.
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Rozpoznávaní aplikací v síťovém provozu / Network-Based Application RecognitionŠtourač, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis introduces readers various methods that are currently used for detection of network-based applications. Further part deals with selection of appropriate detection method and implementation of proof-of-concept script, including testing its reliability and accuracy. Chosen detection algorithm is based on statistics data from network flows of tested network communication. Due to its final solution does not depend on whether communication is encrypted or not. Next part contains several possible variants of how to integrate proposed solution in the current architecture of the existing product Kernun UTM --- which is firewall produced by Trusted Network Solutions a.s. company. Most suitable variant is chosen and described furthermore in more details. Finally there is also mentioned plan for further developement and possible ways how to improve final solution.
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