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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změna v rámci prevence syndromu vyhoření v souvislosti se změnou legislativy. / The change in scope of burning-out syndrom prevention in the legislation chanages.

MEDLÍNOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Paper covers educational training of social services workers who are supposed to have achieved the prescribed qualifications in compliance with the above-mentioned act, or who are supposed to achieve the respective qualifications by means of the so-called qualifications course for workres engaged in social services. Assisting professions are characterized , in particular, by the fact that persons engaged in them are exposed to a more intense contact with people than other professions are. Performance of such professions is associated with great commitment and responsibility. Therefore, workers engaged in social services are exposed to risk of burnout syndrome development to a higher extent than people working in other professions. This syndrome is experienced most frequently as a feeling of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion and not only does it result in deterioration of the quality of services provided, it has very adverse consequences for a social services worker affected by burnout syndrome as well. The work resulted in finding that no improvement of the Burnout Syndrome Manifestation Inventory score was found and that no influence on attitudes to burnout syndrome on the part of most workers engaged in social services after completion of the qualification course was observable. The workers themselves feel that there is no link between the qualification course and the quality of services provided by them.

Vybrané ekonomické trestné činy / Selected economic crimes

Peterová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The target of this thesis is to provide the information about the economic crime and to map the Czech legislation of chosen economic crimes. The first part deals with the concepts such as economic criminality, financial criminality and economic crimes. The second part is dedicated to the crime from the perspective of substantive law, clarifies some of the basic principles of Czech criminal law and analyses the merits of the offense in general terms. The third part is concerned with the characteristics of chosen economic crimes, gives examples from practice mediated by jurisprudence of the High Court and offers the basic statistic reviews of committed crimes from 2009 -- 2013.

Pojištění cestovních kanceláří na českém pojistném trhu / Insurance of travel agencies on the Czech insurance market

Budilová, Michala January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on insurance against failure of travel agencies, more precisely on the problems aroused on the Czech insurance market. The main problem is a gap in the law 159/1999 Coll., which should be amended in the future. However, this thesis should highlight these problems, assess them and find a sufficient solution to them, or eventually, find someone responsible for this situation. Shortcomings are investigated from several perspectives - from the point of view of the travel agencies, insurance companies, Ministry of Regional Development as well as from the point of view of the clients of these travel agencies.

Zákon o veřejných zakázkách a veřejné zakázky v praxi v ČR / The Law on Public Procurement and Procurement Experience in the Czech Republic

Krempaský, František January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis focuses on Public Procurement, precisely on the structure of legal regulations. This thesis broaches certain issues of the law, imperfections in the law and how the law is interpreted in practice. The aim is to understand the deeper issues of these legal regulations. The backbone of this legal regulation is the law 137/2006 Coll. on public procurement. This law is one of the preventive legal standards; among other purposes it prevents wastage of public funds. However, ensuring flawless application of The Act is not as easy a task as it would seem at first sight and the second part of this thesis is therefore devoted to identifying the most common errors in application of this law. Decisions of the Office for Protection of Competition, consultations with experts, and case studies were used for identification of these errors and common types of misconduct are also presented. The conclusion will deal with the amendment to the Public Procurement Act.

Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Criminal liability of legal entities

Filipovičová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
Criminal lability of legal entities Abstract The diploma thesis is focused on criminal lability of legal entities, which was incorporated into Czech law by Act No. 418/2011 Coll, on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceeding Againts Them (hereinafter "the Act"), which came into effect on 1 January 2012. The phenomenon of criminal liability of legal entities is a controversial topic, because it conflicts with many traditional principles of criminal law in the continental legal culture, which also includes the Czech Republic. Even after eight years since the introduction of criminal liability of legal entities into the Czech legal order, this topic is given constant attention in the field of doctrine and practice. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present a complex issue of the rise and expiry of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic and to evaluate the practical and theoretical problems that this law institute brings. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the reasons that led the legislature to introduce criminal liability of legal entities and presents also counter-arguments of opponents that the legislature had to deal with. The circumstances of the legislative process of the adoption of the Act and its subsequent amendments are also...

Charged particle distributions and robustness of the neural network pixel clustering in ATLAS

Sidebo, Edvin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis contains a study of the robustness of the artificial neural network used in the ATLAS track reconstruction algorithm as a tool to recover tracks in dense environments. Different variations, motivated by potential discrepancies between data and simulation, are performed to the neural network’s input while monitoring the corresponding change in the output. Within reasonable variation magnitudes, the neural networks prove to be robust to most variations. In addition, a measurement of charged particle distributions is summarised. This is one of the first such measurements carried out for proton-proton colli- sions at √s = 13 TeV, limited to a phase space defined by transverse momentum pT &gt; 100 MeV and absolute pseudorapidity |η| &lt; 2.5. Tracks are corrected for de- tector inefficiencies and unfolded to particle-level. The result is compared to the prediction of different models. Overall, the EPOS and Pythia 8 A2 models show the best agreement with the data. / Spår från elektriskt laddade partiklar rekonstrueras i ATLAS genom att kombinera mätningar från de innersta subdetektorerna. I de extrema miljöer som skapas i proton-proton-kollisionerna i Large Hadron Collider vid CERN är det av yttersta vikt att algoritmen för att rekonstruera spår är högpresterande. Uppgiften är särskilt svår i partikelrika miljöer där flera partiklar färdas nära varandra, åtskilda av avstånd jämförbara med storleken på detektorns utläsningselement. Ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk används i algoritmen för att klassificera mätdata från pixeldetektorn, belägen närmast interaktionspunkten, för att lyckas identifiera spår i partikelrika miljöer som annars hade gått förlorade. I denna avhandling utreds det neurala nätverkets stabilitet. Dess känslighet studeras genom att manuellt manipulera dess indata och därefter utvärdera dess resultat. Nätverket tränas med simulerad data. Variationerna i indata är utformade för att undersöka skillnader mellan data och simulering, orsakade av osäkerheter i simuleringsmodellen eller osäkerheter i pixeldetektorns kalibrering. Av de undersökta variationerna har en osäkerhet i skalan eller utläsningströskeln för pixeldetektorns kalibrering den största effekten på nätverkets resultat. Andra variationer har en betydligt mindre påverkan. Avhandlingen presenterar också en studie av distributioner av elektriskt laddade partiklar producerade i proton-proton-kollisioner. Det är en av de första studierna av partikeldistributioner för Large Hadron Colliders andra körning med mass-centrum-energi √s = 13 TeV. Mätningen är begränsad till fasrymden definierad av en transversell rörelsemängd pT &gt; 100 MeV, och absolut rapiditet |η| &lt; 2.5. Spår av partiklar rekonstrueras och korrigeras för detektorns ineffektiviteter för att presenteras på partikelnivå. Dessa jämförs sedan med förutsägelser från olika modeller. Modellerna EPOS och Pythia 8 A2 är generellt de som bäst överensstämmer med data. Författaren har undersökt partiklar som migrerar in och ut ur fasrymden. Andelen spår associerade till partiklar som migrerat utifrån uppskattas med simulerad data, till som mest 10% nära fasrymdens gränser. Osäkerheten på denna andel uppskattas till att vara som mest 4.5%, huvudsakligen orsakad av osäkerheten på mängden material i de innersta subdetektorerna. / <p>QC 20160817</p>

Zákon č. 108/2006 Sb., o sociálních službách a byrokratizace činnosti NNO / Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services and bureaucratization of the activities of NGOs

Kádner, Filip January 2011 (has links)
Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services and bureaucratization of the activities of NGOs This thesis deals with the Social Services Act (No. 108/2006 Coll.) in the context of the bureaucratization of the activities of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that are providers of social services. The first order of business is to answer the question whether the law contains elements of the bureaucracy, which the law establishes in the activities of social services providers. A second related objective is to determine whether NGO consider the elements of bureaucracy contained in the Act on Social Services as the main obstacles for the way they operate and whether in connection with their introduction observe within their organization typical dysfunctions associated with the process of bureaucratization. Theoretical background and set of research tools are based on R.H. Hall's research in the field of dimensional analysis of elements present in the structure of bureaucratic organizations. As a research method to achieve the first objective is used quantitative content analysis. The results of the analysis confirm that the Social Services Act contains elements that bureaucratise activities of social services providers. As a research method to achieve the second objective of the thesis is a quantitative...

Analýza projektu "Informační systém základních registrů" a jeho realizace / Analysis of the project "Information system of basic registers" and its implementation

Škubalová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with Information system of basic registries and its implementation. The information system consists of four main registries (Registry of Inhabitants, Registry of Persons, Registry of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates and Registry of Rights and Obligations) and system of ORG. The thesis defines crucial documents which deal with this project and the basic terms of Basic Registries Act No. 111/2009 Coll. and other related acts are explained. This thesis also compares the public administration before and after the activation of basic registries and the most important part is public survey which discovers knowledge about basic registries and responds to determined hypotheses.

Spektrum odborných služeb pro pěstounské rodiny / Spectrum of specialized service for forstering families

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Karla January 2007 (has links)
In my diploma work I concentrated on various forms of work with foster-families focused on prevention, consultancy and special help. Regional authorities are obliged to arrange them as a part of so-called consultations on foster care practice according to para. 4 of section 11 of Act No.359/1999 Coll. on Social and Legal protection of children. I tried to map the way the particular regional authorities fill this paragraph. In more detail I attended to activity of south-bohemian regional authority in this field. In terms of the research I found that the importance of foster-families meetings consists in experience exchange, feeling of sharing and gaining new information. From that point of view more days meetings are the most popular with both fosterers and social workers when there is more time for it.

Řízení provozu IT v modelu MBI se zaměřením na prostředí středních škol / IT Management in MBI Focused on Secondary Schools

Černohorský, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to elucitade MBI model to primary and secondary educational system, it means to schools and their elected IT processes from practical point of view. The reference model of Management Business Information is developed at the Department of Information at the Faculty of Information and Statistics at the School of Economics in Prague. The theoretical part of my thesis deals with elucitading of the reference MBI model to a reader. It briefly summarizes IT processes at educational system and refers to sources used while defining new MBI objects. This chapter also defines elected IT processes at educational system for which there are made MBI objects in a practical part of my thesis. In practical part of my thesis there are made proposals of defined objects including samples of documentation patterns. These objects are presented in charts that correspond with a format of MBI objects. In the last part of my thesis there is an example of applying the defined objects in practice while solving the process of installation the safety (camera) system with recording -- personal data processing. The proposals of defined objects are also published on MBI portal.

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