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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model razvoja organizacione klime zasnovan na upravljanju znanjem / Model of organizational climate development based on knowledgemanagement

Jokanović Bojana 23 November 2017 (has links)
<p>U radu se istražuje kako i u kojoj meri neke dimenzije organizacione kolaborativne klime utiču na različite aktivnosti upravljanja znanjem, odnosno cilj je da se definišu dimenzije organizacione klime koje se pokazuju kao adekvatni prediktori objašnjenja upravljanja znanjem. Predložen je model razvoja organizacione klime zasnovan na upravljanju znanjem. Dodatno, identifikovano je stanje menadžmenta znanja u organizacijama na području Južnobačkog okruga.</p> / <p>The dissertation explores how and to what extent the dimensions of the<br />organizational collaborative climate influences different knowledge<br />management activities, apropos the goal is to define the dimensions of the<br />organizational climate that are shown as adequate predictors of the<br />knowledge management explanation. The model of organizational climate<br />development based on knowledge management was proposed. In addition,<br />the state of knowledge management in organizations in the South Backa<br />District has been identified.</p>

Exploring Innovation-Driven Leadership : An Empirical Study in the Aerospace and Defense Industry

Leon Zapata, Daniel, Soto Villacampa, José Antonio January 2023 (has links)
Background: The Aerospace and Defense industry requires continuous innovation and adaptation. Ambidextrous leadership, which balances exploration and exploitation, plays a crucial role in driving innovative work behavior. Understanding this relationship is important for navigating industry complexities and staying competitive in rapidly changing market conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of ambidextrous leadership on aerospace and defense firms’ innovation at the individual level. It also deepens the understanding of conditions to improve innovation by examining the moderating role of collaborative climate.  Methodology: This study uses a quantitative research design, specifically structural equation modeling (SEM). Data was collected through a survey questionnaire, with eighty-one valid responses from professionals in the industry. Results and analysis: The study found that open leadership behavior was positively related to innovative work behavior. This means that leaders who show open leadership behaviors, such as being supportive and collaborative, have a greater impact on inspiring and encouraging innovative thinking and behavior among their employees. However, the study did not find a significant relationship between closed leadership behavior and innovative work behavior. This is surprising, as closed leadership behaviors, such as being directive and controlling, have been shown to be positively related to innovation in other studies. One explanation for this finding is that the aerospace and defense industry is a highly regulated industry with strict safety standards. In this context, leaders may be more focused on ensuring that existing products and processes are safe and dependable, rather than encouraging employees to take risks and experiment with innovative ideas. The study also found that collaborative climate was positively related to innovative work behavior. This means a work environment that supports collaboration and teamwork can foster innovation by encouraging employees to share ideas and work together to solve problems. However, the study did not find that a collaborative climate moderated the relationship between open leadership behavior and innovative work behavior. This suggests open leadership behavior positively impacts innovative work behavior regardless of the level of collaborative climate in the workplace. Recommendations for future research: Future research should address the limitations of this study by employing larger samples, objective measures, and exploring additional moderating variables such as organizational size and innovative climate. Longitudinal studies are needed to understand the sustained impact of open leadership behaviors and collaborative climates on innovative work behavior over time. By doing so, we can enhance our understanding of leadership's role in promoting innovation and develop practical recommendations for organizations across diverse industries and contexts.

Кључне карактеристике које утичу на перформансе организације у економији знања / Ključne karakteristike koje utiču na performanse organizacije u ekonomiji znanja / Key characteristics that affect performance of an organization in the knowledge economy

Drašković Zoran 08 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања ове дисертације је економија знања и дугорочна одрживост организација у том амбијенту. Проблем истраживања су кључне карактеристике, организациона култура и колаборативна клима, које утичу на успешност организација у економији знања. Циљ истраживања је да се утврде утицајни фактори кључних карактеристика и анализира њихова значајност и разлике у економијама у транзицији и економијама знања. Циљ дисертације је анализа утицаја типа индустрије којој организација припада, типа власништва, и позиције запосленог у организацији на значај утицајних фактора како у економији у транзицији, тако и у развијеној економији. Вредност резултата je утврђен скуп фактора који значајно утичу на успешност oрганизација.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je ekonomija znanja i dugoročna održivost organizacija u tom ambijentu. Problem istraživanja su ključne karakteristike, organizaciona kultura i kolaborativna klima, koje utiču na uspešnost organizacija u ekonomiji znanja. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde uticajni faktori ključnih karakteristika i analizira njihova značajnost i razlike u ekonomijama u tranziciji i ekonomijama znanja. Cilj disertacije je analiza uticaja tipa industrije kojoj organizacija pripada, tipa vlasništva, i pozicije zaposlenog u organizaciji na značaj uticajnih faktora kako u ekonomiji u tranziciji, tako i u razvijenoj ekonomiji. Vrednost rezultata je utvrđen skup faktora koji značajno utiču na uspešnost organizacija.</p> / <p>The research subject of this thesis is the knowledge economy and the long-term sustainability of organizations in this environment. The research problem are key characteristics, organizational culture and collaborative climate, which affect the performance of organizations in the knowledge economy. The goal of the research is to determine the influential factors of key characteristics and analyze differences between economies in transition and knowledge economies. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the impact of the type of industry to which the organization belongs, the type of ownership and the position in the organization to the importance of influential factors in the transitional economy, as well as in the developed economy.The value of the result is set of factors that significantly affect organizational performance.</p>

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