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Alternativy nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody / Alternatives to unconditional imprisonmentEgerová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonment, the main attention is given to alternative punishments in the strict sense, primarily to conditional sentence of imprisonment, conditional sentence of imprisonment with supervision, community service orders, pecuniary punishment and house-arrest. The study consists of introduction, 8 chapters and conclusion and discusses essential principles and bases of alternative punishments and also analyses substantive and procedural legislation of each alternative punishments in Czech Republic and draws attention to their positives and negatives. The first chapter explains the term "punishment" and describes the basic features of the absolute and the relative theories of punishment and also the purpose of punishment. In the last subchapter the study looks at basic principles that are applied for imposing sentences. Chapter Two and Chapter Three deal with conception of restorative justice that brought a new view to punishing of offenders and which is a starting point for issues of Probation and Mediation. Chapter Three explores the activities of Probation and Mediation Service in Czech Republic as an institution which is also entrusted the power of probation and mediation in the area of criminal law, but not only in this...
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Alternativní tresty / Alternative PunishmentsHrbková, Miluše January 2011 (has links)
My thesis is called The Alternative Punishments in czech criminal law. I have chosen this topic as using alternative forms of sanctions alongside with traditional punishments is a product of the last decades in our legal order and remains very actual question untill now. The crime rate is constantly rating therefor it is necessary to react on it adequally with providing a wide range of sanctions. As one of the governing principles in czech criminal law is a principle of humanity the alternative punishments take a pricipal place in our legal order. The main purpose of my thesis is to analyse and clarify the particular forms of alternative punishments. Those sanctions bring a lot of advantages for convicted in contrary to other traditional punishments as they are not issolated from society and have a chance to re-educate themselves. The alternative punishments are useful and cheaper than short-term confinement. This thesis focuses on the analysis of the actual legislation, assesses changes brought by the new criminal code and defines proposals which would imporove the legislation in future. The thesis is composed of eight chapters. First chapter is subdivided into three parts. The first part deals with the term and purpose of the punishment, the second analysis theory of punishment and the third one discusses...
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Alternativy nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody / Alternatives to unconditional of imprisonmentHrušáková, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the alternatives to unsuspected sentence of imprisonment, as only they can in the long run solve an acute and currently very topical problem of the prison overcrowding. The aim of this thesis was firstly the theoretical definition of alternatives to unsuspected sentence of imprisonment with regard to the Czech legislation and, secondly, an analysis of alternatives that Czech law provides. The introductory part focuses on the importance of alternative punishments in the system of sanctioning institutions. The thesis is divided into two main chapters with regard to the two objectives it focuses on. The first chapter, dealing with the definition of "alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonment", is divided into four subchapters. The first subchapter, on the background of the current concept of alternatives available in the Czech doctrinal environment, seeks a theoretical definition through the criteria on the basis of which it is possible to consider a specific institute as such an alternative. The second subchapter explains the preference for alternatives to unsuspended sentence of imprisonment. The third subchapter is devoted to the development of Czech criminal policy towards alternative punishments. Subsequently, in the fourth subchapter, the author explains contemporary...
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Quando o negócio é punir: uma análise etnográfica dos juizados especiais criminais e suas sanções / When it comes to punishment: an ethnographie analysis of the Special Criminal Courts and their sanctionsFullin, Carmen Silvia 24 February 2012 (has links)
Em diálogo com o contexto nacional e internacional de encarceramento em massa e de crise do sistema de justiça penal, os Juizados Especiais Criminais (Jecrims) surgem no Brasil com a dupla tarefa de em um contexto de redemocratização reduzir a complexidade no processamento de conflitos de pequena gravidade, sem deixar de puni-los ainda que levemente. Caracterizados por procedimentos de intervenção mais horizontalizados e flexíveis nos quais se estabelece, em tese, uma troca de interesses entre a justiça penal e as partes em conflito, em favor de uma resposta rápida para a vítima e menos dolorosa para o infrator, esse modo de fazer justiça tem sido chamado de justiça negocial. A partir da etnografia dos Juizados Especiais Criminais de São Bernardo do Campo, a pesquisa buscou compreender os sentidos de punição mobilizados nessas situações de negociação. Constatou-se que essas situações são influenciadas por processos de afirmação de identidades profissionais no campo da justiça, sobretudo a do promotor cujo protagonismo nessas cortes lhes confere uma dinâmica centrada na punição do infrator em detrimento da mediação do conflito. A abordagem etnográfica das audiências também permitiu verificar a predominância de um sistema de atribuição de sanções fortemente marcado por estratégias gestionárias, mas também por finalidades clássicas da pena. Nesse jogo de influências predominam sanções de cunho monetário e a tímida recorrência do trabalho comunitário como forma de punição. Com o intuito de melhor compreender as razões dessa timidez, a pesquisa teve um segundo momento etnográfico dedicado à Central de Penas e Medidas Alternativas de São Bernardo do Campo. Lá foi possível verificar que a reticência em relação a essa modalidade punitiva relaciona-se aos desafios de tornar o serviço comunitário obrigatório uma punição credível para promotores e juízes. Desse modo, conclui-se que o sistema de sanções mobilizado na justiça negocial, uma justiça em princípio alternativa, guarda, mesmo que de maneira leve, uma tradicional semântica do sofrimento. / In dialogue with the national and international contexts of mass imprisonment and criminal justice systems crisis, the Juizados Especiais Criminais (Special Criminal Courts) emerge in Brazil with two scopes: reducing the complexity of minor crimes procedure without stop punishing minor crime even in a soft way. By using horizontal and flexible intervention procedures in which it creates, theoretically, an exchange of interests between criminal justice and conflict parts, favoring a quickly and less painful answer for both parts, this kind of doing justice has been called by bargaining justice. Through ethnography of the Special Criminal Courts of Sao Bernardo do Campo, the research aimed to understand the meanings of punishment mobilized on these bargaining situations. The research revealed that these situations are influenced by the process of affirmation of professional identities in the justice field, especially the prosecutor\'s identity which leadership in these special courts creates a particular dynamic centered on the criminal punishment and not on the conflict mediation. The ethnographic approach of the special courts hearings also made possible verifying the predominance of a system of sanctions attribution characterized substantially by management strategies and also by classical theories of punishment. In this influence play, the forms of punishment that prevail are mainly monetary sanctions and only barely community service. To understand the reasons for the lack of community service application, the research had a second ethnographic moment at the Center of Alternative Punishments and Measures of Sao Bernardo do Campo. Thus, it was possible to verify that the lack of confidence about this kind of punishment is related to the challenges of making the community service mandatory, a reliable punishment for prosecutors and judges. The dissertation concludes that the sanction system mobilized in the bargaining justice, theoretically an alternative justice, keeps a traditional semantic of suffering even in a soft way.
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Quando o negócio é punir: uma análise etnográfica dos juizados especiais criminais e suas sanções / When it comes to punishment: an ethnographie analysis of the Special Criminal Courts and their sanctionsCarmen Silvia Fullin 24 February 2012 (has links)
Em diálogo com o contexto nacional e internacional de encarceramento em massa e de crise do sistema de justiça penal, os Juizados Especiais Criminais (Jecrims) surgem no Brasil com a dupla tarefa de em um contexto de redemocratização reduzir a complexidade no processamento de conflitos de pequena gravidade, sem deixar de puni-los ainda que levemente. Caracterizados por procedimentos de intervenção mais horizontalizados e flexíveis nos quais se estabelece, em tese, uma troca de interesses entre a justiça penal e as partes em conflito, em favor de uma resposta rápida para a vítima e menos dolorosa para o infrator, esse modo de fazer justiça tem sido chamado de justiça negocial. A partir da etnografia dos Juizados Especiais Criminais de São Bernardo do Campo, a pesquisa buscou compreender os sentidos de punição mobilizados nessas situações de negociação. Constatou-se que essas situações são influenciadas por processos de afirmação de identidades profissionais no campo da justiça, sobretudo a do promotor cujo protagonismo nessas cortes lhes confere uma dinâmica centrada na punição do infrator em detrimento da mediação do conflito. A abordagem etnográfica das audiências também permitiu verificar a predominância de um sistema de atribuição de sanções fortemente marcado por estratégias gestionárias, mas também por finalidades clássicas da pena. Nesse jogo de influências predominam sanções de cunho monetário e a tímida recorrência do trabalho comunitário como forma de punição. Com o intuito de melhor compreender as razões dessa timidez, a pesquisa teve um segundo momento etnográfico dedicado à Central de Penas e Medidas Alternativas de São Bernardo do Campo. Lá foi possível verificar que a reticência em relação a essa modalidade punitiva relaciona-se aos desafios de tornar o serviço comunitário obrigatório uma punição credível para promotores e juízes. Desse modo, conclui-se que o sistema de sanções mobilizado na justiça negocial, uma justiça em princípio alternativa, guarda, mesmo que de maneira leve, uma tradicional semântica do sofrimento. / In dialogue with the national and international contexts of mass imprisonment and criminal justice systems crisis, the Juizados Especiais Criminais (Special Criminal Courts) emerge in Brazil with two scopes: reducing the complexity of minor crimes procedure without stop punishing minor crime even in a soft way. By using horizontal and flexible intervention procedures in which it creates, theoretically, an exchange of interests between criminal justice and conflict parts, favoring a quickly and less painful answer for both parts, this kind of doing justice has been called by bargaining justice. Through ethnography of the Special Criminal Courts of Sao Bernardo do Campo, the research aimed to understand the meanings of punishment mobilized on these bargaining situations. The research revealed that these situations are influenced by the process of affirmation of professional identities in the justice field, especially the prosecutor\'s identity which leadership in these special courts creates a particular dynamic centered on the criminal punishment and not on the conflict mediation. The ethnographic approach of the special courts hearings also made possible verifying the predominance of a system of sanctions attribution characterized substantially by management strategies and also by classical theories of punishment. In this influence play, the forms of punishment that prevail are mainly monetary sanctions and only barely community service. To understand the reasons for the lack of community service application, the research had a second ethnographic moment at the Center of Alternative Punishments and Measures of Sao Bernardo do Campo. Thus, it was possible to verify that the lack of confidence about this kind of punishment is related to the challenges of making the community service mandatory, a reliable punishment for prosecutors and judges. The dissertation concludes that the sanction system mobilized in the bargaining justice, theoretically an alternative justice, keeps a traditional semantic of suffering even in a soft way.
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