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Kompenzační program u hráčů národní házené / Compensation programme for players handball teamWisura, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Title: Compensation programme for players national handball team In my thesis I am researching the muscle imbalance of athletes focused especially on playing national handball. My aim is to determine what the muscle imbalances are in the junior team and then creation of a compensating program which should help to remove or decrease the muscle imbalance. Once I have the compensating program created I will apply it to practice. The compensating program was based on analysis of the most active muscles in the body of National handball player. This thesis should be used as a part of a complex training for National handball players and should have a positive impact on the asymmetric load and also prevent development of the muscle imbalance. My thesis is based on a research which was done in the gym of ZŠ and MŠ in Nýřany. Keywords: national handball, testing, compensating program, muscle imbalance, stretching exercise, strengthening exercises
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Příjmy vrcholového managementu firem vyrábějících návykové zboží / Executive Compensation in Firms Producing Addictive GoodsJanský, Michael January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Studies Title Page MASTER'S THESIS Executive Compensation in Firms Producing Addictive Goods Author: Bc. Michael Janský Supervisor: Jiří Novák, M.Sc., Ph.D. Academic Year: 2014/2015 Abstract This thesis investigates executive compensation, turnover and migration patterns in firms that produce addictive goods (tobacco, alcohol, and gambling). Previous research has identified costs associated with the production of harmful goods specific to these industries. Consistent with this stream of research, I find increased executive compensation in tobacco, alcohol, and gambling firms. This finding seems to be driven by industry specific characteristics, rather than by executives' traits or by the 'traditional' determinants of executive compensation. Executive migration patterns and the effect of job change on compensation indicate that the higher compensation is not caused by executives' attributes well suited for these firms' specific needs, by executives' contribution to value-creating activities, or by other executive-specific characteristics. Rather, the higher compensation seems to reflect a payment to executives for having to bear society's aversion to or displeasure with these harmful goods, and those who produce them. JEL...
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Občanskoprávní odpovědnost za ublížení na zdraví při poskytování zdravotních služeb / Civil liability for bodily injury in the provision of health servicesPobudová, Dana January 2015 (has links)
Civil liability for bodily injury in the provision of health services. The purpose of the present thesis is to analyse the issue of civil liability for bodily injury in the provision of health services. This issue is very topical, especially due to the adoption of new private law, which is presented in this work. The new legislation is evaluated and the problems that have occurred or might occur are defined. In addition the legislation of important institutes is compared with previous regulation. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of civil liability. Chapter one defines basic terminology used in the thesis. The next chapter presents the sources of law. Attention is paid to complex relationship between the Civil Code and the Law on Health Services, and also to a new type of contracts established by the Civil Code - agreement on health care. Chapter three mentions the basic relationship of medical law - the relationship between a doctor and a patient, including the reasons for its creation. The transformation from a paternalistic model to a partnership model is also highlighted. Chapters four and five are concerned with civil liability. At first the liability is defined in general, and subsequently individual facts relating to the provision of health...
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Náhrady za ublížení na zdraví a usmrcení v německém právu / Compensation for injury and death in German lawVysloužilová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit ist eine kurze Einführung in die Problematik der Ersatzansprüche für den Personenschaden im Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Es handelt sich dabei um eine zusammenfassende Studie, deren Ziel es vor allem ist, die wichtigsten themabezogenen Grundbegriffe und Merkmale auf Tschechisch zu erläutern. Dabei enthält die Arbeit auch einige subtile Anstöße zum interdisziplinären, kulturhistorischen Betrachten des Personenschadens. Der eigentliche Text ist in drei Einheiten geteilt. Der Einführung folgt die etwas deskriptive Auslegung zum Ersatz vom materiellen Schaden, den Kern dieser Arbeit stellt das Schmerzensgeld als Ersatz für den immateriellen Schaden dar. Die spärliche legislative Regelung, die überwiegend im BGB enthalten ist, wird wesentlich durch die Rechtsprechung ergänzt. Der Personenschadenersatz wird im deutschen Recht relativ restriktiv erfasst und die Entschädigungssummen bleiben verhältnismäßig gering. Theoretisch wird der materielle Schaden in Erwerbsschaden, Haushaltsführungsschaden, Heilbehandlungskosten, vermehrte Bedürfnisse, entgangenen Unterhalt, entgangene Dienste und Beerdigungskosten aufgeteilt. Detaillierte Falluntersuchung und strenge Bemessung der materiellen Ersatzansprüche sind aus der angeführten Rechtsprechung ersichtlich. Für den...
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Diagnostika přetížení anteriorní části ramenního kloubu u vrcholových plavců a možnosti kompenzace / Diagnosis of the overload the anterior part of the shoulder joint in elite swimmers and the possibility of compensationBaumrtová, Simona January 2015 (has links)
Title of the thesis Diagnosis of the overload the anterior part of the shoulder joint in elite swimmers and the possibility of compensation Thesis aim The aim of this thesis is to look into a group of elite swimmers with a specific pain in the anterior part of the shoulder joint, to determine the cause of the pain and then to create a plan compensation. Methods The thesis was scientific - research quantitative study, which had the character of an experiment. That was attended by 14 probands between 15-30 years of a different swimming styles of the sport sector ,,swimming". The principle was to determine the causes of pain in the anterior part of the shoulder joint using aspection and palpation examination, examination of joint play and special tests for instability of the shoulder joint, tests on the tendon of the long head of the m. biceps brachii, tests on the rotator cuff and tests of the m. pectoralis major. Finally was built a compensation program, which will prevent the shoulder pain. Results Hypotheses that i chose at the beginning of the research, were confirmed in two cases. The cause of the pain in the anterior part of the shoulder joint in swimmers can not be accurately determined with regard to the swimming style. Among breatstrokers is a muscle strain caused by the rotator cuff in...
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Odpovědnost za škodu provozovatele lyžařského areálu / Damages liability of ski resort operatorValterová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
v německém jazyce Haftung des Skigebietsbetreibers für Schäden stellt ein spezifisches Rechtsproblem in der Tschechische Republik dar, das in der wissenschaftlichen Umgebung oft übersehen wurde. Diese Arbeit soll grundlegende Orientierung des Skigebietsbetreibers in der unübersichtlichen Rechtslage dienen. Gleichzeitig können Sie hier eine Inspiration finden, wie man das Skigebiet besser absichert soll, damit man die Entstehung von potenziellen Schäden verhindern kann. Für diese Problematik ist die rechtliche Verankerung grundlegend, die wir in der öffentlich-rechtlichen und auch in zivilrechtlichen Normen finden. Von den öffentlich- rechtlichen Normen kann man das Gesetz über Bahnen Nr. 266/1994 Sb. erwähnen, das den Betrieb von Seilbahnen, Sesselliften und Skiliften reguliert. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt auch die Tschechische technische Norm "ČSN 01 8027 über Markierung und Absicherung in dem Wintergebieten", die die Markierung, Absicherung und Bewegung in dem Skigebiet verankert. Ohne Rücksicht auf die Rechtsverbindlichkeit der technischen Norm soll der Skigebietsbetreiber sich an diese Norm halten. In dem Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch Nr. 89/2012 Sb. wurde ein neues Konzept von Deliktrecht verankert. Das Gesetz unterscheidet zwischen Sittenverstoß (§ 2909), Gesetzverstoß (§ 2910) und Verstoß gegen...
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Právní úprava poskytování náhrad škod způsobených vybranými zvláště chráněnými živočichy / Legal regulation of compensation for damage caused by selected specially protected species of animalsMašková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the current legal regulation in the field of compensation for damage caused by selected, specially protected animals, which is in the Czech legal system regulated by Act No. 115/2000 Coll. It belongs to one of the means adopted in order to protect nature and environment and its objective is to reduce the conflict that has arisen between human activities and selected, specially protected animals, which are known to cause damage on the property of people. In accordance with the above mentioned legislation, amongst these so called conflicting species are included the Brown Bear, Northern Lynx, European Elk, River Otter, European Beaver, the Wolf and also Great Cormorant that, however, is no longer in the field of activity of this Act. Such an objective should be reached through the provision of financial compensation for the damage caused by these animals to some predefined objects owned by individual entities. The thesis is divided into three main chapters dealing mainly with the actual Act No. 115/2000 Coll. and some other related issues. The first chapter focuses on basic legal terms with relevance for the protection of animals. With a help of the relevant legislation, terms such as animal are introduced with emphasis on their legal status in the Czech legislative...
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Ochrana osobnosti v civilním procesu / Protection of personal rights in civil procedureGumuláková, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse individual stages of a civil process for the protection of personal integrity. The civil process is a unique stream, within which there is a protection of personal rights offered to individuals. Immaterial damage caused by unauthorized interference in such important personal right such as rights of personal integrity without doubt are, is often correctly replaced only by the judicial decision. For this reason, it requires knowledge of both the substantive civil law, which underlines the protection of the rights of personal integrity, as well as civil procedure law, in which the substantive law is being implemented. The content of this dissertation is the analysis of the various parts of the judicial process from filing an action for protection of personal integrity to the court's decision, enforcement and execution in matters of protection of personal integrity. The dissertation illustrates the complex picture into the issues of civil proceedings in the matters of protection of personal integrity and quotes directly from court decisions in each of the stages of the proceedings. Given the general arrangements for the protection of personal integrity the report of judgment and decisions is one of the main sources of knowledge during the civil...
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Zásahy státu do majetkových práv zahraničních investorů / Intervention of the state in the property rights of foreign investorsPoništiak, Ondrej January 2012 (has links)
VI Abstract International investment activity plays in the capitalistic globalized world, which is aimed at sustainable economic growth, an important role. Effort of the states to ensure the most favourable investment conditions for foreign investors strikes in some spheres on legitimate regulatory state measures, which are adopted with reference to the international law principle of state sovereignty. Expropriation or nationalisation together with the seizure represented in the past the most compelling taking of foreign investor property rights and their identification didn't make pronounced troubles. It's clear that confiscatory or nationalizing states measure doesn't increase its investment attractivity and so states are nowadays in the sphere of takings into foreign investor property interests much more careful and more inventive. The task of submitted work is among other things to characterize these takings referred to by notion indirect expropriation and to differentiate them from legitimate state measures regarding the general social aims and social interests, which don't require any compensation in contrast to indirect expropriation. By reason that the right to expropriate is seen to be part of customary international law, there was especially a developed states effort to regulate the conditions of...
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Srovnání právní úpravy odpovědnosti za škodu v českém a rakouském občanském právu / Comparison of the legislation of liability for damage in the Czech and Austrian civil lawLorenc, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this Master's degree thesis is "Comparison of the legislation of the damage liability in the Czech and Austrian civil law". The purpose of the thesis is to give the general summary of the topic and to point out the main differences and similarities in the area of damage liability in the Czech and Austrian civil law. The core of the thesis consists in the comparison of the tort liability, i.e. damage liability arising from the illegal act (tort law) and the strict liability. The thesis should also verify, if the legislation of the damage liability in the traditional Austrian Code - Civil Code of Austria - is similar to the legislation in the Civil Code of the Czech Republic and if the Civil Code of Austria was an inspiration for the new Czech Civil Code. The thesis is composed of six chapters, the core could be found in the chapter two, four and five. Chapter One is a historical introduction and it describes the evolution of the civil law in the Austrian and Czech area. Chapter two is focused on the basic terminology and the key terms such as "damage liability" and "damages" and the constitution conditions of the damage liability as well as damages. The chapter gives a description of the main differences and similarities in the terminology in the both Codes. Chapter three examines the...
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