Spelling suggestions: "subject:"complementarity"" "subject:"complimentary""
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Tom Stoppard: Humanizing ChaosPritzker, Elaine C. 24 March 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to critically evaluate Tom Stoppard’s application of chaos theory and quantum science in ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD, HAPGOOD and ARCADIA; and determine the extent to which Stoppard argues for the importance of human action and choice.
Through critical analysis this study examined how Stoppard applies the quantum aspects of: (1) indeterminacy to human epistemology in ROSENCRANTZ AND GUILDENSTERN ARE DEAD; (2) complementarity to human identity in HAPGOOD; and (3) recursive symmetry to human history in ARCADIA. It also examined how Stoppard excavates the complexities of human action, choice and identity through the lens of chaos theory and quantum science.
These findings demonstrated that Tom Stoppard is not merely juxtaposing quantum science and human interactions for the sake of drama; rather, by excavating the complexities of human action, choice and identity through the lens of chaos theory and quantum science, Stoppard demonstrates the fundamental connection between individuals and the post-Newtonian universe.
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Team Interaction Dynamics During Collaborative Problem SolvingWiltshire, Travis 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation contributes an enhanced understanding of team cognition, in general, and collaborative problem solving (CPS), specifically, through an integration of methods that measure team interaction dynamics and knowledge building as it occurs during a complex CPS task. The need for better understanding CPS has risen in prominence as many organizations have increasingly worked to address complex problems requiring the combination of diverse sets of individual expertise to achieve solutions for novel problems. Towards this end, the present research drew from theoretical and empirical work on Macrocognition in Teams that describes the knowledge coordination arising from team communications during CPS. It built from this by incorporating the study of team interaction during complex collaborative cognition. Interaction between team members in such contexts has proven to be inherently dynamic and exhibiting nonlinear patterns not accounted for by extant research methods. To redress this gap, the present research drew from work in cognitive science designed to study social and team interaction as a nonlinear dynamical system. CPS was examined by studying knowledge building and interaction processes of 43 dyads working on NASA's Moonbase Alpha simulation, a CPS task. Both non-verbal and verbal interaction dynamics were examined. Specifically, frame-differencing, an automated video analysis technique, was used to capture the bodily movements of participants and content coding was applied to the teams' communications to characterize their CPS processes. A combination of linear (i.e., multiple regression, t-test, and time-lagged cross-correlation analysis), as well as nonlinear analytic techniques (i.e., recurrence quantification analysis; RQA) were applied. In terms of the predicted interaction dynamics, it was hypothesized that teams would exhibit synchronization in their bodily movements and complementarity in their communications and further, that teams more strongly exhibiting these forms of coordination will produce better problem solving outcomes. Results showed that teams did exhibit a pattern of bodily movements that could be characterized as synchronized, but higher synchronization was not systematically related to performance. Further, results showed that teams did exhibit communicative interaction that was complementary, but this was not predictive of better problem solving performance. Several exploratory research questions were proposed as a way of refining the application of these techniques to the investigation of CPS. Results showed that semantic code-based communications time-series and %REC and ENTROPY recurrence-based measures were most sensitive to differences in performance. Overall, this dissertation adds to the scientific body of knowledge by advancing theory and empirical knowledge on the forms of verbal and non-verbal team interaction during CPS, but future work remains to be conducted to identify the relationship between interaction dynamics and CPS performance. Read more
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Effets de la gestion des bandes enherbées sur le contrôle biologique des ravageurs de cultures : rôle de la diversité fonctionnelle des carabes (Coleoptera - Carabidae) et de la structure végétale / Effect of field margin management on the pest biological control : role of the functional diversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera - Carabidae) and the vegetation structureRouabah, Abdelhak 19 March 2015 (has links)
Dans les paysages agricoles, les habitats non cultivés constituent une source importante pour l’entomofaune auxiliaire de cultures. Il est donc important d’adapter la gestion de ces habitats afin de bénéficier au mieux des services fournis par la diversité de ces auxiliaires. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment la gestion des bandes enherbées permet d’améliorer le service du contrôle biologique délivré par les carabes. Nous avons d’abord examiné par quels mécanismes, les changements dans la diversité fonctionnelle des carabes augmentent leur capacité de suppression de ravageurs. Ainsi, a été comparée au laboratoire, l’efficience de prédation sur une population de proie, par des assemblages de carabes qui ont différents niveaux de diversité de taille. Par ailleurs, à travers une expérimentation mise en place dans des champs de céréales, nous avons étudié les effets de cinq modes de gestion des bandes enherbées sur la structure végétale de ces habitats non cultivés, et par conséquent sur la structure des communautés carabiques. Nos résultats révèlent l’absence d’une partition de ressources entre les carabes de tailles différentes. La quantité et de la taille de proies consommées augmente avec la taille des carabes. La suppression des proies a ainsi été fortement augmentée par la présence des carabes de grande taille dans les assemblages. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’augmentation de la diversité de taille chez les carabes augmente leur efficience de prédation par l’effet d’échantillonnage. Nous avons mis en évidence une redondance fonctionnelle entre les espèces de carabes. Cette redondance permet de réduire la variabilité spatio-temporelle dans la fonction de régulation exercée sur les populations de ravageurs. L’importance des bandes enherbées en tant qu’habitat pour plusieurs espèces de carabes importantes pour le contrôle biologique, a été mise en évidence. La gestion influence les carabes seulement dans les bandes enherbées. La diversité fonctionnelle des plantes au sein de ces bandes enherbées a été identifiée comme le principal facteur favorisant la richesse spécifique des carabes. L’activité-densité des carabes a, par ailleurs, été favorisée par une végétation peu hétérogène et un pourcentage élevé de sol nu. Les carabes de tailles différentes divergent dans leur réponse à la structure de la végétation. Cette divergence semble être liée aussi à la variation d'autres traits d'histoire de vie des espèces (i.e. régime alimentaire). Les connaissances et les résultats produits dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse, serviront au développement d’indicateurs mesurant l’impact des pratiques de gestion sur le contrôle biologique exercé par les carabes / In the agricultural landscapes, non cropped habitats are an important source for the beneficial entomofauna of crops. It is therefore important to adapt the management of these habitats to best benefit of the services provided by the diversity of this beneficial entomfauna. The objective of this thesis is to understand how field margin management could improve the biological control service delivered by ground beetles. First, we examined by which mechanisms, changes in the functional diversity of ground beetles increases their capacity of pest suppression. Thus, efficiency of predation by ground beetle assemblages, which have different levels of body size diversity, on a prey population was compared in the laboratory. Also, through an experiment installed in cereal fields, we studied the effects of five field margin management on the vegetation structure of these non cropped habitats, and therefore on the structure of ground beetle communities. Our results revealed the absence of resource partitioning among the different-sized ground beetles. The amount and size of prey consumed increased with increasing ground beetle body size. Prey suppression was, therefore, strongly strengthened by the presence of large ground beetles in the assemblages. These results suggest that increasing ground beetles size diversity increases their predation efficiency through the sampling effect. We have showed a functional redundancy among species of ground beetles. This redundancy could reduce the spatial and temporal variability in pest suppression by ground beetles. Our study showed the importance of the field margins as a habitat for many ground beetle species that are important for biological control. Management influenced ground beetles only in the field margin. Plants functional diversity within these field margins has been identified as the main factor promoting the species richness of ground beetles. However, activity-density of ground beetles was promoted by less heterogeneous vegetation and high percentage of bare ground. The responses to the vegetation structure vary between ground beetles with different body sizes. This diversity in ground beetles responses to the vegetation structure appears to be also related to variation in other life history traits (i.e. diet). The knowledge and results produced as part of this thesis will be used in the development of indicators measuring the impact of management on biological control delivered by ground beetles Read more
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Das erste Paar und die postmoderne Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der GegenwartBee, Jacqueline 29 February 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Am Beginn der Menschheit steht das von Gott erschaffene Paar, in der Postmo derne ist es das aufgeklarte, autonome Individuum. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen ursprunglicher Schopfungsintention und der postmodernen Lebenswelt wird deutlich. Denn Mann und Frau wurden auf eine ganzheitliche Lebensgemein schaft hin erschaffen, die nicht nur den trinitarischen Gott widerspiegeln soli, sondem fur einen gelingenden Lebensvollzug urn die konstitutive Notwendigkeit der Gebundenheit des GeschOpfes an seinen Schopfer weiss. Das Bewusst sein, dass der Mensch nur in dieser existentiellen Verankerung zum wahren Mann- oder Frausein befahigt wird, ist in der aufgeklarten Postmoderne, primar durch deren zentrales Merkmal, der Absolutsetzung von Freiheit, abhanden ge kommen. Erschwerend kommt die Ablehnung der (ontologischen) Sundhaftig keit hinzu, was nicht nur das Heilsgeschehen per se obsolet werden lasst,son dern zugleich die Wiederherstellung der Beziehung zu Gott als Quelle allen Le bens a priori verunmoglicht. Damit verschliesst sich das postmoderne Indivi duum aber gleichzeitig die Meglichkeit zur Annaherung an die Schopfungs intention von Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter durch die in Jesus erlangte,endgultige Oberwindung der Sunde und deren Konsequenzen.
Das Wissen urn die Intention Gottes mit Mann und Frau ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil vom Vorhandensein eines schopfungsbedingt angelegten anthropologischen Grundskriptes ausgegangen wird, welches die Beziehung
und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter entscheidend pragt.1 Das Geschlechterver
haltnis ist also nicht beliebig und Folgen los veranderbar, resp. den sozio-kul turellen Vorgaben und Erwartungen anpassbar, eben weil dessen Kern unver anderbar ist. Dem steht jedoch das postmoderne Verstandnis gegenuber, wel ches die Geschlechteridentitat des evolvierten Primaten als reine sozio-kulturel le Konstruktion und damit als beliebig modellier- und veranderbar versteht. Ge nau in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen unaufhebbarem anthropologischem Grund skript einerseits und der vermeintlich ganzlichen Beliebigkeit des Geschlechter verhaltnisses andererseits liegt ein zentraler Grund fOr die Heute stark Problem belasteten Ehen.
At the beginning of humanity we find man and woman as a couple created by
God; in post-modern society, however, this place is taken by the enlightened individual. The discrepancy is evident. Man and woman were created for a lifelong
marriage which was not only to reflect the triune creator but which was anchored in the dependence on the creator as a constitutive necessity for building
a solid, successful and lifelong marriage. This awareness of the fundamental necessity of God as the creator of man has been lost in post-modern society.
Instead we find the claim for absolute freedom, linked to the negation of the ontological
sinfulness of man. It is obvious that such negation makes the cross
and resurrection of Jesus Christ by which sin is finally overcome superfluous, rending the re-establishement of the relationship between God and man impossible.
But it is by this grounding in God the creator and redeemer alone that
man and woman will unterstand marriage in its originally intended depth and fullness.
The present study has resulted in discerning a fundamental, God-given
anthropological script which defines both relation and dependence of man and woman; this implies that these fundamental elements cannot be deliberately
transformed and/or adapted to various socio-cultural norms and expectations.
However, the post-modern understanding of gender presents itself in clear opposition
to this creational view. Nowadays, gender identity is seen solely as a
socio-cultural structure and therefore subject to unlimited changes and modifications.
In this study, one main reason for the instability of marriages in postmodern society has been discerned in the discrepancy between the permanent
anthropological basic script and the apparent variability of the relation and dependence
between man and woman. The negation of God the creator and redeemer proves to be of equal importance, as it is only through and in him that the basic script for marriage can be realized in its originally intended allembracing dimension. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology) Read more
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Das erste Paar und die postmoderne Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der GegenwartBee, Jacqueline 29 February 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Am Beginn der Menschheit steht das von Gott erschaffene Paar, in der Postmo derne ist es das aufgeklarte, autonome Individuum. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen ursprunglicher Schopfungsintention und der postmodernen Lebenswelt wird deutlich. Denn Mann und Frau wurden auf eine ganzheitliche Lebensgemein schaft hin erschaffen, die nicht nur den trinitarischen Gott widerspiegeln soli, sondem fur einen gelingenden Lebensvollzug urn die konstitutive Notwendigkeit der Gebundenheit des GeschOpfes an seinen Schopfer weiss. Das Bewusst sein, dass der Mensch nur in dieser existentiellen Verankerung zum wahren Mann- oder Frausein befahigt wird, ist in der aufgeklarten Postmoderne, primar durch deren zentrales Merkmal, der Absolutsetzung von Freiheit, abhanden ge kommen. Erschwerend kommt die Ablehnung der (ontologischen) Sundhaftig keit hinzu, was nicht nur das Heilsgeschehen per se obsolet werden lasst,son dern zugleich die Wiederherstellung der Beziehung zu Gott als Quelle allen Le bens a priori verunmoglicht. Damit verschliesst sich das postmoderne Indivi duum aber gleichzeitig die Meglichkeit zur Annaherung an die Schopfungs intention von Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter durch die in Jesus erlangte,endgultige Oberwindung der Sunde und deren Konsequenzen.
Das Wissen urn die Intention Gottes mit Mann und Frau ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil vom Vorhandensein eines schopfungsbedingt angelegten anthropologischen Grundskriptes ausgegangen wird, welches die Beziehung
und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter entscheidend pragt.1 Das Geschlechterver
haltnis ist also nicht beliebig und Folgen los veranderbar, resp. den sozio-kul turellen Vorgaben und Erwartungen anpassbar, eben weil dessen Kern unver anderbar ist. Dem steht jedoch das postmoderne Verstandnis gegenuber, wel ches die Geschlechteridentitat des evolvierten Primaten als reine sozio-kulturel le Konstruktion und damit als beliebig modellier- und veranderbar versteht. Ge nau in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen unaufhebbarem anthropologischem Grund skript einerseits und der vermeintlich ganzlichen Beliebigkeit des Geschlechter verhaltnisses andererseits liegt ein zentraler Grund fOr die Heute stark Problem belasteten Ehen.
At the beginning of humanity we find man and woman as a couple created by
God; in post-modern society, however, this place is taken by the enlightened individual. The discrepancy is evident. Man and woman were created for a lifelong
marriage which was not only to reflect the triune creator but which was anchored in the dependence on the creator as a constitutive necessity for building
a solid, successful and lifelong marriage. This awareness of the fundamental necessity of God as the creator of man has been lost in post-modern society.
Instead we find the claim for absolute freedom, linked to the negation of the ontological
sinfulness of man. It is obvious that such negation makes the cross
and resurrection of Jesus Christ by which sin is finally overcome superfluous, rending the re-establishement of the relationship between God and man impossible.
But it is by this grounding in God the creator and redeemer alone that
man and woman will unterstand marriage in its originally intended depth and fullness.
The present study has resulted in discerning a fundamental, God-given
anthropological script which defines both relation and dependence of man and woman; this implies that these fundamental elements cannot be deliberately
transformed and/or adapted to various socio-cultural norms and expectations.
However, the post-modern understanding of gender presents itself in clear opposition
to this creational view. Nowadays, gender identity is seen solely as a
socio-cultural structure and therefore subject to unlimited changes and modifications.
In this study, one main reason for the instability of marriages in postmodern society has been discerned in the discrepancy between the permanent
anthropological basic script and the apparent variability of the relation and dependence
between man and woman. The negation of God the creator and redeemer proves to be of equal importance, as it is only through and in him that the basic script for marriage can be realized in its originally intended allembracing dimension. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology) Read more
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