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Mirror Images: Penelope Umbrico’s Mirrors (from Home Décor Catalogs and Websites)Ambrosio, Jeanie 15 November 2018 (has links)
As the artwork’s title suggests, Penelope Umbrico’s "Mirrors (from Home Décor Catalogs and Websites)" (2001-2011), are photographs of mirrors that Umbrico has appropriated from print and web based home décor advertisements like those from Pottery Barn or West Elm. The mirrors in these advertisements reflect the photo shoot constructed for the ad, often showing plants or light filled windows empty of people. To print the "Mirrors," Umbrico first applies a layer of white-out to everything in the advertisement except for the mirror and then scans the home décor catalog. In the case of the web-based portion of the series, she removes the advertising space digitally through photo editing software. Once the mirror has been singled out and made digital, Umbrico then adjusts the perspective of the mirror so that it faces the viewer. Finally, she scales the photograph of the mirror cut from the advertisement to the size and shape of the actual mirror for sale. By enlarging the photograph, she must increase the file size and subsequent print significantly, which distorts the final printed image thereby causing pixelation, otherwise known as “compression artifacts.” Lastly, she mounts these pixelated prints to non-glare Plexiglas both to remove any incidental reflective surface effects and to create a physical object. What hangs on the wall, then, looks like a mirror in its shape, size and beveled frame: the photograph becomes a one-to-one representation of the object it portrays. When looking at a real mirror, often the viewer is aware of either a reflection of the self or a shifting reflection caused by his or her own movement. However, the image that the "Mirror" ‘reflects’ is not the changing reflection of a real mirror. Nor is it a clear, fixed image of the surface of a mirror. Instead the "Mirrors" present a highly abstract, pixelated surface to meet our eyes. The "Mirrors" are physical objects that merge two forms of representation into one: the mirror and the photograph, thus highlighting similarities between them as surfaces that can potentially represent or reflect almost anything. However, in their physical form, they show us only their pixelation, their digitally constructed nature.
Penelope Umbrico’s "Mirrors" are photographs of mirrors that become simultaneously photograph and mirror: the image reflected on the mirror’s surface becomes a photograph, thus showing an analogy between the two objects. In their self-reflexive nature, I argue that Umbrico’s "Mirrors" point to their status as digital photographs, therefore signaling a technological shift from analog to digital photography. Umbrico’s "Mirrors," in altering both mirrors and photographs simultaneously refer to the long history of photography in relation to mirrors. The history of photography is seen first through these objects by the reflective surface of the daguerreotype which mirrored the viewer when observing the daguerreotype, and because of the extremely high level of detail in the photographic image, which mirrored the photographic subject. The relation to the history of photography is also seen in the phenomenon of the mirror within a photograph and the idea that the mirror’s reflection shows the realistic way that photographs represent reality. Craig Owens calls this "en abyme," or the miniature reproduction of a text that represents the text as a whole. In the case of the mirror, this is because the mirror within the photograph shows how both mediums display highly naturalistic depictions of reality. I contend that as an object that is representative of the photographic medium itself, the shift from analog to digital photography is in part seen through the use of the mirror that ultimately creates an absent referent as understood through a comparison of Diego Velázquez’s "Las Meninas" (1656). As Foucault suggests that "Las Meninas" signals a shift in representation from the Classical age to the Modern period, I suggest that the "Mirrors" signal the shift in representation from analog to digital.
This latter shift spurred debate among photo history scholars related to the ontology of the photographic medium as scholars were anxious that the ease of editing digital images compromised the photograph’s seeming relationship to truth or reality and that it would be impossible to know whether an image had been altered. They were also concerned with the idea that computers could generate images from nothing but code, removing the direct relationship of the photograph to its subject and thereby declaring the “death” of the medium. The "Mirrors" embody the technological phenomenon with visual addition of “compression artifacts,” otherwise known as pixelation, where this representation of digital space appears not directly from our own creation but as a by-product of digital JPEG programming. In this way they are no longer connected to the subject but only to the digital space they represent. As self-reflexive objects, the "Mirrors" show that there has been a technological transformation from the physically made analog photograph to the inherently mutable digital file.
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Bruits temporels de compression et perception de la qualité vidéo : mesure et correction / Temporal noises for video quality : metric and correctionMantel, Claire 30 May 2011 (has links)
Ces dernières années la diffusion vidéo "de salon" a connu trois transitions majeures : la compression vidéo aévolué de la norme MPEG2 à la norme h.264, les écrans à tube cathodique ont disparu du marché des téléviseurs quiest actuellement dominé par les écrans à cristaux liquides (LCD) et pour nir le format haute-définition (1280x720pixels ou 1920x1080) supplante de plus en plus le format SD (576x720). Ces évolutions ont modifié l'importancedes différents types de défauts de compression pour la perception de la qualité d'une vidéo. Les défauts majeursde compression vidéo sont désormais le ou et les défauts temporels. Le terme défaut temporel regroupe ici lavariation temporelle de défauts spatiaux comme l'effet de bloc et des défauts spécifiquement temporels comme lebruit de moustique.Nous nous sommes tout d'abord focalisés sur la correction du bruit de moustique. Le correcteur que nousproposons, le TVIF, est adapté aux trois caractéristiques de ce défaut : faible amplitude par rapport au contenulocal, proximité des contours et variation temporelle. Nous avons évalué l'efficacité de notre correcteur avec desmétriques objectives mais, celles-ci ne permettant pas de conclure sur les performances de notre ltre, nousavons organisé une expérience subjective de qualité. Les données recueillies lors de cette expérience indiquentque les observateurs perçoivent notre filtre comme une amélioration et que la version spatio-temporelle de notrecorrecteur est préférée à sa version spatiale. Reboucler sur les évaluations objectives nous permet de conclure queles métriques objectives ne mesurent pas adéquatement la correction du bruit de moustique, ni l'apport de lacorrection spatio-temporelle par rapport à la correction spatiale.Nous avons ensuite organisé une expérience couplant évaluation de qualité (globale et temporelle) et enregistrementsdes positions oculaires des observateurs. Cette expérience nous permet de spécifier plusieurs pointsutiles pour réaliser une métrique objective de qualité temporelle. Par exemple, le défaut le plus gênant pour laperception de la qualité globale est la variation d'effet de bloc, qui doit donc être la priorité d'une métrique dequalité temporelle. L'analyse des mouvements oculaires des observateurs en tâche libre, tâche de qualité globaleet tâche de qualité temporelle montre, entre autres, que la qualité de la vidéo diffusée n'a pas d'influence visiblesur les endroits regardés par les participants mais influence fortement la durée des fixations. / Home video has gone through three major transitions within the past years: from the MPEG2 videocompression norm to the h.264 one, from cathode ray tube screens to liquid crystal display screens andfrom standard definition (576x720) to High-Definition (1280x720 or 1920x1080). Those changes havemodified the importance of each type of compression artifacts for quality assessment, relatively to oneanother. The two main compression artifacts are currently blur and temporal defects, including under thisterm temporal variations of spatial defects and artifacts specifically temporal such as mosquito noise.We first focused on filtering mosquito noise and presented the TVIF, a corrector adapted to this noise:small amplitude compared to the nearest edge, proximity to edges and variation through time. We firsttried to use objective quality metrics to assess the performance of our corrector. As it proved to beinconclusive, we set up a subjective experiment which showed that observers perceived our corrector asan enhancement and that they preferred the spatio-temporal correction to the spatial one. Going backover objective evaluations with the subjective ones showed that the metrics we used correctly assessneither the correction nor the gain in quality of the spatio-temporal correction over the spatial one.We then set up an experiment combining quality evaluation (both global and temporal) and recordings ofeye movements. The aim of this experiment is to specify some key points for designing an objectivetemporal quality metric. One example is that observers found that temporal variations of blocking effectare the most annoying defect global quality and, as such, should be the main focus of a temporal qualitymetric. Analysis of eye-movements of observers during free task, global quality task and temporal qualitytask shows, among other things, that quality has no visible influence on the places observers watch buthighly influences the duration of fixations. The evolutions over time of all the oculomotor parameters(saccades speed, fixation locations and durations) are similar for the three tasks during the first 1 or 2seconds of the videos and that the differences between tasks appear later on. It seems that the task toassess video quality plays a role afterwards on the deployment of visual attention.
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