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Numerical study of wings with wavy leading and trailing edges. / Estudo numérico de asas com bordos de ataque e de fuga ondulados.Serson, Douglas 19 December 2016 (has links)
Inspired by the pectoral flippers of the humpback whale, the use of spanwise waviness in wings has been considered in the literature as a possible way of delaying the stall, and possibly also reducing the drag coefficient, allowing for improved aerodynamic characteristics. In order to provide a better understanding of this flow control mechanism, the present work investigates numerically the effect of the waviness on the flow around infinite wings with a NACA0012 profile. The study consists of direct numerical simulations employing the spectral/hp method, which is available through the nektar++ library. Considering the high computational cost of the simulations performed, several improvements were introduced to the method, making it more efficient and allowing higher Reynolds numbers to be analysed. These improvements to the method include a coordinate transformation technique to treat the waviness, changes to the parallelism strategy, and an adaptive polynomial order refinement procedure. Initially, simulations were performed for a very low value of the Reynolds number Re = 1, 000, allowing the three-dimensional flow structures to be observed in de- tail. In this case, the results show that the waviness leads to a decrease in the lift-to-drag ratio, accompanied by a strong reduction in the fluctuations of the lift force. The reduction in the lift-to-drag ratio is the combined effect of lower drag and lift forces, and is associated with a regime where the flow remains attached behind the peaks of the leading edge while there are distinct regions of flow separation behind the troughs. Then, simulations with Re = 10, 000 were considered. For high angles of attack, the results for this case are similar to the lower Re, with the waviness leading to separation behind the troughs and reducing both the lift and the drag. However, for a lower angle of attack the waviness leads to a large increase in the lift coefficient. This was observed to be related to the fact that flow around the straight wing is laminar in this case, with the waviness inducing transition to a turbulent state. Finally, the case Re = 50, 000 was considered, with the results showing a good agreement with experiments presented in the literature. / Inspirado na nadadeira peitoral da baleia jubarte, o uso de ondulações ao longo da envergadura de asas tem sido considerado na literatura como uma possível maneira de atrasar o estol, e possivelmente também reduzir o arrasto, levando a melhores características aerodinâmicas. Com o objetivo de obter um melhor entendimento desse mecanismo de controle do escoamento, o presente trabalho investiga numericamente o efeito de ondulações no escoamento ao redor de asas infinitas com o perfil NACA0012. O estudo consiste de simulações diretas do escoamento usando o método espectral/hp, que está disponível através da biblioteca nektar++. Considerando o alto custo computacional das simulações realizadas, diversas melhorias foram introduzidas no método, tornando-o mais eficiente e permitindo que números de Reynolds mais elevados fossem analisados. Essas melhorias ao método incluem uma técnica de mudança de coordenadas para tratar a ondulação, mudanças na estratégia de paralelismo e um procedimento de refinamento usando ordem polinomial variável. Inicialmente, simulações foram realizadas para um número de Reynolds muito baixo Re = 1, 000, o que permitiu observar as estruturas tridimensionais do escoamento em detalhe. Nesse caso, os resultados mostram que a ondulação leva a uma diminuição da razão sustentação-arrasto, combinada com uma forte redução das flutuações da força de sustentação. A redução da razão sustentação-arrasto é consequência de uma combinação de arrasto e sustentação mais baixos e está associada a um regime no qual o escoamento permanece colado atrás dos picos do bordo de ataque, enquanto que regiões distintas de escoamento separado estão presentes atrás dos vales. Em seguida, simulações com Re = 10, 000 foram consideradas. Para ângulos de ataque elevados, os resultados neste caso são similares àqueles com Re mais baixo, com a ondulação levando a separação atrás dos vales e provocando reduções na sustentação e no arrasto. No entanto, para um ângulo de ataque mais baixo a ondulação leva a um grande aumento na força de sustentação. Foi observado que isso está relacionado ao fato de que o escoamento ao redor da asa lisa é laminar neste caso, com a ondulação induzindo a transição para um estado turbulento. Finalmente, o caso Re = 50, 000 foi considerado, com os resultados apresentando uma boa concordância com experimentos apresentados na literatura.
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Desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para a simulação do fenômeno de cravação de estacas torpedos pelo método de partículas Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS). / Computacional tools development for simulation of the torpedo anchor impact based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method.Ribeiro, Gabriel Henrique de Souza 03 December 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver ferramenta computacional para simulação e análise do fenômeno de penetração e cravação de estacas torpedos em solo marítimo. A abordagem será baseada no método Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS). Por se tratar de um método de partícula, sem malha, o mesmo apresenta grande flexibilidade na modelagem de problemas de interação fluido-sólido com fragmentação ou junção de superfície livre e grandes deslocamentos ou deformações dos sólidos, fenômenos esses presentes no impacto e cravação da estaca no solo marítimo. Para isso, dois desafios foram elencados: a modelagem dos solos como fluidos não-newtonianos e a determinação da força de arrasto viscosa na superfície de sólidos. A modelagem do fluido não-newtoniano foi feita considerando os modelos de Power Law, Bingham e Herschel-Bulkley. O cálculo da força de arrasto viscosa foi avaliado determinando-se o gradiente da velocidade do fluido na direção normal à parede com base na regressão polinomial. Por simplicidade, foi considerada a hipótese de que a variação da velocidade na direção tangencial da parede é muito menor se comparada a variação da mesma na direção do vetor normal. O método implementado, assim como o escoamento de fluidos não-newtonianos, foi validado por meio de comparação entre o resultado obtido de simulações com geometrias pré-definidas e as respostas analíticas para tais casos. Como exemplo de aplicação da ferramenta computacional desenvolvida, um caso simplificado de cravação das estacas torpedos foi simulado avaliando-se o seu deslocamento dentro do solo e os esforços cisalhantes a ela submetidas. / This work aims to develop computational tools to simulate and analysis the torpedo anchor penetration in marine soil. The approach will be based on the Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) method. Because it is a meshless method, it is extremely flexible to model fluid-solid interaction with fragmentation or junction of free surface and large displacements or deformations of solids, phenomena presented at the torpedo anchor impact. Two challenges were listed: the modeling of soils as non-Newtonian fluids and the determination of the viscous drag on the solids surface. The modeling of non-Newtonian fluid was done based on the Power Law, Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley models. The calculation of the viscous drag was evaluated by determining the velocity gradient in the normal direction of the wall based on polynomial regression considering the fluid particles near the solid wall. In this work, for sake of simplicity, the hypothesis that the velocity variation in the tangential direction of the wall is much smaller compared to its variation in the normal direction is adopted. The proposed technique, as well as the flow of non-Newtonian fluids, were validated comparing the results obtained in flow simulations with predefined geometries with the expected analytical responses. As an example of the application of the computational tools developed, a simplified case of torpedo penetration was simulated by evaluating its displacement and the shear stresses submitted to it.
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Simulating flow around deforming bodies with an element boundary methodTai, Anna On-No January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Direct numerical simulation and two-fluid modeling of multi-phase bubbly flowsBiswas, Souvik 03 May 2007 (has links)
Results from direct numerical simulations (DNS) of multiphase bubbly flows in vertical and horizontal channels were compared to averaged models of multiphase flows (two-fluid model etc.). The data from the direct numerical simulation were also used to calibrate and improve the averaged models. Steady state laminar flow in a vertical channel was analyzed first. Results from direct numerical simulations are compared with prediction of the steady-state two-fluid model of Antal, Lahey, and Flaherty (1991). The simulations are done assuming a two-dimensional system and the model coefficients are adjusted slightly to match the data for upflow. The model is then tested by comparisons with different values of flow rate and gravity, as well as down flow. Results agree reasonably in the middle of the channel. However, for upflow, model performs poorly near the no-slip wall. To better understand the flow with rising bubbles hugging the no-slip wall, detailed direct numerical simulations of the problem were performed in three dimensions. Deformability of the bubbles was found to play a significant role in the flow structure and averaged flow rate. Finally, the transient buoyancy driven motion of two-dimensional bubbles across a domain bounded by two horizontal walls is studied by. The bubbles are initially released next to the lower wall and as they rise, they disperse. Eventually all the bubbles collect at the top wall. The goal of the study is to examine how a simple one-dimensional model for the averaged void fraction captures the unsteady bubble motion. By using void fraction dependent velocities, where the exact dependency is obtained from simulations of homogeneous bubbly flows, the overall dispersion of the bubbles is predicted. Significant differences remain, however. Results suggest that bubble dispersion by the bubble induced liquid velocity must be included, and by using a simple model for the bubble dispersion improved agreement is found.
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Prediction of Fire Growth on Furniture Using CFDPehrson, Richard 20 May 1999 (has links)
A fire growth calculation method has been developed that couples a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with bench scale cone calorimeter test data for predicting the rate of flame spread on compartment contents such as furniture. The commercial CFD code TASCflow has been applied to solve time averaged conservation equations using an algebraic multigrid solver with mass weighted skewed upstream differencing for advection. Closure models include k-epsilon for turbulence, eddy breakup for combustion following a single step irreversible reaction with Arrhenius rate constant, finite difference radiation transfer, and conjugate heat transfer. Radiation properties are determined from concentrations of soot, CO2 and H2O using the narrow band model of Grosshandler and exponential wide band curve fit model of Modak. The growth in pyrolyzing area is predicted by treating flame spread as a series of piloted ignitions based on coupled gas-fluid boundary conditions. The mass loss rate from a given surface element follows the bench scale test data for input to the combustion prediction. The fire growth model has been tested against foam-fabric mattresses and chairs burned in the furniture calorimeter. In general, agreement between model and experiment for peak heat release rate (HRR), time to peak HRR, and total energy lost is within pm 20%. Used as a proxy for the flame spread velocity, the slope of the HRR curve predicted by model agreed with experiment within pm 20% for all but one case.
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Desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para a simulação do fenômeno de cravação de estacas torpedos pelo método de partículas Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS). / Computacional tools development for simulation of the torpedo anchor impact based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method.Gabriel Henrique de Souza Ribeiro 03 December 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver ferramenta computacional para simulação e análise do fenômeno de penetração e cravação de estacas torpedos em solo marítimo. A abordagem será baseada no método Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS). Por se tratar de um método de partícula, sem malha, o mesmo apresenta grande flexibilidade na modelagem de problemas de interação fluido-sólido com fragmentação ou junção de superfície livre e grandes deslocamentos ou deformações dos sólidos, fenômenos esses presentes no impacto e cravação da estaca no solo marítimo. Para isso, dois desafios foram elencados: a modelagem dos solos como fluidos não-newtonianos e a determinação da força de arrasto viscosa na superfície de sólidos. A modelagem do fluido não-newtoniano foi feita considerando os modelos de Power Law, Bingham e Herschel-Bulkley. O cálculo da força de arrasto viscosa foi avaliado determinando-se o gradiente da velocidade do fluido na direção normal à parede com base na regressão polinomial. Por simplicidade, foi considerada a hipótese de que a variação da velocidade na direção tangencial da parede é muito menor se comparada a variação da mesma na direção do vetor normal. O método implementado, assim como o escoamento de fluidos não-newtonianos, foi validado por meio de comparação entre o resultado obtido de simulações com geometrias pré-definidas e as respostas analíticas para tais casos. Como exemplo de aplicação da ferramenta computacional desenvolvida, um caso simplificado de cravação das estacas torpedos foi simulado avaliando-se o seu deslocamento dentro do solo e os esforços cisalhantes a ela submetidas. / This work aims to develop computational tools to simulate and analysis the torpedo anchor penetration in marine soil. The approach will be based on the Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS) method. Because it is a meshless method, it is extremely flexible to model fluid-solid interaction with fragmentation or junction of free surface and large displacements or deformations of solids, phenomena presented at the torpedo anchor impact. Two challenges were listed: the modeling of soils as non-Newtonian fluids and the determination of the viscous drag on the solids surface. The modeling of non-Newtonian fluid was done based on the Power Law, Bingham and Herschel-Bulkley models. The calculation of the viscous drag was evaluated by determining the velocity gradient in the normal direction of the wall based on polynomial regression considering the fluid particles near the solid wall. In this work, for sake of simplicity, the hypothesis that the velocity variation in the tangential direction of the wall is much smaller compared to its variation in the normal direction is adopted. The proposed technique, as well as the flow of non-Newtonian fluids, were validated comparing the results obtained in flow simulations with predefined geometries with the expected analytical responses. As an example of the application of the computational tools developed, a simplified case of torpedo penetration was simulated by evaluating its displacement and the shear stresses submitted to it.
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A moving mesh method for non-isothermal multiphase flowsCheng, Zekang January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, a numerical method is developed for simulating non-isothermal multiphase flows, which are important in many technical applications such as crystal growth and welding. The method is based on the arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method of Li (2013). The interface is represented explicitly by mesh lines, and is tracked by an adaptive moving unstructured mesh. The $P2-P1d$ finite element method (FEM) is used for discretisation and the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved by the uzawa method. Firstly, a thorough study is presented on the method's capability in numerically representing the force balance condition on the interface. An inaccurate representation of this condition induces the non-physical spurious currents, which degrade the simulation accuracy especially when the viscous damping is weak (small Ohnesorge number, $Oh$). For the example of a circular/spherical droplet, the interfacial tension and the associated pressure jump are exactly balanced numerically and thus the static Laplace solution exists in our method. The stability of this solution is examined numerically. The amplitude of the dimensionless spurious currents is found to be around $10^{−15}$ for $Oh \geq 10^{−3} $. Another benchmark test is the axisymmetric oscillation of a freesurface droplet/bubble. The simulation results are in good agreement with the analytical solution for $Oh = 10^{−3}$. This is by far the first successful simulation of droplet/bubble oscillation with such weak viscous damping and it demonstrates the ability of our method in simulating flows with strong capillary forces. Secondly, a numerical treatment of interface topology changes is incorporated into our method for studying problems with interface breakup. Thanks to the adaptive mesh generator, the thin region between the interface boundary and another boundary consists of one layer of elements. The interface topology change is performed once the minimum distance between the two boundaries falls below a pre-set scale $l_{breakup}$ . The numerical implementation is verified through two different examples: dripping faucet and droplet coalescence. Remarkably good agreement has been obtained with the experimental results. The simulation of the low Oh dripping problem shows both the accuracy and robustness of our method. The simulation of droplet coalescence demonstrates the great advantage of our method in solving problems with a large disparity in length scales. Finally, an FEM solver for temperature is developed and the non-isothermal effects are included in our method for the purpose of simulating non-isothermal multiphase flows. The modified method is validated to be accurate through three benchmark examples: natural convection in a cavity, thermocapillary convection of two layers, and droplet migration subject to a temperature gradient. Our method is then applied to investigate the liquid bridge breakup with thermocapillary effect. The non-isothermal liquid bridge breakup in the viscous and inertial regimes are studied. It has been found that the inertial regime breakup exhibits different pinchoff shapes as the Capillary number increases, and that the viscous regime breakup is accelerated by the thermocapillary motion.
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Quantification de la stabilité de la combustion dans les moteurs essence à injection directe par simulation aux grandes échelles / Quantifying combustion stability in gasoline direct injection engines by Large-Eddy SimulationNicoud, Edouard 21 September 2018 (has links)
L’industrie automobile se trouve aucentre des préoccupations environnementalesactuelles. Les moteurs essence à injection directeopérés en condition pauvres offrent un fortpotentiel en terme de réduction des émissions depolluants. En contrepartie, ils sont sujets à uneforte variabilité cyclique de combustion (CCV)qui ne peut être que partiellement étudiéeexpérimentalement. La simulation aux grandeséchelles (SGE) apparait comme une approchenumérique adaptée pour étudier de telsphénomènes, du fait de sa capacité naturelle àcapter les phénomènes instationnaires. Laprésente thèse se propose d’une part d’estimer lacapacité de la SGE à reproduire les CCVobservées expérimentalement, et d’autre part decontribuer à une meilleure compréhension deleur apparition. Dans ce contexte, un effortparticulier est mis sur la modélisation desphénomènes proche paroi. En particulier, unmodèle de paroi adapté à l’étude del’aérodynamique interne de configurationindustrielles est proposé. Il est validé sur desconfigurations de complexités variées. Enfin,l’étude porte sur le cas du moteur M256 qui estétudié en s’appuyant sur une solide base dedonnées expérimentales. Les causes de CCV sontexplorées, et notamment, l’impact de lavariabilité de l’écoulement généré pendant laphase d’admission sur la propagation du front deflamme est clarifié. / The automotive industry finds itselfat the center of current environmental concerns.Modern direct injection engines, operated underlean condition have the potential to reducepollutant emissions. As a drawback, they aresubject to large cyclic combustion variability(CCV), that can be explained only partially byexperimental measurements. Large-EddySimulation (LES) appears as an adapted tool tocomplement experiments, due to its naturalability to capture unsteady phenomena. Thepresent PhD thesis first aims at reproducing theCCV, and at contributing achieving a betterunderstanding of their occurrence.In this context, a special effort is put on thereproduction of near-wall phenomena, throughthe proposal of a new wall boundary conditionthat is validated on cases of differentcomplexity. Then the focus is put on the M256case, for which an extensive experimentaldatabase is available. The causes of CCV areexplored, and in particular, the impact of thevariability of the intake flow on the flame frontpropagation is clarified.
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Thermo-fluid modelling of electrical generator frames under forced convection in an oscillating water column environmentAhmed, Nisaar January 2018 (has links)
This PhD involved computational fluid dynamic simulations of finned generators cooling under forced convection in an oscillating water column environment. Various design changes to the upstream Wells turbine and its effect on the consequent cooling of the generator were investigated. Simulations were run in steady-state to obtain an initial condition, thereafter, unsteady simulations revealed a steadying of heat transfer over the course of multiple blade rotation cycles. This justified the use of steady-state for the remaining simulations over a range of flow coefficients. The results revealed that the heat transfer from the generator increased for tighter blade tip clearances, thicker blade profiles and greater turbine solidity. The heat transfer was found to increase with rising flow rate coefficient, which was adjusted by increasing the inlet velocity whilst maintaining the angular velocity of the turbine at a constant 2000 RPM. Additionally, the variation of turbine angular velocity at a fixed flow rate coefficient was investigated, the heat transfer was also found to increase with angular velocity, albeit by a far lesser extent. The inclusion of the Wells turbine upstream of the generator was investigated initially and was found to increase heat transfer due to the resulting impingement of airflow across the generator. In all design scenarios in which the heat transfer increases, there is also an observed increase in the mass flow rate of air, radially, towards the generator.
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Contribution à la parallélisation et au passage à l'échelle du code FLUSEPA / Contributions to the parallelization and the scalability of the FLUSEPA codeCouteyen Carpaye, Jean Marie 19 September 2016 (has links)
Les satellites sont mis en orbite en utilisant des lanceurs dont la conception est une des activités principales d’Airbus Defence and Space. Pour ce faire, se baser sur des expériences n’est pas facile : les souffleries ne permettent pas d’évaluer toutes les situations auxquelles un lanceur est confronté au cours de sa mission. La simulation numérique est donc essentielle pour l’industrie spatiale. Afin de disposer de simulations toujours plus fidèles, il est nécessaire d’utiliser des supercalculateurs de plus en plus puissants. Cependant, ces machines voient leur complexité augmenter et pour pouvoir exploiter leur plein potentiel, il est nécessaire d’adapter les codes existants. Désormais, il semble essentiel de passer par des couches d’abstraction afin d’assurer une bonne portabilité des performances. ADS a développé depuis plus de 20 ans le code FLUSEPA qui est utilisé pour le calcul de phénomènes instationnaires comme les calculs d’onde de souffle au décollage ou les séparations d’étages. Le solveur aérodynamique est basé sur une formulation volume fini et une technique d’intégration temporelle adaptative. Les corps en mouvement sont pris en compte via l’utilisation de plusieurs maillages qui sont combinés par intersections.Cette thèse porte sur la parallélisation du code FLUSEPA. Au début de la thèse, la seule version parallèle disponible était en mémoire partagée. Une première version parallèle en mémoire distribuée a d’abord été réalisée. Les gains en performance de cette version ont été évalués via l’utilisation de deux cas tests industriels. Un démonstrateur du solveur aérodynamique utilisant la programmation par tâche au dessus d’un runtime a aussi été réalisé. / There are different kinds of satellites that offer different services like communication, navigationor observation. They are put into orbit through the use of launchers whose design is oneof the main activities of Airbus Defence and Space. Relying on experiments is not easy : windtunnel cannot be used to evaluate every critical situation that a launcher will face during itsmission. Numerical simulation is therefore mandatory for spatial industry.In order to have more reliable simulations, more computational power is needed and supercomputersare used. Those supercomputers become more and more complex and this impliesto adapt existing codes to make them run efficiently. Nowadays, it seems important to rely onabstractions in order to ensure a good portability of performance. Airbus Defence and Spacedeveloped for more than 20 years the FLUSEPA code which is used to compute unsteady phenomenalike take-off blast wave or stage separation. The aerodynamic solver relies on a finitevolume formulation and an explicit temporal adaptive solver. Bodies in relative motion are takeninto account through the use of multiple meshes that are overlapped.This thesis is about the parallelization of the FLUSEPA code. At the start of the thesis,the only parallel version available was in shared memory through OpenMP. A first distributedmemory version was realized and relies on MPI and OpenMP. The performance improvementof this version was evaluated on two industrial test cases. A task-based demonstrator of theaerodynamic solver was also realized over a runtime system.
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