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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação operacional de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento solar: sistemas com e sem concentração / Operational evaluation of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking: systems with and without concentration

Cassares, Mauricio Andrés Rodríguez 20 December 2016 (has links)
A partir de 2014, o interesse pelas grandes centrais de geração fotovoltaica tem aumentado no Brasil. Visando elevar a produtividade dos sistemas e, com isso, alavancar a competitividade econômica, muitos dos investidores de grandes projetos estão optando pela utilização de sistemas de seguimento solar. Contudo, há pouco conhecimento sobre o real desempenho operacional de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento no país. Este trabalho avalia a operação e o desempenho de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento solar, com e sem concentração, através de dois estudos de caso. No primeiro, foram avaliados e comparados dois sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento em dois eixos, um com módulos de concentração e outro com módulos planos, ambos instalados em Ilha Solteira, São Paulo. Já no segundo, realizou-se a avaliação de um sistema fotovoltaico com seguimento de eixo horizontal instalado na Universidade de São Paulo, bem como a comparação deste sistema com um sistema fixo. Para realizar as avaliações nos estudos de caso, foram utilizadas as figuras de mérito produtividade final, YF, rendimento global, PR, e fator de capacidade, FC. No caso dos sistemas de Ilha Solteira, os resultados evidenciam não só que o sistema sem concentração teve um melhor desempenho em relação ao sistema com concentração, como também evidenciam a necessidade de atenção devido às particularidades dos sistemas fotovoltaicos com concentração no Brasil. No caso dos sistemas instalados na Universidade de São Paulo, os resultados mostram que, ao longo de seis meses de operação, o sistema fotovoltaico de eixo horizontal teve um ganho médio de produtividade final de 9% comparado com o sistema fixo. / Since 2014, interest in large-scale photovoltaic power plants has increased in Brazil. Aiming to raise system yield and thereby boost economic competitiveness, many investors are making use of solar tracking systems. However, there is little knowledge on the actual operational performance of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking in the country. This work evaluates the operation and performance of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking capabilities, with and without concentration technology, through two case studies. First, two photovoltaic systems with dual-axis solar tracking, one with concentration modules and the other with flat modules, both installed in Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, are evaluated and compared. Second, the performance of a photovoltaic system with horizontal axis solar tracking installed at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, is evaluated, followed by a comparison with a fixed photovoltaic system. In order to carry out these assessments, the final yield, YF, the performance ratio, PR, and the capacity factor, FC, were used as figures of merit. Regarding the systems installed in Ilha Solteira, the results not only show that the non-concentrating system performed better than the concentrating system, but also evidences the necessity for attention due to the particularities of the photovoltaic systems with concentration technology in Brazil. As for the systems installed at the University of São Paulo, the results show that the photovoltaic system with horizontal-axis solar tracking had a final average yield 9% higher when compared to the fixed-tilt system.

Avaliação operacional de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento solar: sistemas com e sem concentração / Operational evaluation of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking: systems with and without concentration

Mauricio Andrés Rodríguez Cassares 20 December 2016 (has links)
A partir de 2014, o interesse pelas grandes centrais de geração fotovoltaica tem aumentado no Brasil. Visando elevar a produtividade dos sistemas e, com isso, alavancar a competitividade econômica, muitos dos investidores de grandes projetos estão optando pela utilização de sistemas de seguimento solar. Contudo, há pouco conhecimento sobre o real desempenho operacional de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento no país. Este trabalho avalia a operação e o desempenho de sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento solar, com e sem concentração, através de dois estudos de caso. No primeiro, foram avaliados e comparados dois sistemas fotovoltaicos com seguimento em dois eixos, um com módulos de concentração e outro com módulos planos, ambos instalados em Ilha Solteira, São Paulo. Já no segundo, realizou-se a avaliação de um sistema fotovoltaico com seguimento de eixo horizontal instalado na Universidade de São Paulo, bem como a comparação deste sistema com um sistema fixo. Para realizar as avaliações nos estudos de caso, foram utilizadas as figuras de mérito produtividade final, YF, rendimento global, PR, e fator de capacidade, FC. No caso dos sistemas de Ilha Solteira, os resultados evidenciam não só que o sistema sem concentração teve um melhor desempenho em relação ao sistema com concentração, como também evidenciam a necessidade de atenção devido às particularidades dos sistemas fotovoltaicos com concentração no Brasil. No caso dos sistemas instalados na Universidade de São Paulo, os resultados mostram que, ao longo de seis meses de operação, o sistema fotovoltaico de eixo horizontal teve um ganho médio de produtividade final de 9% comparado com o sistema fixo. / Since 2014, interest in large-scale photovoltaic power plants has increased in Brazil. Aiming to raise system yield and thereby boost economic competitiveness, many investors are making use of solar tracking systems. However, there is little knowledge on the actual operational performance of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking in the country. This work evaluates the operation and performance of photovoltaic systems with solar tracking capabilities, with and without concentration technology, through two case studies. First, two photovoltaic systems with dual-axis solar tracking, one with concentration modules and the other with flat modules, both installed in Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, are evaluated and compared. Second, the performance of a photovoltaic system with horizontal axis solar tracking installed at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, is evaluated, followed by a comparison with a fixed photovoltaic system. In order to carry out these assessments, the final yield, YF, the performance ratio, PR, and the capacity factor, FC, were used as figures of merit. Regarding the systems installed in Ilha Solteira, the results not only show that the non-concentrating system performed better than the concentrating system, but also evidences the necessity for attention due to the particularities of the photovoltaic systems with concentration technology in Brazil. As for the systems installed at the University of São Paulo, the results show that the photovoltaic system with horizontal-axis solar tracking had a final average yield 9% higher when compared to the fixed-tilt system.

Advanced strategies for ultra-high PV efficiency / Stratégies avancées pour des systèmes photovoltaïques ultra-performants

Zeitouny, Joya 14 December 2018 (has links)
La limite théorique de rendement des cellules photovoltaïques simple-jonction est de l’ordre de 33% d’après le modèle de Shockley-Queisser, ce qui reste éloigné de la limite de Carnot, prédisant une limite maximale de conversion énergie solaire → électricité de 93%. L’écart important entre ces deux limites découle des pertes intrinsèques, essentiellement liées à la conversion inefficace du spectre solaire et à la disparité entre les angles solides d’absorption et d’émission. Pour surmonter ces pertes et se rapprocher de la limite de Carnot, trois stratégies sont envisagées dans cette thèse : les cellules multi-jonction àconcentration, la combinaison de la concentration et de la restriction angulaire et les systèmes hybrides PV/CSP. Chacune de ces stratégies est limitée par des mécanismes qui dégradent leur performance.L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de comprendre dans quelle mesure les différents mécanismes limitants sont susceptibles d’affecter les performances des différentes stratégies étudiées, et d’optimiser l’architecture des cellules dans le but d’accroitre leur efficacité de conversion. Dans ce but, un modèle détaillé de cellule solaire tenant compte des principaux mécanismes limitant a été développé. Un outil d’optimisation par algorithme génétique a également été mis au point, afin d’explorer l’espace des différents paramètres étudiés pour identifier les conditions d’opération optimales. Nous démontrons l’importance majeure que revêt l’adaptation des propriétés optoélectroniques des matériaux utilisés aux conditions opératoires, que ce soit dans le cas des cellules solaires à concentration endurant des pertes résistives significatives, ou encore dans le cas de cellules solaires fonctionnant à des niveaux de températures très supérieurs à l’ambiante. Enfin, nous avons déterminé l’effet des principaux facteurs limitant que constituent les pertes résistives et les recombinaisons non-radiatives sur les cellules solairessimultanément soumises au flux solaire concentré et à la restriction angulaire du rayonnement émis. / The maximum efficiency limit attainable with a single-junction PV cell is ~ 33% according to the detailed balance formalism (also known as Shockley-Queisser model), which remains far from the Carnot limit, predicting a solar to electricity efficiency upper value of 93%. The large gap between both limits is due to intrinsic loss mechanisms, including the inefficient conversion of the solar spectrum and the large discrepancy between the solid angles of absorption and emission. To overcome these losses and get closer to the Carnot limit, three different strategies are considered in this thesis: concentrated multi-junction solarcells, the combination of solar concentration and angular confinement, and hybrid PV/CSP systems. Each strategy is inherently limited by several loss mechanisms that degrade their performances. The objective of this thesis is, hence, to better understand the extent to which these strategies are likely to be penalized by these losses, and to tailor the cell properties toward maximizing their efficiencies. To address these questions, a detailed-balance model of PV cell accounting for the main loss mechanisms was developed. A genetic-algorithm optimization tool was also implemented, aiming at exploring the parameter space and identifying the optimal operation conditions. We demonstrate the uttermost importance of tailoring the electronic properties of the materials used with both multi-junction solar cells undergoing significant series resistance losses, and PV cells operating at temperature levels exceeding ambient temperature. We also investigate the extent to which series resistances losses and non-radiative recombination are likely to affect the ability of PV cells simultaneously submitted to concentrated sunlight and angular restriction of the light emitted by band-to-band recombination.

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