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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekstrudirani fleks proizvod sa dodatkom divljeg origana i konzumnog suncokreta kao funkcionalnih komponenti / Extruded flakes product supplemented with sunflower and dry residue of wild oregano

Košutić Milenko 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitana mogudnost kori&scaron;denja konzumnog suncokreta i suvog ostatka divljeg origana, kao funkcionalnih komponeti za dobijanje fleks proizvoda pobolj&scaron;anih nutritivnih svojstava.<br />Optimizacijom temperature su&scaron;enja (84&deg;C, 105&deg;C, 135&deg;C, 148&deg;C) fleks proizvoda utvrđen je uticaj temperature na: hemijske, fizičke i antioksidativne osobine fleks proizvoda. Na osnovu standardne ocene fleks proizvoda dobijenih na različitim temperaturama su&scaron;enja utvrđeno je da najvedu standardnu ocenu (0,91) ima fleks proizvod dobijen primenom temperature su&scaron;enja od 84&deg;C.<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja različitih količina konzumnog suncokreta (3%, 6% i 9%) i divljeg origana (0%, 0,5% i 1%) na fizičke karakteristike fleks proizvoda i utvrđeno je da dodatak konzumnog suncokreta ima negativan uticaj, a suvi ostatak divljeg origana pozitivan uticaj na nasipnu mase i stepen ekspanzije proizvoda. Uzorak bez konzumnog suncokreta i sa 1% origana ima najbolje fizičke karakteristike, minimalnu nasipna masu od 150,2 gml-1 i maksimalan stepen ekspanzije 9,36 mlg-1.<br />Dodatak konzumnog suncokreta uticao je na promene u masnokiselinskom sastavu proizvoda. Uzorci sa 9% konzumnog suncokreta imaju manji sadržaj palmitinske (C16:0) i linolenske (C18:3) kiseline za 15%, odnosno 60% u odnosu na uzorke bez dodatka suncokreta. U pomenutim uzorcima je povedan sadržaj stearinske (C18:0) za 15% i oleinske kiseline (C18:1) za 25%.<br />Dodatak funkcionalnih komponenti u sirovinski sastav fleks proizvoda povedava sadržaj fenola dva puta, pri čemu maksimalna sadržaj fenola 2,84 mg GAE/g s.e. ima uzorak sa 9% konzumnog suncokreta i 1% suvog ostatka divljeg origana. Pomenuti uzorak karakteri&scaron;e i maksimalna antiradikalska aktivnost ekstrakata izražena preko parametara 1/IC50 0,75 mg/ml i FRAP 1,57 &mu;g AAE/g s.e<br />Konzumni sincokret u sirovinskom sastavu fleks proizvoda je pobolj&scaron;ao iskori&scaron;denje, odnosno svarljivosti proteina i sadržaj esencijalnih mineralnih materija. Dodatkom 9% suncokreta i 1% divljeg origana dobijen je maksimalan sadržaj Zn 9,26 mg/kg, Cu 4,12 mg/kg, Mg 261,87 mg/kg i Fe 12,03 mg/kg.<br />Procesom ekstrudiranja, takođe, je do&scaron;lo do pobolj&scaron;anja mikrobiolo&scaron;kih parametaara kvaliteta proizvoda jer se značajno se smanjio ukupan broj mikroorganizama, broj kvasaca i plesni i mikroorganizama iz familije Enterobakteriaceae.<br />Na osnovu rezultata potro&scaron;ačkog testa za ispitvanje dopadljivosti proizvoda, utvr&scaron;eno je da dodatak suvog ostatka divljeg origana ima pozitivan efekat na op&scaron;tu prihvatljivost fleks proizvoda od strane potro&scaron;ača, dok dodatak konzumnog suncokreta negativno utiče na ukus, miris, osobine pri žvakanju i op&scaron;ta prihvatljivost.<br />Rezultati eksperimentalnog rada su pokazali da se dodatkom konzumnog suncokreta i suvog ostatka divljeg origana dobija fleks proizvod sa povedanom sadržajem funkcionalnih komponenata koji je dopadljiv potro&scaron;ačima.<br />Istraživanja u okviru ove disertacije su ukazala da bi funkcionalni fleks proizvod sa dodatkom divljeg origana i konzumnog suncokreta bolje prihvatili potro&scaron;ači stariji od 35 godina, visoko obrazovani i sa vedim primanjima. Međutim, i dalje je prisutan izvestan stepen nepoverenja potro&scaron;ača, pa je neophodno sprovoditi kontinuiranu edukaciju o zdravstvenim prednostima upotrebe funkcionalnih proizvoda u ishrani.</p> / <p>The paper examined the possibility of using consumable sunflower and dry extract of wild oregano, as functional components of obtaining a flex product of improved nutritional properties. By optimizing the drying temperature (84&deg;C, 105&deg;C, 135&deg;C, 148&deg;C) of the flex product, the effect of temperature was determined on: chemical, physical and antioxidant properties of flex products. On the basis of the standard assessment of flex products obtained at different drying temperatures it was determined that the highest standard rating (0.91) belongs to flex product prepared using the drying temperature of 84&deg;C.<br />By examining the influence of different amounts of consumable sunflower (3%, 6% and 9%) and wild oregano (0%, 0.5% and 1%) on the physical characteristics of flex products, it has been found that the addition of consumable sunflower has a negative impact, and a dry residue of wild oregano positive impact on the bulk weight and degree of expansion of the product. The sample free of consumable sunflower and with 1% of oregano has the best physical characteristics, minimal bulk weight of 150.2 gml-1 and a maximum degree of expansion of 9.36 mlg-1 .<br />The addition of consumable sunflower influenced the changes in fatty acid composition of the product. Samples with 9% of consumable sunflower have lower content of palmitic (C16:0) and 1inolenic (C18:3) acid by 15% and 60% compared to the samples without the addition of sunflower. In the above samples there was an increased content of stearic acid (C18: 0) by 15% and oleic acid (C18:1) by 25%.<br />The addition of functional components in the raw material composition of flex product increases phenol content twice, where the maximum phenol content of 2.84 mg GAE/g s.e. is found in the sample with 9% of consumable sunflower seed, and 1 % of dry extract of wild oregano. The aforementioned sample is characterized also by a maximum antiradical activity of extracts expressed via parameters 1/1C50 0.75 mg / ml and FRAP 1.57 ɲg AAE/g s.e.<br />Consumable sunflower in the raw material composition of flex products improved the utilization the digestibility of proteins and essential mineral substances content. By the addition of 9% of sunflower and 1% of wild oregano, we obtained the maximum content of Zn, 9.26 mg/kg, Cu 4.12 mg/kg, Mg 261.87 mg/kg and Fe 12.03 mg/kg. Extrusion process, also, led to an improvement in microbiological parameters of quality of the product because it significantly reduced the total number of microorganisms, yeasts and molds and microorganisms from the family of Enterobacteriaceae.<br />Based on the results of the test for examining consumer appeal of the product, it has been established that the addition of dry extract of wild oregano has a positive effect on the general acceptability of flex products by consumers, while the addition of consumable sunflower adversely affects the taste, the smell, the properties in chewing and general acceptability.<br />The results of the experimental work showed that the addition of consumable sunflower and dry extract of wild oregano resulted in the flex product with increased content of functional components that is appealing to consumers.<br />The research within this thesis pointed out that a functional flex product with the addition of wild oregano and consumable sunflower would be better accepted by consumers older than 35, highly educated and with higher incomes. However, there is still a certain degree of mistrust of consumers, so it is necessary to implement continuous education about the health benefits of the use of functional products in diet.</p>


Yue Sun Unknown Date (has links)
Sunflower is grown worldwide for oil production. In Australia, sunflower is under intense competition from canola as an oil crop. Confectionery sunflower aimed for the overseas snack food market is a potential opportunity for Australian farmers due to its ability to provide off-season supply to the major market located mainly in the northern hemisphere. To serve this aim, new confectionery sunflower hybrids adapted to Australian production system with drought tolerance, large achenes, high self-fertility and rust resistance are of paramount importance. The objectives of this project were to understand the genetic inheritance and genetic linkage relationships of the above traits and also to identify linked DNA markers with the potential for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The inheritance of achene-length was studied in a 12 x 12 diallel and a 14 x 12 North Carolina design II (NC II) mating design. Achene-length was evaluated under three environments for each mating design. Genetic correlation among all five achene-size related traits (achene-length, -width, - thickness and also kernel-length and -width) and 100-achene weight were moderate to high. Narrow-and broad-sense heritability for achene-length was moderate to high and similar for each design. The general combining ability (GCA) and maternal effects were found to be the main genetic factors controlling achene-length and each accounted for around 45% of the total genotypic variance. The inheritance of self-fertility (SF) was assessed with the same 12 x 12 diallel mating design evaluated in two environments. The 12 parents also displayed various levels of SF in addition to a wide range of achene-length. Negative genetic correlations between SF and all five achene-size related traits and 100-achene weight were observed. Modelling achene-length as a covariate revealed that certain pre-pollination floret characteristics represented by achene-length at maturity strongly affects SF in sunflower. When the effect of achene-length was removed statistically as a covariate, the specific combining ability (SCA) effect increased dramatically and became the major factor (other than pre-pollination floret characteristics) for SF determination and accounted for 65% of the total variance. Long achene genotypes tended to have low SF and a positive SCA effect was observed more frequently in F1 hybrids that involved small achene lines. The broad sense heritability was moderate (0.663 ± 0.017), while the estimate of narrow-sense heritability was nearly zero. A segregating F6:7 recombinant inbred line population with 239 progeny was developed from a cross between HaR4, a low delta (Δ), high transpiration efficiency (TE), sunflower line with rust resistance but relatively low SF, and SA52 with all the characteristics in the opposite direction. The population was evaluated in two environments for three TE-related traits including Δ, specific leaf weight (SLW) and chlorophyll content (CC) and four agronomic traits i.e. days to flowering (DTF), plant height (PlantH), SF and rust resistance (RustR). A linkage map 1074.6 cM in length with 138 SSR and 37 ISSR markers consisting of 19 linkage groups was constructed. Spatially adjusted BLUPs were used in QTL analysis for individual and combined environments. Altogether, 10 QTL were identified for Δ, SLW and CC at individual environments, and 7 were detected by a combined analysis. Sixteen QTL were identified for 4 agronomic traits and 14 of them were confirmed by a combined analysis. Significant linkage among all three TE related traits was discovered on linkage group 4 (LG4), where alleles from one parent had the same direction of influence on TE which suggested either coupling phase linkage or pleiotropy. QTL for SF and RustR were closely linked on LG13. An F2 population with 502 progeny developed from a cross between Jumbo, a large achene confectionery sunflower line, and RIL25, an oilseed small achene line, was evaluated for five achene-size related traits in a single field trial. Using a subset of 178 progeny a framework genetic linkage map, 899.7 cM in length, containing 128 SSR markers and 23 ISSR markers was constructed with 18 linkage groups. Based on the results of a simulated QTL analysis, a modified selective genotyping strategy was employed for QTL analysis with 178 F2 individuals (128 randomly selected, 25 shortest achene F2’s and 25 longest achene F2’s). Altogether 18 achene-size related QTL with small effects were identified. Achene-size related genes characteristically expressed additive gene action although several alleles were partially recessive towards the large achene parent. The 18 identified achene-size related QTL were validated in the same diallel mating experiment mentioned above. Significant marker-trait associations were detected for 15 QTL. In addition to 12 significant alleles detected from the F2 population, 12 additional alleles associated with achene-size traits were revealed after the analysis with the diallel. These markers are ready to be used in MAS for confectionery sunflower breeding. Great steps have been made in obtaining essential knowledge of inheritance and linkage of target traits for breeding confectionery sunflower adapted to Australian production environments. The identified markers can be used in MAS and further enhance the breeding process.


Yue Sun Unknown Date (has links)
Sunflower is grown worldwide for oil production. In Australia, sunflower is under intense competition from canola as an oil crop. Confectionery sunflower aimed for the overseas snack food market is a potential opportunity for Australian farmers due to its ability to provide off-season supply to the major market located mainly in the northern hemisphere. To serve this aim, new confectionery sunflower hybrids adapted to Australian production system with drought tolerance, large achenes, high self-fertility and rust resistance are of paramount importance. The objectives of this project were to understand the genetic inheritance and genetic linkage relationships of the above traits and also to identify linked DNA markers with the potential for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The inheritance of achene-length was studied in a 12 x 12 diallel and a 14 x 12 North Carolina design II (NC II) mating design. Achene-length was evaluated under three environments for each mating design. Genetic correlation among all five achene-size related traits (achene-length, -width, - thickness and also kernel-length and -width) and 100-achene weight were moderate to high. Narrow-and broad-sense heritability for achene-length was moderate to high and similar for each design. The general combining ability (GCA) and maternal effects were found to be the main genetic factors controlling achene-length and each accounted for around 45% of the total genotypic variance. The inheritance of self-fertility (SF) was assessed with the same 12 x 12 diallel mating design evaluated in two environments. The 12 parents also displayed various levels of SF in addition to a wide range of achene-length. Negative genetic correlations between SF and all five achene-size related traits and 100-achene weight were observed. Modelling achene-length as a covariate revealed that certain pre-pollination floret characteristics represented by achene-length at maturity strongly affects SF in sunflower. When the effect of achene-length was removed statistically as a covariate, the specific combining ability (SCA) effect increased dramatically and became the major factor (other than pre-pollination floret characteristics) for SF determination and accounted for 65% of the total variance. Long achene genotypes tended to have low SF and a positive SCA effect was observed more frequently in F1 hybrids that involved small achene lines. The broad sense heritability was moderate (0.663 ± 0.017), while the estimate of narrow-sense heritability was nearly zero. A segregating F6:7 recombinant inbred line population with 239 progeny was developed from a cross between HaR4, a low delta (Δ), high transpiration efficiency (TE), sunflower line with rust resistance but relatively low SF, and SA52 with all the characteristics in the opposite direction. The population was evaluated in two environments for three TE-related traits including Δ, specific leaf weight (SLW) and chlorophyll content (CC) and four agronomic traits i.e. days to flowering (DTF), plant height (PlantH), SF and rust resistance (RustR). A linkage map 1074.6 cM in length with 138 SSR and 37 ISSR markers consisting of 19 linkage groups was constructed. Spatially adjusted BLUPs were used in QTL analysis for individual and combined environments. Altogether, 10 QTL were identified for Δ, SLW and CC at individual environments, and 7 were detected by a combined analysis. Sixteen QTL were identified for 4 agronomic traits and 14 of them were confirmed by a combined analysis. Significant linkage among all three TE related traits was discovered on linkage group 4 (LG4), where alleles from one parent had the same direction of influence on TE which suggested either coupling phase linkage or pleiotropy. QTL for SF and RustR were closely linked on LG13. An F2 population with 502 progeny developed from a cross between Jumbo, a large achene confectionery sunflower line, and RIL25, an oilseed small achene line, was evaluated for five achene-size related traits in a single field trial. Using a subset of 178 progeny a framework genetic linkage map, 899.7 cM in length, containing 128 SSR markers and 23 ISSR markers was constructed with 18 linkage groups. Based on the results of a simulated QTL analysis, a modified selective genotyping strategy was employed for QTL analysis with 178 F2 individuals (128 randomly selected, 25 shortest achene F2’s and 25 longest achene F2’s). Altogether 18 achene-size related QTL with small effects were identified. Achene-size related genes characteristically expressed additive gene action although several alleles were partially recessive towards the large achene parent. The 18 identified achene-size related QTL were validated in the same diallel mating experiment mentioned above. Significant marker-trait associations were detected for 15 QTL. In addition to 12 significant alleles detected from the F2 population, 12 additional alleles associated with achene-size traits were revealed after the analysis with the diallel. These markers are ready to be used in MAS for confectionery sunflower breeding. Great steps have been made in obtaining essential knowledge of inheritance and linkage of target traits for breeding confectionery sunflower adapted to Australian production environments. The identified markers can be used in MAS and further enhance the breeding process.


Yue Sun Unknown Date (has links)
Sunflower is grown worldwide for oil production. In Australia, sunflower is under intense competition from canola as an oil crop. Confectionery sunflower aimed for the overseas snack food market is a potential opportunity for Australian farmers due to its ability to provide off-season supply to the major market located mainly in the northern hemisphere. To serve this aim, new confectionery sunflower hybrids adapted to Australian production system with drought tolerance, large achenes, high self-fertility and rust resistance are of paramount importance. The objectives of this project were to understand the genetic inheritance and genetic linkage relationships of the above traits and also to identify linked DNA markers with the potential for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The inheritance of achene-length was studied in a 12 x 12 diallel and a 14 x 12 North Carolina design II (NC II) mating design. Achene-length was evaluated under three environments for each mating design. Genetic correlation among all five achene-size related traits (achene-length, -width, - thickness and also kernel-length and -width) and 100-achene weight were moderate to high. Narrow-and broad-sense heritability for achene-length was moderate to high and similar for each design. The general combining ability (GCA) and maternal effects were found to be the main genetic factors controlling achene-length and each accounted for around 45% of the total genotypic variance. The inheritance of self-fertility (SF) was assessed with the same 12 x 12 diallel mating design evaluated in two environments. The 12 parents also displayed various levels of SF in addition to a wide range of achene-length. Negative genetic correlations between SF and all five achene-size related traits and 100-achene weight were observed. Modelling achene-length as a covariate revealed that certain pre-pollination floret characteristics represented by achene-length at maturity strongly affects SF in sunflower. When the effect of achene-length was removed statistically as a covariate, the specific combining ability (SCA) effect increased dramatically and became the major factor (other than pre-pollination floret characteristics) for SF determination and accounted for 65% of the total variance. Long achene genotypes tended to have low SF and a positive SCA effect was observed more frequently in F1 hybrids that involved small achene lines. The broad sense heritability was moderate (0.663 ± 0.017), while the estimate of narrow-sense heritability was nearly zero. A segregating F6:7 recombinant inbred line population with 239 progeny was developed from a cross between HaR4, a low delta (Δ), high transpiration efficiency (TE), sunflower line with rust resistance but relatively low SF, and SA52 with all the characteristics in the opposite direction. The population was evaluated in two environments for three TE-related traits including Δ, specific leaf weight (SLW) and chlorophyll content (CC) and four agronomic traits i.e. days to flowering (DTF), plant height (PlantH), SF and rust resistance (RustR). A linkage map 1074.6 cM in length with 138 SSR and 37 ISSR markers consisting of 19 linkage groups was constructed. Spatially adjusted BLUPs were used in QTL analysis for individual and combined environments. Altogether, 10 QTL were identified for Δ, SLW and CC at individual environments, and 7 were detected by a combined analysis. Sixteen QTL were identified for 4 agronomic traits and 14 of them were confirmed by a combined analysis. Significant linkage among all three TE related traits was discovered on linkage group 4 (LG4), where alleles from one parent had the same direction of influence on TE which suggested either coupling phase linkage or pleiotropy. QTL for SF and RustR were closely linked on LG13. An F2 population with 502 progeny developed from a cross between Jumbo, a large achene confectionery sunflower line, and RIL25, an oilseed small achene line, was evaluated for five achene-size related traits in a single field trial. Using a subset of 178 progeny a framework genetic linkage map, 899.7 cM in length, containing 128 SSR markers and 23 ISSR markers was constructed with 18 linkage groups. Based on the results of a simulated QTL analysis, a modified selective genotyping strategy was employed for QTL analysis with 178 F2 individuals (128 randomly selected, 25 shortest achene F2’s and 25 longest achene F2’s). Altogether 18 achene-size related QTL with small effects were identified. Achene-size related genes characteristically expressed additive gene action although several alleles were partially recessive towards the large achene parent. The 18 identified achene-size related QTL were validated in the same diallel mating experiment mentioned above. Significant marker-trait associations were detected for 15 QTL. In addition to 12 significant alleles detected from the F2 population, 12 additional alleles associated with achene-size traits were revealed after the analysis with the diallel. These markers are ready to be used in MAS for confectionery sunflower breeding. Great steps have been made in obtaining essential knowledge of inheritance and linkage of target traits for breeding confectionery sunflower adapted to Australian production environments. The identified markers can be used in MAS and further enhance the breeding process.


Yue Sun Unknown Date (has links)
Sunflower is grown worldwide for oil production. In Australia, sunflower is under intense competition from canola as an oil crop. Confectionery sunflower aimed for the overseas snack food market is a potential opportunity for Australian farmers due to its ability to provide off-season supply to the major market located mainly in the northern hemisphere. To serve this aim, new confectionery sunflower hybrids adapted to Australian production system with drought tolerance, large achenes, high self-fertility and rust resistance are of paramount importance. The objectives of this project were to understand the genetic inheritance and genetic linkage relationships of the above traits and also to identify linked DNA markers with the potential for marker-assisted selection (MAS). The inheritance of achene-length was studied in a 12 x 12 diallel and a 14 x 12 North Carolina design II (NC II) mating design. Achene-length was evaluated under three environments for each mating design. Genetic correlation among all five achene-size related traits (achene-length, -width, - thickness and also kernel-length and -width) and 100-achene weight were moderate to high. Narrow-and broad-sense heritability for achene-length was moderate to high and similar for each design. The general combining ability (GCA) and maternal effects were found to be the main genetic factors controlling achene-length and each accounted for around 45% of the total genotypic variance. The inheritance of self-fertility (SF) was assessed with the same 12 x 12 diallel mating design evaluated in two environments. The 12 parents also displayed various levels of SF in addition to a wide range of achene-length. Negative genetic correlations between SF and all five achene-size related traits and 100-achene weight were observed. Modelling achene-length as a covariate revealed that certain pre-pollination floret characteristics represented by achene-length at maturity strongly affects SF in sunflower. When the effect of achene-length was removed statistically as a covariate, the specific combining ability (SCA) effect increased dramatically and became the major factor (other than pre-pollination floret characteristics) for SF determination and accounted for 65% of the total variance. Long achene genotypes tended to have low SF and a positive SCA effect was observed more frequently in F1 hybrids that involved small achene lines. The broad sense heritability was moderate (0.663 ± 0.017), while the estimate of narrow-sense heritability was nearly zero. A segregating F6:7 recombinant inbred line population with 239 progeny was developed from a cross between HaR4, a low delta (Δ), high transpiration efficiency (TE), sunflower line with rust resistance but relatively low SF, and SA52 with all the characteristics in the opposite direction. The population was evaluated in two environments for three TE-related traits including Δ, specific leaf weight (SLW) and chlorophyll content (CC) and four agronomic traits i.e. days to flowering (DTF), plant height (PlantH), SF and rust resistance (RustR). A linkage map 1074.6 cM in length with 138 SSR and 37 ISSR markers consisting of 19 linkage groups was constructed. Spatially adjusted BLUPs were used in QTL analysis for individual and combined environments. Altogether, 10 QTL were identified for Δ, SLW and CC at individual environments, and 7 were detected by a combined analysis. Sixteen QTL were identified for 4 agronomic traits and 14 of them were confirmed by a combined analysis. Significant linkage among all three TE related traits was discovered on linkage group 4 (LG4), where alleles from one parent had the same direction of influence on TE which suggested either coupling phase linkage or pleiotropy. QTL for SF and RustR were closely linked on LG13. An F2 population with 502 progeny developed from a cross between Jumbo, a large achene confectionery sunflower line, and RIL25, an oilseed small achene line, was evaluated for five achene-size related traits in a single field trial. Using a subset of 178 progeny a framework genetic linkage map, 899.7 cM in length, containing 128 SSR markers and 23 ISSR markers was constructed with 18 linkage groups. Based on the results of a simulated QTL analysis, a modified selective genotyping strategy was employed for QTL analysis with 178 F2 individuals (128 randomly selected, 25 shortest achene F2’s and 25 longest achene F2’s). Altogether 18 achene-size related QTL with small effects were identified. Achene-size related genes characteristically expressed additive gene action although several alleles were partially recessive towards the large achene parent. The 18 identified achene-size related QTL were validated in the same diallel mating experiment mentioned above. Significant marker-trait associations were detected for 15 QTL. In addition to 12 significant alleles detected from the F2 population, 12 additional alleles associated with achene-size traits were revealed after the analysis with the diallel. These markers are ready to be used in MAS for confectionery sunflower breeding. Great steps have been made in obtaining essential knowledge of inheritance and linkage of target traits for breeding confectionery sunflower adapted to Australian production environments. The identified markers can be used in MAS and further enhance the breeding process.

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