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Bringing nature to consciousness in peace and conflict studies through a phenomenological analysis of veterans’ narratives of nature and recoveryWestlund, Stephanie 13 December 2012 (has links)
Peace and conflict studies arose as a response to the human experience of violence, with an intention towards finding possibilities for nonviolent ways of relating. These possibilities, however, tend to be preoccupied with social conflict, reconciliation, and recovery as taking place solely within the realm of human beings, thereby creating an ontology that renders nature silent. This thesis asks why it is so difficult to attend to natural contexts and the more-than-human world in peace and conflict studies. This research suggests that the shift in experience that comes through connection with nature opens possibilities for peacebuilding and recovery from conflict. Thus, while it explores responses to experiences of violence, this thesis also works to articulate an understanding of how conflict and peacebuilding take place within a shared, interconnected and interdependent global ecosystem.
The core of this inquiry is experience-centred narrative research within the phenomenological interpretive framework provided by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. This research explores the personal experience stories of veterans suffering from stress and post-traumatic distress from their military training and combat exposure. All of the veterans regard their personal recovery from stress and traumatic experiences as intimately tied to their nature experiences. These experiences are further illuminated by supporting interviews, personal narrative interludes, other stories from the edges of violence, and theories and praxis in ecology, ecopsychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience.
Through exploring themes of sensory experience, safety, sense of purpose, relationships, basic needs, and regained humanity, this research culminates in the remembrance that as human beings, we are nature, and the insight that it is our (human) nature that impels and enables us to reach out and relate with others and with the more-than-human world. This central insight holds profound implications for peace and conflict studies, which focuses on peacebuilding through recognition of common humanity and conflict transformation through changed relationships. The thesis concludes by exploring possibilities and implications for bringing nature to consciousness in peace and conflict studies and for revising theoretical and practical frameworks to re-embed peace and conflict studies in the everyday world—the world beyond the boardroom or negotiating table, and the world that sustains all life on earth.
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Der Afghanistan-Komplex : historische EntwicklungslinienWeidemann, Diethelm January 2011 (has links)
Historische Herausbildung des Konfliktes
Das Scheitern der Reformen Amanullah Khans
Der Modus Vivendi Zahir Shahs
Der Afghanistankrieg von 1979 bis 1989
Der Bürgerkrieg 1989 bis 2001
Einzug der Taliban
Aktuelle Lage in Afghanistan
Intervention der USA und Folgen
Ungewisse Perspektiven
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Was uns Algerien lehrt : eine Lektion für AfghanistanElsenhans, Hartmut January 2011 (has links)
Guerilla vs. Ordnungskräfte
Algerische Lehrstücke
Was nicht genügt
Intervention ohne Kontrolle
Partner und Gegner
Verhandlungen jetzt!
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Einstieg in den Ausstieg? Afghanistan als Verpflichtung des WestensDanspeckgruber, Wolfgang F. January 2011 (has links)
Ernüchterung in den truppenstellenden Staaten
Quo vadis?
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Verhandlungen oder militärische Option? Chancen und Risiken für AfghanistanFischer, Karl January 2011 (has links)
Versäumnisse der Bonner Verhandlungen 2001
Erfahrungen aus den Genfer Verhandlungen
Welche Besonderheiten beachten?
Beendigung des Kriegszustandes
Optionen einer Friedensstrategie
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Abzug aus Afghanistan, aber nicht kopflos! Positionen des Darmstädter SignalsJanuary 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Rückzug FehlanzeigeRose, Jürgen January 2011 (has links)
Regime Change und Anti-Terrorkrieg
„Engagement“ der USA
Deutsche Involvierung
Ferngesteuerter Krieg
Abzug nicht in Sicht
„Sieg“ nicht in Sicht
Reinfall Afghanistan-Strategie
Menetekel von Saigon
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Den Krieg beenden, den Konflikt politisch regelnJanuary 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Abzug, um zu bleiben : Nachdenken in den USA über den strategischen SiegSeifert, Arne C. January 2011 (has links)
Plan B für Afghanistan
Langfriste Kampfmission
Geostrategie der USA
Interventionistische Orienterung
Deutschlands Rolle
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Ganz oder gar nicht! : Carl Schmitt und AfghanistanTönnies, Sibylle January 2011 (has links)
Der Nomos der Erde
Die Moralisierung des Völkerrechts
Weltgesetz ohne Weltexekutive
„Police Bombing“
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