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Obytný areál Ponavia park v Brně, příprava a organizace stavby / Preparation and Organization of ConstructionHladký, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction process of the apartment house Ponavia Park located in Brno. The thesis solves the individual realization phases of the main building phase. Building site equipment is designed for the projected construction process in three different variations. A technical report is also included in the building site. Critical points within the transport of materials and machines are also verified. A financial plan for the whole building is made as an summarizing time schedule for the apartment building. The sources for the financial plan are the figures taken from the Czech building objects classifications (JKSO). The summarizing time schedule is made in MS Projekt software and it’s designed as a Gantt diagram. A design of the main building machines and mechanisms was also made for the projected construction process. All of the machines were assessed for their respective required function on the building site. Also included in this thesis is a construction method for the reinforced concrete structures. The construction method deals with the realization process of waterproof concrete, reinforcement binding, formwork of the vertical and horizontal structures and also the process of concrete curing. The construction method is followed up by quality control and test plans for reinforced concrete structures, and a construction site safety plan that is made in the form of predicted main safety risks at the building site. For the noise load on the surrounding buildings a noise study is made. The study examines the intensity of noise in the protected outdoor space. This study was made in the Hluk+ software. The thesis also includes an item budget for the apartment house that was made in Build Power S software.
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Stavebně technologický projekt pro Mezinárodní centrum klinického výzkumu Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně / Construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne's University Hospital BrnoKozla, Dávid January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the construction technology project of the International Clinical Research Center of the St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno (ICRC), namely the first stage of the construction of the buildings "B1" and "C1". It tries to design an ideal technological process of construction with respect of local conditions. Technologically it focuses mainly on the issue of special foundation, namely protection of excavation pit with secant pile wall and pile foundation. There are processed technological regulations, time and financial plans, construction budget, control and test plan, plan of heavy equipment and safety or environmental requirements. Everything is supplemented by attachments and drawing documentation.
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Vybrané části stavebně technologického projektu fotbalové tribuny Androva stadionu v Olomouci / Selected Parts of Building and Technological Project for Football Tribune of Ander Stadium in OlomoucGarláthy, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis are the Selected Parts of Building and Technological Project for Football Tribune of Ander Stadium in Olomouc. The content of this diploma thesis is the technological process of assembly of the building bearing construction of prefabricated concrete elements, the budget, the inspection and the test plan, the issue of safety and health at the construction site, the project concerning the construction site installation, the mechanical assembly, assessment of tower crane, object time and financial plan, construction technology study and the construction timetable.
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Bytové domy v Brně, Bystrci - příprava a organizace výstavby / The Block of Flats in Brno, Bystrc - Project Planning and ManagementŠarlejová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the project planning and management of the construction of two houses of flats in Brno – Bystrc, Šemberova street. The houses of flats are designed as a newly built five floors above ground and one basement floor. The supporting system is made from brick ceramic blocks, underground floor is made of concrete blocks. This thesis processes technological project of building as preparation and building site equipment, use of machines necessary for implementation of the construction, monitoring and test plan, technological steps for basement walls of shuttering blocks. Finally, in this thesis dealt with time and cost of construction of houses of flats.
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Stavebně technologický projekt sídla firmy Snowboard Zezula / Construction technology project of Company Snowboard ZezulaNěmec, Martin January 2014 (has links)
In this master´s thesis I am focusing on the Construction technology project of Snowboard Zezula Company. Major part of my thesis informs on a technical report for a construction technology project, a time and a financial plan of a construction, a realization study of the main technological stage, a plan of the main construction mechanism, a project of a construction site device with drawings, a financial calculation of the construction site devices and some technological rules, checking and testing plan for designed operations. Lastly I compare the two different designs of a load-bearing construction level and I calculate time of sheat removing with the economical calculation of the work fissure number.
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Stavebně technologický projekt revitalizace těžní věže Brno / Construction and technological project of revitalization of mining tower in BrnoVšetečka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The task of this diploma’s thesis was processing construction-technology project to revitalization the mining towers because of its current worsened state and subsequent adjustments for cultural activities.
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Stavebně technologický projekt rozšíření chráněné dílny v Třinci / Construction technological expansion project of sheltered workshop in TrinecGwóźdź, Dariusz January 2016 (has links)
The subject of graduation thesis is a building-technological study of production and warehousing hall and headquarters of Ergon protected workshops in Třinec. The work is prepared on the basis of the project documentation. This consists of 8 building objects( 2 main building objects and 6 engineering objects). Building object SO 01-assembly and warehousing hall will be used for installation of assembly lines for simple mounting of imported parts and for semi automatic painting line equipment. Building object SO 02- headquarters building will be used for social activities of employees (WC. showers, social room , cloak rooms) and office premises. The main aims of graduation thesis are : project of construction site equipment including of time and economical evaluation, time schedule and financial plan for objects, study of main phases of project realisation for objects SO 01 and SO 02, project of main building machines including their radius( reach), time schedule of building object SO 02, technological prescript for steel construction preparation of object SO 01 with control and check plan.
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Přístavba polyfunkčních prostor k výrobní hale - stavebně technologický projekt / Outbuilding of polyfunctional spaces for the production hall- construction technology projectNavrátil, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The subject thesis's topic is the technological implementation of rough upper construction's extension of the company BÖHM's polyfunctional space to technological shop floor located in district Červený Kříž in city of Jihlava. This thesis contains (includes) the implementation of the building's framework made up of ferroconcret and steel construction. The thesis namely includes the solution of the construction site equipment, the situation of the construction with the transport routes solution, the technical report, the technology study of the major technology stages, the bill of quantities and the itemized budget, the suggestion of the main lifting device, the evaluation of the main finance funds for building's construction, the technological instruction, the technical report of the construction site equipment, the schedule of work suggestion of the machine system, the control plan and test plan.
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Polyfunkční dům Brno Gajdošova, stavebně technologická příprava stavby / Multifunctional building Brno, Gajdošova street, Civil technical projectKopecký, Ladislav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the building-technology construction preparation of the Multifunctional House Brno Gajdošova. The paper contains the technical report concerning this building; coordination of building situation; time and financial plan of the construction; study of the main technological stages; equipment project; design of major building machinery and mechanisms; schedule of the main construction building; technological regulations for making of the monolithic panel and the green flat roof; inspection and test plans in accordance with these regulations. Furthermore, two technologies referring to the execution of the monolithic roof panel are compared including the comparison of the test plan as well as the budget for the main building. The specialisation is in the field of construction of buildings with special focus on the layouts and the rust of the main building.
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Rekonstrukce Hlavní budovy Plaveč – příprava a organizace výstavby / RECONSTRUCTION OF THE CENTRAL BUILDING PLAVEČ – PREPARATION AND ORGANIZATION OF CONSTRUCTIONČerný, Karel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with reconstruction of the home for the elderly Plaveč main building. These reconstruction is primarily interior renovation, the rooms of clients and staff facilities, but also the surrounding of the building. All work will be in full operation. Consideration of this factor in the organization of construction is the main subject of this thesis, which shall include traffic contexts, costing, budget, time schedule, equipment of construction site, construction machinery, technology procedure, occupational safety and resources.
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