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Smlouva o dílo ve výstavbě / Contract for work in constructionŠťásková, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the legal regulation of contract of work in construction industry, especially the regulation contained in the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code. I also focused on main changes connected with passing the new Civil Code and I clarified the essence of some new legal institutions. This thesis is divided into 9 chapters; some of them are further divided into minor sections. Besides that the thesis includes Content, Index of Abbreviations and Bibliography. First chapter focuses on setting the aim of this thesis and then the historical context of contract of work, its development from the antiquity to concurrence. Contemporary regulation of contract for work is being compared to the contract of purchase and I describe the essentials of contract for work, in particular contracting parties, their rights and duties and the subject of work. In the fourth chapter I focus on the finalization and disposition of the work, according to the Civil Code the work is finished only if it is proven that it can be used for its purpose. Next I analyze the price of the work and options that can be agreed by the contract parties in terms of the price and the payments. Regarding the price I also describe retentive price, penalties and the institute of price cut in the next...
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Dohody uzavírané mimo pracovní poměr / Agreements beyond employmentHRUŠKOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to discover the size of using contracts for work and contracts for services outside main job contract. Contracts for work, which is considered as a second, but only half-time, job when employee can work up half of the work hours i.e. up to 20 hours per week. Contracts for services is mostly closed for a short term work. in this thesis I chose a 15 companies in Benešov to find out which contracts these companies uses more. If it's contract for work or contracts for servises.
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Odpovědnost zhotovitele ve smlouvě o dílo v investiční výstavbě / Liability of a Contractor in the Contract for Work in Investment ConstructionKazdová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
71 Abstract Thesis, as the title suggests, is focused mainly on the liability of a contractor resulting from contracts for work concluded by parties in order to execute large industrial works. Capital construction is economically significant branch of industry both from national and international perspective. Czech law regulates capital construction, as far as private law is concerned, mainly by Commercial Code in it's articles dedicated to general regulation of contract for work. Capital construction requires sufficiently detailed contractual arrangements of mutual rights and obligations. Detailed arrangements concluded by parties are necessary due to the complexity, technical, technological, time, material, financial and personal demandingness of the subject matter of work along with long-term character of mutual relations and high risk of amendment of legislation. Thesis deals with usual arrangements of contracts concluded by parties in practice related to the liability of a contractor in capital construction. Besides the thesis displays the amount of risk the contractors bear and the scope of their liability in case of breach of the contracted obligations. The most important terms used in practice are described in the introduction of the thesis. These terms originate from formerly valid Economic Code,...
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Smlouva o přepravě věci / A contract for carriage of goodsČapek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Contract for carriage of goods This thesis deals with the contract for carriage of goods. Its main objective is a legal analysis of this contract and demonstration of the wide scope of its use. Dynamic development of transport and the still growing volume of goods being transported showed us the need of good quality legal regulations. The largest part of the thesis deals with the czech legal regulations on the contract for carriage of goods; however the thesis considers also international regulations. The thesis consists of seven chapters. The first one shows historic development of transport as such, but namely development of legal regulations governing contracts of carriage. It also elaborates on the regulations immediately preceding to regulations contained in the new civil code. The second chapter is the introduction to the current issues of contracts of carriage. Besides that, this chapter contains the comparison with a forwarding contract, for which, the contract for carriage of goods is sometimes mistakenly taken. The broadest third chapter deals with the details of the czech legislation on the contract for carriage of goods contained in the civil code. It is divided into eight sub-chapters. It contains significant requirements for the contents of the contract. It closely...
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Právní úprava přepravy věci / The legal regulation on the carriage of goodsSlušný, Vladimír January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the legal regulation on the carriage of goods. This issue occupies an important role in everyday economic reality. Legal regulation in this field is highly stratified among legal regulations concerning private law, international agreements and partly among legal regulations concerning public law. This thesis mainly covers the regulation contained in the Czech Civil Code and in international conventions. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into five chapters, which are further divided, with the exception of the first chapter, into subchapters. The first chapter, which focuses on historical development and mainly on Roman law, is followed by chapters dealing with particular types of contracts which can be the legal cause for the carriage of goods. These include the following: contract for the carriage of goods, forwarding contract and contract for the operation of a means of transport. Firstly, these contracts are characterized and then the elements of such contracts are described, as well as the duties and rights of the contracting parties and questions regarding compensation for damage. The thesis also points out the interpretative problems that occur in the regulation of these contracts. The differences between these types of...
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Smlouva o dílo / Contract for workDörflová, Alžběta January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with some areas of the work contract (the scope of the work, the price of the work and the payment terms and the execution of the work). The dissertation consists of two unevenly large parts. The general part briefly introduces the concept of commitment and contract, describes in general the contract for a work including a brief historical and foreign excursion and generalizes the national legislation of contract for a work according to the Civil Code, focusing on its character, form, typical features and essentials. The last subchapter differentiates the contract for a work from some similar contractual types. A special part of this dissertation is divided into four chapters. The first chapter approximates the concepts of "mandatory" and "non-mandatory" provisions as the types of legal nature of a legal rule. The next chapter deals with contract for a work focused on construction work and examines the legal nature of the special provisions. The following and most extensive chapter consists of three subchapters (price for a work, the scope of a work and the performance of a work and payment terms) and deals in detail with both the legal regulation of the part and the legal nature of provisions, as well as the reflection of the parties' interests in the area of the contract...
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Olja, mer än bara svart guld? : En studie om korrelationen mellan och möjligheten att skapa en handelsstrategi med olja och växlingskursen SEK/USD / Oil, more than just black gold?Karlsson, Viktor, Nygren, Emil January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet är att konstruera en handelsstrategi baserad på Contracts-For-Difference (CFD) för att utnyttja de möjliga samband som föreligger mellan oljepris och SEK/USD växlingskurs.</p><p>Uppsatsen baseras på en induktiv ansats med kvantitativ metod. Slutsatser dras från utifrån de data som har bearbetats.</p><p>Korrelationen mellan olja och valutan SEK/USD är starkt negativ. Funktionaliteten hos ”Moving Average” som indikator för trendskiften bedöms som relativt hög. Handelsstrategin som har konstruerats uppvisar positivt resultat efter fem års simulerad handel. Handelsstrategin skulle kunna automatiseras och automatisering av denna bedöms som mindre komplicerat.</p> / <p>The purpose is to construct a trading strategy based on Contracts-For-Difference (CFD) to exploit the possible correlations between oil price and SEK/USD spot rate.</p><p>The thesis is based on an inductive approach with a quantitative methodology. Conclusions are drawn from the data that has been processed.</p><p>The correlation between oil and currency SEK/USD has a strong negative value. The functionality of "Moving Average" as an indicator for showing trend shifts are assessed as relatively high. The constructed trade strategy gave positive results after five years of simulated trading. The trade strategy could be automated and the automation of this is considered less complicated.</p>
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Olja, mer än bara svart guld? : En studie om korrelationen mellan och möjligheten att skapa en handelsstrategi med olja och växlingskursen SEK/USD / Oil, more than just black gold?Karlsson, Viktor, Nygren, Emil January 2010 (has links)
Syftet är att konstruera en handelsstrategi baserad på Contracts-For-Difference (CFD) för att utnyttja de möjliga samband som föreligger mellan oljepris och SEK/USD växlingskurs. Uppsatsen baseras på en induktiv ansats med kvantitativ metod. Slutsatser dras från utifrån de data som har bearbetats. Korrelationen mellan olja och valutan SEK/USD är starkt negativ. Funktionaliteten hos ”Moving Average” som indikator för trendskiften bedöms som relativt hög. Handelsstrategin som har konstruerats uppvisar positivt resultat efter fem års simulerad handel. Handelsstrategin skulle kunna automatiseras och automatisering av denna bedöms som mindre komplicerat. / The purpose is to construct a trading strategy based on Contracts-For-Difference (CFD) to exploit the possible correlations between oil price and SEK/USD spot rate. The thesis is based on an inductive approach with a quantitative methodology. Conclusions are drawn from the data that has been processed. The correlation between oil and currency SEK/USD has a strong negative value. The functionality of "Moving Average" as an indicator for showing trend shifts are assessed as relatively high. The constructed trade strategy gave positive results after five years of simulated trading. The trade strategy could be automated and the automation of this is considered less complicated.
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Smlouva o zhotovení softwaru / Custom Software Development AgreementKábrt, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Custom software development agreement is a very actual topic. Nowadays, the increasing demand for IT services puts greater demands on quality of legal services. Development of IT services in the Czech Republic also causes that more and more cases end up in court. One of important parts of IT services is the custom software development and the legal regulation of this phenomenon is the subject of this master's thesis. Custom software development agreement as a legal topic is a very specific topic, because it contains not only problematic issues from the field of law but also from more technical fields. To fully understand content of this work, it is necessary to have at least basic knowledge in the field of software development. Basic computer skills are then taken for granted. The topic of this thesis is very actual also because of the recodification of private law in the Czech Republic, which came into force during the elaboration of this thesis. Thesis will operate with the Czech law, because comparison with foreign legislation would require much larger scope of the paper, than the given one. This thesis aims to provide the most complex view of the custom software development agreement as possible, considering defined scope of this paper. Articles regarding this subject are mostly focused on the...
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An Investigation On The Application Of Standard Contracts In The Turkish Construction IndustrySertyesilisik, Begum 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Construction contracts are one of the most important tools in the construction sector. They define the various aspects, obligations and relations between each party that are necessary to reach a common expected goal. They contribute to successful completion of projects. Turkish construction companies have successfully completed many projects in domestic and international venues and gained important experience in this respect / however, they still encounter problems in application. The aim of this study was:
- to analyze Yapim & / #272 / slerine Ait Tip Sö / zlesme (Standard Contract for Construction Works, YIATS) of Kamu & / #272 / hale Kurumu (Public Procurement Authority KIK) and Fé / dé / ration Internationale des Ingé / nieurs-Conseils (International Federation of Consulting Engineers, FIDIC) standard contract for construction / - to identify problem areas and their causes in application of contracts / - to compare YIATS and FIDIC contracts with respect to problem areas / - to analyze views, experiences and recommendations of companies about YIATS and FIDIC contracts.
In this study, based on survey conducted on contract literature, questionnaire was applied to member companies of Tü / rk Mü / teahhitler Birligi (the Turkish Contractors&rsquo / Association, TMB). Applied standard contracts, Court of Cessation decisions and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration awards were analyzed to determine problem areas. Telephonic and face-to-face interviews were performed with staff of companies for further information on their answers, their opinions and recommendations on problem areas. Additionally, hypotheses were tested: to determine the effect of existence of clauses on exposure of contractors to consequences of problems emerged in execution phase of contract / to analyze relationship between problems encountered in FIDIC or YIATS and financial, temporal and non-compliance problem areas / to analyze effect of cost determination method on emergence of problems related to these areas. These studies revealed main problem areas as: financial, temporal and non-compliance issues.
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