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Performance evaluation of C-ACC/platooning under ITS-G5 communicationsLyamin, Nikita January 2016 (has links)
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are aiming to provide innovative services related to different modes of transport and traffic management, and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated and smarter use of transport networks. Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) support connectivity between vehicles, vehicles and roadside infrastructure, traffic signals as well as with other road users. In order to enable vehicular communications European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) delivered ITS-G5 -- a of set of C-ITS standards. Considering the goals of C-ITS, inter-vehicle communications should be reliable and efficient. In this thesis we study the performance, efficiency, and dependability of ITS-G5 communications for Cooperative adaptive cruise control (C-ACC) and platooning C-ITS applications. We provide an overview of currently available and ongoing standardization targeting communications in C-ACC/platooning. We study the performance of ITS-G5 beaconing in a C-ACC/platooning scenario, where we show that its performance may deteriorate when implemented in cooperative driving applications due to the kinematic-dependent design of the message triggering mechanism. We explain in detail the cause of this phenomenon and test it for a wide range of parameters. Also, we study the influence of different available ITS-G5 legitimate setups on the C-ACC/platooning fuel efficiency and demonstrate that proper communication setup may enhance fuel savings. This thesis also proposes a jamming denial-of-service attack detection algorithm for platooning. The main advantage of our detector is its short learning phase that not exceed a second and low detection delay of a few hundreds of milliseconds. Under some assumptions, the proposed algorithm demonstrates the ability to detect certain types of attacks with average probability above 0.9. / ACDC
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Evaluation and Improvement of Decentralized Congestion Control for Multiplatooning Application / Utvärdering och förbättring av decentraliserade överbelastning kontroll för konvoj av fordonskonvojerBai, Chumeng January 2018 (has links)
Platooning has the potential to be a breakthrough in increasing road capacity and reducing fuel consumption, as it allows a chain of vehicles to closely follow each other on the road. When the number of vehicles increases, platoons will follow one another in what is referred to as multiplatooning. Many Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) applications rely on periodically exchanged beacons among vehicles to improve traffic safety. However, as the number of connected vehicles increases, the network may become congested due to periodically exchanged beacons. Therefore, without some congestion control method, safety critical messages such as Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs) may not be delivered on time in high vehicle density scenarios. Both the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have been working on different standards to support vehicular communication. ETSI dened the Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) mechanism which adapts transmission parameters (message rate, transmit data rate, and transmit power, etc.) to keep channel load under control. ETSI DCC utilizes a three-state machine with RELAXED, ACTIVE, and RESTRICTIVE states. In this thesis, we implemented this three-state machine by adapting the message rate based on the channel busy ratio (CBR). We name this message-rate based three-state machine DCC-3. DCC-3 has the ability to control channel load; however, it has unfairness and instability problems due to the dramatic parameter changes between states. Therefore, we divided the ACTIVE state of DCC-3 into ve sub-states, and refer to this as DCC-7. We benchmarked DCC-3 against static beaconing (STB), dynamic beaconing (DynB), LInear MEssage Rate Integrated Control (LIMERIC), and DCC-7 using different evaluation metrics with different numbers of platoons. Our results from the Plexe simulator demonstrate that DCC-7 has the best performance when considering all evaluation metrics, including CBR, Inter-reception time (IRT), collisions, safe time ratio, and fairness. Furthermore, we found using transmit power control could greatly improve the performance of CBR and collision rates. / Platooning (fordonskonvojer) har potential att bli ett genombrott i öka vägkapaciteten och minska bränsleförbrukning, eftersom det tillåter en kedja av fordon att noga följa varandra på vägen. När antalet fordon ökar, kommer att plutoner följa varandra i vad som benämns multiplatooning (konvoj av fordonskonvojer). Många kooperativ intelligenta transportsystem (C-ITS) tillämpningar förlitar sig på regelbundet utbytte beacons bland fordon att förbättra traffiksäkerheten. Dock som antalet uppkopplade fordon ökar, kan nätverket bli överbelastat på grund av regelbundet utbytte beacons. Utan någon trängsel kontrollmetod, får därför säkerhet kritiska meddelanden såsom kooperativ medvetenhet meddelanden (CAMs) inte levereras i tid i höga fordon densitet scenarier. Både Europeiska institutet för telekommunikationsstandarder (ETSI) och Institute el och elektroniska tekniker (IEEE) har arbetat på olika standarder för att stödja vehicular kommunikation. ETSI definieras den decentraliserade överbelastning kontroll (DCC) mekanism som anpassar överföring parametrar (meddelande hastighet, överföra datahastighet och sändningseffekt, etc.) för att hålla kanalen belastningen under kontroll. ETSI DCC använder en tre-state maskin med RELAXED, ACTIVE och RESTRICTIVE stater. I denna avhandling har genomfört vi denna tre-state maskin genom att anpassa meddelande hastighet baserat på kanal upptagen förhållandet (CBR). Vi nämna detta meddelande-hastighet baserat tre-state machine DCC-3. DCC-3 har förmågan att kontrollera kanal belastning; Det har dock otillbörlighet och instabilitet problem på grund av de dramatiska parameterändringar mellan stater. Därför vi indelat det ACTIVE tillståndet för DCC-3 i fem undertillstånd och hänvisar till detta som DCC-7. Vi benchmarkade DCC-3 mot statiska leda (STB), dynamisk leda (DynB), linjära MEssage Rate integrerad kontroll (LIMERIC) och DCC-7 med olika utvärdering statistik med olika antal plutoner. Våra resultat från Plexe simulator visar att DCC-7 har bästa prestanda när man överväger alla utvärdering statistik, inklusive CBR, mellan receptionen tid (IRT), kollisioner, säker tid baserat och rättvisa. Vi fann dessutom använda Sändareffektstyrning kan avsevärt förbättra prestanda för CBR och kollision priser.
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