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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Para uma análise sintática das construções relativas no crioulo da ilha de São Nicolau - Cabo Verde / For a syntatic analysis of relative constructions in the Creole from the island of São Nicolau

Lopes, Francisco João 30 July 2012 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação empreendemos a primeira descrição e análise das construções relativas na variedade caboverdiana do crioulo da ilha de São Nicolau (daqui em diante CSN) grupo de Barlavento enfocando a tipologia dessas construções, suas estruturas sintáticas e a natureza dos elementos que as introduzem. O trabalho apresenta também uma primeira descrição dos pronomes-Whs em CSN que nos auxiliou na categorização dos elementos introdutores de relativas nesta variedade do caboverdiano. A partir da descrição dos relativizadores, recorrendo a leituras semânticas e diferenças estruturais das relativas, apresentamos a tipologia e estratégias de relativização atestadas na língua. Ao descrevermos as construções relativas em CSN, deparamo-nos com um conjunto de dados que assumimos não conter relativas: construções clivadas. Corroborando trabalhos prévios de que clivadas são estruturas de foco, comparamos estas estruturas com outras semelhantes em CSN: as copulativas. Recorremos a testes prosódicos a fim de corroborarmos as leituras de foco para as clivadas e ainda para apontarmos a existência de relativas, mas somente nas construções copulativas. Nosso trabalho aponta que o morfema k pode desempenhar as funções de complementizador relativo, mas ainda a de marcador de foco na língua. / In this research we undertak the first description and analysis of relative constructions in the Cape Verdean Creole variety of the island of São Nicolau (hereinafter CSN) from the Barlavento group - focusing on the typology of such constructions, their syntactic structures and nature of the elements that introduce them. The work also presents a first description of pronouns-Wh in CSN which helped us to categorize the relative introducer elements for this variety of the Cape Verdean language. From the description of the markers, and resorting to semantic readings and structural differences, we present the typology and strategies of relativization attested in the language. In describing the relative constructions in CSN, we observed a set of data which we assume do not contain relatives: the cleft constructions. Confirming previous studies that cleft constructions are structures of focus, we compare these with other similar structures in CSN: the copulatives. We make use of prosodic tests in order to confirm readings of focus for the cleft structures and also to point out that there are relative constructions, but only in the copulative constructions. Our work points to the fact that the morpheme K\' can perform the functions of a relative complementizer, as well as those of a focus marker on this language.

Para uma análise sintática das construções relativas no crioulo da ilha de São Nicolau - Cabo Verde / For a syntatic analysis of relative constructions in the Creole from the island of São Nicolau

Francisco João Lopes 30 July 2012 (has links)
Nesta Dissertação empreendemos a primeira descrição e análise das construções relativas na variedade caboverdiana do crioulo da ilha de São Nicolau (daqui em diante CSN) grupo de Barlavento enfocando a tipologia dessas construções, suas estruturas sintáticas e a natureza dos elementos que as introduzem. O trabalho apresenta também uma primeira descrição dos pronomes-Whs em CSN que nos auxiliou na categorização dos elementos introdutores de relativas nesta variedade do caboverdiano. A partir da descrição dos relativizadores, recorrendo a leituras semânticas e diferenças estruturais das relativas, apresentamos a tipologia e estratégias de relativização atestadas na língua. Ao descrevermos as construções relativas em CSN, deparamo-nos com um conjunto de dados que assumimos não conter relativas: construções clivadas. Corroborando trabalhos prévios de que clivadas são estruturas de foco, comparamos estas estruturas com outras semelhantes em CSN: as copulativas. Recorremos a testes prosódicos a fim de corroborarmos as leituras de foco para as clivadas e ainda para apontarmos a existência de relativas, mas somente nas construções copulativas. Nosso trabalho aponta que o morfema k pode desempenhar as funções de complementizador relativo, mas ainda a de marcador de foco na língua. / In this research we undertak the first description and analysis of relative constructions in the Cape Verdean Creole variety of the island of São Nicolau (hereinafter CSN) from the Barlavento group - focusing on the typology of such constructions, their syntactic structures and nature of the elements that introduce them. The work also presents a first description of pronouns-Wh in CSN which helped us to categorize the relative introducer elements for this variety of the Cape Verdean language. From the description of the markers, and resorting to semantic readings and structural differences, we present the typology and strategies of relativization attested in the language. In describing the relative constructions in CSN, we observed a set of data which we assume do not contain relatives: the cleft constructions. Confirming previous studies that cleft constructions are structures of focus, we compare these with other similar structures in CSN: the copulatives. We make use of prosodic tests in order to confirm readings of focus for the cleft structures and also to point out that there are relative constructions, but only in the copulative constructions. Our work points to the fact that the morpheme K\' can perform the functions of a relative complementizer, as well as those of a focus marker on this language.

Fonologiese en morfologiese beskrywing van Lobedu

Kotze, Albert Ewald 28 May 2015 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die fonologie en die morfologie van Lobedu, 'n dialek van die Noordoostelike dialekbundel van Noord-Sotho, beskryf. Historiese gegewens, soos in hoofstuk 1 weergegee, toon aan dat die Balobedu vroeer uitgebreide kontak met die Bavenda gehad het. Die vokale van Lobedu is anders as hulle standaard ewekniee op die vokaalkaart geposisioneer. In hoofstuk 2 word aangetoon dat die vokaalsisteem in sekere opsigte met 'n vyfvokaalsisteem ooreenstem, maar nogtans oor sewe foneme beskik. Tekens van 'n verskuiwing in die rigting van die meer tipiese sewevokaalsisteem is opgemerk. Die konsonante van Lobedu word gekenmerk deur veral vier a-tipiese artikulasies: dentale klanke vervang die standaard laterale sluitklanke, retroflekse sluitklanke vervang alveolere sluitklanke, oorwegend stemhebbende sluitklanke vervang tipiese Noord-Sotho se geejekteerde klanke, en affriksie by die vrylating van retroflekse plosiewe is prominent. In hoofstuk 3 word gekonsentreer op die toonpatrone wat verskillende naamwoorde en werkwoorde kenmerk. lnteressante verskille tussen standaard Noord-Sotho en Lobedu is gedokumenteer, hoewel daar uiteraard ook heelwat ooreenkomste bestaan. In hoofstuk 4 word die oorsprong van foneme diachronies nagespeur, terwyl alle geidentifiseerde klankveranderinge in hoofstuk 5 opgeneem is. 'n Uitstaande kenmerk van Lobedu is dat die kombinasie van labiale konsonante geheel en al anders as in tipiese Noord-Sotho hanteer word. In hoofstukke 6 tot 8 word die woordkategoriee morfologies beskryf en ontleed. Kenmerke van die werkwoord in die verskillende verbale subkategoriee kom ook aan die orde: Daar word na diachroniese feite verwys ten einde die voorkoms van sekere allomorfe te verklaar, terwyl die herkoms van sekere morfeme na Venda en Tsonga teruggevoer word. Hoofstuk 9 bevat 'n gedetailleerde uiteensetting van die struktuur van die verskillende kopulatiewe. In die finale hoofstuk word tot die slotsom gekom dat Lobedu wel as 'n dialek van Noord-Sotho beskou moat word, ten spyte van aansienlike Venda-beinvloeding. Die voorkoms van a-tipiese kenmerke diskwalifiseer Lobedu nie as 'n Noord-Sotho dialek nie; indien wel, moat die status van verskeie ander Noord-Sotho dialekte ook bevraagteken word. Die Balobedu beskou hulleself as Noord-Sotho manse, en die effektiewe kommunikasie tussen die Balobedu en sprekers van Noord-Sotho bewys dat onderlinge verstaanbaarheid 'n werklikheid is / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikatale)

Fonologiese en morfologiese beskrywing van Lobedu

Kotze, Albert Ewald 28 May 2015 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die fonologie en die morfologie van Lobedu, 'n dialek van die Noordoostelike dialekbundel van Noord-Sotho, beskryf. Historiese gegewens, soos in hoofstuk 1 weergegee, toon aan dat die Balobedu vroeer uitgebreide kontak met die Bavenda gehad het. Die vokale van Lobedu is anders as hulle standaard ewekniee op die vokaalkaart geposisioneer. In hoofstuk 2 word aangetoon dat die vokaalsisteem in sekere opsigte met 'n vyfvokaalsisteem ooreenstem, maar nogtans oor sewe foneme beskik. Tekens van 'n verskuiwing in die rigting van die meer tipiese sewevokaalsisteem is opgemerk. Die konsonante van Lobedu word gekenmerk deur veral vier a-tipiese artikulasies: dentale klanke vervang die standaard laterale sluitklanke, retroflekse sluitklanke vervang alveolere sluitklanke, oorwegend stemhebbende sluitklanke vervang tipiese Noord-Sotho se geejekteerde klanke, en affriksie by die vrylating van retroflekse plosiewe is prominent. In hoofstuk 3 word gekonsentreer op die toonpatrone wat verskillende naamwoorde en werkwoorde kenmerk. lnteressante verskille tussen standaard Noord-Sotho en Lobedu is gedokumenteer, hoewel daar uiteraard ook heelwat ooreenkomste bestaan. In hoofstuk 4 word die oorsprong van foneme diachronies nagespeur, terwyl alle geidentifiseerde klankveranderinge in hoofstuk 5 opgeneem is. 'n Uitstaande kenmerk van Lobedu is dat die kombinasie van labiale konsonante geheel en al anders as in tipiese Noord-Sotho hanteer word. In hoofstukke 6 tot 8 word die woordkategoriee morfologies beskryf en ontleed. Kenmerke van die werkwoord in die verskillende verbale subkategoriee kom ook aan die orde: Daar word na diachroniese feite verwys ten einde die voorkoms van sekere allomorfe te verklaar, terwyl die herkoms van sekere morfeme na Venda en Tsonga teruggevoer word. Hoofstuk 9 bevat 'n gedetailleerde uiteensetting van die struktuur van die verskillende kopulatiewe. In die finale hoofstuk word tot die slotsom gekom dat Lobedu wel as 'n dialek van Noord-Sotho beskou moat word, ten spyte van aansienlike Venda-beinvloeding. Die voorkoms van a-tipiese kenmerke diskwalifiseer Lobedu nie as 'n Noord-Sotho dialek nie; indien wel, moat die status van verskeie ander Noord-Sotho dialekte ook bevraagteken word. Die Balobedu beskou hulleself as Noord-Sotho manse, en die effektiewe kommunikasie tussen die Balobedu en sprekers van Noord-Sotho bewys dat onderlinge verstaanbaarheid 'n werklikheid is / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikatale)

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