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Inovace pěstební technologie cukrové řepy v zemědělské společnosti GRANEROLuska, Karel January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza aktuálního zaplevelení vybraných širokořádkových plodinPfefr, Ladislav January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to assess the weed infestation and the effect of crop density on the occurrence of weeds in selected wide-row crops on the land of the agricultural holding Agrospol a. d. Knínice. The weed infestation was assessed in the crops of maize, common sunflower and sugar beet. The weed infestation rate was determined in field conditions using the calculation method. The results were further processed by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Species such as Elytrigia repens, Geranium pusilum and Mercurialis annua were found in fields with sparse maize crop. Fallopia convolvulus and Anagallis arvensis prevailed in fields with sparse common sunflower crop. Species such as Chenopodium album, Echinochloa crusgalli and Veronica persica were most common in fields with sparse sugar beet crop.
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Postavení komodity cukrová řepa v národních a mezinárodních souvislostechOsladilová, Martina January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on a sugar beet and a sugar market situation. First part of this thesis shows general overview of the market, ussage of sugar beet, sugar manufacturing, financial support, etc. The analytic part of the thesis is divided into separate parts as global, european and domestic sugar market while the most attention is paid to domestic situation. For the analisys of domestic market was a used basic index and a price transmission of average annual prizes since 2000 to 2016. To achieve the goal was used particular this literature: CSU, MZe, Listy cukrovarnicke a reparske a Potravinarska komora Ceske republiky. The results shows that the situation of sugar beet and sugar market is constantly evolving and is controlled by agrarian policy. Liberalization of the market brings free trade to the european market on the other hand there is high probabillty just for big manufacturers to persist on the market. The small companies will have troubles to succed on the market next to the big companies unless there will be change in sugar beet financial support.
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Využití půdoochranných technologií v pěstování řepy cukrové / Use of soil conservation technologies in the growing of sugar beetHybler, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
More recently we meet with many extremes of weather. One such are sudden and heavy rainstorms. Now most these rains endanger the agricultural land the emergence of water erosion. Most sensitive to water erosion are wide row crops, including sugar beet also. For these reasons, in recent years we paid great attention to the impact of tillage effects on soil water erosion.
The aim of this thesis was evaluate the influence of autumn tillage on water erosion soil in the stand of sugar beet, but also on the yield and quality parameters of the crop. A secondary aim was to assess the effect of increasing the leafy ground cover beet on water erosion soil.
For this purpose over the years 2012-2015 based on accurate field trials on lands Agro Chomutice Inc. Experiments were set up in three variants namely shallow loosening (10 cm) deep plowing (25 cm) deep loosening (25 cm). In various growth phases proceeds artificial rainfall. In the first growth phase was not sugarbeet involved either in row and not in the between rows. In the second growth phase of the beet involved in the row between rows but not yet. In the third growth phase has been fully involved growth. Itself artificial rainfall was performed field simulator rain and was observed soil loss from individual variants.
At artificial rainfall it was found that sugar beet is the most threatened by water erosion soil in the early growth phase and at this phase the most evident difference autumn tillage to sugar beets. In the first growth phase of sugar beet, which was carried artificial rainfall, the best results both for deep loosening and deep plowing. In 2012 (24. 5. 2012) was measured with a deep loosening of soil loss of 1.30 t ha-1, representing a decrease of 64.76% compared to the shallow loosening and by 40.91% compared to deep plowing. Conversely, in 2014 (2. 6. 2014) was evaluated as the best variant of deep plowing the soil loss of 0.11 t ha-1. Such loss soil is 78.43% less compared to the deep loosening and lower by 91.41% compared to the shallow loosening. Similar results were achieved for both deep loosening and deep plowing in the later phases of growth, which was carried artificial rainfall. From the results it was found that the sugar beet at later growth phases better resists water erosion. This is illustrated in 2012, when the first artificial rainfall (24. 5. 2012) was observed soil loss of 2.20 t ha-1 for deep plowing. In the second artificial rainfall (6. 6. 2012) 0.03 t ha-1, and the third (1. 8. 2012) have been measured zero loss soil. The same results were achieved in the following experimental years.
On deep loosening achieved the largest root yield (99.71 t ha-1), but the difference between deep plowing (99.32 t ha-1) was only 0.39%. The highest sugar content reached variant with deep loosening (18.95%). When the statistical treatment has not been established between the variants statistically significant difference. The greatest yield root recalculated at 16% sugar content reached variant with deep loosening (122.32 t ha-1), but again the difference between deep plowing (119.81 t ha-1) was only 2.10%.
Results from four years has clearly demonstrated beneficial effect of deep loosening and deep tillage on soil water erosion in the sugar beet crop. Furthermore, it was found that with increasing abundances leaf and root growth of sugar beet decreases danger of water erosion. Sugar beet is the most susceptible to water erosion in the early phases of growth, and at this time was applied deep autumn tillage. For a fully wired vegetation were not detected significant loss soil, and at this time ceases to be a dangerous erosion sugar beet crop. For yield and quality parameters of sugar beet was found positive effect of deep loosening and deep tillage on yield and quality of sugar beet. The least favorable results in all experimental years was achieved in a shallow loosening.
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Vliv zhutnění půdy na produkční ukazatele cukrové řepy / Influence of soil compaction on production parameters of sugar beetBalák, František January 2016 (has links)
The methods of autumn tillage in sugar beet are still oriented mainly on classic cultivation, which is based on ploughing. Minimalization methods have recently appeared in sugar beet as well, mainly due to their anti-erosion effect. This thesis deals with question, whether is the minimalization tillage able to match classic cultivation in its positive effect on soil fertility. To compare the effect, penetration resistance has been measured, as it serves as an indicator of field compaction, which should be alleviated by autumn tillage. Aim of this thesis is to measure the effect of soil compaction on soil cultivated by ploughing or deep chiseling in a particular area of sugar beet and to assess the impact of soil compaction on its production.
Research has taken place in semi-practice experiments in fields in the vicinity of Jičín in years from 2012 to 2015. Measured field parameters were soil penetration resistance and soil wetness. Rated parts of vegetation have been manually harvested in technological maturity and from sampled tubers has been determined yield, sugar content and other quality parameters. Tested fields were medium compacted, penetration resistance to 40 cm was in average between 3 to 4 MPa, depending on tillage quality and on sampling date. Ploughing and deep chiseling managed to provably alleviate soil compaction and thus considerably helped to setup sugar beet vegetation well. Yield and qualityparameters were very good, yield of tubers reached in average 95 t.ha-1 and the sugar content 18,7 %. Yield of polarization sugar reached in average 17,8 t.ha-1.
As the research has shown, autumn tillage by deep chiseling is in its soil loosening effect comparable with ploughing and even exceeds it a little in its influence on vegetation quality. Good autumn tillage raises values of all yield factors and quality parameters. Between basic parameters of yields were found no statistically significant differences for the two autumn tillage methods. In the yield of polarization sugar per hectare was found a statistically significant difference of 1,5 % for the benefit of deep chiseling.
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Technika a technologie sklizně cukrovkyMedera, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the harvest, transport and handling with harvested beets. It describes existing designs self-propelled harvesters, technical differences between individual producers and economic comparison of the operation between selected representatives two and three-axle machines. In relation to the issue of the harvest is described cleaning and loading beets to vehicles with a thorough analysis cleaner loaders and economical comparison between two machine lines. The practical part focuses on the influence of speed setting income table cylinders to total losses and performance self-propelled cleaner loader Ropa euro-Maus 4, describes the methodology of field measurement and conclusions derived from the values obtained.
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Vývoj komoditní vertikály cukrové řepy v českém agrárním sektoruVaněk, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the definition and characteristics of decisive factors that influenced the production and economic context of the development of the individual phases of the commodity vertical sugar - sugar beet in the Czech Republic and within the EU common market. It defines in more detail the crucial changes affecting the business environment related to sugar beet and sugar production. It characterizes the impacts of specific measures on individual phases of commodity vertical. It examines the development of sowing areas, yield per hectare and sugar content of sugar beet for agricultural producers. Within the downstream industry, it describes the development of our sugar industry and compares current processing capacities with selected EU countries. In conclusion, the thesis deals with the balance of import and export of sugar and confectionery, as well as the analysis of the relationship between price and sugar consumption and the reaction to price movements in individual phases of commodity vertical.
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Světový trh cukru a postavení ČR na tomto trhu / World Sugar Market and the role of the Czech RepublicVrběcká, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I am analysing world sugar market and the role of the Czech Republic on this market. In the first chapter I am describing sugar as a general commodity, its usage, consumption and production, also the production in important areas. In the second part of the thesis I am writing about the restrictions of the sugar market from European Union, I am describing all reforms and quotas and its influence on all countries. In the third part, the most important one, I am writing about sugar trade on Exchange which instruments are mainly being used, news forms of trading such as Fair Trade. I am also describing factors that influence development of prices. In the last part, also very important one, I am writing about the role of the Czech Republic on the world market and its development throughout the years and about attenuation of the sugar production in our country.
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Hodnocení perspektivních zelenin z hospodářského a nutričního hlediskaSodomková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work consists of the study of chosen species of vegetables of an Asian origin. The focus is put on the technology of growing these vegetables and also on their nutritive qualities. Three species of pigweed (Amaranthus sp L.), two species of asparagus lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. angustana L. H. Bailey), indian lettuce (Lactuca indica L.), common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.), jewels of opar (Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gaertn.) a sweet corn (Zea mays L.) were included in the experiment. The evaluation of growth and profit parameters was made and furthermore, the evaluation of important content elements such as the Vitamin C, antioxidation capacity, the content of minerals et cetera. The experiment was carried out in the area of Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice in 2014. Based on the results of the experiment the differences between the growth demands of each vegetable species were recognized, as well as the differences of the content elements of each species. As all species were successfully cultivated, we can claim that these types of vegetables are capable of acclimatizing to the conditions of the Czech Republic. Regarding their content they are diverse species with a wide utilization. pigweed, asparagus lettuce and common purslane in particular, have proved to be perspective species of vegetables with an easy growing method and wide nutritive values.
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Možnosti ovlivnění technologické kvality cukrovky při uplatnění pomocných látekSalazar Molina, Andrea Nataly January 2015 (has links)
In diploma thesis called "Possibilities of affecting the technological quality of sugar beet by application of supplementary substances" is dealt with the sugar beet cultivation problems and sugar production. Above all, the individual agrotechnical factors affecting the quality of sugar beet are described. Furthermore, various possibilities of application of different kinds of foliar fertilisers, growth substances, elicitors and supplementary preparations that affect the yield and quality of sugar beet are mentioned. In the practical part are discussed the results of the use of the preparation NanoFYT Si and the foliar fertiliser K-Gel 175 on the growth, yield and quality of sugar beet during the vegetation period. The yield characteristics are evaluated, digestion and content of alpha amino nitrogen determined and sugar production per hectare calculated.
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