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The Role of Customer Support Service in Relationship Strengthening : A Case of Swedish Broadband Internet Service ProvidersQasim, Muhammad, Asadullah, Mohammad January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining factors affecting customer satisfaction : A case-study of a Swedish firmKhan, Rizwan, Narawane, Ganesh January 2011 (has links)
Customer satisfaction, are not just two words simply to be used in any businesscontext. Actually, these are the words that encapsulate the theme of what sort ofbusiness practices are being done by the companies in terms of making theircustomers satisfied or delight. Customer satisfaction plays a pivotal role intoday’s business scenario and there are some basic factors which may impact oncustomer satisfaction either positively or negatively. For instance; responsiveness,efficiency & performance, service quality, price and technology etc may havestrong influence on company’s products (goods or services). Few researchersdiscussed only some factors regarding services which impact on customersatisfaction and none of them discussed particularly some basic, common andmajor factors regarding services/e-services for companies which are small, newand growing enterprises. Therefore, authors made an attempt to highlight somebasic factors and examined how they effect on customer satisfaction. Our findingsshowed that the factors such as responsiveness, professionalism, complaintmanagement system, customer care, technology, efficiency & performance, price,service quality and experience are examined with negative impact on customersatisfaction as almost half of company’s customers were observed dissatisfied.One factor that is found with positive impact on customer satisfaction iscompany’s attitude towards its customers. It is quite notice worthy for a companyto take serious considerations to remove the negative impact of above mentionedfactors in terms of making customers satisfied. Therefore, in the last chapter ofthis study we put some recommendations which might help for a company in thisregard. Furthermore, future suggested research areas are also discussed forcreating further research grounds.
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Relationship Perspectives on Customer Support Service : Exploring Best Practice for the Telecom IndustryNawajesh, Rahat, Muhammed, Zakir Hossain January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between customers and the telecommunication service provider regarding customer support service. The authors focus on customers support service as a tool of enhancing relationship between customers and telecommunication service provider and to come up with a “best practice” for the customer-support service in the telecom industry. The research has been conducted with recent relevant literature from academic viewpoint such as the relationship marketing, customer loyalty, customer dominant logic, customer support service and triggering factors for switching. After reviewing all of literatures authors have adequate knowledge how to enhance and sustain long term relationship with customers. Nearly every literature stipulates from customers perspective business operations for long term relationship. To accomplish research aim, authors conducted with an explorative research approach and with the help of a designed descriptive questionnaire which consist of seventeen close-ended and open-ended questions. The target group was sixteen master level students of Karlstad University who belong to nine different countries. From the interview, authors try to explore respondents’ experiences and acceptation from customer support service. Authors reached at the conclusion on the basis of collected qualitative information that the effective customer support service plays a vital role for enhancing the relationship between customers and telecom service providers. It is also evident throughout the research that the customer support service is the key link between the customer and the telecommunication service provider. / TeliaSonera
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A Study on Relationships among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-The Post Exchange of Marine Corps SchoolTsai, Cheng-Hsien 13 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to explore the consumers at Republic of China Marine Corps School Military 534 Camp Station and the relationship between their service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty, using the questionnaire survey method. 484 valid samples were retrieved, which then undergo SPSS statistical software analysis for descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis. The analytical results showed that the various dimensions of service quality have positive correlations to the various dimensions of customer satisfaction, with significant effects. The dimensions of service quality are also positively correlated to the dimensions of loyalty, with significant effects. The dimensions of customer satisfaction are positively correlated to the dimensions of loyalty, with significant effects.
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An Investigation On Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty In Kaohsiung CityYang, Kun-Yung 02 August 2006 (has links)
To be outstanding in the gas-station industry in today¡¦s intensive and competitive environments, the company needs to be devoted in managing customer relationship. As consumers are aware of and fighting for their rights in recent years, the competition in gas station is getting sever. The purpose of this study is to survey with stratified random sampling to understand the consumer behaviors among Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC) franchised gas stations, CPC owned gas stations and Formosa gas stations.
Increasing customer satisfaction can build up customer loyalty, and enhance future interaction. So knowing the consumer behavior among the different types of gas stations can help understand how consumers choose a gas stations and how they rate the service quality.
The investigation outcome of this study was derived form Factor Analysis, T-test, Cluster, ANOVA, Scheffe¡¦s statistical methods, and had carried out structural analysis in the service quality model to find out the key factors of customer satisfaction. The findings should help to improve management efficiency and competitiveness in the industry.
Keyword¡Ggas stations, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
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Multiple-case Study for Customer Relationship Management Systems- An Exploratory Research for the Installation Factors, System Functions and PerformancesLin, Pei_Ying 05 July 2002 (has links)
Nowadays customers have more varieties of similar products from different companies around the world through the Internet. Internet brings customers power but loyalty than before. In order to maintain customers¡¦ loyalty, companies have learned to keep good relationship with customers, and IT is the best media for the task. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System is expected to help companies to manage their customer relationship. The research used multiple case studies method and chose United World Chinese Commercial Bank (UWCCB), Data Systems Company (DSC), and Adavantec Company to study how enterprise implements CRM system. The research results would illustrate why the enterprise needs CRM, what CRM is, how enterprise implements CRM, and what kinds of benefit they can get from CRM.
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Essentially Discussion on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for ADSL Broadband Network ―Taking the Broad Kaohsiung Area of Chunghwa Telecom. Co., Ltd as an ExampleKuan, Chin-chiu 16 June 2003 (has links)
In attempt to build to a high technological and digital communication Taiwan,the country government plan to build up the broadband network to six million subscribers in its challenging the country developed 6 years program in 2008. The
construction of broadband network will be the main stream of market.
Chunghwa Telecom¡¦s ADSL program is satisfied with the requirement of society.
The object of this research is based on the ADSL customers at the broad Kaohsiung Area of Chunghwa Telecom. The investigation area encompassKaohsiung city, Fongsun, Kungsun, Chiesun of Kaohsiung County. The
investigation adopts the method of questionnaire. Data are collected via
Stratified Random Sampling, and analyzed by SPSS statistic software. It is also
implemented by using seven factors that affect customer satisfaction like service
contents, prices, convenience, enterprise images, service facilities, service staffs and service process in connection with service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.
The result of this investigation occurs as below:
There is a remarkable different between customer¡¦s satisfaction and values in response to the practical aspect of quality.
Different customers respond with market different from sex, age, and choosing a place to use Internet are varied in satisfaction.
The group of customer responds satisfaction from different person requires Internet service. It exist conspicuous difference in the choice.
The obvious mutuality between the practical aspect of service quality and customer¡¦s satisfaction has positive effects.
The practical aspect of service quality in different place of using Internet, the item
of service quality, and customer satisfaction are clearly differ from each others.
Different customers respond with market different from sex, marriage, and age to use Internet are varied in loyalty.
The group of customer who requires different personal Internet service is remarkable difference from loyalty in the choice.
The obvious mutuality between the practical aspect of service quality and customer¡¦s loyalty has positive effects.
The practical aspect of service quality in different place of using Internet, the item
of service quality, and customer loyalty are clearly differ from each others.
According to the above-mentioned result of research, it brings up suggestions depending on service contents, prices, convenience, enterprise images, service facilities, service staffs, and service process
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A Case Study on the Effectiveness of Customer Service TrainingLuca, Tzu-nan 03 February 2008 (has links)
Customer satisfaction surveys are found everywhere, ranging from a simple on-line reservation service up to highly sophisticated procurement projects, which demonstrates the business entities nowadays position customer service in a decisive role to the operation. On the other hand, training is a popular approach to achieve consistent service quality and advanced customer satisfaction. This case study examines from practical aspects the training effectiveness of a four-year customer service program by analyzing the development of the case company¡¦s annual customer satisfaction rating.
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The Impact of Interpersonal attraction on Customer-to-Customer Interactions in Service SettingsWang, Jui-Lin 12 February 2008 (has links)
In physical service settings, we interact not only with the service providers but with other customers. Furthermore, the influence of other patronages was even more critical in the virtual space. However, the issue of ¡§other customers¡¨ was neglected by scholars and practitioner compared to the other components in the service environment.
Although in a handful of past literature, we find that scholars have classified the behaviors which ¡§other customers¡¨ may have based on the role theory, the question that with which target customers will interact, what characteristics the targets have, and which psychological mechanism is responsible for these interactions still remain unknown. Since interpersonal attraction has been regarded as the foundations of all kinds of relationships by social psychologists, and which was also used in managerial field such as WOM, organizational behavior, and buyer-seller relationships. As a result, the researcher tries to use theories pertaining to attraction to explain the questions above.
Researcher conducts two experiments to examine the relationships of antecedents¡]similarity, physical attractiveness, and valence of appraisal from others¡^, interpersonal attraction, and possible outcomes. In experiment 1, the results indicate similarity of interactive does induce interpersonal attraction which mediates the impact of WOM on subjects¡¦ attitudes and purchase intentions. In addition, the more attractive experimenters are, the more persuasive they are. In experiment 2, interpersonal attraction mediates the impact of appearance and appraisal on subjects¡¦ satisfaction in the same way of experiment 1, yet it presents the inverse relation between attraction and purchase intentions which different from the first experiment.
The major contribution of this article is to provide insight into the nature of customer-to-customer interaction and the empirical evidence for the social service setting concept addressed by Tomb and McColley in 2003. On the other hand, we extend the scope of attraction research to short-term relationship between customers that becomes more and more important and complex at the same time. In the end of this article, researcher provides the managerial implication and the future research directions.
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A study on The second generation CRYSTAL Natural Soap Consumer Behavior ¡® CUSTOMER SATISFACTION -- Case of ¡uN¡v CompanyLo, Wen-chung 12 July 2009 (has links)
The business world nowadays has changed rapidly on the market intelligence and its environment owing to the high technology. However, one element remains unchanged in view of managing an enterprise. It is to meet customers¡¦ needs.
The research focuses on exploring consumers¡¦ inner intentions such as purchasing behavior, satisfaction and loyalty to the merchandise through observing the product of second generation crystal natural soap. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are adapted simultaneously in the research through interviews and questionnaires.
Further intentions of customers based on the purchasing behavior, customers¡¦ satisfaction and consumers¡¦ loyalty are discussed in the research in order to find out the relationship between each facet. The research offers a conclusion and suggestions on the target market and the customer value at the end.
Through the analysis and some proposals, the goal of the study presents a possibility for enterprises to meet their customers¡¦ needs by understanding their customers and the change of the market. The enterprises need to find out the different needs of customers in order to provide an effective way to promote their products and enhance their competitiveness in the market, which is the advantageous way to run an everlasting business.
By Lo¡Awen chung
Key words : Consumer behalf ¡Acustomer satisfaction ¡Acustomer loyalty
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