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Biaxial stretch effects on fibroblast-mediated remodeling of fibrin gel equivalentsBalestrini, Jenna Leigh 14 August 2009 (has links)
"Mechanical loads play a pivotal role in the growth, maintenance, remodeling, and disease onset in connective tissues. Harnessing the relationship between mechanical signals and how cells remodel their surrounding extracellular matrix would provide new insights into the fundamental processes of wound healing and fibrosis and also assist in the creation of custom-tailored tissue equivalents for use in regenerative medicine. In 3D tissue models, uniaxial cyclic stretch has been shown to stimulate the synthesis and crosslinking of collagen while increasing the matrix density, fiber alignment, stiffness, and tensile strength in the direction of principal stretch. Unfortunately, the profound fiber realignment in these systems render it difficult to differentiate between passive effects and cell-mediated remodeling. Further, these previous studies generally focus on a single level of stretch magnitude and duration, and they also investigate matrix remodeling under a homogeneous strain conditions. Therefore, these studies are not sufficient to establish key information regarding stretch-dependent remodeling for use in tissue engineering and also do not simulate the complex mechanical environment of connective tissue. We first developed a novel in vitro model system using equibiaxial stretch on fibrin gels (early models of wound healing) that enabled the isolation of mechanical effects on cell-mediated matrix remodeling. Using this system we demonstrated that in the absence of in-plane alignment, stretch stimulates fibroblasts to produce a stronger tissue by synthesizing collagen and condensing their surrounding matrix. We then developed dose-response curves for multiple aspects of tissue remodeling as a function of stretch magnitude and duration (intermittent versus continuous stretch). Our results indicate that both the magnitude and the duration per day of stretch are important factors in mechanically induced cell activity, as evidenced by dose-dependent responses of several remodeling metrics in response to these two parameters (UTS, matrix stiffness, collagen content, cell number). In addition, we found that cellularity, collagen content, and resistance to tension increased when the tissues were mechanically loaded intermittently as opposed to continuously. Finally, we developed a novel model system that produces non-homogeneous strain distribution, allowing for the simultaneous study of strain gradients, strain anisotropy, and strain magnitude in 2D and 3D. Establishing a system that produces complex strain distributions provides a more accurate model of the mechanical conditions found in connective tissue, and also allows for the investigation of cellular adaptations to a changing mechanical environment. "
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A circumferential stretch bioreactor for mechanical conditioning of smooth muscle ringsCooper, Jennifer Lee 30 April 2014 (has links)
Vascular grafts are used to repair, replace, or bypass diseased arteries, and there is a growing need for tissue-engineered blood vessels (TEBVs) as replacement grafts. Three-dimensional, self-assembled smooth muscle cell (SMC) rings can be fabricated and fused to create SMC tissue tubes with a structure similar to native vessels; however, this approach is limited by the underdeveloped mechanical integrity of the tissue. Thus, the goal of this research is to design, manufacture, and validate a cyclic circumferential stretch bioreactor to mechanically stimulate SMC tissue rings, with the goal of developing rings that can withstand the physiological forces of the in vivo environment. The bioreactor consists of a closed cam-syringe-tubing system that forces fluid into the tubing with each rotation of the cam, thereby distending and relaxing the tubing. Various sized cams were implemented to modify the distension of the tubing (5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 15% stretch magnitudes). Tissue rings are placed on the tubing, which is housed in a custom culture chamber. The tubing was validated using DVT® imaging technology to distend approximately 5, 7.5, 10, and 15% under static conditions. High density mapping was used to analyze the dynamic distension of the tubing and tissue rings. During bioreactor operation, the tubing distends 1-2% less than expected for the fabricated cams (5, 7.5, 10, 15%), and the tissue ring distends 31-56% less than the tubing on which it is located. To assess the effects of cyclic distension, 7-day-old SMC rings were cultured dynamically for 7 days and exposed to 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, or 15% cyclic stretch (1 Hz, 100% duty cycle). Histology and immunohistochemistry indicate that both stretched and non-stretched rings synthesized collagen and glycosaminoglycans, but the contractile proteins á-smooth muscle actin and calponin were not synthesized. A decrease in cell density was observed as the magnitude of stretch increased, and the 5-15% stretched samples demonstrated more cellular alignment than the 0% stretch control samples. Mechanical testing analysis concluded that the stretched rings exhibited a reduction in ultimate tensile strength, maximum tangent modulus, maximum strain, and maximum load compared to unstretched control samples. It is anticipated that future work, including modifications of the culture medium and mechanical stimulation parameters (eg. reduced duty cycle, reduced frequency), has the potential to achieve the expected outcome of this research - a strong, aligned, contractile vascular smooth muscle cell tissue ring through dynamic culture using a cyclic circumferential stretch bioreactor.
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Autophagy is a major degradation mechanism, responsible for clearing damaged and dysfunctional organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum, a structure essential for protein synthesis and myocellular hypertrophy. Alterations in autophagy throughout various tissues of the body have been linked to various negative side effects such as decreased myocellular hypertrophy and insulin resistance. High fat diets lead to changes (both increases and decreases) in autophagy in various tissues throughout the body in a tissue-specific manner.
Skeletal muscle autophagy is decreased in myotubes cultured from obese women, however the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. As the largest organ system in the human body, skeletal muscle serves an important role in overall metabolic health. Therefore, sufficient skeletal muscle autophagy is important for proper metabolic function. Moreover, a decrease in liver and pancreas autophagy has been found to lead to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and the development of insulin resistance. Understanding the relationship between autophagy and ER stress in the skeletal muscle following a high fat diet may help elucidate a novel target for decreasing negative side effects.
Interestingly, both acute and chronic exercise have been shown to increase skeletal muscle autophagy. This points to a potential therapeutic treatment for those suffering with decreased skeletal muscle autophagy and may help improve ER stress.
The purpose of this study was to compare the in vivo and in vitro effects of high fat exposure on skeletal muscle autophagy. Additionally, the relationship of autophagy and ER stress in skeletal muscle was explored. Lastly, this project identified changes in skeletal muscle autophagy and ER stress following cyclic stretch, an in vitro model of exercise in C2C12 myotubes.
Eight-week-old C57BL/6J were fed a high fat diet for 16 weeks and tibialis anterior muscle examined for changes in autophagy markers. Gene expression (mRNA content) of autophagy markers Atg3 (p=0.011, fold change 1.37), Atg12 (p=0.026, 1.38), and Atg16L (p=0.004, 1.49) were increased in skeletal muscle of obese mice. Protein content was also measured, where increases in Atg3 (p = 0.04, 1.22), Atg12 (p = 0.027, 1.21), and Atg16L1(p = 0.021, 1.59) were found. However, there was no difference in LC3 II:I ration. No changes were seen in Atg5 or LC3.
Additionally, C2C12 myotubes were treated with equimolar palmitate and oleate for 24h then assessed for mRNA content of genes involved in autophagy and ER stress. Autophagy genes Atg5 (p = 0.007, fold change 1.78), Atg12 (p = 0.001, fold change 1.99), and LC3 (p = 0.01, fold change 2.02) were decreased with high fat treatment. Paradoxically, there was an increase in Atg16L (p = 0.005, fold change 1.90). There were no changes in protein content. ER stress was increased indicated by an increase of sXBP1 (p = 0.005, fold change 1.33). Furthermore, inhibition of autophagy lead to changes in ER morphology and ER stress.
To identify the impact of cyclic stretch on skeletal muscle autophagy and ER stress, C2C12 myotubes were subjected to 30 minutes of equibaxial stretch and examined for changes in autophagy and ER stress. Autophagy flux, measured by tyrosine release, increased by 34% (p = 0.04) following exercise and ER stress was decreased.
In conclusion, this study provides the novel finding that decreased skeletal muscle autophagy is sufficient for inducing ER stress. Additionally, cyclic stretch increases autophagy and improves ER homeostasis.
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Measurement of Nitric Oxide Production from Lymphatic Entothelial Cells Under Mechanical StimuliJafarnejad, Mohammad 1987- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The lymphatic system plays an important role in fluid and protein balance within the interstitial spaces. Its dysfunction could result in a number of debilitating diseases, namely lymphedema. Lymphatic vessels utilize both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms to pump lymph. Intrinsic pumping involves the active contraction of vessels, a phenomenon that is regulated in part by nitric oxide (NO) produced by lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs). NO production by arterial endothelial cells has been shown to be sensitive to both shear stress and stretch. Therefore, because of the unique mechanical environment of the LECs, we hypothesize that mechanical forces play an important role in regulation of the lymphatic pumping. Parallel-plate flow chambers and indenter-based cyclic stretch devices were constructed and used to apply mechanical loads to LECs. In addition, high-throughput micro-scale channels were developed and tested for shear experiments to address the need to increase the productivity and high- resolution imaging. Twenty-four hours treatment of LECs with different shear stress conditions showed a shear-dependent elevation in NO production. Moreover, 2.5 folds increase in cumulative NO was observed for stretched cells compared to the unstretched cells over six hours period. In conclusion, the upregulation observed in NO production under mechanical stimuli suggest new regulatory mechanisms that can be pharmaceutically targeted. These results provide an unprecedented insight into lymphatic pumping mechanism.
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Mathematical Modeling of Stress Fiber Reorganization Induced by Cyclic StretchHsu, Hui-Ju 14 January 2010 (has links)
Arterial endothelial cells (ECs) are subjected to pulsatile strain due to pressure
changes in the cardiac cycle and this may play a significant role in vascular function in
health and disease. Further, ECs differentially respond to different patterns of strain.
There is much evidence that cyclic uniaxial strain results in a perpendicular orientation of
ECs and their stress fibers, while no such alignment occurs in response to cyclic
equaibiaxial stretch. It is unclear how cells and their stress fibers determine their specific
response to particular spatiotemporal changes in the matrix, however. Given that ECs
located at regions in the arterial tree prone to atherogenesis are non-aglined, while ECs in
relatively healthy regions are oriented perpendicular to the principal direction of cyclic
stretch, it is important to understand the mechanisms which regulate stretch-induced
stress fiber alignment.
The focus of this thesis was to develop realistic models to describe the dynamic
changes in the organization of stress fibers in response to diverse spatiotemporal patterns
of stretch. The model is based on the premise that stress fibers are pre-stressed at a
?homeostatic? level so that stress fibers are extended beyond their unloaded lengths, and
that perturbation in stress fiber length from the homeostatic level destabilizes the stress fibers. A deterministic model described experimentally measured time courses of stress
fiber reorientation perpendicular to the direction of cyclic uniaxial stretch, as well as the
lack of alignment in response to equibiaxial stretch. In the case of cyclic simple
elongation with transverse matrix contraction, stress fibers oriented in the direction of
least perturbation in stretch. Model analysis indicated the need for a time-dependent
stress fiber mechanical property, however. Thus, a stochastic model was developed that
incorporated the concept that stress fibers tend to self-adjust to an equilibrium level of
extension when they are perturbed from their unload lengths with the turnover of stress
fibers. The stochastic model successfully described experimentally measured time
courses of stress fiber reorganization over a range of frequencies. At a frequency of 1 Hz,
stress fibers predominantly oriented perpendicular to stretch, while at 0.1 Hz the extent of
stress fiber alignment was markedly reduced and at 0.01 Hz there was no alignment at all.
Both the deterministic and stochastic models accurately described the relationship
between stretch magnitude and the extent of stress fiber alignment in endothelial cells
subjected to cyclic uniaxial stretch. Parameter sensitivity analyses for each model were
used to demonstrate the effects of each parameter on the characteristics of the system
response. In summary, the mathematical models were capable of describing stress fiber
reorganization in response to diverse temporal and spatial patterns of stretch. These
models provide a theoretical framework to elucidate the mechanisms by which adherent
cells sense the characteristics of matrix deformation and describe a mechanism by which
the cells can then adapt to such deformations to maintain mechanical homeostasis.
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Effets de l'application d'un stretch cyclique sur un modèle isolé de bronche humaine : étude fonctionnelle, pharmacologique et immuno−génétique / Cyclic stretch applied on a model of human bronchic airway : functionnal, pharmacological and genetic responseLe Guen, Morgan 19 December 2014 (has links)
L’arbre bronchique constitue une large interface avec le milieu extérieur ce qui en fait notamment une sentinelle immunologique. Par ailleurs, il est soumis à de multiples contraintes physiques (variation de pressions lors du cycle ventilatoire) avec le développement de pathologies lorsque la réponse à ces contraintes est inadaptée. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons essayé de caractériser la réponse bronchique des voies aériennes distales à partir d’un modèle isolé de bronche humaine soumis à l’application d’un stretch unique ou cyclique tel qu’il est généré lors de la ventilation mécanique. D’un point de vue fonctionnel, le stretch unique ou cyclique s’accompagne d’une modification significative du tonus basal de la bronche avec deux étapes : l’une précoce apparaît au cours de l’exposition même des variations de tension pariétale, l’autre est tardive et apparaît à l’arrêt de l’étirement. Concernant l’étape précoce, elle se révèle robuste car aucun pré-traitement et particulièrement l’abrasion de l’épithélium ne la supprime totalement. La caractérisation de cette réponse implique notamment la voie des NO synthases et des Rho-A kinase. La réponse tardive fait quant à elle intervenir l’épithélium ainsi que la voie des NO-synthase suggérant un rôle prépondérant du NO. Par contre, ces modifications de force au repos sont indépendantes de la sécrétion de médiateurs inflammatoires détectés par ELISA. L’approche génétique renforce par contre le rôle du tissu de soutien bronchique en activant la synthèse de collagène (MMP-9). Au total l'application d'une contrainte cyclique renforce la bronchoconstriction par inhibition de la voie des NOsynthases et de la mécanotransduction. / The tracheo-bronchial tree is a true immunologic sentinel related to the huge interface with the external environment. Moreover, it is submitted to variable physical strains (tidal ventilation and variation in pressure) and an excessive response leads to the genesis of some pathology as hyperresponsiveness. The aim of this work on an isolated organ model was to characterize the human bronchial response to a single or repetitive and physiological stretch as observed during mechanical ventilation. From a functional perspective, a single strain or a cyclic stretch significantly increased the basal tone of the human bronchus with a two-step response: the early response appears during cycling and the delayed after the stretch has ceased. The early response is robust then no pre-treatment and especially epithelial removal totally inhibits it. This response implies NO synthase and Rho-A kinase pathway with a reduction of the developed basal tone with these inhibitors. As it concerns the late response, it involved epithelium and NO synthase suggesting a prominent action of NO. Inflammatory mediators are not directly involved in the rise of basal tone because stretch-induced secretion as detected with ELISA is very low. Genomic approach transiently activates transcription of genes for MMP-9, involved in the collagen production and consequently in the support tissue of the bronchial tree. As a conclusion, cyclic stretch enhances bronchoconstriction by inhibition of the NO-synthase pathway and mechanotransduction.
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Effects of mechanical forces on cytoskeletal remodeling and stiffness of cultured smooth muscle cellsNa, Sungsoo 02 June 2009 (has links)
The cytoskeleton is a diverse, multi-protein framework that plays a fundamental role in many cellular activities including mitosis, cell division, intracellular transport, cell motility, muscle contraction, and the regulation of cell polarity and organization. Furthermore, cytoskeletal filaments have been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of diseases including cancer, blood disease, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disease, neurodegenerative disease, and problems with skin, nail, cornea, hair, liver and colon. Increasing evidence suggests that the distribution and organization of the cytoskeleton in living cells are affected by mechanical stresses and the cytoskeleton determines cell stiffness. We developed a fully nonlinear, constrained mixture model for adherent cells that allows one to account separately for the contributions of the primary structural constituents of the cytoskeleton and extended a prior solution from the finite elasticity literature for use in a sub-class of atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies of cell mechanics. The model showed that the degree of substrate stretch and the geometry of the AFM tip dramatically affect the measured cell stiffness. Consistent with previous studies, the model showed that disruption of the actin filaments can reduce the stiffness substantially, whereas there can be little contribution to the overall cell stiffness by the microtubules or intermediate filaments. To investigate the effect of mechanical stretching on cytoskeletal remodeling and cell stiffness, we developed a simple cell-stretching device that can be combined with an AFM and confocal microscopy. Results demonstrate that cyclic stretching significantly and rapidly alters both cell stiffness and focal adhesion associated vinculin and paxillin, suggesting that focal adhesion remodeling plays a critical role in cell stiffness by recruiting and anchoring F-actin. Finally, we estimated cytoskeletal remodeling by synthesizing data on stretch-induced dynamic changes in cell stiffness and focal adhesion area using constrained mixture approach. Results suggest that the acute increase in stiffness in response to an increased cyclic stretch was probably due to an increased stretch of the original filaments whereas the subsequent decrease back towards normalcy was consistent with a replacement of the highly stretched original filaments with less stretched new filaments.
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Effects of mechanical forces on cytoskeletal remodeling and stiffness of cultured smooth muscle cellsNa, Sungsoo 02 June 2009 (has links)
The cytoskeleton is a diverse, multi-protein framework that plays a fundamental role in many cellular activities including mitosis, cell division, intracellular transport, cell motility, muscle contraction, and the regulation of cell polarity and organization. Furthermore, cytoskeletal filaments have been implicated in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of diseases including cancer, blood disease, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory disease, neurodegenerative disease, and problems with skin, nail, cornea, hair, liver and colon. Increasing evidence suggests that the distribution and organization of the cytoskeleton in living cells are affected by mechanical stresses and the cytoskeleton determines cell stiffness. We developed a fully nonlinear, constrained mixture model for adherent cells that allows one to account separately for the contributions of the primary structural constituents of the cytoskeleton and extended a prior solution from the finite elasticity literature for use in a sub-class of atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies of cell mechanics. The model showed that the degree of substrate stretch and the geometry of the AFM tip dramatically affect the measured cell stiffness. Consistent with previous studies, the model showed that disruption of the actin filaments can reduce the stiffness substantially, whereas there can be little contribution to the overall cell stiffness by the microtubules or intermediate filaments. To investigate the effect of mechanical stretching on cytoskeletal remodeling and cell stiffness, we developed a simple cell-stretching device that can be combined with an AFM and confocal microscopy. Results demonstrate that cyclic stretching significantly and rapidly alters both cell stiffness and focal adhesion associated vinculin and paxillin, suggesting that focal adhesion remodeling plays a critical role in cell stiffness by recruiting and anchoring F-actin. Finally, we estimated cytoskeletal remodeling by synthesizing data on stretch-induced dynamic changes in cell stiffness and focal adhesion area using constrained mixture approach. Results suggest that the acute increase in stiffness in response to an increased cyclic stretch was probably due to an increased stretch of the original filaments whereas the subsequent decrease back towards normalcy was consistent with a replacement of the highly stretched original filaments with less stretched new filaments.
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Aortic valve mechanobiology - the effect of cyclic stretchBalachandran, Kartik 15 January 2010 (has links)
Aortic valve disease is among the third most common cardiovascular disease worldwide, and is also a strong predictor for other cardiac related deaths. Altered mechanical forces are believed to cause changes in aortic valve biosynthetic activity, eventually leading to valve disease, however little is known about the cellular and molecular events involved in these processes. To gain a fundamental understanding into aortic valve disease mechanobiology, an ex vivo experimental model was used to study the effects of normal and elevated cyclic stretch on aortic valve remodeling and degenerative disease. The hypothesis of this proposal was that elevated cyclic stretch will result in increased expression of markers related to degenerative valve disease. Three aspects of aortic valve disease were studied: (i) Altered extracellular matrix remodeling; (ii) Aortic Valve Calcification; and (iii) Serotonin-induced valvulopathy. Results showed that elevated stretch resulted in increased matrix remodeling and calcification via a bone morphogenic protein-dependent pathway. In addition, elevated stretch and serotonin resulted in increased collagen biosynthesis and tissue stiffness via a serotonin-2A receptor-mediated pathway. This work adds to current knowledge on aortic valve disease mechanisms, and could pave the way for the development of novel treatments for valve disease and for the design of tissue engineered valve constructs.
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