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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineralogical Study of Manganese Bearing Skarn Minerals and Manganese Content in Magnetite in the Dannemora Skarn Iron Ore Deposit / En mineralogisk studie av manganförande skarn-mineral och manganhalt i magnetit i Dannemorasskarn-järnmalmsfyndighet

Åberg, Franz January 2015 (has links)
The Dannemora skarn iron ore deposit is located in the northeastern part of Bergslagen. The deposit has been mined from the 1400’s and stopped in 1992, the mine was reopen in 2012 and it will close in 2015. The Dannemora deposit is hosted by 1.9 Ga old sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The deposit consists of both manganese rich and manganese poor iron ore. The purpose of this study is to investigate the controlling factors for manganese content in both magnetite and surrounding silicate minerals, especially when garnets is present. Also the mineral assemblage and association with different host rocks lithologies shall be investigated. Petrographical and chemical studies indicate the occurrence of both calcic amphibole and Mg-Fe-Mn-Li type amphibole. The calcic amphibole is found in the majority of the samples and is dominant in manganese poor samples where as Mg-Fe-Mn-Li-type amphibole is more abundant in the manganese rich samples. Generally in the manganese rich samples garnet and epidote become more abundant, particularly if the sample is taken close to a volcanic section. / Skarn-järnmalmsfyndigheten i Dannemora är belägen i den nordöstra delen av Bergslagen. Järnmalm och mindre sulfidmineraliseringar har blivit brutna sedan 1400-talet. Gruvan stängde 1992 men togs i produktion igen under 2012. Gruvan stängs återigen under 2015. Fyndigheten är omgiven av 1.9 Ga gamla sedimentära och vulkaniska bergarter. Järnmalmsfyndigheten innehåller både manganrika och manganfattiga järnmalmer. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka varför fyndigheten har förhöjda halter av mangan. Förändringar av manganhalter och olika värdbergarter borde ge en annorlunda mineralsammansättning i de olika miljöerna. För att svara på dessa frågor skall både mikroskopiska och kemiska undersökningar göras för att bestämma och identifiera olika mineralogiska associationer. Petrografiska och kemiska studier indikerar två olika huvudtyper av amfiboler: kalciumhaltiga amfiboler och Mg-Fe-Mn-Li-amfiboler. Kalciumamfibolerna är generellt mer spridda i proverna medan Mg-Fe-Mn-Li-amfibolerna är mer koncentrerade till de mer manganrika sektionerna. När koncentrationen av mangan är högre blir granater och även epidot och olivin vanligare, speciellt närmare vulkaniska bergarter.

Effekter av en mer effektiv skuthantering : En undersökning av skuthantering - DMAB

Larsson, Niclas January 2015 (has links)
The work of this study was to take stock of what methods used in the Dannemora mine - Dannemora Mineral AB (DMAB) regarding boulder management underground and above ground as well as highlight and givesuggestions about boulder management could be streamlined and possiblygenerate an increased amount of finished products and also higherrevenues for the company. With a more efficient management focusing on separation of waste rock and ore, both under and above ground, the DMABhad received more finished products and thus higher revenues. The essay results justify that a feasibility study will begin in the company. The advent of new operations is of course a cost, but it shouldbe small and highly justifiable in the context but need to beinvestigated in the recommended preliminary study. It is also about other cost-cutting aspects such as reduced transport and handling costs and ultimately also environmental savings, which, however, are not included in this study. / <p>Validerat; 20150617 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Malmbildande processer och Bergslagen : - Med exemplifiering från en silver-rik sulfidmineralisering vid Dammen nära Dannemora

Nordström, Albin January 2012 (has links)
Den här rapporten beskriver malmbildande processer och Bergslagens malmgeologi. En beskrivning av malmmikroskopet ges tillsammans med identifikationskriterier för de mineral som påträffats i en mikroskopisk studie som gjorts på fyra stuffer från Dammen nära Dannemora, inkluderande vanliga och påträffade malmtexturer. Två av proverna analyserades med mikrosond. / This report gives a description of ore-forming processes and an introduction to Bergslagen ore-geology. The polarization microscope is described together with a number of identification-criteria of specifik minerals found during a study of four geological specimens from Dammen close to Dannemora, including a description of common ore textures. Two of the samples were also analyzed with an electon probe microanalyzer

Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Palaeoproterozoic Dannemora inlier, north-eastern Bergslagen region, central Sweden.

Dahlin, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The Palaeoproterozoic Dannemora inlier is situated in the north-eastern Bergslagen region. The inlier consists of primary and reworked volcanic deposits, stromatolitic limestone and skarn that have been subjected to upper greenschist facies metamorphism. Thicknesses of the different volcanic deposits indicate deposition within a caldera, where syn-volcanic alkali alteration was strong. The deposition was submarine and below wave base in the eastern part of the inlier, but above wave base in the central part where erosion channels together with cross-bedding occurs frequently. The Dannemora Formation is the volcanosedimentary succession of the inlier. Two borehole profiles, a northern and a southern, cover the whole Formation and show different alteration patterns. A strong depletion of Na2O and enrichment of K2O dominate in the southern profile, whereas this pattern is not as evident in the northern profile. The uppermost section of the totally eight constituting the Formation, is intercalated with ore-bearing dolomitic limestone and skarn, and has experienced at least two episodes of alteration. An anticline has been established lithogeochemically from immobile element ratios and the reoccurrence of an accretionary lapilli bed. Numerous altered sub-alkaline, calc-alkaline and basaltic dykes have been recorded in the Dannemora inlier. They are the result of mixing and fractionation of at least three magmatic sources and carry a mixed signature of subduction zone and within-plate volcanic tectonic setting. A seismic profile across the Dannemora inlier images a strong reflector package that dips c. 50° E to the east of the inlier. This package coincides with the polyphase, E-up reverse, brittle-ductile Österbybruk deformation zone (ÖDZ). Yet another steep reflector in the Dannemora ore-field extends to a depth of more than two kilometres. This reflector might represent either a deep-seated iron deposit or a fluid-bearing fault zone.

Decarbonising the Mining Industry: The Case of Dannemora Iron Ore Mine

Meyer, Felix January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish mining and minerals sector is one of the most prominent greenhouse gas emitters in the country. At the same time, it also provides Sweden and other nations with vast amounts of important metals and minerals, which are not easily replaced. However, in light of the increasing urgency to reduce global greenhouse gas concentrations, it is imperative that the combustion of fossil fuels is decreased. This quantitative case study uses a document review and interviews to investigate the prerequisites and technical potential for decarbonising the Dannemora iron ore mine in eastern Sweden. Furthermore, a comparative life cycle inventory based on methods from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol is performed in order to calculate potential savings of both energy and greenhouse gases from exchanging conventional underground mining equipment with more sustainable alternatives. Results show that emissions from underground activities in the Dannemora mine could potentially be reduced by up to 90 %, and energy consumption by up to 64 %. It was however also shown that no viable emission-free explosives currently exist that could safely replace conventional alternatives. Further research needs to be conducted in order to investigate the effects of Scope 3 emissions from the production of battery electric mining vehicles, as this would have an effect on overall GHG and energy savings.

Extraction of Backfilled Tailings in the Dannemora Mine – Economic Potential and Rock Stability Assessment / Uttag av återfylld anrikningssand i Dannemoragruvan – Ekonomisk potential och bergmekanisk bedömning

Winlund, John January 2022 (has links)
The cut-off grade determines what rock mass are economic to mine. At the Dannemora mine, in eastern Bergslagen, Sweden, previously processed ore generated tailings (enrichment sand) with an iron content of 21-22 % that was backfilled into large open bodies (stopes) in the mine between 2013-2015. However, the tailings are now considered as ore reserves due to an upgraded processing plant that lowered the cut-off from 30 % Fe to 15 % Fe. Further, with the current lowered cut-off, Grängesberg Exploration Holding AB intends to restart production of iron ore in the Dannemora mine in new ore bodies. However, before starting full operation of excavating the ore bodies and extracting the large ore reserve of tailings, several challenges related to the rock stability need to be well assessed. The main goal of this project is therefore to investigate what would be the safest and most economical technique to extract the tailings that currently act as a stabilising rock mass against the side walls. Investigation of borehole data, drill cores, and geometric calculations, were conducted to characterise the stope host rocks in terms of risk for rock failure and leads to several statements. The results reveal that the host rock has a high strength (70-80 % RQD) and there is a low risk of spalling deformation at the extracted depths when the tailings will be removed. However, deformation as wedge failure could potentially occur when the stabilising tailings will be removed. Further, it is shown that the amount of tailings that can be extracted represent approximately more than one year of iron ore production in the mine. Analysis of the host rock shows that dilution of the tailings can be favourable if the caved wall rocks contain marble or skarn, with ore sections &gt; 15 % Fe. The workflow demonstrates that extraction of low diluted tailings should be done at sublevel 350 meters, before extraction of high diluted tailings at sublevel 442-446 meters. Backfilling must be done simultaneously in order to preserve the stability against the side walls as the tailings are removed. This project demonstrates that tailing extraction is possible, while maintaining the stability of the host rock. The workflow presented in this thesis could be used as an approach for similar mining operations aiming to extract backfilled material and once again process it. / En cut-off halt bestämmer vid vilken halt som en bergmassa innehållandes värdefulla metaller, blir ekonomiskt brytningsbar (malm). Vid Dannemoragruvan i östra Bergslagen, Sverige, har tidigare bearbetad malm bildat en icke värdefull restprodukt (anrikningssand), innehållandes en järnhalt om 21-22 %, som återfylldes i stora brytningsrum inuti gruvan mellan 2013-2015. Anrikningssanden har nu blivit ansett som malm igen då ett uppgraderat anrikningsverk sänkt cut-off halten från 30 % Fe, till 15 % Fe. Med den sänkta cut-off halten, undersöker Grängesberg Exploration Holding AB vidare hur en återstart av Dannemoragruvan, och utbrytning av ännu inte utbrutna malmkroppar, och uttag av den stora malmreserven av anrikningssanden, ska ske. Däremot måste flera utmaningar i form av bergstabilitet undersökas, innan uttaget av malmkropparna och den återfyllda anrikningssanden kan ske. Detta arbete siktar till att undersöka vilket tillvägagångsätt som skulle vara det säkraste och lönsammaste att extrahera anrikningssanden ifrån, då de agerar stabiliserande mot sidoväggarna i de stora brytningsrummen. Undersökning av borrhålsdata, borrkärnor, och geometriska beräkningar, utfördas för att karakterisera sidoberget till brytningsrummen för att förstå risken för bergdeformation. Resultaten visar på en stabil bergmassa (70-80 % RQD) med en liten risk för spjälkning (uppsprickning) vid de undersökta djupen. Risk för bergdeformation inträffar i stället som kilutfall när den stabiliserande anrikningssanden extraheras. Vidare beräknas det att ungefär mer än en årsproduktion av järnmalm kan extraheras i form av anrikningssand från de återfyllda brytningsrummen. Analys av sidoberget visar dessutom att utspädning av anrikningssanden genom blockutfall och uppsprickning, kan bli fördelaktigt om sidoberget innehåller marmor eller skarn med malmsektioner &gt; 15 % järn. Tillvägagångssättet för extrahering av anrikningssanden bör ske från djup 350 meter, innan den högre halten av utspädd anrikningssand extraheras från djup 442-446 meter. Återfyllning måste ske samtidigt för att bevara bergsstabiliteten mot sidoväggarna. Detta arbete visar att extrahering av anrikningssanden är möjligt, samtidigt som bergstabiliteten bevaras. Arbetsflödet skulle kunna användas som ett tillvägagångssätt för framtida gruvoperationer som söker att extrahera återfyllt material och åter anrika det.

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