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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Протицајни режим великих вода Дунава, Саве, Тисе и Драве у Панонском басену / Proticajni režim velikih voda Dunava, Save, Tise i Drave u Panonskom basenu / Discharge regime of high waters of Danube, Sava, Tisa and Drava in Panonnian basin

Leščešen Igor 27 August 2019 (has links)
<p>Велике воде су сложена појава како у погледу фактора који је изазивају, тако и<br />у&nbsp; погледу&nbsp; њеног&nbsp; утицаја&nbsp; на&nbsp; екосистем&nbsp; и друштво.&nbsp; У&nbsp; дисертацији&nbsp; је&nbsp; приказана предност&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; великих&nbsp; вода,&nbsp; са&nbsp; две променљиве&nbsp; (запремине&nbsp; и&nbsp; трајање),&nbsp; у односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; уобичајену&nbsp; анализу&nbsp; са&nbsp; једном вредношћу&nbsp; (најчешће&nbsp; максимални годишњи&nbsp; протицај).&nbsp; Резултати&nbsp; добијени статистичком анализом великих вода, које су издвојене методом&nbsp; прага су показали да имају већу применљивост у водопривреди него&nbsp; методе&nbsp; које&nbsp; користе&nbsp; стандардне вредности,&nbsp; јер&nbsp; дају&nbsp; конкретне&nbsp; вредности могућих&nbsp; количина&nbsp; воде&nbsp; (запремине великих вода)&nbsp; Метода прага је примењена на&nbsp; 22&nbsp; станица&nbsp; на&nbsp; четири&nbsp; највеће&nbsp; реке Панонског&nbsp; басена&nbsp; (Дунав,&nbsp; Сава,&nbsp; Тиса&nbsp; и Драва) за период 1964-2013. година што до сад&nbsp; представља&nbsp; највећи&nbsp; узорак&nbsp; на&nbsp; овако великом&nbsp; географском&nbsp; подручју.&nbsp; Као&nbsp; праг за&nbsp; издвајање&nbsp; великих&nbsp; вода&nbsp; узета&nbsp; је вредност&nbsp; Q10,&nbsp; јер&nbsp; је&nbsp; циљ&nbsp; био&nbsp; анализа просторних&nbsp; и&nbsp; временских&nbsp; карактеристика екстремних&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; великих вода у највећих река Панонског басена. Избор прага утицао је и на&nbsp; избор&nbsp; методе&nbsp; годишњих&nbsp; максимума&nbsp; за статистичку&nbsp; анализу&nbsp; карактеристика великих&nbsp; вода.&nbsp; За&nbsp; одређивање&nbsp; параметра&nbsp; теоријских&nbsp; расподела&nbsp; коришћени&nbsp; су&nbsp; L-моменти&nbsp; који&nbsp; дају&nbsp; поузданије&nbsp; оцене параметара&nbsp; од&nbsp; обичних&nbsp; момената.&nbsp; У досадашњим&nbsp; радовима,&nbsp; који&nbsp; су анализирали&nbsp; карактеристике&nbsp; великих&nbsp; вода методом&nbsp; годишњих&nbsp; максимума,&nbsp; функција расподеле&nbsp; се&nbsp; унапред&nbsp; одабирала,&nbsp; а&nbsp; не&nbsp; на основу&nbsp; тестова&nbsp; сагласности&nbsp; и&nbsp; провере графика вероватноће, као што је урађено у овој&nbsp; дисертацији.&nbsp; За&nbsp; проверу&nbsp; сагласности годишњег максимума запремина и трајања коришћени&nbsp; су&nbsp; тестови&nbsp; Колмогоров-Смирнов&nbsp; и&nbsp; Крамер&nbsp; &ndash;Мизес,&nbsp; на&nbsp; основу којих су изабране меродавне расподеле за прорачун&nbsp; великих&nbsp; вода&nbsp; различитих повратних&nbsp; периода&nbsp; на&nbsp; станицама,&nbsp; и обрнуто.&nbsp; Помоћу&nbsp; L-момент&nbsp; дијаграма&nbsp; (LCs/L-Ck)&nbsp; утврђена&nbsp; је&nbsp; хомогеност&nbsp; региона, у&nbsp; овом&nbsp; случају&nbsp; Панонског&nbsp; басена,&nbsp; као&nbsp; иизабрана&nbsp; регионална&nbsp; расподела&nbsp; (LN)&nbsp; за запремине и трајање велике воде.&nbsp; Кластер анализа коришћена&nbsp; је као друга метода за издвајање&nbsp; хомогених&nbsp; региона.&nbsp; На&nbsp; основу ове&nbsp; анализе&nbsp; у&nbsp; Панонском&nbsp; басену&nbsp; су издвојена&nbsp; три&nbsp; региона&nbsp; која&nbsp; имају&nbsp; исте карактеистике.</p> / <p>Velike vode su složena pojava kako u pogledu faktora koji je izazivaju, tako i<br />u&nbsp; pogledu&nbsp; njenog&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; na&nbsp; ekosistem&nbsp; i društvo.&nbsp; U&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; prikazana prednost&nbsp; analize&nbsp; velikih&nbsp; voda,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; dve promenljive&nbsp; (zapremine&nbsp; i&nbsp; trajanje),&nbsp; u odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; uobičajenu&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; jednom vrednošću&nbsp; (najčešće&nbsp; maksimalni godišnji&nbsp; proticaj).&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; dobijeni statističkom analizom velikih voda, koje su izdvojene metodom&nbsp; praga su pokazali da imaju veću primenljivost u vodoprivredi nego&nbsp; metode&nbsp; koje&nbsp; koriste&nbsp; standardne vrednosti,&nbsp; jer&nbsp; daju&nbsp; konkretne&nbsp; vrednosti mogućih&nbsp; količina&nbsp; vode&nbsp; (zapremine velikih voda)&nbsp; Metoda praga je primenjena na&nbsp; 22&nbsp; stanica&nbsp; na&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; najveće&nbsp; reke Panonskog&nbsp; basena&nbsp; (Dunav,&nbsp; Sava,&nbsp; Tisa&nbsp; i Drava) za period 1964-2013. godina što do sad&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; najveći&nbsp; uzorak&nbsp; na&nbsp; ovako velikom&nbsp; geografskom&nbsp; području.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; prag za&nbsp; izdvajanje&nbsp; velikih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; uzeta&nbsp; je vrednost&nbsp; Q10,&nbsp; jer&nbsp; je&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; bio&nbsp; analiza prostornih&nbsp; i&nbsp; vremenskih&nbsp; karakteristika ekstremnih&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; velikih voda u najvećih reka Panonskog basena. Izbor praga uticao je i na&nbsp; izbor&nbsp; metode&nbsp; godišnjih&nbsp; maksimuma&nbsp; za statističku&nbsp; analizu&nbsp; karakteristika velikih&nbsp; voda.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; parametra&nbsp; teorijskih&nbsp; raspodela&nbsp; korišćeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; L-momenti&nbsp; koji&nbsp; daju&nbsp; pouzdanije&nbsp; ocene parametara&nbsp; od&nbsp; običnih&nbsp; momenata.&nbsp; U dosadašnjim&nbsp; radovima,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su analizirali&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; velikih&nbsp; voda metodom&nbsp; godišnjih&nbsp; maksimuma,&nbsp; funkcija raspodele&nbsp; se&nbsp; unapred&nbsp; odabirala,&nbsp; a&nbsp; ne&nbsp; na osnovu&nbsp; testova&nbsp; saglasnosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; provere grafika verovatnoće, kao što je urađeno u ovoj&nbsp; disertaciji.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; proveru&nbsp; saglasnosti godišnjeg maksimuma zapremina i trajanja korišćeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; testovi&nbsp; Kolmogorov-Smirnov&nbsp; i&nbsp; Kramer&nbsp; &ndash;Mizes,&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu kojih su izabrane merodavne raspodele za proračun&nbsp; velikih&nbsp; voda&nbsp; različitih povratnih&nbsp; perioda&nbsp; na&nbsp; stanicama,&nbsp; i obrnuto.&nbsp; Pomoću&nbsp; L-moment&nbsp; dijagrama&nbsp; (LCs/L-Ck)&nbsp; utvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; homogenost&nbsp; regiona, u&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; slučaju&nbsp; Panonskog&nbsp; basena,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; iizabrana&nbsp; regionalna&nbsp; raspodela&nbsp; (LN)&nbsp; za zapremine i trajanje velike vode.&nbsp; Klaster analiza korišćena&nbsp; je kao druga metoda za izdvajanje&nbsp; homogenih&nbsp; regiona.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu ove&nbsp; analize&nbsp; u&nbsp; Panonskom&nbsp; basenu&nbsp; su izdvojena&nbsp; tri&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; koja&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; iste karakteistike.</p> / <p>High&nbsp; waters&nbsp; are&nbsp; a&nbsp; complex phenomenon&nbsp; both&nbsp; in&nbsp; terms&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; factors&nbsp; that cause it, as well as in terms of its impact on the ecosystem&nbsp; and&nbsp; society.&nbsp; This&nbsp; dissertation presents&nbsp; the&nbsp; advantage&nbsp; of&nbsp; analyzing&nbsp; high waters&nbsp; with&nbsp; two&nbsp; variables&nbsp; (volumes&nbsp; and duration), compared to the usual analysis with one&nbsp; value&nbsp; (usually&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; maximum&nbsp; annual discharge).&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; the statistical&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; high&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; which&nbsp; are defined&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; threshold&nbsp; method,&nbsp; have&nbsp; shown that&nbsp; they&nbsp; have&nbsp; greater&nbsp; applicability&nbsp; in&nbsp; water management&nbsp; than&nbsp; methods&nbsp; that&nbsp; use&nbsp; standard values&nbsp; because&nbsp; they&nbsp; give&nbsp; concrete&nbsp; values&nbsp; of possible&nbsp; water&nbsp; quantities&nbsp; (volume&nbsp; of&nbsp; highwaters).&nbsp; The&nbsp; threshold&nbsp; method&nbsp; was&nbsp; applied&nbsp; to 22 stations on the four largest rivers Pannonian Basin&nbsp; (Danube,&nbsp; Sava,&nbsp; Tisa&nbsp; and&nbsp; Drava)&nbsp; for the period&nbsp; 1964-2013.&nbsp; This&nbsp; represents&nbsp; the&nbsp; largest sample&nbsp; in&nbsp; such&nbsp; a&nbsp; large&nbsp; geographical&nbsp; area.&nbsp; The value&nbsp; of&nbsp; Q10&nbsp; was&nbsp; taken&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; threshold&nbsp; for defining&nbsp; the&nbsp; high&nbsp; waters,&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; aim&nbsp; was&nbsp; to analyze the spatial and&nbsp; temporal&nbsp;&nbsp; characteristics of extreme&nbsp; high waters&nbsp; in the&nbsp; largest rivers of the&nbsp; Pannonian&nbsp; Basin.&nbsp; The&nbsp; threshold&nbsp; selection also&nbsp; influenced&nbsp; the&nbsp; selection&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; annual maximum method for statistical analysis of the characteristics of high waters. L-moments were<br />used&nbsp; to&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the&nbsp; parameter&nbsp; of&nbsp; the theoretical&nbsp; distributions,&nbsp; which&nbsp; give&nbsp; more reliable&nbsp; estimates&nbsp; of&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; than&nbsp; ordinary moments.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; previous&nbsp; researches,&nbsp; which analyzed&nbsp; the&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; high&nbsp; waters&nbsp; by the&nbsp; method&nbsp; of&nbsp; annual&nbsp; maximums,&nbsp; the distribution&nbsp; function&nbsp; was&nbsp; selected&nbsp; in&nbsp; advance, and&nbsp; not&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; basis&nbsp; of&nbsp; tests&nbsp; of&nbsp; approval&nbsp; and check&nbsp; of&nbsp; probability&nbsp; graphs,&nbsp; as&nbsp; is&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; this dissertation. In order to&nbsp; check the goodness-offit&nbsp; tests&nbsp; of&nbsp; annual&nbsp; maximum &nbsp; volumes&nbsp; and duration,&nbsp; the&nbsp; tests&nbsp; Kolmogorov-Smirnov&nbsp; and Kramer-Mizes&nbsp; were&nbsp; used,&nbsp; and&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; their results&nbsp; representative&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; was&nbsp; chosen for&nbsp; calculation&nbsp; of&nbsp; different&nbsp; return&nbsp; periods&nbsp; of high waters on the stations, and vice versa.&nbsp; The L-moment&nbsp; diagram&nbsp; (L-Cs/L-Ck)&nbsp; determined the homogeneity&nbsp;&nbsp; of the region, in this case the Pannonian&nbsp; basin.&nbsp; L-moments&nbsp; were&nbsp; used&nbsp; for selection&nbsp; of&nbsp; regional&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; (LN)&nbsp; forvolumes&nbsp; and&nbsp; duration&nbsp; of&nbsp; high&nbsp; waters.&nbsp; Cluster analysis&nbsp; was&nbsp; used&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; second&nbsp; method&nbsp; for separating homogeneous regions.&nbsp; Based on this analysis&nbsp; in the Pannonian&nbsp; Basin, three regions have&nbsp; been&nbsp; identified&nbsp; that&nbsp; have&nbsp; the&nbsp; same hydrological characteristics.</p>

Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Bernarticích nad Odrou / Assessment of the impact of planning on land prices in Bernartice nad Odrou

Glogarová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the impact of a planning on land prices in the village Bernartice nad Odrou. A theoretical basis for an evaluation of an immovable property is described, then a documentation of the planning in the village is analysed and in the end, an evaluation via a case study of two selected lands is made. Both of these lands are evaluated by a determined price and a usual price in the three levels according to the conditions of a local plan. There are levels using plots such as an agricultural land, a land designed for building-up according to the local plan and a building land. The evaluation is based on calculation results in the particular phases. Finally, results justification is presented.

Analýza činnosti Allgemeine-SS v Dolních Rakousích v letech 1932 - 1945 / Analysis of the activities of Allgemeine-SS in Lower Austria in the years 1932 - 1945

Zumr, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the research of a role played by the SS, respectively Allgemeine-SS, in Lower Austria and Reichsgau Lower Danube since its creation in the early 1930s to the end of the Second World War. The dissertation's purpose is to analyse SS activities, structure and staff. Its history showed a number of identical features with the history of the SS in other Austrian Bundesländer and in Germany itself, but at the same time local specifics appeared. In Lower Austria / Lower Danube, the SS had the second highest or even the highest number of members in entire Austria, depending on a particular year. However, conversion to per capita it was exactly the opposite. In comparison with the situation in "the old empire", the SS also showed below average numbers of SS men. This fact consisted in geographic character and population social structure of the country whose predominantly Catholic-conservative inhabitants living in the lowland countryside showed greater resistance to entry into the SS than Evangelicals or Catholics living in the mountains. The situation was specific in South Moravia and the south-eastern corner of Bohemia which were connected to Lower Danube in October 1938. There were, as in the entire former Czechoslovak borderlands, a number of Allgemeine-SS members per capita...

Vojensko-politické aspekty sovětské invaze do ČSSR v srpnu 1968 / Military-political Aspects of Soviet Invasion Of CSSR in August 1968

Čížek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to explain the military-political reasons behind the long-term attempt of the Soviet Union to deploy its units on Czechoslovak territory, as well as the root cause of the military operation against Czechoslovakia which was carried out by the five member armies of the Warsaw Pact. One of the main reasons for this was the military and strategic situation in Central Europe in the 1960's, and also the issue of nuclear weapons and their carriers. A separate chapter is dedicated to Soviet attempts to deploy its units on Czechoslovak territory prior to Operation Danube. The final chapter deals with the reorganization of the CPA, the establishment of the CGV and the NATO reaction to the change in the strenght of armed forces present on the border of the two Blocs.

Trafiquants et navigateurs sur le Bas Danube et dans le Pont Gauche à l'époque romaine /

Bounegru, Octavian. January 2006 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Iaşi, 1995.

Raci jako bioindikátory vlivu člověka na sladkovodní ekosystémy v ČR - citlivost modelových druhů na vybrané toxické látky a případová studie z vybraného povodí. / Cray fish as bioindicators of human impact in freshwater ecosystems in CR - sensitivity of model species on selected toxic compounds and case study from the model catchment

MAHOVSKÁ, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with monitoring the occurrence of crayfish in selected river basins in the western Bohemia, considering the human impact on freshwater ecosystems and his influence on crayfish and other aquatic organisms. The selected river basin territory was Úhlava, Úslava and Otava. In the localities, numerical and species-wise representation of crayfish was monitored by finding data from the Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape of Czech Republic database. The flow and environment characteristics were also monitored. This thesis focuses on water quality in streams of selected major river basins, Úhlava, Úslava and Otava rivers in the period from 2006 to 2011. Results of the findings show a sympatric occurrence of original species, stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium), noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and part of the original danube crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) with invasively spreading species of spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). With respect to this fact, the sensitivity of spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are evaluated in a form of own test results on acute toxicity. The thesis compared current results of occurrence and the protection of crayfish in the Czech Republic and abroad. The conclusion of this thesis is a proposal of a freshwater biomonitoring system, using the crayfish.

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