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Multi-visualization and hybrid segmentation approaches within telemedicine frameworkJiang, Chunyan January 2007 (has links)
The innovation of information techniques has changed many aspects of our life. In health care field, we can obtain, manage and communicate high-quality large volumetric image data by computer integrated devices, to support medical care. In this dissertation I propose several promising methods that could assist physicians in processing, observing and communicating the image data. They are included in my three research aspects: telemedicine integration, medical image visualization and image segmentation. And these methods are also demonstrated by the demo software that I developed.
One of my research point focuses on medical information storage standard in telemedicine, for example DICOM, which is the predominant standard for the storage and communication of medical images. I propose a novel 3D image data storage method, which was lacking in current DICOM standard. I also created a mechanism to make use of the non-standard or private DICOM files.
In this thesis I present several rendering techniques on medical image visualization to offer different display manners, both 2D and 3D, for example, cut through data volume in arbitrary degree, rendering the surface shell of the data, and rendering the semi-transparent volume of the data.
A hybrid segmentation approach, designed for semi-automated segmentation of radiological image, such as CT, MRI, etc, is proposed in this thesis to get the organ or interested area from the image. This approach takes advantage of the region-based method and boundary-based methods. Three steps compose the hybrid approach: the first step gets coarse segmentation by fuzzy affinity and generates homogeneity operator; the second step divides the image by Voronoi Diagram and reclassifies the regions by the operator to refine segmentation from the previous step; the third step handles vague boundary by level set model.
Topics for future research are mentioned in the end, including new supplement for DICOM standard for segmentation information storage, visualization of multimodal image information, and improvement of the segmentation approach to higher dimension. / Innovative Informationstechnologien haben viele Bereiche unseres Lebens verändert. Im Gesundheitsbereich ist es mittels Computer möglich, qualitativ hochwertige und große volumetrische Bilddaten zu verwalten, zu verarbeiten und dadurch die medizinische Betreuung zu unterstützen. In dieser Dissertation stelle ich verschiedene Methoden vor, die Mediziner beim Prozess der Beobachtung, Verarbeitung und Nutzung von Bilddaten verstärkt unterstützten können. Meine Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit drei Schwerpunktthemen: Telemedizinintegration, Visualisierung von medizinischen Bildern und Bildsegmentierung. Zur Demonstration der Machbarkeit der vorgeschlagenen Methoden implementierte ich zudem eine Anwendungssoftware.
Das entwickelte System kann in punkto Telemedizinintegration nicht nur Dateien im DICOM Format lesen und schreiben, sondern auch nicht-standardisierte Dateien reparieren. In meiner Arbeit gebe ich außerdem einen Vorschlag für eine Erweiterung des DICOM Standards für die Speicherung von 3D Bildinformationen. Zur Darstellung der Bilddaten wurden in dem entwickelten System drei verschiedene Ansichten implementiert: Volumen Ansicht, Oberflächen Ansicht sowie Querschnitt Ansicht. Ein Großteil meiner Arbeit ist der Vorschlag eines neuen hybriden Bildsegmentierungsansatzes. Durch das neu vorgeschlagene Verfahren können komplexe neurale MRI Daten effizient und präzise segmentiert werden. Zusätzlich wird der manuelle Arbeitsaufwand der Experten drastisch verringert.
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Towards reusable aspects: the callback mismatch problemBynens, Maarten, Van Landuyt, Dimitri, Truyen, Eddy, Joosen, Wouter January 2010 (has links)
Because software development is increasingly expensive and timeconsuming, software reuse gains importance. Aspect-oriented software development modularizes crosscutting concerns which enables their systematic reuse. Literature provides a number of AOP patterns and best practices for developing reusable aspects based on compelling examples for concerns like tracing, transactions and persistence. However, such best practices are lacking for systematically reusing invasive aspects.
In this paper, we present the ‘callback mismatch problem’. This problem arises in the context of abstraction mismatch, in which the aspect is required to issue a callback to the base application. As a consequence, the composition of invasive aspects is cumbersome to implement, difficult to maintain and impossible to reuse.
We motivate this problem in a real-world example, show that it persists in the current state-of-the-art, and outline the need for advanced aspectual composition mechanisms to deal with this.
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Views for aspectualizing component modelsHannousse, Abdelhakim, Ardourel, Gilles, Douence, Rémi January 2010 (has links)
Component based software development (CBSD) and aspectoriented software development (AOSD) are two complementary approaches. However, existing proposals for integrating aspects into component models are direct transposition of object-oriented AOSD techniques to components. In this article, we propose a new approach based on views. Our proposal introduces crosscutting components quite naturally and can be integrated into different component models.
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Stationary generated models of generalized logic programsHerre, Heinrich, Hummel, Axel January 2010 (has links)
The interest in extensions of the logic programming paradigm beyond the class of normal logic programs is motivated by the need of an adequate representation and processing of knowledge. One of the most difficult problems in this area is to find an adequate declarative semantics for logic programs. In the present paper a general preference criterion is proposed that selects the ‘intended’ partial models of generalized logic programs which is a conservative extension of the stationary semantics for normal logic programs of [Prz91]. The presented preference criterion defines a partial model of a generalized logic program as intended if it is generated by a stationary chain. It turns out that the stationary generated models coincide with the stationary models on the class of normal logic programs. The general wellfounded semantics of such a program is defined as the set-theoretical intersection of its stationary generated models. For normal logic programs the general wellfounded semantics equals the wellfounded semantics.
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Imaginary InterfacesGustafson, Sean January 2013 (has links)
The size of a mobile device is primarily determined by the size of the touchscreen. As such, researchers have found that the way to achieve ultimate mobility is to abandon the screen altogether. These wearable devices are operated using hand gestures, voice commands or a small number of physical buttons. By abandoning the screen these devices also abandon the currently dominant spatial interaction style (such as tapping on buttons), because, seemingly, there is nothing to tap on. Unfortunately this design prevents users from transferring their learned interaction knowledge gained from traditional touchscreen-based devices.
In this dissertation, I present Imaginary Interfaces, which return spatial interaction to screenless mobile devices. With these interfaces, users point and draw in the empty space in front of them or on the palm of their hands. While they cannot see the results of their interaction, they obtain some visual and tactile feedback by watching and feeling their hands interact. After introducing the concept of Imaginary Interfaces, I present two hardware prototypes that showcase two different forms of interaction with an imaginary interface, each with its own advantages: mid-air imaginary interfaces can be large and expressive, while palm-based imaginary interfaces offer an abundance of tactile features that encourage learning.
Given that imaginary interfaces offer no visual output, one of the key challenges is to enable users to discover the interface's layout. This dissertation offers three main solutions: offline learning with coordinates, browsing with audio feedback and learning by transfer. The latter I demonstrate with the Imaginary Phone, a palm-based imaginary interface that mimics the layout of a physical mobile phone that users are already familiar with.
Although these designs enable interaction with Imaginary Interfaces, they tell us little about why this interaction is possible. In the final part of this dissertation, I present an exploration into which human perceptual abilities are used when interacting with a palm-based imaginary interface and how much each accounts for performance with the interface. These findings deepen our understanding of Imaginary Interfaces and suggest that palm-based Imaginary Interfaces can enable stand-alone eyes-free use for many applications, including interfaces for visually impaired users. / Die Größe mobiler Geräte ist vornehmlich bestimmt durch die Größe des Berührungsbildschirms. Forscher haben daher erkannt, dass der Weg zur äußersten Mobilität in der kompletten Aufgabe des Bildschirms liegt. Solche tragbaren Geräte werden durch Handgesten, Sprachbefehle oder eine kleine Anzahl physikalischer Tasten gesteuert. Mit der Aufgabe des Bildschirms geben diese Geräte allerdings auch den momentan weitverbreiteten Stil räumlicher Interaktion auf (zum Beispiel das Betätigen von Tasten), da scheinbar nichts existiert, das man betätigen kann. Leider verhindert diese Entwicklung, dass Benutzer Interaktionswissen, welches sie sich auf herkömmlichen berührungsempflindlichen Geräten angeeignet haben, anwenden können.
In dieser Doktorarbeit stelle ich Imaginary Interfaces vor, imaginäre Benutzerschnittstellen, die räumliche Interaktionen auf bildschirmlosen mobilen Geräten ermöglichen. Diese Schnittstellen erlauben Benutzern, im leeren Raum vor ihnen oder auf ihren Handfläche zu zeigen und zu zeichnen. Zwar können Benutzer die Ergebnisse ihrer Interaktion nicht sehen, sie erhalten jedoch visuelle und taktile Rückmeldung dadurch, dass sie ihre Hände während der Interaktion beobachten und fühlen. Nach der Einführung des Imaginary Interfaces Konzepts stelle ich zwei Hardware-Prototypen vor, die zwei verschiedene Arten von Interaktionen mit Imaginary Interfaces demonstrieren, jeweils mit ihren eigenen Vorteilen: Imaginary Interfaces in der Luft können groß und ausdrucksstark sein, während Imaginary Interfaces basierend auf Handflächen eine Fülle von taktilen Merkmalen aufweisen, die das Erlernen unterstützen.
Die fehlende visuelle Ausgabe führt zu einer der Hauptherausforderungen von Imaginary Interfaces, nämlich Benutzern zu ermöglichen, die Anordnung der Benutzerschnittstellen herauszufinden. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt drei Lösungen vor: vorheriges Lernen mit Koordinaten, Durchsuchen mit Tonrückmeldung und Lernen durch Transfer. Letztere demonstriere ich mit Imaginary Phone, einem Imaginary Interface basierend auf Handflächen, das die den Benutzern schon vertraute Anordnung eines physikalischen Mobiltelefons imitiert.
Obwohl diese Lösungen die Interaktion mit Imaginary Interfaces ermöglichen, können sie keine Aussage darüber treffen, warum eine solche Interaktion möglich ist. Im letzten Teil dieser Doktorarbeit untersuche ich, welche menschlichen Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten während der Interaktion mit Imaginary Interface basierend auf Handflächen genutzt werden und zu welchem Ausmaß jede dieser Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten zur Effizienz bei der Benutzung beiträgt. Diese Ergebnisse vertiefen unser Verständnis von Imaginary Interfaces und legen nahe, dass Imaginary Interfaces basierend auf Handflächen die eigenständige und blickfreie Benutzung von vielen Anwendungen ermöglichen können, eingeschlossen Benutzerschnittstellen für sehbehinderte Benutzer.
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Communication performance measurement and analysis on commodity clustersAbdul Hamid, Nor Asilah Wati. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 2008. / "March 13, 2008" Bibliography: leaves 217-235. Also available in print form.
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The JCop language specification : Version 1.0, April 2012Appeltauer, Malte, Hirschfeld, Robert January 2012 (has links)
Program behavior that relies on contextual information, such as physical location or network accessibility, is common in today's applications, yet its representation is not sufficiently supported by programming languages.
With context-oriented programming (COP), such context-dependent behavioral variations can be explicitly modularized and dynamically activated. In general, COP could be used to manage any context-specific behavior. However, its contemporary realizations limit the control of dynamic adaptation. This, in turn, limits the interaction of COP's adaptation mechanisms with widely used architectures, such as event-based, mobile, and distributed programming.
The JCop programming language extends Java with language constructs for context-oriented programming and additionally provides a domain-specific aspect language for declarative control over runtime adaptations. As a result, these redesigned implementations are more concise and better modularized than their counterparts using plain COP.
JCop's main features have been described in our previous publications. However, a complete language specification has not been presented so far. This report presents the entire JCop language including the syntax and semantics of its new language constructs. / Das Verhalten von modernen Software-Anwendungen benötigt häufig Informationen über den Kontext ihrer Ausführung, z.B. die geografische Position, die Tageszeit oder die aktuelle Netzwerkbandbreite. Dennoch bieten heutige Programmiersprachen nur wenig Unterstützung für die Repräsentation kontextspezifischen Verhaltens.
Kontextorientiertes Programmieren ist ein Ansatz, der die explizite Modularisierung und Laufzeitaktivierung von kontextspezifischem Verhalten auf der Ebene von Programmiersprachkonstrukten ermöglicht. Die bisherigen Umsetzungen von kontextorientiertem Programmieren schränken jedoch die Kontrolle der Laufzeitaktivierungen solches kontextspezifischen Verhaltens ein. Daraus folgt eine Einschränkung der Anwendungsbereiche für kontextorientiertes Programmieren, unter anderem für solche Domänen, in denen Programme sehr häufig kontextabhängiges Verhalten bereitstellen, z.B. ereignisbasierte, mobile und dienstorientierte Systeme.
Die Programmiersprache JCop erweitert Java um Sprachkonstrukte für kontextorientieres Programmieren und bietet zusätzlich eine domänenspezifische Aspektsprach an, mit deren Hilfe Laufzeitadaptionen deklarativ spezifiziert werden können.
Die Kernkonzepte von JCop wurden bereits in mehrern Publikationen vorgestellt, dieser Bericht enthält nun eine umfassende Sprachspezifikation von JCop.
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Test items for and misconceptions of competences in the domain of logic programmingLinck, Barbara January 2013 (has links)
Development of competence-oriented curricula is still an important theme in informatics education. Unfortunately informatics curricula, which include the domain of logic programming, are still input-orientated or lack detailed competence descriptions. Therefore, the development of competence model and of learning outcomes' descriptions is essential for the learning process in this domain. A prior research developed both. The next research step is to formulate test items to measure the described learning outcomes. This article describes this procedure and exemplifies test items. It also relates a test in school to the items and shows which misconceptions and typical errors are important to discuss in class. The test result can also confirm or disprove the competence model. Therefore, this school test is important for theoretical research as well as for the concrete planning of lessons. Quantitative analysis in school is important for evaluation and improvement of informatics education.
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Environments for programming in primary educationGujberová, Monika, Tomcsányi, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The aim of our article is to collect and present information about contemporary programming environments that are suitable for primary education. We studied the ways they implement (or do not implement) some programming concepts, the ways programs are represented and built in order to support young and novice programmers, as well as their suitability to allow different forms of sharing the results of pupils’ work. We present not only a short description of each considered environment and the taxonomy in the form of a table, but also our understanding and opinions on how and why the environments implement the same concepts and ideas in different ways and which concepts and ideas seem to be important to the creators of such environments.
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The new course of study and a prospect of information studies education in JapanNakano, Yoshiaki, Izutsu, Katsunobu January 2013 (has links)
Japan launched the new Course of Study in April 2012, which has been carried out in elementary schools and junior high schools. It will also be implemented in senior high schools from April 2013. This article presents an overview of the information studies education in the new Course of Study for K-12. Besides, the authors point out what role experts of informatics and information studies education should play in the general education centered around information studies that is meant to help people of the nation to lead an active, powerful, and flexible life until the satisfying end.
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