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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of individual and social network factors that influence needle sharing behaviour among Winnipeg injection drug users

Sulaiman, Patricia C. 14 December 2005 (has links)
The sharing of needles among injection drug users (IDUs) is a common route of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis C Virus transmission. Through the increased utilization of social network analysis, researchers have been able to examine how the interpersonal relationships of IDUs affect injection risk behaviour. This study involves a secondary analysis of data from a cross-sectional study of 156 IDUs from Winnipeg, Manitoba titled “Social Network Analysis of Injection Drug Users”. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess the individual and the social network characteristics associated with needle sharing among the IDUs. Generalized Estimating Equations analysis was used to determine the injecting dyad characteristics which influence needle sharing behaviour between the IDUs and their injection drug using network members. The results revealed five key thematic findings that were significantly associated with needle sharing: (1) types of drug use, (2) socio-demographic status, (3) injecting in semi-public locations, (4) intimacy, and (5) social influence. The findings from this study suggest that comprehensive prevention approaches that target individuals and their network relationships may be necessary for sustainable reductions in needle sharing among IDUs. / February 2006

Cognitive styles of Indian, Metis, Inuit and non-Natives of northern Canada and Alaska and implications for education

Koenig, Delores Mary 03 July 2007 (has links)
The present study investigated the cognitive styles of Indian, Metis, Inuit and non-native adults and adolescents of northern Canada and Alaska. The study identified three relational and two analytical cognitive styles. The styles differed significantly from each other in relation to cultural background, language facility, level of post-secondary education, sex and age of the respondents. Cultural background was found to be the most significant discriminator of those under investigation.<p> Procedure of the study involved the collection of verbalized responses to five open-ended questions concerning education from one hundred northern residents. A total of 528 minutes 32 seconds of taperecorded responses was available from twenty treaty and status Indians, twenty Metis, twenty Inuit and forty non-natives. Subjects included parents, university students, high school students, teacher trainees, teachers, education administrators, native politicians and general community members. The data were submitted to content analysis procedures with items coded according to the Data Analysis of Cognitive Style (DACS) Scale which had been adapted for use in the present study from the work of E. S. Schneidman (1966). Scale item frequencies for each respondent were tabulated and submitted for statistical analyses to the SPSS program discriminant analysis. This analysis identified significantly different functions which translated into patterns of thinking or cognitive styles. In addition this analysis identified the relative importance of functions as discriminators among groups and computed predictability scores which showed the percentage of respondents who were correctly classified according to cognitive styles. and demographic variables.<p>Findings of this study must be considered in relation to the following limitations: the size and nature of the stratified random sample; the reliability of the coders; the use of the unvalidated DACS scale; the ability of the analytical procedures to correctly discriminate among the study groups.<p> The study found that the groups which tended to think in relational styles were: Natives (Indian, Metis, Inuit), people with no university education or with less than one year at university; bilinguals (English and a native language); males; people under twenty years and over forty years of age. The terms Conflict-relational, Moral-relational and Inexactrelational were used to more precisely identify differing cognitive behaviors within the overall relational category. The groups which were found to exhibit analytical cognitive style behaviors included: the nonnative group; those respondents with two to four years of university education; and respondents between thirty and forty years of age. Subcategories within analytical styles were Conflict-analytical and Inexactanalytical.<p>When the Indian, Metis and Inuit respondents were combined into a "native" cultural group they strongly identified with the Moral-relational cognitive style (people-oriented, subjective, holistic, concerned with morals and ethics). The non-native group showed a strong negative relationship to this style. However, when each cultural group was analyzed separately, it was found that the Indian and Inuit subjects were somewhat more analytical (objective, linear, field-independent) than the Metis but less so than the non-natives. On the analysis of four groups, the nonnatives were found to relate to both relational and analytical styles of thinking, indicating a wide range of differences within the group.<p>It was concluded that significant differences existed in the cognitive styles preferred by respondents of different cultural, language, education, sex and age groups in this study. Cultural background was found to be the strongest discriminator in relation to cognitive style differences. It was further concluded that according to extrapolation of findings to the theoretical model it may be possible and desirable to modify curricula content and teaching techniques to achieve a closer match between teaching styles and cognitive and learning styles of. students of indigenous cultural backgrounds.

Conley-Morse Chain Maps

Moeller, Todd Keith 19 July 2005 (has links)
We introduce a new class of Conley-Morse chain maps for the purpose of comparing the qualitative structure of flows across multiple scales. Conley index theory generalizes classical Morse theory as a tool for studying the dynamics of flows. The qualitative structure of a flow, given a Morse decomposition, can be stored algebraically as a set of homology groups (Conley indices) and a boundary map between the indices (a connection matrix). We show that as long as the qualitative structures of two flows agree on some, perhaps coarse, level we can construct a chain map between the corresponding chain complexes that preserves the relations between the (coarsened) Morse sets. We present elementary examples to motivate applications to data analysis.

Improving long-term production data analysis using analogs to pressure transient analysis techniques

Okunola, Damola Sulaiman 15 May 2009 (has links)
In practice today, pressure transient analysis (PTA) and production data analysis (PDA) are done separately and differently by different interpreters in different companies using different analysis techniques, different interpreter-dependent inputs, on pressure and production rate data from the same well, with different software packages. This has led to different analyses outputs and characterizations of the same reservoir. To avoid inconsistent results from different interpretations, this study presents a new way to integrate PTA and PDA on a single diagnostic plot to account for and see the early time and mid-time responses (from the transient tests) and late time (boundary affected/PSS) responses achievable with production analysis, on the same plot; thereby unifying short and long-term analyses and improving the reservoir characterization. The rate normalized pressure (RNP) technique was combined with conventional pressure buildup PTA technique. Data processing algorithms were formulated to improve plot presentation and a stepwise analysis procedure is presented to apply the new technique. The new technique is simple to use and the same conventional interpretation techniques as PTA apply. We have applied the technique to a simulated well case and two field cases. Finally, this new technique represents improvements over previous PDA methods and can help give a long term dynamic description of the well’s drainage area.

Study of Flow Regimes in Multiply-Fractured Horizontal Wells in Tight Gas and Shale Gas Reservoir Systems

Freeman, Craig M. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Various analytical, semi-analytical, and empirical models have been proposed to characterize rate and pressure behavior as a function of time in tight/shale gas systems featuring a horizontal well with multiple hydraulic fractures. Despite a small number of analytical models and published numerical studies there is currently little consensus regarding the large-scale flow behavior over time in such systems. The purpose of this work is to construct a fit-for-purpose numerical simulator which will account for a variety of production features pertinent to these systems, and to use this model to study the effects of various parameters on flow behavior. Specific features examined in this work include hydraulically fractured horizontal wells, multiple porosity and permeability fields, desorption, and micro-scale flow effects. The theoretical basis of the model is described in Chapter I, along with a validation of the model. We employ the numerical simulator to examine various tight gas and shale gas systems and to illustrate and define the various flow regimes which progressively occur over time. We visualize the flow regimes using both specialized plots of rate and pressure functions, as well as high-resolution maps of pressure distributions. The results of this study are described in Chapter II. We use pressure maps to illustrate the initial linear flow into the hydraulic fractures in a tight gas system, transitioning to compound formation linear flow, and then into elliptical flow. We show that flow behavior is dominated by the fracture configuration due to the extremely low permeability of shale. We also explore the possible effect of microscale flow effects on gas effective permeability and subsequent gas species fractionation. We examine the interaction of sorptive diffusion and Knudsen diffusion. We show that microscale porous media can result in a compositional shift in produced gas concentration without the presence of adsorbed gas. The development and implementation of the micro-flow model is documented in Chapter III. This work expands our understanding of flow behavior in tight gas and shale gas systems, where such an understanding may ultimately be used to estimate reservoir properties and reserves in these types of reservoirs.

Development Of Free/libre And Open Source Spatial Data Analysis System Fully Coupled With Geographic Information System

Kepoglu, Volkan Osman 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Spatial Data Analysis (SDA) is relatively narrower and constitutes one of the areas of Spatial Analysis. Geographic Information System (GIS) offers a potentially valuable platform for supporting SDA techniques. Integration of SDA with GIS helps SDA to benefit from the data input, storage, retrieval, data manipulation and display capabilities of GIS. Also, GIS can benefit from SDA techniques in which the integration of these techniques can increase the analysis capabilities of GIS. This integration serves for disseminating and facilitating improved understanding of spatial phenomena. How SDA techniques should be integrated with GIS arise the coupling problem. The complete integration of SDA techniques in GIS can be applied without the support of GIS vendor when the free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) development methodology is properly followed. This approach causes to interpret the coupling problem in a new way. This thesis aims to develop a fully coupled SDA with GIS in FLOSS environment. A fully coupled SDA in free GIS software as FLOSS system is developed by writing nearly 13,000 line Python code in 2.5 years. Usage of this system has reached to nearly 1600 unique visitors, 3000 visits and 8600 page views in two years. As the current status of development in GIS is considered, it is unlikely in commercial market to have full coupled SDA techniques in GIS software. However, it is expected to have more SDA developments in proprietary GIS software in the near future as there is an increasing trend for requesting more sophisticated SDA tools.

Modelling Weather Index Based Drought Insurance For Provinces In The Central Anatolia Region

Evkaya, Ozan Omer 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Drought, which is an important result of the climate change, is one of the most serious natural hazards globally. It has been agreed all over the world that it has adverse impacts on the production of agriculture, which plays a major role in the economy of a country. Studies showed that the results of the drought directly affected the crop yields, and it seems that this negative impact will continue drastically soon. Moreover, many researches revealed that, Turkey will be affected from the results of climate change in many aspects, especially the agricultural production will encounter dry seasons after the rapid changes in the precipitation amount. Insurance is a well-established method, which is used to share the risk based on natural disasters by people and organizations. Furthermore, a new way of insuring against the weather shocks is designing index-based insurance, and it has gained special attention in many developing countries. In this study, our aim is to model weather index based drought insurance product to help the small holder farmers in the Cental Anatolia Region under different models. At first, time series techniques were applied to forecast the wheat yield relying on the past data. Then, the AMS (AgroMetShell) software outputs, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) values were used, and SPI values for distinct time steps were chosen to develop a basic threshold based drought insurance for each province. Linear regression equations were used to calculate the trigger points for weather index, afterwards based on these trigger levels / pure premium and indemnity calculations were made for each province separately. In addition to this, Panel Data Analysis were used to construct an alternative linear model for drought insurance. It can be helpful to understand the direct and actual effects of selected weather index measures on wheat yield and also reduce the basis risks for constructed contracts. A simple ratio was generated to compare the basis risk of the different index-based insurance contracts.

On two-sample data analysis by exponential model

Choi, Sujung 01 November 2005 (has links)
We discuss two-sample problems and the implementation of a new two-sample data analysis procedure. The proposed procedure is based on the concepts of mid-distribution, design of score functions, components, comparison distribution, comparison density and exponential model. Assume that we have a random sample X1, . . . ,Xm from a continuous distribution F(y) = P(Xi y), i = 1, . . . ,m and a random sample Y1, . . . ,Yn from a continuous distribution G(y) = P(Yi y), i = 1, . . . ,n. Also assume independence of the two samples. The two-sample problem tests homogeneity of two samples and formally can be stated as H0 : F = G. To solve the two-sample problem, a number of tests have been proposed by statisticians in various contexts. Two typical tests are the two-sample t?test and the Wilcoxon's rank sum test. However, since they are testing differences in locations, they do not extract more information from the data as well as a test of the homogeneity of the distribution functions. Even though the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic or Anderson-Darling tests can be used for the test of H0 : F = G, those statistics give no indication of the actual relation of F to G when H0 : F = G is rejected. Our goal is to learn why it was rejected. Our approach gives an answer using graphical tools which is a main property of our approach. Our approach is functional in the sense that the parameters to be estimated are probability density functions. Compared with other statistical tools for two-sample problems such as the t-test or the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, density estimation makes us understand the data more fully, which is essential in data analysis. Our approach to density estimation works with small sample sizes, too. Also our methodology makes almost no assumptions on two continuous distributions F and G. In that sense, our approach is nonparametric. Our approach gives graphical elements in two-sample problem where exist not many graphical elements typically. Furthermore, our procedure will help researchers to make a conclusion as to why two populations are different when H0 is rejected and to give an explanation to describe the relation between F and G in a graphical way.

Bayesian variable selection in clustering via dirichlet process mixture models

Kim, Sinae 17 September 2007 (has links)
The increased collection of high-dimensional data in various fields has raised a strong interest in clustering algorithms and variable selection procedures. In this disserta- tion, I propose a model-based method that addresses the two problems simultane- ously. I use Dirichlet process mixture models to define the cluster structure and to introduce in the model a latent binary vector to identify discriminating variables. I update the variable selection index using a Metropolis algorithm and obtain inference on the cluster structure via a split-merge Markov chain Monte Carlo technique. I evaluate the method on simulated data and illustrate an application with a DNA microarray study. I also show that the methodology can be adapted to the problem of clustering functional high-dimensional data. There I employ wavelet thresholding methods in order to reduce the dimension of the data and to remove noise from the observed curves. I then apply variable selection and sample clustering methods in the wavelet domain. Thus my methodology is wavelet-based and aims at clustering the curves while identifying wavelet coefficients describing discriminating local features. I exemplify the method on high-dimensional and high-frequency tidal volume traces measured under an induced panic attack model in normal humans.

Computer and physical experiments: design, modeling, and multivariate interpolation

Kang, Lulu 28 June 2010 (has links)
Many problems in science and engineering are solved through experimental investigations. Because experiments can be costly and time consuming, it is important to efficiently design the experiment so that maximum information about the problem can be obtained. It is also important to devise efficient statistical methods to analyze the experimental data so that none of the information is lost. This thesis makes contributions on several aspects in the field of design and analysis of experiments. It consists of two parts. The first part focuses on physical experiments, and the second part on computer experiments. The first part on physical experiments contains three works. The first work develops Bayesian experimental designs for robustness studies, which can be applied in industries for quality improvement. The existing methods rely on modifying effect hierarchy principle to give more importance to control-by-noise interactions, which can violate the true effect order of a system because the order should not depend on the objective of an experiment. The proposed Bayesian approach uses a prior distribution to capture the effect hierarchy property and then uses an optimal design criterion to satisfy the robustness objectives. The second work extends the above Bayesian approach to blocked experimental designs. The third work proposes a new modeling and design strategy for mixture-of-mixtures experiments and applies it in the optimization of Pringles potato crisps. The proposed model substantially reduces the number of parameters in the existing multiple-Scheffé model and thus, helps the engineers to design much smaller experiments. The second part on computer experiments introduces two new methods for analyzing the data. The first is an interpolation method called regression-based inverse distance weighting (RIDW) method, which is shown to overcome some of the computational and numerical problems associated with kriging, particularly in dealing with large data and/or high dimensional problems. In the second work, we introduce a general nonparametric regression method, called kernel sum regression. More importantly, we make an interesting discovery by showing that a particular form of this regression method becomes an interpolation method, which can be used to analyze computer experiments with deterministic outputs.

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