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Visual Analysis of Swedish Research Council's Project DatabaseHaga, Thorsten January 2012 (has links)
A human can understand data visualizations easier than reading the source .The goal of this thesis is to support the user with an application to fulfill this problem, so he is able to cope with the data and also filter it for his interests. This thesis aims to visualize projects of the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) supported by the latest web technologies. The visualizations, which will be created from the projects, are interactive, so the user is able to select a single university and their faculties by years and other categories. The application is quite transparent, so it is conceivable that it also fits in most organisations or firms who want to analyse their departments project budgets.The web application is built with the newest Hypertext Markup Language Standard (HTML5) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3). A large part of the application was programmed with the help of the new Toolkitfrom the Google family which is called Google Web Toolkit.
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Path Following for a Car-like Mobile Robot based onFuzzy-logicLin, Wenjie January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis is to investigate a path following approach for car-like robots using fuzzy logic. The approach takes into account the vehicle non-holonomic constraints. The thesis covers also the generation of a continuous path given a set of waypoints. The continuous path is modeled using uniform cubic splines. The method is evaluated using a simulated robot running in the 2D simulator Stage, part of the Player robot middleware. i
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Modeling method to visually reconstruct the historical Vasa ship with the help of a 3D scanned point cloudCarlsson, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
A point cloud derived from scanning the actual Vasa ship is used for an accurate visualisation. Both manual and automatic mesh techniques where utilized in the modelling of the Vasa ship to overcome problems of poor resolution in the point cloud and computing power. A combination of manual and automatic techniques resulted in a 3D model optimized for use within animation software. The method presented in this paper utilized a method that allows the user to keep control over topology. The polygon count is kept to a minimum and one can still remain certain that the measurements and realism from the point cloud is maintained.
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SMB : En prestandajämförelse mellan SMB1 och SMB2Henriksson, Joakim January 2012 (has links)
Centraliserad lagring av data är idag vanligt på företag och andra organisationer. För att användarna ska få åtkomst till informationen används kommunikationsprotokoll såsom Server Message Block (SMB). I detta arbete utvärderas de två versionerna av protokollet SMB1 och SMB2 i praktiska experiment. SMB1 har problem med nätverksfördröjning som resulterar i dålig prestanda, SMB2 utvecklades med detta i åtanke och ska därmed hantera nätverksfördröjning bättre. Utvärdering av protokollen sker praktiskt i ett antal olika experiment med olika intervall av nätverksfördröjning och därefter en analys. Resultaten visar att SMB2 effektivt åtgärdat problemen SMB1 har med nätverksfördröjning och därmed presterar betydligt bättre än föregångaren vid filöverföring.
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Komponentbaserat intranät i SharepointEricsson, Fredrik, Hilton, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utreda och om möjligt skapa en generell grundplattform att utgå ifrån när man utvecklar ett intranät. Problemet som ofta uppstår när man kommer till en kund är att de vill veta vad allt kommer att kosta, vilket är genomgående genom processen. Varje kund har olika behov och krav på sin webbplats, vilket kräver olika mycket tid och kostnader från utvecklarna. Det är först efter förstudien som utvecklarna kan ge en ungefärlig kostnad för projektet. Som lösning har vi i examensarbetet skapat en grundplattform med två olika komponenter, för att ge ett exempel på hur plattformen kan komma att se ut. Komponenterna kan paketeras olika för varje kund och gör att kunderna redan från början kan få ett hum om vad det kan kosta med just deras konfiguration och önskemål. För att uppnå denna lösning har flera kunskaper inom SharePoint erhållits, inom särskilda områden som till exempel Masterpages, Content Types, Managed Metadata med flera. Resultatet blev bland annat ett nyhetsarkiv som kan installeras via en så kallad Feature på en Sharepoint webbplats. Detta är en bra grund för hur resterande komponenter, som kalender och dokumenthantering, kan implementeras.
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Examining and comparing the authentication methods for users in computer networks and systemsYakimov, Vladimir January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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On-board Diagnostics FrameworkOlsson, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
For as long as complex machines have been around there has also been a need for accurate diagnostic and prognostic capabilities. Over the last decades there have been many attempts to develop and implement systems with various degrees of diagnostic and prognostic abilities, some successful some not. This master thesis presents a software architecture that is used to implement an on-board diagnostic framework capable of advanced diagnostics and prognostics in industrial vehicles. The presented architecture consists of a set of modules that focuses on performance, scalability and simplicity that fulfills the demands of current and upcoming diagnostic and prognostic techniques.
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Visualization of FunctionalDependencies in a Web EnvironmentGeorgiev, Nikolay January 2010 (has links)
As the core of a previous thesis, a Web-based tool, called LDBN(Learn DataBase Normalization), was developed. The purpose of this tool is to provide an interactive learning environment for the normalization of relational database schemata whose constraints are defined by functional dependencies (FDs). During the fall terms of 2008 and 2009, LDBN was used in conjunction with the course Principles of Database Systems at the Umeå University Department of Computing Science, and some important observations were made.As a part of this thesis, some crucial extensions to LDBN, based upon these observations, are developed. The most signifcant extension is a tool for the visualization of FDs, based upon templates found in popular textbooks. Often, such visual representations are much easier for humans to grasp than purely text-based representations. However, this extension does not compromise the existing capabilities of LDBN. In addition, we present some other shortcomings of the previous version of LDBN and our approach to deal with those, in particular issues surrounding user privileges.
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Combining assembles of domain expert markingsPierre, Mattias January 2010 (has links)
Breast cancer is diagnosed in more than 6300 Swedish women every year. Mammograms, which are X-ray images of breasts, are taken as part of a nationwide screening process and are analyzed for anomalies by radiologists. This analysis process could be made more efficient by using computer-aided image analysis to assist quality control of the mammograms. However, the development of such image analysis methods requires what is called a “ground truth”. The ground truth is used as a key in algorithm development and represents the true information in the depicted object. Mammograms are 2D projections of deformed 3D objects, and in these cases the ground truth is almost impossible to procure. Instead a surrogate ground truth is constructed. ALGSII, a novel method for ranking shapes within a given set, was recently developed for measuring the level of agreement among ensembles of markings produced by experts of glandular tissue in mammograms. It was hypothesized in this thesis that the ALGSII measure could be used to construct a surrogate truth based on the markings from domain experts.Markings from segmentations of glandular tissue, performed by 5 different field experts on 162 mammograms, comprised the working data for this thesis project. An algorithm was developed that, given a fixed set of markings, takes an initial shape and modifies it iteratively until it becomes the “optimal shape” - the shape with the highest level of agreement in the group of markings according to the ALGSII measure. The algorithm was optimized with egard to rate of accepted shape changes and computational complexity.The developed algorithm was successful in producing an optimal shape according to the definition of maximizing the ALGSII measure in 100% of the cases tested. The algorithm showed stability for the given data set, and its performance was significantly increased by the implemented optimizations.
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Customization of Docbook to Generate PDF, HTM & CHMAsif, Muhammad January 2009 (has links)
Software documentation is an important aspect of software projects. Software documentation plays a key role in software development if it is up-to-date and complete. Software documentation should have the synchronization with the software development. One of the problems is duplication; same information is written in different documents and stored in different places with different formats making things complex to manage. By using traditional documentation tools, it’s hard to maintain documentation for complex systems and it is time consuming. To overcome these problems, we have used XML Docbook that is a good solution for it. Docbook provides single sourcing technique in which documents are written ideally in one place and can convert it into different other formats from the same location. Actually docbook is based on xml which can be easily edited by most of the programming languages. If there are many developers are writing documentation for their software modules then we don’t need to copy and paste all the documents into one document to produce a complete document for the software product. We have to just add the references to all those files that should be present in the final document and then compile it with some processors and it automatically get document contents from all files and put it into one document, so it’s easy to handle and maintain software documentation with docbook.
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