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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av kodeditor för kreativt skapande på webben

Bondemark, Richard, Eriksson, Jonas, Foo, Henrik, Minder, Patrik, Mårtensson, Oskar, Prosén, Patrik, Telon, Alex January 2014 (has links)
Att skapa genom att koda är ett nytt och spännande sätt att gestalta konst, lära sig att koda eller bara ha roligt. Denna rapports syfte är att utforska hur en sådan upplevelse kan göras mer interaktiv och intuitiv för användaren samt hur sådan funktionalitet kan implementeras. Som bas för detta ligger en explorativ fallstudie av det arbete som projektgruppen har utfört för att förbättra hemsidan för CodeArt. Det visar sig att ökad användarupplevelse kan uppnås med hjälp av implementation av olika verktyg och funktioner, i detta fall livekodning, versionshantering, hjälptexter och ett loggningsverktyg.

A Machine Learning Component for an Optimized Context-Aware Web Service Selection based on Decision Trees for a Future Service Market

Geisler, Markus January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Integration of OpenModelica into the Multi-paradigm ModelingEnvironment of Ptolemy II

Mirzaei, Mana January 2014 (has links)
Concurrent systems are becoming increasingly common in spite of their complexity. Therefore, a multitude of computational models and tools for modeling and developing such systems have emerged. Ptolemy II is an environment for modeling, simulation and design of large concurrent real-time systems which is mainly centered on addressing heterogeneous systems. Ptolemy II which is developed at CHESS in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences of the University of California, is a system-level design environment that provides the possibility of blending different versions of Models of Computation (MoCs) in one hierarchical heterogeneous model. Modelica is a non-proprietary, object-oriented, equation based language aimed at modeling complex multi-domain physical systems. This language is also supported by a number of free and commercial tools, in particular by OpenModelica, an open source compiler and tool suite.This thesis work concerns the integration of OpenModelica into the multi-paradigm environment of Ptolemy II. The integration of OpenModelica and Ptolemy II allows the simulation of non-causal models in Modelica by the OpenModelica Compiler and simulator within the Ptolemy II environment where models communicate with different versions of MoCs with the aim of addressing the heterogeneous design as well.

Utveckling av en webbapplikation med fokus på användbarhet

Christoffer, Hardmo, Erik, Dellby January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver det examensarbete som genomförts av Christoffer Hardmo och Erik Dellby. Examensarbetets syfte var att utveckla en nerskalad användbar version av KompetensUtvecklingsInstitutets nuvarande elevhanteringsprogram. Rapporten kommer beskriva hur vi lagt upp jobbet för att få en användbar applikation för KUI att använda. Vår slutsats är att arbeta mot användbarhet är en väldigt viktig punkt när det gäller utveckling av produkter i alla miljöer. Arbetet har gett oss en bra erfarenhet hur man jobbar ihop med kunden för att få en bra produkt.

Utveckling av en mobiltelefonmodul till omgivningskontrollsystemet Handy Blue

Lindén, Anders January 2014 (has links)
Arbetet gick ut på att designa och programmera en prototypmobiltelefonmodul till HandyBlue, ett omgivningskontrollsystem för personer med funktionshinder. Rapporten går igenom de olika momenten i modulens utveckling som marknadsundersökning, expertintervjuer, design och implementation och fältester. Programmet fick bra betyg i fälttester och ansågs av samtliga testare som lättanvänt och intuitivt. Slutsatsen är att  genom att hålla målgruppens önskemål i fokus och låta tänkta användare vara delaktiga i utvecklingen i ett tidigt skede, blir slutresultatet en modul som väl uppfyller de krav som ställts på den.

Datorsystem för kvalitetskontroll och temperaturövervakning med värmekamerateknik

Rexander, David January 2013 (has links)
The work was carried out on Termisk Systemteknisk’s office in Linköping. The aim was to create a computer system with infrared camera technology for quality control and temperature monitoring of manufacturing processes in industry. The system should be configurable such that it can be used on several different issues, including those where the real-time analysis of camera images is required. The developed system is based on an existing framework, Panola, to deal with measurement results and images in a database. The framework is built for the system continually check for new data , and the task was to create a foundation upon which to build systems that use the framework, but fully or partially utilize direct calls . To get up to speed on the system to the desired level e.g. for real time analysis. The need emerged when one wanted to use the system with other machines in the factory, to some extent, regulated from the result of infrared camera analysis. The result was an analysis module which was directly connected to an existing camera module. Analysis module stores the results of image analysis in the database through Panola. A separate module compiles the analytical results and presents them in a user interface.

Digitalt utbildningshjälpmedel : Interaktiv karta för utvärdering av militära övningar

Hedlund, Dennis January 2014 (has links)
Precis som titeln avslöjar handlar rapporten om att utveckla ett system som kan användas vid utvärdering av övningsmoment. Idag saknas ett liknande system som vara ett stöd för hemvärnets instruktörer vid utvärderingar som har till syfte att öka förståelsen hos övande personal. Systemet består av en mobilapplikation och en webbapplikation. Mobilapplikationen loggar hur en soldat har framryckt under ett övningsmoment och sedan sammanställs data från en eller flera mobilapplikationer i en webbapplikation där data visas på en interaktiv karta. Kartan ger möjlighet att stega sig igenom händelseförloppet. Ett fungerande system utvecklades och nästan samtliga krav kunde uppfyllas. Tester visade att tekniken fungerade och några ytterligare utvecklingsmöjligheter identifierades.

3G Transmission Energy Savings through Adaptive Traffic Shaping Policies

Hall, Henning, Luckey, Christian January 2014 (has links)
This bachelor thesis will explore how two traffic shaping mechanisms can help preserve battery power while retaining a certain Quality of Service (QoS) in an Android based application developed for crisis management. The implemented user-space mechanisms will delay all elastic data requests in order to reduce the number of times the 3G transmission radio enters high power states. This lowers the QoS but extends the user equipment's battery life. The thesis will show that a shaping mechanism has the capability to reduce radio energy usage by up to 50% for the given Android application at the cost of added transmission delays by up to 134 seconds for background traffic. The study also presents two policies that help the application adapt to the current battery level and lower the QoS accordingly, namely one that has a lenient savings effect and one that has an aggressive savings effect.

Enhancing Forestry Object Detectionusing Multiple Features

Ostovar, Ahmad January 2011 (has links)
In this Master's project increasing the performance of object detection inforestry environment, based on the extracted features is studied. There areseveral object detection projects for robots which are based on feature cal-culation and extraction. An example of these kinds of projects is the sugarbeet project [3] that has inspired the feature selection and calculations partspresented in this report. Extracted feature sets are given to several classiersand their results are merged and fused such that the overall performance ofthe forestry object detection increases. Furthermore dierent supervised andunsupervised methods of dimensionality reduction are applied on the featureset as an approach to improve classication accuracy. Comparison betweenthe output classication performance of dimensionality reduction methodsshow that applying supervised methods result in improving the classicationperformance by about 12 percent.

Development of a mobile solution for delivering price quotes in the construction industry

Andersson, Filip, Pantzar, Anders January 2013 (has links)
The rapid growth of the mobile consumer market has influenced companies to make their workplace digital and mobile, with the goal to remove ties to a physical workplace, increase productivity, and trivialize tedious tasks. The construction industry is in need of modernization; it is a competitive market and to get a contract it is vital to provide a reasonable price quote fast.This bachelor thesis was performed together with Byggwalle AB in Västerås with the objective to create a mobile solution for price quotes, based on an earlier experimental prototype. This thesis will look at how the manual price quote creation process can be sped up and made more transparent to build up trust between the companies and the customers. It will also look at the choices made when developing a mobile application for the construction industry, how to make it flexible enough to fit different kinds of businesses, and look at how the data is administrated using a web based administration system. The result of this thesis is a promotional prototype, which sped up the delivery of price quotes from 3 weeks to 3 hours, and will be distributed to selected companies for further testing in the near future. We hope that this product can change the way business is done in construction industry.

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