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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementace datového úložiště e-learningových materiálů

Jaša, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Role eGovernmentu v modernizaci veřejné správy v ČR

Dejlová, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Aplikace typu BI v podnikové praxi / BI applications in business use

Janošek, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns about Business Intelligence area and its current usage in business practice. The main objective is to analyze the functionality of QlikView application, which represents so called "In memory analysis" products. This work`s output may serve as basis material for making qualified decision, whether QlikView is suitable for particular implementation, or not. Work is divided into two areas. First one is general functionality analysis of QlikView in comparison to MS BI Development Studio tools. The objective of this part is to determine strengths and weaknesses of the application in various situations. In the second part business task solution is demonstrated, using QlikView to turn business requirements into working application. The main benefit of this work is detailed analysis of alternative stream of Business Intelligence applications representative with an estimation of its current market potential.

Datová kvalita a nástroje pro její řízení / Data Quality And Tools For Its Management

Tezzelová, Jana January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with data quality, with emphasis on issues of management and on tools which were developed for solving data quality issues. The goal of this work is to summarize knowledge about data quality problems which includes its evaluation, management, description of key problems in data and possibilities of their solutions. The aims of this thesis are among others also analysis of market of software tools for support and management of data quality and mainly comparison of functionalities and possibilities of several of those tools. This work is split into two consequential parts. The first theoretical part is focusing on opening to problems of data quality and mainly data quality management, including identification of main steps for successful management. The second practical part is focusing on the market with data quality tools, especially its characteristics, segmentation, evolution, current state and expectable trends. The important section of this part is also practical comparison of features and evaluation of the work with several data quality tools. This work aims to be beneficial for all the audience interested in data quality problems, especially its management and supporting technology. Thanks to focusing on data quality tools market and tools comparison this work could be also useful guide for companies which are currently choosing the proper tool for introducing the data quality. Regarding this work focus the readers are expected to have at least basic orientation in Business Intelligence.

Návrh a implementace datového úložiště pro projekt SMART faculty

Sadovský, Petr January 2017 (has links)
In this diploma thesis an analysis is carried out and on the basis of it a design of a suitable data repository for the SMART faculty project is made. For the storage acces a REST interface is implemented, which is being tested at the last stage of the work.

Datamart malých a stredne veľkých podnikov

Balko, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes the realization of datamart for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) in an existing data warehouse environment conforming to Kimball Bus architecture. The introductory section deals with the theoretical guidelines of data warehousing and Business Intelligence. Following with the analysis of the current state of SMB datamart and data warehouse architecture. The results together with business requirements are used for the design of new datamart which encompasses ETL processes, OLTP database, OLAP model and reports. Each of these components are implemented using the tools from Microsoft. Final solution is tested and deployed on the production instance of database server running MS SQL Server.

Datové schránky jako způsob doručování v občanském soudním řízení / Data boxes as a method of delivery in civil proceedings

Traxlerová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The title of the thesis is "The data-boxes as a delivery method in civil proceedings". The thesis describes the significance of data-boxes in civil proceedings and deals with electronization of the legal institute of delivery. Delivery constitutes one of the basic legal institutes of civil proceedings which has undergone many changes in recent years. The key source of law for the given topic is law No. 99/1963 Coll., the Civil Procedure Code, as amended, especially by the amending law No. 7/2009 Coll., which has introduced obligatory use of the data-box-system in civil proceedings, and law No. 300/2008 Coll., on the Electronic Acts and Authorized Document Conversion, as amended, which has incorporated data-boxes into our legal system. The aim of the thesis is the analysis and subsequent comparison of the advantages of delivery via data-boxes. The thesis compares and evaluates various methods of delivery - delivery by means of a delivering body and by means of the public data network, i.e. particularly by means of an e-mail with electronic signature and by means of a data-box. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The introductory chapter explains the term delivery within the framework of civil proceedings. The following chapters describe the development of delivery in civil proceedings since...

Analýza nástrojů na podporu BI v prostředí Oracle / The analysis of BI tools in Oracle's environment

Nisznanský, Petr January 2006 (has links)
Hlavním cílem diplomové práce (DP) je provedení analýzy prostředí a jednotlivých nástrojů na podporu Business Intelligence (BI) na platformě Oracle. Analýza zahrnuje komplexní proces BI řešení od instalace potřebných programových prostředků (databáze, BI balíky, dokumentace atd.) až po zprovoznění praktické demonstrační aplikace a zhodnocení celé platformy. Práce se skládá ze čtyřech hlavních částí. V první části uvádím čtenáře do problematiky BI. V druhé části analyzuji globální charakteristiky prostředí Oracle BI a porovnávám je s SQL Serverem. Třetí část obsahuje analýzu a komparaci systému Oracle BI se systémem SQL Server ve třech oblastech (oblasti zahrnují: extrakci ? transformaci ? natažení dat, analytické zpracování dat a reporting) včetně vyhodnocení uvedených oblastí podle několika kritérií. V jednotlivých oblastech zjišťuji zejména dílčí architektury, používané nástroje a jejich funkcionalitu. Poslední část doplňuje stručnou analýzu světového trhu OLAP technologií.

Predikce a optimalizace reálných dat pomocí algoritmů umělé inteligence

Štencl, Michael January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with the prediction and optimization of real data using artificial neural networks methods in decision-making. Usage of artificial neural networks includes finding of various suitable types, topologies and learning algorithms of artificial neural networks to solve prediction of real-world data sets. Optimization solutions in the context of work focused on neural networks used in topology optimization learning algorithms and neural networks own calculation. The first part is a summary of current trends in applications development and the utilization of artificial neural networks. The review of the literature is the selection of the most common models of artificial neural networks for prediction of real data needs. Subsequently, the implementation of the defined application of artificial neural networks in support of decision-making process is made. On the basis of determining the value of the decision making process are defined methods for prediction of real data using classical methods. As classical methods are considered methods of statistical prediction models for time series. After that, the methods of artificial neural networks and their application on prediction task are described. In the next part, experiments involving the choice of type, topology, learning algorithms and optimization possibilities of artificial neural networks is tested on real-world data sets. The implementation presents the prediction of selected real-world economic values; namely a set of household expenditures and goods transport is used. Results obtained with artificial neural networks are compared with real value of the index and also with selected models of statistical time series prediction results.

Cloud computing - srovnání cloudových úložišť / Cloud computing - comparison of cloud storages

Tymeš, Radek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the utilization of cloud computing in the field of online data storages for storing and backing up of user data. After defining the target group and its requirements for the service, ten most suitable options from the total set of cloud storages were selected. Selected storages were subsequently tested and analyzed in order to be used in the next stage of thesis. Materials for multicriterial analysis of options were created on the basis of set criteria and their given or measured values. The most appropriate options were calculated by application of the aforementioned mathematical method. These options were then evaluated and described from the viewpoint of commissioning.

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