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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chování datových struktur při změnách velikosti vyrovnávací paměti / Data structure behavior with variable cache size

Král, Karel January 2017 (has links)
Cache-oblivious algorithms are well understood when the cache size remains constant. Recently variable cache sizes have been considered. We are motivated by programs running in pseudo-parallel and competing for a single cache. This thesis studies the underlying cache model and gives a generalization of two models considered in the literature. We give a new cache model called the "depth model" where pages are accessed by page depths in an LRU cache instead of their ad- dresses. This model allows us to construct cache-oblivious algorithms that cause a certain number of cache misses prescribed by an arbitrary function computable without causing a cache miss. Finally we prove that two algorithms satisfying the regularity property running in pseudo-parallel cause asymptotically the same number of cache misses as their serial computations provided that the cache is satisfying the tall-cache assumption.

Electronic Justice / Elektronizace justice

Kraft, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the e-Justice projects in the Czech Republic. It describes possibilities of application of individual projects, evaluates the status of their development and their potential future evolution. The thesis also analyzes the economic aspects of selected projects as well as discusses the technological aspects of some technologically advanced projects. On the basis of the analysis of present situation and description of e-Justice issues the contribution of this process for the Czech judiciary system as well as the public government or private persons will be described. The main contribution of this thesis is to objectively evaluate the effects of judiciary digitization for the Czech public administration information systems and related areas.

Lokální vyhledávání pro Linux / Desktop Search for Linux

Prívozník, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with indexing, difeerent types of indexing structures their advantages and disadvantages. It provides the basis for a search engine with support of morphology or difeerent file formats. Provides insight to the basic ideas, which answer is aim of the master's thesis.

Webová aplikace zobrazující toky dat mezi objekty na generované online mapě

Német, Kryštof January 2019 (has links)
Német, K., Web application displaying data flows between objects on generated online map. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. This diploma thesis is about creation of a map interactive presentation in the form of web applications for data visualization on the map. The application is created for academical purposes, especially for future research of visualization on the map. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts and technologies used in map applications and description of used technologies and technical tools used during implementation. The practical part describes application design, data storage and application testing. At the end of this thesis is discussed, possible application extension and application applicability in practice.

Datová kvalita v prostředí databáze hospodářských informací / Data quality in the business information database environment

Cabalka, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with the choice of suitable data quality dimensions for a particular database of economy information and proposes and implements metrics for its assessment. The aim of this paper is to define the term data quality in the context of economy information database and possible ways to measure it. Based on dimensions suitable to observe, a list of metrics was created and subsequently implemented in SQL query language, alternatively in a procedural extension Transact SQL. These metrics were also tested with the use of real data and the results were provided with a commentary. The main asset of this work is its complex processing of the data quality topic, from theoretical term definition to particular implementation of individual metrics. Finally, this study offers a variety of both theoretical and practical directions fort this issue to be further researched.

Implementace BI v servisním oddělení telekomunikační společnosti / Implementation of BI in the Service Department of Telecommunication Company

Veselý, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the proof of concept of Business Intelligence (BI) implementation in the Communications service department from the Kapsch BusinessCom s.r.o. company. The aim of the work is developing a BI proof solution and consequently producing an output for the final users. The main outcome of the thesis is operating BI solutions used in practice. The solution was carried out using tools MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio, MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Business Intelligence Development studio and MS Excel 2007. The project analyses the data obtained from the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) database acquired from the MS Dynamics Navision system. Information on "Voice" projects from the Communications service department, which mainly focuses on the service of PBXs and similar products, are recorded in the project among others. A multidimensional analysis was carried out, data warehouse was designed, data pumps were created, OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) block and output in the Microsoft Excel 2007 program were carried out during the project.

Implementace součtového datového typu v C++ / Implementation of Sum Data Type in C++

Novák, Samuel Matyáš January 2020 (has links)
Práce se zaobírá problematikou implementace součtového datového typu v jazyce C++. Nejprve navrhuje vlastní abstrakce pro manipulaci s posloupnostmi hodnot a typů, které následně umožňují vyjadřovat komplexní operace deklarativně. V průběhu implementace jsou prezentovány návrhové vzory obvyklé pro oblast metaprogramování. Implementace přichází s rozhodnutími odlišnými od referenční implementace. Pro manipulaci se součtovým typem jsou představeny dvě šablony funkce, lišící se sémantikou. Užití součtového typu je ukázano na příkladu konečného stavového automatu.

Metodika projektů zajištění kvality a testování datových migrací Deloitte ČR / Data migration and quality assurance and testing projects methodology of Deloitte CZ

Pospíšil, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of the thesis is to introduce a method for data migration quality assurance or completeness and accuracy testing of migrated data. Method will become part of the knowledge base of Deloitte Czech Republic for projects in the Enterprise Risk Services department. Data migration quality assurance projects carried by Deloitte in the Czech Republic have its own specifics. Although there exists methodology "Systems Development Playbook" which also includes a data migration methodology, the problem especially of the Prague branch is the fact that the procedures and methods for consulting projects in the area of data migration are not described in current methodological documentations including specifics of the Czech and Slovak projects. This represents a risk of inconsistencies in the implementation of this type of consulting projects in case of key employees leaving. Improving procedures and optimization of human resources engagement in data migration projects can't be measurably compared among projects, if there don't exists a basic methodology against which specific projects can be measured. The objectives of the work are achieved by consolidating experience from past projects involving data migration within Deloitte Czech Republic and designing improvement of existing processes by integrating information from external sources and internal sources of the global Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

Řízení kvality dat v malých a středních firmách / Data quality management in small and medium enterprises

Zelený, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the data quality management. There are many tools and methodologies to support the data quality management even in Czech market but they are all only for large companies. Small and middle companies can't afford them because of high cost. The first goal of this thesis is to summarize principles of the methodologies and then on the base of the methodologies to suggest more simple methodology for small and middle companies. In the second part of thesis is created and adapted the methodology for a specific company. The first step is to choose the data area of interest in the company. Because of impossibility to buy a software tool to clean data, there are defined relatively simple rules which are base source to create cleaning scripts in SQL language. The scripts are used for automatic data cleaning. On the base of next analyze is decided what data should be cleaned manually. In the next step are described recommendations how to remove duplicities from the database. There is used a functionality of the company's production system. The last step of the methodology is to create a control mechanism which have to keep the required data quality in future. At the end of thesis is made a data research in four data sources. All these sources are from companies using the same production system. The reason of research is to present the overview of data quality and to help with decision about cleaning data in the companies also.

Funkcionální datové struktury a algoritmy / Functional Data Stuctures and Algorithms

Straka, Milan January 2013 (has links)
Title: Functional Data Structures and Algorithms Author: Milan Straka Institute: Computer Science Institute of Charles University Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Dvořák, Ph.D, Computer Science Institute of Charles University Abstract: Functional programming is a well established programming paradigm and is becoming increasingly popular, even in industrial and commercial appli- cations. Data structures used in functional languages are principally persistent, that is, they preserve previous versions of themselves when modified. The goal of this work is to broaden the theory of persistent data structures and devise efficient implementations of data structures to be used in functional languages. Arrays are without any question the most frequently used data structure. Despite being conceptually very simple, no persistent array with constant time access operation exists. We describe a simplified implementation of a fully per- sistent array with asymptotically optimal amortized complexity Θ(log log n) and especially a nearly optimal worst-case implementation. Additionally, we show how to effectively perform a garbage collection on a persistent array. The most efficient data structures are not necessarily based on asymptotically best structures. On that account, we also focus on data structure...

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