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Vývoj a výhled mobilního připojení v ČR / Development and Future Prospects of Mobile Internet Connection in the Czech RepublicBičík, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Mobile telecommunications belong to one of the fields which still evolves and it is expected that in the future they are going to offer great benefit to the whole world. This work focuses on current and future development of mobile Internet connection in the Czech Republic. At first the technologies used to provide mobile Internet connection are described and compared and then the situation (in terms of technologies and mobile operators) in the Czech market is outlined and its possible evolution in the near future is presented. Furthermore, the tarifs of mobile operators are compared with those in place two years ago. The strengths and weaknesses of the current mobile Internet connection are evaluated based on the conducted questionnaire survey. The latest results are then analyzed and compared with the results from a previous survey conducted in 2007 as part of a bachelor's thesis, which has been further extended in this mater's thesis.
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Benchmark nástrojů pro řízení datové kvality / Data Quality Tools BenchmarkČerný, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Companies all around the world are wasting their funds due to the poor data quality. Rationally speaking as the volume of processed data increase, the volume of error data increase too. This diploma thesis explains what is it data quality about, what are the causes of data quality errors, the impact of poor data and the way it can be measured. If you can measure it, you can improve it. This is where data quality tools are used. There are vendors that offer commercial solutions and there are also vendors that offer open-source solutions of data quality tools. Comparing DataCleaner (open-source tool) with DataFlux (commercial tool) using defined criteria this diploma thesis proves that those two tools could be equal in terms of data profiling, data enhancement and data monitoring. DataFlux is slightly better in standardization and data validation. Data deduplication is not included in tested version of DataCleaner, although DataCleaner's vendor claimed it should be. One of the biggest obstacles why companies don't buy data quality tools could be its price. At this moment, it is possible to consider DataCleaner as an inexpensive solution for companies looking for data profiling tool. If Human Inference added data deduplication to DataCleaner, it could be also possible to consider it as an inexpensive solution covers whole data quality process.
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Porovnání schématu relační databáze a struktur formátu XML / Comparison of relational database schema and XML structuresVodňanský, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the relationship of the relational model and XML schema document and its technological and pragmatic aspects. It defines the theoretical field of data modeling at conceptual level and the two mentioned possible implementation models at the physical level. The aim is to answer the question when in the design and development of application or system it is appropriate to proceed with one of these models. Furthermore, this work also provides a general procedure for mapping conceptual schema into XML schema structures and solutions to problems that can come across during the mapping process. The problem is solved by analyzing two real issues - timetables of public transportation and the information system of a swimming school, formalized through a mechanism of predicate logic. Unlike most works on a similar topic this one varies in a pragmatic view on the problem - the concept of data, their origin, their target user and structuring.
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Kompletný dátový model ITILu / Complete data model of ITILGažmerčík, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design a complete ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) data model by using Entity-Relationship diagram and the argumentation of this model in relation to ITIL Configuration and Asset Management federative approach. The thesis is build of two major parts, where the first one focuses on the theory of recommendations and best practices in the IT Governance processes, its relationship to ITIL and a high-level overview of ITIL history. Theoretical part ends with the brief description of tools and methods used in data modeling. It is followed by practical part in which the content is based on analyzing of ITIL publications in the same order as IT Service Management life cycle phases and designing of the logical data model. Each chapter discusses at its end the abiliity of designed model to cover the data requirements for particular ITSM lifecycle phase. In the very last chapter, all partial models are joined into one complete data model and shown relations are argumented.
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Procesní řízení ve veřejné správě a eGovernment / Business Process Management in Public Administration and eGovernmentPávek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The themes of this diploma work are the eGovernment in the Czech Republic and propose of effective communication with public administration. The first part examines the concept of eGovernment, compares different definitions and sets its own definition. Subsequently reveals the advantages and possible shortcomings of eGovernment and occupies with the principles in its implementation in public administration. The subject of the next section is a condition of eGovernment in the Czech Republic. It charts the development of its main pillars - data boxes, contact places Czech POINT and the system of basic registers. For each of them, I evaluate the current status and suggest possibilities for future development. The last part occupies with strategy for effective communication with public administration. Finally, I determine the main components for its successful implementation. The first main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the condition of eGovernment in the Czech Republic. There is crucial to reveal major shortcomings, including own suggestions of their eliminations and the possibility of further development. Another objective refers to effective communication with public administration. Its object is to design a strategy for this sphere. Consequently are defined pillars that will help increase communication efficiency. In the section on the analysis of the condition of eGovernment in the Czech Republic will be used different sources to achieve the objectives. These include articles on specialized servers, government press statements, journals, articles in the media and more. It will be used the rich experience of the author in relation to public services through his business activities. Strategy for effective communication will be determined by a number of methods adopted during the university studies. The work is contributive from the perspective of the public due to familiarization with the actual condition of the Czech eGovernment and also from the perspective of public administration through the proposal of partial improvements and solution of effective communication.
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Optimalizace čtení dat z distribuované databáze / Optimization of data reading from a distributed databaseKozlovský, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on optimization of data reading from distributed NoSQL database Apache HBase with regards to the desired data granularity. The assignment was created as a product request from Seznam.cz, a.s. the Reklama division, Sklik.cz cost center to improve user experience by making filtering of aggregated statistical data available to advertiser web application users for the purpose of viewing entity performance history.
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Knihovna pro detekci významových vlastností stromových struktur / A Library for Detection of Semantic Properties of Tree StructuresPanov, Sergey January 2020 (has links)
Testování multikomponentních IT a IoT systémů, které zpracovávají proudy různých zpráv je složitou úlohou. Proč je to složité? Kvůli množství komponentů, jejích asynchronní interakcí, různým kombinacím události pro testování, testovacímu prostředí, které se liší od reálného a množství dalším důvodů. Táhle práce navrhuje způsob generování komplexních dat pro testovací účely s minimálním zásahem vývojářů. Generování dat založeno na analýze sledu komunikace reálného systému a následnou syntézou podobných sledů pro testování. Práce také navrhuje framework na prvotní analýzu zpráv přenášených v zachycené komunikace. Tohle může být uděláno použitím různých abstraktních modelů: modelu zprávy a modelu komunikaci. Výsledkem téhle práce je implementovaní knihovna na tvorbu modelu zprávy a množina operací pro práci s tímto modelem.
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Elektronický záznam o pacientovi / Electronic Patient RecordCáb, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This thesis handles about informative technologiesthat the find exercise in health sector. Below conception electronic health service we can introduce systemsthat the expressive in a way castigate and largely oversimplify work doctors with reference to legislature in Czech republic. On this account are pick out only such sizes compatibility use it electronic health documentation (so - called datal standards), which guarantee the quality technical protection and safeguard personal data before pertinent misuse. Part those diploma work work handles about proposal Internet health system realized by the help of web interface, making use programmatic languages HTML, CSS, PHP and database system MySQL. Information system makes it possible to distant repair and administration patients' data. For example browsing anamneses, diagnosis, medicines, survey doctors, medical arrangement and laboratory values. Next his feature is compatibility with informative system IZIPthat the will prove send round news in language XML.
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Analýza uživatelské roviny mobilních sítí 4. generace / User plane analysis in 4th generation mobile networksVelsh, Ilya January 2014 (has links)
The thesis describes the 2G, 3G and 4G mobile systems with a focus on the user plane. It decipt the problem of key performance indicators focusing on the characteristics of the user plane. It contains analysis of the basic data transmission services and requirements for their quality. The thesis also describes the user plane protocol stacks.
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Integrace softwarových aplikací / Software IntegrationStrouhal, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis: processing problem of intregration software resolution and propose the integration such the resolution using in real company, implemented into local information system with using existing data formats and interface. Proposal integration must implement and evaluate resolution of work.
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