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Potential of Ulva sp. in biofiltration and bioenergy production / Tiềm năng rong Ulva sp. trong lọc sinh học và sản xuất năng lượng sinh họcDang, Thom Thi, Yasufumi, Mishima, Dang, Kim Dinh 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In order to evaluate the effect of seaweeds in bio-filtration for removing nitrogen from marine aquaculture and in bioenergy production, Ulva sp. was used in this study. Experiments were triplicated and run in 3-day incubation at salinities with 30 psu, 10 psu and 5 psu in different initial ammonium nitrogen concentrations from 100 μM to 10,000 μM, equivalently to marine aquaculture conditions. The highest concentrations of ammonium removed were about 690 μmol (12.42 mg) NH4+ at 30 psu, 410 μmol (7.38 mg) NH4+ at 10 psu and 350 μmol NH4+(6.3 mg NH4+) at 5 psu in three days of incubation, while highest growth rates of Ulva sp. were 49% and 150% per day at 500 μM of initial ammonium concentration, similarly to the growth rate reported in microalgae. Moreover, after these experiments, biomass of Ulva sp. has been tested for bioenergy producing goals, because the carbohydrate concentration of this alga was very high, reaching 60-70% of DW. Thus, Ulva sp. can be cultured to remove nitrogen concentration in eutrophication conditions at aquaculture systems in combination with the purpose of bioenergy production after harvesting. / Để đánh giá hiệu quả của tảo biển trong việc lọc sinh học loại bỏ hợp chất ni tơ từ việc nuôi trồng thủy sản và trong việc sản xuất năng lượng sinh học, Ulva sp. đã được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này. Các thí nghiệm được lặp lại 3 lần và chạy trong 3 ngày trong tủ ổn nhiệt tại các điều kiện độ mặn 30psu, 10psu, 5psu ở các nồng độ NH4+-N từ 100μM đến 10.000μM, tương đương với điều kiện nuôi trồng thủy sản nước mặn. Nồng độ cao nhất của NH4+-N được loại bỏ khoảng 690 μmol NH4+(12,42mg NH4 +) tại 30psu, 410μmol NH4+(7,38mg NH4+) tại 10psu và 350 μmol NH4+(6.3mg NH4+) tại 5psu, trong đó tỉ lệ sinh trưởng của Ulva sp. là rất cao, sinh trưởng từ 49 đến 150% mỗi ngày tại nồng độ ammonium ban đầu 500 μM tương đương với sinh trưởng của vi tảo. Hơn nữa, sau các thí nghiệm trên, sinh khối của Ulva sp. được thử nghiệm sản xuất năng lượng sinh học vì hàm lượng carbohydrate trong tảo rất cao, chiếm khoảng 60-70% trọng lượng khô của tảo. Như vậy, Ulva sp. có thể được nuôi trồng để loại bỏ hợp chất ni tơ trong điều kiện phú dưỡng của các hệ thống nuôi trồng thủy sản, kết hợp với mục tiêu sản xuất năng lượng sinh học sau thu hoạch.
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Emissionen aus Haltungssystemen für LegehennenLippmann, Jens 15 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2012 wurden Fragestellungen zu Voliere-(VO) und Kleingruppenhaltungssystemen (KG) für Legehennen durch einen vom BMEL geförderten Forschungsverbund untersucht. Das LfULG untersuchte die Stallluft und Emissionen in jeweils zwei Ställen dieser Systeme. Dabei wurden Herdengrößen kleiner und größer 15.000 Hennen abgebildet. Neben Lufttemperatur und Luftfeuchte wurden luftgetragene Stallraumlasten (Gase, Stäube und mikrobielle Bestandteile) in der Stall- und Abluft untersucht und Ableitungen für die Emissionen erarbeitet sowie Managementempfehlungen abgeleitet.
Im Ergebnis wurden für Ammoniak 23 bzw. 26 g (KG) und 71 bzw. 67 g (VO), für Gesamtstaub 35 bzw. 37 g (KG) und 246 bzw. 128 g (VO), für Bakterien 10 11 kbE (KG) und 10 12 kbE (VO) sowie für Endotoxine 10 8 EE (KG) und 10 9 EE (VO) als Emissionsfaktoren je Tierplatz im Jahr ermittelt.
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Schadstoffkarten für SiedlungsbereicheHertwig, Thomas, Zeißler, Karl-Otto 07 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Schadstoffsituation der Böden der Siedlungsgebiete von Annaberg-Buchholz und Aue (Erzgebirge) wurde mit unterschiedlichen methodischen Ansätzen und Interpolationsverfahren flächenhaft dargestellt und evaluiert. Festgestellt wurde, dass sich Punktinformationen zu Schadstoffgehalten auch in Siedlungsbereichen des Erzgebirges zumeist mit ausreichender Aussagesicherheit in Karten darstellen lassen. Dabei erwies sich keine der bislang bekannten Methoden für die Übertragung von Punktinformationen auf die Fläche als grundsätzlich vorteilhaft; jede Methode zeigte gebietsspezifisch und für einzelne Metalle Stärken und Schwächen.
Erstmals kam ein Verfahren der künstlichen Intelligenz (Software advangeo®) erfolgreich zum Einsatz. Die Vorteile dieses Verfahrens zeigten sich gerade in sehr klein strukturierten Siedlungsbereichen und der Vielzahl von Einflussgrößen auf die Stoffgehalte. Damit ließ sich der Einfluss der oberflächennahen Erzgänge auf die Arsen-Konzentration der Böden im Siedlungsgebiet Annaberg gesichert abbilden.
Die Erfahrungen aus den Testgebieten münden in Empfehlungen zur optimalen Anwendung der methodischen Ansätze und untersuchten Verfahren.
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Emissionen des Schienenverkehrs in SachsenRichter, Falk, Schmidt, Wolfram, Wolf, Peter 07 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Projektziel ist die Aktualisierung bzw. Erweiterung der Datengrundlage zur Berechnung und Fortschreibung der Schienenverkehrsemissionen Sachsens im Bereich des Güterverkehrs, des Schienenpersonenfernverkehrs und des Rangierbetriebs sowie deren georeferenzierte Abbildung im GIS.
Die Beschreibung des Ist-Zustandes bezieht sich dabei auf das Jahr 2010. Auf Basis der Fahrleistungen sowie der entsprechend des aktualisierten Fahrzeugeinsatzes ermittelten Emissionsfaktoren wurden motorbedingte und nicht motorbedingten Emissionen durch Abrieb berechnet.
Die Emissionen wurden streckenspezifisch in t/km*a sowie absolut in t/a berechnet und auf das GIS des sächsischen Emissionskatasters übertragen. Die Ergebnisse liegen in Tabellenform sowie im Shape-Format vor.
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Luftqualität in Sachsen: JahresberichtLöschau, Gunter, Pausch, Annette 24 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der »Jahresbericht 2009 zur Luftqualität in Sachsen« beinhaltet und bewertet die Messergebnisse zur Luftqualität im Freistaat Sachsen. Das 31 Messstellen umfassende stationäre Luftmessnetz misst die Konzentration der Luftschadstoffe Schwefeldioxid, Stickstoffdioxid, Feinstaub-Partikel, Blei, Benzol und Ozon.
Bei den meisten Schadstoffen lag die Belastung auf dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Sie war niedriger als in den Jahren zuvor.
Eine Ausnahme bildete der 24-Stunden-Grenzwert der Partikel-Konzentration (PM10). Hier gab es einen Anstieg gegenüber dem Vorjahr. An Verkehrsmessstellen in Leipzig, Dresden und Görlitz wurde dieser Grenzwert mehr als zulässig überschritten. Ursachen waren insbesondere die kalte Witterung im Januar und die extreme Trockenheit im April.
Beim Jahreswert der NO2-Konzentration wurde wie in den Vorjahren in den Städten Dresden, Chemnitz und Leipzig der ab 2010 geltende Grenzwert nach EU-Richtlinie 2008/50/EG überschritten.
Messstellen in ländlichen Gebieten zeigten bei Ozon weiterhin Überschreitungen der Zielwerte zum Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Vegetation.
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Microplastics in Freshwater Systems: Analysis, Occurrence, and Sorption of Organic ContaminantsKlein, Sascha 15 December 2015 (has links)
Synthetic polymers are one of the most significant pollutants in the aquatic environment, because of abilities such as buoyancy and extreme persistency. Serious effects are expected from so-called microplastics (particle size <5 mm) that are reported in rivers, lakes as well as the ocean and that accumulate in sediments worldwide.
In this thesis the abundance of microplastics in river shore sediments in the Rhine-Main area of Germany was studied. Therefore, a new method was developed that is based on a sodium chloride density separation with subsequent destruction of natural debris, and identification of the plastic particles by microscopy or Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
Using the improved density separation, microplastics were separated from river shore sediments of 12 sites originating from the river Rhine, the river Main, and the stream Schwarzbach. Large amounts of microplastic particles of up to 1 g kg-1 or up to 4000 particles kg-1 were detected in the shore sediments. The identification by FTIR showed that polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene were the most abundant polymer types in the sediments, covering over 75% of all plastics identified. Transport of microplastics from tributaries to main streams was indicated by the detection of identical pellets in the River Rhine and in the Main mouth. Comparable concentrations detected by sampling one site over a period of two years suggest a constant pollution of the river shore sediments with microplastics.
For deeper insights into the sorption process of organic contaminants to synthetic polymers in freshwater systems, batch experiments in synthetic freshwater were conducted to determine sorption kinetics and sorption isotherms for four selected glass state polymers (polycarbonate, poly(methyl methacrylate), polystyrene, and polyvinyl chloride) and six different model substances (carbamazepine, hexachlorocyclohexane (β/γ), 17α-ethynilestradiol, chlorpyrifos, and o,p-dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane). Sorption to the polymer particles was observed for all contaminants increasing with the KOW values of the contaminants. Because of losses of contaminants in control samples, sorption reaction models could be applied to four out of six contaminants, and isotherms were calculated for three contaminants. Furthermore, influences of the different polymer types used were observed in the experiments.
Finally, microplastics separated from sediments were extracted and analyzed by GC/MS and LC-MS/MS using target screening methods and non-target approaches. Different pesticides were identified in the polymer particles, suggesting that microplastics can act as a sink for hydrophobic contaminants. Moreover, several plastic additives such as phthalates or chlorinated flame retardants were identified. For this reason, it is very likely that microplastics act as a direct source for these chemicals in aquatic systems. The results of this thesis stress the urgency for the mitigation of the plastic particles in the aquatic environment.
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Review of arsenic contamination and human exposure through water and food in rural areas in VietnamHahn, Celia 21 April 2016 (has links)
The Red River Delta in Vietnam is one of the regions whose quaternary aquifers are polluted by arsenic. Chronic toxification by arsenic can cause severe illnesses such as cancer, skin lesions, developmental defects, cardiovascular and neurological diseas-es, and diabetes. In this study, a food processing craft village in the Red River Delta was investigated regarding the potential risk faced by the population due to arsenic. The potential sources of arsenic are the groundwater, the crops grown in the sur-roundings, and animal products from local husbandry. However, the occurrence of arsenic in nature is variable, and its bioavailability and toxicity depend very much on its specification: trivalent compounds are more toxic and often more mobile than pen-tavalent compounds, while inorganic species are generally more toxic than organic ones. Local conditions, such as the redox potential, strongly influence its specification and thus potential bioavailability.
The introduction to this work elucidates the key factors which potentially cause human exposure to arsenic: the geological setting of the study area, land and water use pat-terns, and the current state of research regarding the mobilization, bioavailability and plant uptake of arsenic.
Although the study area is located in a region where the groundwater is known to be moderately contaminated by arsenic, the level of arsenic in the groundwater in the village had not previously been determined. In this study, water use in the village was examined by a survey among the farmers and by water analyses, which are present-ed in the following chapters. Four main water sources (rain, river, tube well and a pub-lic municipal waterworks) are used for the different daily activities; the highest risk to human health was found to be the bore well water, which is pumped from the shallow Holocene aquifer. The water from the bore wells is commonly used for cleaning and washing as well as to feed the animals and for food processing. Products like noodles and rice wine were examined as well as local pork and poultry. Vegetables from the gardens and rice plants from the surrounding paddy fields were sampled and ana-lyzed. All plants were found to have accumulated arsenic, leafy vegetables showing the highest arsenic concentrations.
The results are discussed and compared, and conclusions are drawn in the last part. The reducing conditions in the paddy fields are likely to have a strong influence on arsenic uptake in rice plants and on transport to the aquifer. The installation of a wastewater treatment plant under the research project INHAND, which was funded by the BMBF German Ministry of Education and Research, led to lower arsenic concen-trations in the groundwater.
Soaring industrialization, the growing population, and the consumers’ changing behav-ior will widely affect land and water use and hence the potential mobilization of arse-nic. In order to mitigate further human exposure to arsenic, wastewater needs to be treated and the reducing conditions in the rice fields need to be decreased by means of enhanced cultivation methods.:Abstract III
Zusammenfassung V
Acknowledgements VII
Contents IX
List of abbreviations XIII
List of tables XVII
1 Scope of this work 1
2 Introduction 2
2.1 Geographical and geological setting of the study area 2
2.2 Hydrological situation 5
2.2.1 Surface water 5
2.2.2 Impact of human activities on surface water quality and distribution 6
2.2.3 Hydrogeology 7
2.3 Arsenic occurrence 7
2.3.1 Arsenic toxicity 8
2.3.2 Risk potential of arsenic in diet 10
2.4 Arsenic contamination in the groundwater resources of the Red River Delta 11
2.4.1 Occurrence and origin of arsenic in the Red River Delta 12
2.4.2 Mobilization processes 13
2.4.3 As mobilization in paddy fields 15
2.5 Arsenic occurrence in daily rural activities 16
2.5.1 Arsenic in soil 17
2.5.2 Arsenic in drinking water 19
2.5.3 Phytoaccumulation: Current state of research 20
2.5.4 Bioavailablity 22
2.5.5 Arsenic uptake in rice plants 23
2.5.6 Arsenic in meat and animal products 26
2.5.7 Arsenic uptake in golden apple snails 27
2.5.8 Processing: Wine and noodles 28
2.5.9 Arsenic concentrations in wastewater, activated sludge and digestate 29
2.6 Iron and manganese in the nutrient chain 30
2.7 Land and water use in the Red River Delta 31
2.7.1 Historical and political aspects of rural development in Vietnam 33
2.7.2 Craft villages in the Red River Delta 34
3 Materials and methods 36
3.1 Soil sample analyses 36
3.2 Well sampling 37
3.3 Wastewater and sludge analyses 37
3.4 Food analyses 38
3.5 Site visit and field observations 39
3.6 Questionnaire 39
4 Results 40
4.1 Soil samples 40
4.1.1 Total arsenic and total heavy metal concentrations 40
4.1.2 Sequential fractionation procedure 41
4.2 Arsenic in the water cycle in Dai Lam 43
4.2.1 Groundwater analyses 43
4.2.2 Water use in Dai Lam 47
4.2.3 Wastewater in Dai Lam 50
4.3 Arsenic in sewage sludge 51
4.4 Arsenic in manure samples 52
4.5 Arsenic in food samples 52
4.5.1 Rice 52
4.5.2 Arsenic in leaf vegetables 53
4.5.3 Arsenic in poultry products 56
4.5.4 Arsenic in pork samples 57
4.5.5 Arsenic in snails 57
4.6 Economic and demographic development potential 58
5 Discussion 61
5.1 Soil samples 61
5.2 Groundwater samples 62
5.2.1 High arsenic concentrations 62
5.2.2 Strong temporal and spatial variation 63
5.2.3 Weak correlation between measured parameters 69
5.3 Wastewater and sewage sludge 70
5.4 Pig manure 71
5.5 Daily exposure to As from dietary intake 71
5.6 Effects of land and water use on water quality and public health 76
5.7 Against the background of the transition economy 77
6 Conclusion 80
7 Perspectives (further work) 85
8 References 86
9 Annex 110
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Light Pollution – A Global DiscussionSchulte-Römer, Nona, Dannemann, Etta, Meier, Josiane 10 October 2019 (has links)
In recent years, artificial light at night is increasingly recognized as a multifaceted problem that is expanding on a global scale. Astronomers were the first to criticize the loss of the dark, star-filled night. In recent years, biologists, physicians, and scientists from many other disciplines have joined the protest against light pollution.
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Teil VI: Meldepflichten bei charakterlichen Mängeln – E-Payment – ProViDa-Verkehrsüberwachung – Beweissichere AtemalkoholmessungMüller, Dieter 29 November 2021 (has links)
Der Band beinhaltet als Spitzenbeitrag die Masterarbeit eines Studenten der sächsischen Polizei, die an der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei mit Bestnote bewertet wurde. Ferner finden sich darin zwei aufgrund der herausragenden Qualität in ihrem polizeilichen Nutzwert ebenbürtige Bachelorarbeiten von Absolventen der Hochschule der Sächsischen Polizei (FH) sowie ein Abschlussbericht über ein bundesweites Forschungsprojekt zur Vergleichbarkeit der Atemalkoholanalyse mit der Blutalkoholanalyse, das an der Hochschule der Sächsischen Polizei (FH) in den Jahren 2015 bis 2017 mit bundesweiter Beteiligung durchgeführt wurde. All diese Beiträge können Entscheidendes zur Qualitätssteigerung der polizeilichen und staatlichen Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit beitragen. / = Rothenburger Beiträge zur Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung ; Bd. 108
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Die Leipziger Waffenverbotszone: Analysen zu Kriminalitätsverlauf, Akzeptanz und SicherheitsgefühlMühler, Kurt, Dittrich, Florian, Fleps, Tabea, Grohmann, Paul, Heyden, Alexandra, Keßler, Peer, Radici, Janosch 19 December 2022 (has links)
Die Waffenverbotszone Eisenbahnstraße Leipzig ist die erste und bisher einzige Waffenverbotszone Sachsens. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht aus einem Projekt hervor, das anderthalb Jahre nach der Einrichtung der Waffenverbotszone begann, um deren Auswirkungen zu untersuchen. lm Einzelnen wurden der Kriminalitätsverlauf, die Akzeptanz der Waffenverbotszone und das Sicherheitsempfinden der Wohnbevölkerung betrachtet. Erhoben wurden Daten sowohl für das Areal der Waffenverbotszone als auch für die beiden Ortsteile, über die sie sich erstreckt. Methodisch stützt sich das Projekt auf eine Prozessdatenanalyse, eine postalische Bevölkerungsbefragung und Expertenbefragungen. Daraus ist eine umfängliche Beschreibung der Situation in den beiden Ortsteilen und der Waffenverbotszone Eisenbahnstraße entstanden, die Einblicke in die spezifische Kriminalitätsbelastung und deren Veränderung sowie die Beurteilung der Waffenverbotszone in der Wahrnehmung der Bevölkerung gewährt. Zudem werden neben einer kritischen Bewertung der Anlage solcher Evaluierungsprojekte auch Vorschläge für künftige Projekte dieser Art unterbreitet sowie ein Szenario vorgestellt, das helfen kann, die Probleme der beiden Ortsteile langfristig zu lösen.
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