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A framework for understanding the Strategic Defense Initiatives' software debates /Adams, Reginald C. January 1990 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Systems Technology) Naval Postgraduate School, June 1990. / Thesis Advisor(s): Lacer, Donald. Second Reader: Luqi. "June 1990." Description based on title screeen viewed on October 15, 2009. DTIC Descriptor(s): Computer programs, military strategy, space technology, defense systems, management, antimissile defense systems, reliability, communication and radio systems, engineers, strategic defense initiative, battles, space warfare, computer personnel, scientists, nuclear weapons DTIC Indicator(s): Computer program reliability, strategic defense initiative, problem solving, theses. Author(s) subject terms: Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), reliability, error free, Balistic Missile Defense (BMD) (BM/C3) Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-88).
132 |
Matthew 5:38-39 does allow for Christian self-defenseSparzak, Chester J. January 1986 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Grace Theological Seminary, 1986. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-74).
133 |
Die Grenzen, die das Strafrecht dem Anwalt in seiner Tätigkeit als VerteidigerziehtKuster, Werner. January 1925 (has links)
Inaug. Diss. -- Freiburg i.B. / Bibliography: p. v-vi.
134 |
Strengthening and expanding the Citizen Corps /Biladeau, Pamela G. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense))--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2006. / "March 2006." Thesis Advisor(s): Robert Bach. Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-97). Also available online.
135 |
Matthew 5:38-39 does allow for Christian self-defenseSparzak, Chester J. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Grace Theological Seminary, 1986. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-74).
136 |
Matthew 5:38-39 does allow for Christian self-defenseSparzak, Chester J. January 1986 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Grace Theological Seminary, 1986. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-74).
137 |
Intractable quarrels in argumentation theory : integrating argument and therapy /Friemann, Richard. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--York University, 2006. Graduate Programme in Philosophy. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves247-266). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL: http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/yorku/fullcit?pNR11573
138 |
Capacity building and sustainment focusing on the end-state for Homeland Security /Burch, James A. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A. in Security Studies (Homeland Security and Defense))--Naval Postgraduate School, March 2007. / Thesis Advisor(s): Robert Bach. "March 2007." Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-126). Also available in print.
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[pt] Este trabalho está dividido basicamente em duas partes:
i) Defesa Eletrônica (Capítulo 1)
ii) Matrizes [W] (Capítulos 2 a 5)
A primeira parte visa fornecer um texto em português
introdutório em Defesa Eletrônica (D.E.) Aqui é
apresentado o problema de D.E. e é ressaltada a
importância dos sistemas Analisadores de Ambientes
Eletromagnéticos (A.A.E.). Além disto são fornecidas
alguns esclarecimentos sobre Contra-medidas Eletrônicas
(E.C.M.) e Contra-Contra-Medidas Eletrônicas (E.C.C.M.).
A segunda parte é dedicada às Matrizes [W]. O
capítulo 2 apresenta um estudo sobre uma determinada
classe de circuitos. O desempenho destes pode ser descrito
através de uma família de matrizes as quais são
denominadas de Matrizes Híbridas. Além destas também são
apresentadas algumas outras matrizes ditas auxiliares que
serão usadas na composição de Matrizes híbridas.
As matrizes [W], são estudadas no Capítulo 3.
Corresponde a circuitos que fornecem nas suas N saídas a
transformada Discreta de Fourier das suas N entradas.
Verificar-se-à existir uma analogia entre as estruturas
básicas do algoritmo de Transformada Rápida de Fourier
(F.F.T.) e dos diagramas de fluxo de Híbridas de 3 dB e
dos defasadores fixos. Baseando-se nesta analogia, a
matriz [W] será decomposta em matrizes simples. Estas
guardam correspondência com circuito de fácil execução.
No capítulo 4 são descritos os dispositivos de microondas
que podem compor um matriz [W]. Geralmente estes
dispositivos devem operar adequadamente em bandas
superiores à oitava. Alguns destes componentes são
realizados na tecnologia microstrip. Os resultados
práticos obtidos são comentados.
O capítulo 5 descreve a utilização das matrizes [W] para
alimentação de arrays de antenas visando aplicação em D.E.
enfase é posta nos sistemas capazes de determinar a
direção de uma emissão eletromagnética - em inglês
directionm finder (D/F). são analisados dois tipos
distintos de sistemas digitais de medição (D/F); o
primeiro empregando arrays lineares de antenas e o segundo
arrays circulares.
As conclusões são apresentadas no Capítulo 6, destacando-
se os pontos mais relevantes do trabalho, bem como algumas
sugestões para a continuidade deste estudo. / [en] The present work is divided in two parts, basically:
1) electronic Warfare - Chapter 1
2) The [W] Matrices - Chapters 2 to 5.
The first part is aiming presenting an introductory text
in Portuguese on Electronic Warfare (EW). The EW subject
is generally discurssed and the Electronic support.
Measures (ESM) are introduced. Electonic Counter Measures
(ECM) and Electroni Counter-Counter Meassures (ECCM) are
also focused.
In the second part the [W] matrices are introduced. Based
upon the Fast ourieer Transform algorithm certain
correspondences batween these matrices and well-knoron
microwaves circuits are noted. Form these analogies it is
seen that those matrices may be easily assembled. Some of
these circuits are manufactured and the results obtained
are discurssed.
Chapter 5 emphasises the utilization of [W] matrices on
Direction Finders Systems (D/F). two different kinds of
D/F systems are presented; respectively using linear and
circular antenna arrays. Finnaly, Chapter 6 is devoted to
the conclusions and suggestions for future studies on this
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Acquiring customer solutions : a study of complex systems support in the UK defence industryKapletia, Dharm January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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