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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimal simulation based design of deficit irrigation experiments / Optimales simulationsbasiertes Design von Defizitbewässerungsexperimenten

Seidel, Sabine 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
There is a growing societal concern about excessive water and fertilizer use in agricultural systems. High water productivity while maintaining high crop yields can be achieved with appropriate irrigation scheduling. Moreover, freshwater pollution through nitrogen (N) leaching due to the widespread use of N fertilizers demands for an efficient N fertilization management. However, sustainable crop management requires good knowledge of soil water and N dynamics as well as of crop water and N demand. Crop growth models, which describe physical and physiological processes of crop growth as well as water and matter transport, are considered as powerful tools to assist in the optimization of irrigation and fertilization management. It is of a general nature that the reliability of simulation based predictions depends on the quality and quantity of the data used for model calibration and validation which can be obtained e.g. in field experiments. A lack of data or low data quality for model calibration and validation may cause low performance and large uncertainties in simulation results. The large number of model parameters to be calibrated requires appropriate calibration methods and a sequential calibration strategy. Moreover, a simulation based planning of the field design saves costs and expenditure while supporting maximal outcomes of experiments. An adjustment of crop growth modeling and experiments is required for model improvement and development to reliably predict crop growth and to generalize predicted results. In this research study, a new approach for simulation based optimal experimental design was developed aiming to integrate simulation models, experiments, and optimization methods in one framework for optimal and sustainable irrigation and N fertilization management. The approach is composed of three steps: 1. The preprocessing consists of the calibration and validation of the crop growth model based on existing experimental data, the generation of long time-series of climate data, and the determination of the optimal irrigation control. 2. The implementation comprises the determination and experimental application of the simulation based optimized deficit irrigation and N fertilization schedules and an appropriate experimental data collection. 3. The postprocessing includes the evaluation of the experimental results namely observed yield, water productivity (WP), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and economic aspects, as well as a model evaluation. Five main tools were applied within the new approach: an algorithm for inverse model parametrization, a crop growth model for simulating crop growth, water balance and N balance, an optimization algorithm for deficit irrigation and N fertilization scheduling, and a stochastic weather generator. Furthermore, a water flow model was used to determine the optimal irrigation control functions and for simulation based estimation of the optimal field design. The approach was implemented within three case studies presented in this work. The new approach combines crop growth modeling and experiments with stochastic optimization. It contributes to a successful application of crop growth modeling based on an appropriate experimental data collection. The presented model calibration and validation procedure using the collected data facilitates reliable predictions. The stochastic optimization framework for deficit irrigation and N fertilization scheduling proved to be a powerful tool to enhance yield, WP, NUE and profit. / In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es zunehmend Bedenken gegenüber übermäßigem Wasser- und Düngereinsatz in der Landwirtschaft. Eine hohe Wasserproduktivität kann jedoch durch geeignete Bewässerungspläne mit hohen landwirtschaftlichen Erträgen in Einklang gebracht werden. Die mit der weitverbreiteten Stickstoffdüngung einhergehende Gewässerbelastung aufgrund von Stickstoffauswaschung erfordert zudem ein effizientes Stickstoffmanagement. Eine entsprechende ressourceneffiziente Landbewirtschaftung bedarf präzise Kenntnisse der Bodenwasser- und Stickstoffdynamiken sowie des Pflanzenwasser- und Stickstoffbedarfs. Als leistungsfähige Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung bei der Optimierung von Bewässerungs-und Düngungsplänen werden Pflanzenwachstumsmodelle eingesetzt, welche die physischen und physiologischen Prozesse des Pflanzenwachstums sowie die physikalischen Prozesse des Wasser- und Stofftransports abbilden. Hierbei hängt die Zuverlässigkeit dieser simulationsbasierten Vorhersagen von der Qualität und Quantität der bei der Modellkalibrierung und -validierung verwendeten Daten ab, welche beispielsweise in Feldversuchen erfasst werden. Fehlende Daten oder Daten mangelhafter Qualität bei der Modellkalibrierung und -validierung führen zu unzuverlässigen Simulationsergebnissen und großen Unsicherheiten bei der Vorhersage. Die große Anzahl an zu kalibrierenden Parametern erfordert zudem geeignete Kalibrierungsmethoden sowie eine sequenzielle Kalibrierungsstrategie. Darüber hinaus kann eine simulationsbasierte Planung des Versuchsdesigns Kosten und Aufwand reduzieren und zu weiteren experimentellen Erkenntnissen führen. Die Abstimmung von Pflanzenwachstumsmodellen und Versuchen ist zudem für die Modellentwicklung und -verbesserung sowie für eine Verallgemeinerung von Simulationsergebnissen unabdingbar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Ansatz für ein simulationsbasiertes optimales Versuchsdesign entwickelt. Ziel war es, Simulationsmodelle, Versuche und Optimierungsmethoden in einem Ansatz für optimales und nachhaltiges Bewässerungs- und Düngungsmanagement zu integrieren. Der Ansatz besteht aus drei Schritten: 1. Die Vorbereitungsphase beinhaltet die auf existierenden Versuchsdaten basierende Kalibrierung und Validierung des Pflanzenwachstumsmodells, die Generierung von Klimazeitreihen und die Bestimmung der optimalen Bewässerungssteuerung. 2. Die Durchführungsphase setzt sich aus der Erstellung und experimentellen Anwendung der simulationsbasierten optimierten Defizitbewässerungs- und Stickstoffdüngungspläne und der Erfassung der relevanten Versuchsdaten zusammen. 3. Die Auswertungsphase schließt eine Evaluierung der Versuchsergebnisse anhand ermittelter Erträge, Wasserproduktivitäten (WP), Stickstoffnutzungseffizienzen (NUE) und ökonomischer Aspekte, sowie eine Modellevaluierung ein. In dem neuen Ansatz kamen im Wesentlichen folgende fünf Werkzeuge zur Anwendung: Ein Algorithmus zur inversen Modellparametrisierung, ein Pflanzenwachstumsmodell, welches das Pflanzenwachstum sowie die Wasser- und Stickstoffbilanzen abbildet, ein evolutionärer Optimierungsalgorithmus für die Generierung von defizitären Bewässerungs- und Stickstoffplänen und ein stochastischer Wettergenerator. Zudem diente ein Bodenwasserströmungsmodell der Ermittlung der optimalen Bewässerungssteuerung und der simulationsbasierten Optimierung des Versuchsdesigns. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz wurde in drei Fallbeispielen angewandt. Der neue Ansatz kombiniert Pflanzenwachstumsmodellierung und Experimente mit stochastischer Optimierung. Er leistet einen Beitrag zu einer erfolgreichen Pflanzenwachstumsmodellierung basierend auf der Erfassung relevanter Versuchsdaten. Die vorgestellte Modellkalibrierung und -validierung unter Verwendung der erfassten Versuchsdaten trug wesentlich zu zuverlässigen Simulationsergebnissen bei. Darüber hinaus stellt die hier vorgestellte stochastische Optimierung von defizitären Bewässerungs- und Stickstoffplänen ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug dar, um Erträge, WP, NUE und den Profit zu erhöhen.

Simulation-Optimization of the Management of Sensor-Based Deficit Irrigation Systems

Kloß, Sebastian 11 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Current research concentrates on ways to investigate and improve water productivity (WP), as agriculture is today’s predominant freshwater consumer, averaging at 70% and reaching up to 93% in some regions. A growing world population will require more food and thus more water for cultivation. Regions that are already affected by physical water scarcity and which depend on irrigation for growing crops will face even greater challenges regarding their water supply. Other problems in such regions are a variable water supply, inefficient irrigation practices, and over-pumping of available groundwater resources with other adverse effects on the ecosystem. To face those challenges, strategies are needed that use the available water resources more efficiently and allow farming in a more sustainable way. This work focused on the management of sensor-based deficit irrigation (DI) systems and improvements of WP through a combined approach of simulation-optimization and irrigation experiments. In order to improve irrigation control, a new sensor called pF-meter was employed, which extended the measurement range of the commonly used tensiometers from pF 2.9 to pF 7. The following research questions were raised: (i) Is this approach a suitable strategy to improve WP; (ii) Is the sensor for irrigation control suitable; (iii) Which crop growth models are suitable to be part of that approach; and (iv) Can the combined application with experiments prove an increase of WP? The stochastic simulation-optimization approach allowed deriving parameter values for an optimal irrigation control for sensor-based full and deficit irrigation strategies. Objective was to achieve high WP with high reliability. Parameters for irrigation control included irrigation thresholds of soil-water potentials because of the working principle behind plant transpiration where pressure gradients are transmitted from the air through the plant and into the root zone. Optimal parameter values for full and deficit irrigation strategies were tested in irrigation experiments in containers in a vegetation hall with drip irrigated maize and compared to schedule-based irrigation strategies with regard to WP and water consumption. Observation data from one of the treatments was used afterwards in a simulation study to systematically investigate the parameters for implementing effective setups of DI systems. The combination of simulation-optimization and irrigation experiments proved to be a suitable approach for investigating and improving WP, as well as for deriving optimal parameter values of different irrigation strategies. This was verified in the irrigation experiment and shown through overall high WP, equally high WP between deficit and full irrigation strategies, and achieved water savings. Irrigation thresholds beyond the measurement range of tensiometers are feasible and applicable. The pF-meter performed satisfactorily and is a promising candidate for irrigation control. Suitable crop models for being part of this approach were found and their properties formulated. Factors that define the behavior of DI systems regarding WP and water consumption were investigated and assessed. This research allowed for drawing the first conclusions about the potential range of operations of sensor-based DI systems for achieving high WP with high reliability through its systematical investigation of such systems. However, this study needs validation and is therefore limited with regard to exact values of derived thresholds.

Simulation-Optimization of the Management of Sensor-Based Deficit Irrigation Systems

Kloß, Sebastian 11 January 2016 (has links)
Current research concentrates on ways to investigate and improve water productivity (WP), as agriculture is today’s predominant freshwater consumer, averaging at 70% and reaching up to 93% in some regions. A growing world population will require more food and thus more water for cultivation. Regions that are already affected by physical water scarcity and which depend on irrigation for growing crops will face even greater challenges regarding their water supply. Other problems in such regions are a variable water supply, inefficient irrigation practices, and over-pumping of available groundwater resources with other adverse effects on the ecosystem. To face those challenges, strategies are needed that use the available water resources more efficiently and allow farming in a more sustainable way. This work focused on the management of sensor-based deficit irrigation (DI) systems and improvements of WP through a combined approach of simulation-optimization and irrigation experiments. In order to improve irrigation control, a new sensor called pF-meter was employed, which extended the measurement range of the commonly used tensiometers from pF 2.9 to pF 7. The following research questions were raised: (i) Is this approach a suitable strategy to improve WP; (ii) Is the sensor for irrigation control suitable; (iii) Which crop growth models are suitable to be part of that approach; and (iv) Can the combined application with experiments prove an increase of WP? The stochastic simulation-optimization approach allowed deriving parameter values for an optimal irrigation control for sensor-based full and deficit irrigation strategies. Objective was to achieve high WP with high reliability. Parameters for irrigation control included irrigation thresholds of soil-water potentials because of the working principle behind plant transpiration where pressure gradients are transmitted from the air through the plant and into the root zone. Optimal parameter values for full and deficit irrigation strategies were tested in irrigation experiments in containers in a vegetation hall with drip irrigated maize and compared to schedule-based irrigation strategies with regard to WP and water consumption. Observation data from one of the treatments was used afterwards in a simulation study to systematically investigate the parameters for implementing effective setups of DI systems. The combination of simulation-optimization and irrigation experiments proved to be a suitable approach for investigating and improving WP, as well as for deriving optimal parameter values of different irrigation strategies. This was verified in the irrigation experiment and shown through overall high WP, equally high WP between deficit and full irrigation strategies, and achieved water savings. Irrigation thresholds beyond the measurement range of tensiometers are feasible and applicable. The pF-meter performed satisfactorily and is a promising candidate for irrigation control. Suitable crop models for being part of this approach were found and their properties formulated. Factors that define the behavior of DI systems regarding WP and water consumption were investigated and assessed. This research allowed for drawing the first conclusions about the potential range of operations of sensor-based DI systems for achieving high WP with high reliability through its systematical investigation of such systems. However, this study needs validation and is therefore limited with regard to exact values of derived thresholds.

Optimal simulation based design of deficit irrigation experiments

Seidel, Sabine 26 March 2012 (has links)
There is a growing societal concern about excessive water and fertilizer use in agricultural systems. High water productivity while maintaining high crop yields can be achieved with appropriate irrigation scheduling. Moreover, freshwater pollution through nitrogen (N) leaching due to the widespread use of N fertilizers demands for an efficient N fertilization management. However, sustainable crop management requires good knowledge of soil water and N dynamics as well as of crop water and N demand. Crop growth models, which describe physical and physiological processes of crop growth as well as water and matter transport, are considered as powerful tools to assist in the optimization of irrigation and fertilization management. It is of a general nature that the reliability of simulation based predictions depends on the quality and quantity of the data used for model calibration and validation which can be obtained e.g. in field experiments. A lack of data or low data quality for model calibration and validation may cause low performance and large uncertainties in simulation results. The large number of model parameters to be calibrated requires appropriate calibration methods and a sequential calibration strategy. Moreover, a simulation based planning of the field design saves costs and expenditure while supporting maximal outcomes of experiments. An adjustment of crop growth modeling and experiments is required for model improvement and development to reliably predict crop growth and to generalize predicted results. In this research study, a new approach for simulation based optimal experimental design was developed aiming to integrate simulation models, experiments, and optimization methods in one framework for optimal and sustainable irrigation and N fertilization management. The approach is composed of three steps: 1. The preprocessing consists of the calibration and validation of the crop growth model based on existing experimental data, the generation of long time-series of climate data, and the determination of the optimal irrigation control. 2. The implementation comprises the determination and experimental application of the simulation based optimized deficit irrigation and N fertilization schedules and an appropriate experimental data collection. 3. The postprocessing includes the evaluation of the experimental results namely observed yield, water productivity (WP), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and economic aspects, as well as a model evaluation. Five main tools were applied within the new approach: an algorithm for inverse model parametrization, a crop growth model for simulating crop growth, water balance and N balance, an optimization algorithm for deficit irrigation and N fertilization scheduling, and a stochastic weather generator. Furthermore, a water flow model was used to determine the optimal irrigation control functions and for simulation based estimation of the optimal field design. The approach was implemented within three case studies presented in this work. The new approach combines crop growth modeling and experiments with stochastic optimization. It contributes to a successful application of crop growth modeling based on an appropriate experimental data collection. The presented model calibration and validation procedure using the collected data facilitates reliable predictions. The stochastic optimization framework for deficit irrigation and N fertilization scheduling proved to be a powerful tool to enhance yield, WP, NUE and profit.:Contents Nomenclature ..............................................................................................................................xii 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 I Fundamentals and literature review ........................................................................................5 2 Water productivity in crop production ....................................................................................7 2.1 Water productivity .................................................................................................................7 2.2 Increase of crop yield ..........................................................................................................9 2.3 Irrigation ...............................................................................................................................10 2.3.1 Irrigation methods ...........................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Irrigation scheduling and irrigation control ................................................................11 2.3.3 The influence of the field design on profitability .......................................................12 2.4 The concept of controlled deficit irrigation ...................................................................14 3 Nitrogen use efficiency in crop production .........................................................................17 3.1 Nitrogen use efficiency ....................................................................................................18 3.2 N fertilization management .............................................................................................18 3.3 Combination of controlled deficit irrigation and deficit N fertilization ......................19 4 Crop growth modeling ............................................................................................................21 4.1 Physiological crop growth models ..................................................................................21 4.1.1 Model description of SVAT model Daisy ....................................................................22 4.1.2 Model description of crop growth model Pilote .........................................................24 4.2 Optimal experimental design for model parametrization ...........................................25 4.2.1 Experimental design ......................................................................................................25 4.2.2 Model parameter estimation ........................................................................................26 4.2.3 Model parameter estimation based on greenhouse data .......................................27 5 Irrigation and N fertilization scheduling ..............................................................................29 5.1 Irrigation scheduling .........................................................................................................29 5.2 N fertilization scheduling .................................................................................................30 5.3 Combination of irrigation and N fertilization scheduling ............................................30 II New approach for simulation based optimal experimental design ................................33 6 Preprocessing steps ...............................................................................................................37 6.1 Model parametrization and assessment .......................................................................37 6.1.1 Calibration of the soil parameters ...............................................................................38 6.1.2 Calibration of the plant parameters ............................................................................39 6.1.3 Model assessment .........................................................................................................41 6.1.4 Preliminary simulations for an optimal experimental layout ..................................43 6.2 Generation of long time-series of climate data ............................................................44 6.3 Determination of the optimal irrigation control functions ...........................................44 7 Stochastic optimization framework ......................................................................................47 7.1 Stochastic optimization framework .................................................................................47 7.1.1 Optimization algorithm ...................................................................................................47 7.1.2 Generation of the crop water (nitrogen) production functions ................................48 7.1.3 Application of the stochastic optimization framework ..............................................48 7.1.4 Crop growth model requirements ................................................................................49 8 Data collection during the experimentation .......................................................................51 9 Postprocessing steps .............................................................................................................55 9.1 Evaluation of the experimental results ...........................................................................55 9.1.1 Yield and total dry matter ..............................................................................................55 9.1.2 Water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency .........................................................55 9.1.3 Economic aspects ..........................................................................................................55 9.1.4 Evaluation of the model results ....................................................................................56 III Application of the new approach to three case studies ...................................................57 10 Evaluation of model transferability ....................................................................................59 10.1 Objectives and summary ................................................................................................59 10.2 Experimental site and experimental setup .................................................................61 10.3 Data collection during the experimentation ................................................................63 10.4 Calibration and validation of the model parameters .................................................63 10.4.1 Model setup and soil parametrization ......................................................................64 10.4.2 Plant parameter calibration and validation .............................................................67 10.5 Application of the stochastic optimization framework ...............................................75 10.5.1 Generation of the climate data ...................................................................................75 10.5.2 Estimation of the yield potential of wheat ................................................................75 10.5.3 Estimation of the water productivity potential of barley .........................................77 10.6 Discussion and conclusions ..........................................................................................81 11 Real-time irrigation scheduling ..........................................................................................83 11.1 Objectives and summary ................................................................................................83 11.2 Experimental site and field design ...............................................................................85 11.3 Data collection during the experiment ........................................................................86 11.4 Calibration and setup of the crop growth model Pilote .............................................87 11.5 Derivation of optimal irrigation control functions for different drip line spacings 88 11.5.1 Initial Hydrus 2D/3D simulations ...............................................................................88 11.5.2 Determination of the irrigation control functions .....................................................89 11.5.3 Verifying measurements ..............................................................................................92 11.6 Real-time deficit irrigation scheduling .........................................................................93 11.7 Evaluation of the experimental results .........................................................................96 11.7.1 Crop yields .....................................................................................................................96 11.7.2 Water productivity .........................................................................................................97 11.7.3 Prognostic simulations ................................................................................................98 11.7.4 Economic aspects ........................................................................................................99 11.8 Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................................100 12 Multicriterial optimization...................................................................................................103 12.1 Objectives and summary .............................................................................................103 12.2 Experimental site and experimental setup ...............................................................105 12.3 Data collection during the experiment ......................................................................105 12.4 Experimental layout ......................................................................................................106 12.5 Calibration and validation of the model parameters ..............................................107 12.5.1 Calibration of the soil parameters ...........................................................................107 12.5.2 Calibration and validation of the plant parameters .............................................107 12.5.3 Setup of SVAT model Daisy .....................................................................................108 12.6 Generation of the climate data ....................................................................................109 12.7 Optimized irrigation and N fertilization scheduling .................................................109 12.8 Evaluation of the experimental results .......................................................................111 12.8.1 Observed plant variables and weather data .........................................................111 12.8.2 Water productivities and nitrogen use efficiencies ...............................................111 12.8.3 Chlorophyll Meter values ..........................................................................................112 12.8.4 Recalculation of soil parameters .............................................................................113 12.9 Postprocessing simulations of yield and water and N dynamics..........................114 12.9.1 Yield predictions using Daisy 1D ............................................................................114 12.9.2 Yield predictions using Daisy 2D ............................................................................119 12.10 Discussion and conclusions .....................................................................................121 IV General discussion, conclusions and outlook ...............................................................123 13 General discussion ............................................................................................................125 14 General conclusions and outlook ....................................................................................133 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................134 A Tables and Figures ...............................................................................................................137 B Model setup and weather files ...........................................................................................145 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................153 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................153 References ................................................................................................................................159 / In der heutigen Gesellschaft gibt es zunehmend Bedenken gegenüber übermäßigem Wasser- und Düngereinsatz in der Landwirtschaft. Eine hohe Wasserproduktivität kann jedoch durch geeignete Bewässerungspläne mit hohen landwirtschaftlichen Erträgen in Einklang gebracht werden. Die mit der weitverbreiteten Stickstoffdüngung einhergehende Gewässerbelastung aufgrund von Stickstoffauswaschung erfordert zudem ein effizientes Stickstoffmanagement. Eine entsprechende ressourceneffiziente Landbewirtschaftung bedarf präzise Kenntnisse der Bodenwasser- und Stickstoffdynamiken sowie des Pflanzenwasser- und Stickstoffbedarfs. Als leistungsfähige Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung bei der Optimierung von Bewässerungs-und Düngungsplänen werden Pflanzenwachstumsmodelle eingesetzt, welche die physischen und physiologischen Prozesse des Pflanzenwachstums sowie die physikalischen Prozesse des Wasser- und Stofftransports abbilden. Hierbei hängt die Zuverlässigkeit dieser simulationsbasierten Vorhersagen von der Qualität und Quantität der bei der Modellkalibrierung und -validierung verwendeten Daten ab, welche beispielsweise in Feldversuchen erfasst werden. Fehlende Daten oder Daten mangelhafter Qualität bei der Modellkalibrierung und -validierung führen zu unzuverlässigen Simulationsergebnissen und großen Unsicherheiten bei der Vorhersage. Die große Anzahl an zu kalibrierenden Parametern erfordert zudem geeignete Kalibrierungsmethoden sowie eine sequenzielle Kalibrierungsstrategie. Darüber hinaus kann eine simulationsbasierte Planung des Versuchsdesigns Kosten und Aufwand reduzieren und zu weiteren experimentellen Erkenntnissen führen. Die Abstimmung von Pflanzenwachstumsmodellen und Versuchen ist zudem für die Modellentwicklung und -verbesserung sowie für eine Verallgemeinerung von Simulationsergebnissen unabdingbar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Ansatz für ein simulationsbasiertes optimales Versuchsdesign entwickelt. Ziel war es, Simulationsmodelle, Versuche und Optimierungsmethoden in einem Ansatz für optimales und nachhaltiges Bewässerungs- und Düngungsmanagement zu integrieren. Der Ansatz besteht aus drei Schritten: 1. Die Vorbereitungsphase beinhaltet die auf existierenden Versuchsdaten basierende Kalibrierung und Validierung des Pflanzenwachstumsmodells, die Generierung von Klimazeitreihen und die Bestimmung der optimalen Bewässerungssteuerung. 2. Die Durchführungsphase setzt sich aus der Erstellung und experimentellen Anwendung der simulationsbasierten optimierten Defizitbewässerungs- und Stickstoffdüngungspläne und der Erfassung der relevanten Versuchsdaten zusammen. 3. Die Auswertungsphase schließt eine Evaluierung der Versuchsergebnisse anhand ermittelter Erträge, Wasserproduktivitäten (WP), Stickstoffnutzungseffizienzen (NUE) und ökonomischer Aspekte, sowie eine Modellevaluierung ein. In dem neuen Ansatz kamen im Wesentlichen folgende fünf Werkzeuge zur Anwendung: Ein Algorithmus zur inversen Modellparametrisierung, ein Pflanzenwachstumsmodell, welches das Pflanzenwachstum sowie die Wasser- und Stickstoffbilanzen abbildet, ein evolutionärer Optimierungsalgorithmus für die Generierung von defizitären Bewässerungs- und Stickstoffplänen und ein stochastischer Wettergenerator. Zudem diente ein Bodenwasserströmungsmodell der Ermittlung der optimalen Bewässerungssteuerung und der simulationsbasierten Optimierung des Versuchsdesigns. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz wurde in drei Fallbeispielen angewandt. Der neue Ansatz kombiniert Pflanzenwachstumsmodellierung und Experimente mit stochastischer Optimierung. Er leistet einen Beitrag zu einer erfolgreichen Pflanzenwachstumsmodellierung basierend auf der Erfassung relevanter Versuchsdaten. Die vorgestellte Modellkalibrierung und -validierung unter Verwendung der erfassten Versuchsdaten trug wesentlich zu zuverlässigen Simulationsergebnissen bei. Darüber hinaus stellt die hier vorgestellte stochastische Optimierung von defizitären Bewässerungs- und Stickstoffplänen ein leistungsfähiges Werkzeug dar, um Erträge, WP, NUE und den Profit zu erhöhen.:Contents Nomenclature ..............................................................................................................................xii 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 I Fundamentals and literature review ........................................................................................5 2 Water productivity in crop production ....................................................................................7 2.1 Water productivity .................................................................................................................7 2.2 Increase of crop yield ..........................................................................................................9 2.3 Irrigation ...............................................................................................................................10 2.3.1 Irrigation methods ...........................................................................................................10 2.3.2 Irrigation scheduling and irrigation control ................................................................11 2.3.3 The influence of the field design on profitability .......................................................12 2.4 The concept of controlled deficit irrigation ...................................................................14 3 Nitrogen use efficiency in crop production .........................................................................17 3.1 Nitrogen use efficiency ....................................................................................................18 3.2 N fertilization management .............................................................................................18 3.3 Combination of controlled deficit irrigation and deficit N fertilization ......................19 4 Crop growth modeling ............................................................................................................21 4.1 Physiological crop growth models ..................................................................................21 4.1.1 Model description of SVAT model Daisy ....................................................................22 4.1.2 Model description of crop growth model Pilote .........................................................24 4.2 Optimal experimental design for model parametrization ...........................................25 4.2.1 Experimental design ......................................................................................................25 4.2.2 Model parameter estimation ........................................................................................26 4.2.3 Model parameter estimation based on greenhouse data .......................................27 5 Irrigation and N fertilization scheduling ..............................................................................29 5.1 Irrigation scheduling .........................................................................................................29 5.2 N fertilization scheduling .................................................................................................30 5.3 Combination of irrigation and N fertilization scheduling ............................................30 II New approach for simulation based optimal experimental design ................................33 6 Preprocessing steps ...............................................................................................................37 6.1 Model parametrization and assessment .......................................................................37 6.1.1 Calibration of the soil parameters ...............................................................................38 6.1.2 Calibration of the plant parameters ............................................................................39 6.1.3 Model assessment .........................................................................................................41 6.1.4 Preliminary simulations for an optimal experimental layout ..................................43 6.2 Generation of long time-series of climate data ............................................................44 6.3 Determination of the optimal irrigation control functions ...........................................44 7 Stochastic optimization framework ......................................................................................47 7.1 Stochastic optimization framework .................................................................................47 7.1.1 Optimization algorithm ...................................................................................................47 7.1.2 Generation of the crop water (nitrogen) production functions ................................48 7.1.3 Application of the stochastic optimization framework ..............................................48 7.1.4 Crop growth model requirements ................................................................................49 8 Data collection during the experimentation .......................................................................51 9 Postprocessing steps .............................................................................................................55 9.1 Evaluation of the experimental results ...........................................................................55 9.1.1 Yield and total dry matter ..............................................................................................55 9.1.2 Water productivity and nitrogen use efficiency .........................................................55 9.1.3 Economic aspects ..........................................................................................................55 9.1.4 Evaluation of the model results ....................................................................................56 III Application of the new approach to three case studies ...................................................57 10 Evaluation of model transferability ....................................................................................59 10.1 Objectives and summary ................................................................................................59 10.2 Experimental site and experimental setup .................................................................61 10.3 Data collection during the experimentation ................................................................63 10.4 Calibration and validation of the model parameters .................................................63 10.4.1 Model setup and soil parametrization ......................................................................64 10.4.2 Plant parameter calibration and validation .............................................................67 10.5 Application of the stochastic optimization framework ...............................................75 10.5.1 Generation of the climate data ...................................................................................75 10.5.2 Estimation of the yield potential of wheat ................................................................75 10.5.3 Estimation of the water productivity potential of barley .........................................77 10.6 Discussion and conclusions ..........................................................................................81 11 Real-time irrigation scheduling ..........................................................................................83 11.1 Objectives and summary ................................................................................................83 11.2 Experimental site and field design ...............................................................................85 11.3 Data collection during the experiment ........................................................................86 11.4 Calibration and setup of the crop growth model Pilote .............................................87 11.5 Derivation of optimal irrigation control functions for different drip line spacings 88 11.5.1 Initial Hydrus 2D/3D simulations ...............................................................................88 11.5.2 Determination of the irrigation control functions .....................................................89 11.5.3 Verifying measurements ..............................................................................................92 11.6 Real-time deficit irrigation scheduling .........................................................................93 11.7 Evaluation of the experimental results .........................................................................96 11.7.1 Crop yields .....................................................................................................................96 11.7.2 Water productivity .........................................................................................................97 11.7.3 Prognostic simulations ................................................................................................98 11.7.4 Economic aspects ........................................................................................................99 11.8 Discussion and conclusions ........................................................................................100 12 Multicriterial optimization...................................................................................................103 12.1 Objectives and summary .............................................................................................103 12.2 Experimental site and experimental setup ...............................................................105 12.3 Data collection during the experiment ......................................................................105 12.4 Experimental layout ......................................................................................................106 12.5 Calibration and validation of the model parameters ..............................................107 12.5.1 Calibration of the soil parameters ...........................................................................107 12.5.2 Calibration and validation of the plant parameters .............................................107 12.5.3 Setup of SVAT model Daisy .....................................................................................108 12.6 Generation of the climate data ....................................................................................109 12.7 Optimized irrigation and N fertilization scheduling .................................................109 12.8 Evaluation of the experimental results .......................................................................111 12.8.1 Observed plant variables and weather data .........................................................111 12.8.2 Water productivities and nitrogen use efficiencies ...............................................111 12.8.3 Chlorophyll Meter values ..........................................................................................112 12.8.4 Recalculation of soil parameters .............................................................................113 12.9 Postprocessing simulations of yield and water and N dynamics..........................114 12.9.1 Yield predictions using Daisy 1D ............................................................................114 12.9.2 Yield predictions using Daisy 2D ............................................................................119 12.10 Discussion and conclusions .....................................................................................121 IV General discussion, conclusions and outlook ...............................................................123 13 General discussion ............................................................................................................125 14 General conclusions and outlook ....................................................................................133 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................134 A Tables and Figures ...............................................................................................................137 B Model setup and weather files ...........................................................................................145 List of Tables .............................................................................................................................153 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................153 References ................................................................................................................................159

Impact of Climate and Soil Variability on Crop Water Productivity and Food Security of Irrigated Agriculture in Northern Togo (West Africa)

Gadedjisso-Tossou, Agossou 12 March 2020 (has links)
West Africa is subject to frequent yield losses due to erratic rainfall and degraded soils. At the same time, its population is expected to double by 2050. This situation is alarming in northern Togo, a West African dry savannah area, where rainfed maize is a staple food. Thus, it is necessary to improve agricultural productivity, e.g., by evaluating and introducing alternative irrigation management strategies, which may be implemented in this region. For this purpose, the present investigation focused on evaluating the potential of deficit and supplemental irrigation, as well as assessing the impact of climate and soil variability on maize yield under irrigated agriculture using irrigation optimisation strategies in northern Togo. The Optimal Climate Change Adaption Strategies in Irrigation (OCCASION) framework was adapted and employed to address the research objectives. It involves: (i) a weather generator for simulating long-term climate time series; (ii) the AquaCrop model, which was utilised to simulate the irrigation during the growing periods and the maize yield response to given irrigation management strategies; and (iii) a problem-specific algorithm for optimal irrigation scheduling with limited water supply. Five irrigation management strategies viz. T1: no irrigation (NI), T2: controlled deficit irrigation (CDI) and T3: full irrigation (FI) in the wet season, T4: controlled deficit irrigation (CDI) and T5: full irrigation (FI) in the dry season were assessed regarding their impact on maize yield in northern Togo. The results showed high variability in rainfall during the wet season, which led to substantial variability in the expected yield for NI. This variability was significantly lessened when optimised supplemental irrigation management strategies (CDI or FI) were applied. This also holds for the irrigation scenarios under the dry season. Finally, these findings were validated by an irrigation field experiment conducted at an agricultural research institute in northern Togo. Under a moderate level of deficit irrigation during the vegetative and reproductive growth stages, the above-ground biomass and the maize grain yield were reduced. However, a moderate level of deficit irrigation during the vegetative growth stage could result in similar values of water productivity to that of fully irrigated treatment. It was found that, based on the values of the statistical indicators, AquaCrop has accurately simulated the maize grain yield for all the irrigation strategies evaluated. The results of this study revealed that climate variability might engender a higher variability in the maize yields of northern Togo than soil variability does. Large- and smallscale water harvesting, access to groundwater, and irrigation infrastructures would be required for implementing the irrigation management strategies assessed in this study.:Declaration iii Declaration of Conformity v Dedication vii Acknowledgements ix Abstract xi Table of Contents xv List of Figures xvii List of Tables xix List of Acronyms and Abbreviations xxi 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Problem Statement 1 1.1.1 Global Fresh and Agricultural Water Use 1 1.1.2 Erratic Rainfall, Rising Temperatures, and Soil fertility depletion in West Africa 2 1.1.3 Transboundary Water Issues in West Africa 3 1.1.4 Agriculture and Water Use in Togo 3 1.2 Objectives of the Study 4 2. State of the Art 6 2.1 Relevant Agroecosystems, Farming Systems and Irrigation Management in West Africa 6 2.2 Key Performance Indicators: Water productivity and Food Security 8 2.3 Common Approaches Used to Evaluate Crop Water Productivity 9 2.4 Key production Factors: Climate, Soil and Management 9 2.5 Crop Yield Modelling 12 2.6 Integrated Modelling 13 3. Novel Framework for Optimising Irrigation Systems in West Africa 15 3.1 Model-based Sensitivity Analysis of Climate and Management Impact on Crop Water Productivity, Water Demand and Food Security 15 3.2 Experimental Validation of the Farm Model and Management Strategies, Soil Data Analysis and Modelling 17 3.3 Joint Stochastic Analysis of the Impact of Climate and Soil Variability on Crop Water Productivity and Food Security 19 4. Overview of Publications 21 4.1 Potential of Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation under Climate Variability in Northern Togo, West Africa 21 4.2 Impact of Irrigation Strategies on Maize (Zea mays L.) Production in the Savannah Region of Northern Togo (West Africa) 22 4.3 Impact of climate and soil variability on maize (Zea mays L.) yield under full and deficit irrigation in the savannah region of northern Togo, West Africa 23 5. Conclusion and Outlook 26 References 28 A. Selected Publications of the Author 37 A.1 Potential of Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation under Climate Variability in Northern Togo, West Africa 39 A.2 Impact of Irrigation Strategies on Maize (Zea mays L.) Production in the Savannah Region of Northern Togo (West Africa) 61 A.3 Impact of Climate and Soil Variability on Maize (Zea mays L.) Yield under Full and Deficit Irrigation in the Savannah Region of Northern Togo, West Africa 81 B. Histograms of distributions of the expected maize yield in northern Togo (scenarios in the third paper) 121

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