Spelling suggestions: "subject:"degree off P saturation"" "subject:"degree oof P saturation""
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Effect of Synthetic Chelating Agent Application to Soils on Phosphorus AvailabilityEdwards, Cristie LeAnne 06 August 2013 (has links)
Fertilizer phosphorus (P) can become unavailable to crops due to immobilization of P in acidic soils through forming chemical bonds with iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) amorphous oxides. Organic chelating agents form strong bonds with metals in soil and may reduce P binding with Fe and Al. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), hydroxyethyl ethylenediamine triacetic acid (HEEDTA), gluconic acid (GA), and citric acid (CA) were tested to determine their influence on water-soluble P (WSP), Mehlich-1 P and Mehlich-3 P in Loam and Sand soils fertilized with P and incubated for 49 days. Soil P sorption capacity (PSC) was estimated from an oxalate extraction of Fe and Al, and chelates were applied at rates of 90 percent of the PSC. The EDTA, HEEDTA, and CA significantly (P<0.05) reduced P sorption in the Loam and Sand when measured by WSP. In soils without P fertilizer added, EDTA and HEEDTA significantly increased WSP, Mehlich-1, and Mehlich-3 P concentrations. EDTA and HEEDTA were also applied at 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 percent PSC to produce a rate response curve for WSP in a second soil incubation. With increasing chelating rate, there was a linear increase in WSP for both soils, thus indicating higher rates of chelating agents were most efficient at decreasing P sorption.
EDTA and HEEDTA were also tested in a 4-week greenhouse study for efficiency at increasing plant available P to corn (Zea mays L.) in two soils. Phosphorus was added with and without the addition of chelating agents to the center of the pot, simulating a starter band of P. After 4weeks, soils were analyzed for WSP, Mehlich-1, and Mehlich-3 P and corn above- and below-ground biomass was quantified and analyzed for total P concentration. Without the presence of chelating agents, concentrations of WSP, Mehlich-1 P, Mehlich-3 P, above- and below-ground biomass, and TKP increased linearly as P fertilizer rates increased at 0, 9.6, 19.3, 28.9, and 38.5 kg P ha-1. Decreased P sorption using chelating agents was not observed in this experiment. However, with the results from the soil incubation, chelating agents do show potential for increasing plant available P, but the application and incorporation method needs to be further studied. / Master of Science
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Indices of Phosphorus Loss Potential from Ontario Agricultural Soils to Surface WatersWang, Yutao 14 December 2010 (has links)
Phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural soils has been identified as one of the major causes of eutrophication of surface waters. This study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of various measures of soil P as indicators of risk potential for P loss from agricultural soils to surface waters. To fulfill the research objective, soil samples were collected from six major soil series in southern Ontario, and were subjected to simulated precipitation and to leaching. Relationships between various soil P measures and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentration in surface runoff and subsurface flow were assessed.
Amongst the selected soil test P (STP) and the estimates of degree of P saturation (DPS), DPSM3-2 [Mehlich-3 P/(Mehlich-3 Al + Fe)], DPSM3-3 (Mehlich-3 P/Mehlich-3 Al), and water extractable P (WEP) had the highest correlation with DRP concentration in surface runoff and leachate across all six soil series. The Fe-oxide coated filter paper P (FeO-P) method gave the second best predictor of DRP concentration through a split-line linear model. The Olsen P test was significantly correlated to DRP losses in runoff and leachate but it was generally not as strongly correlated to DRP losses as were other soil P measures.
Given that soil WEP concentration can represent risk of soil P loss, a study with a greater range of soils (n=391) suggested that DPSM3-2 and DPSM3-3 tended to overestimate P losses from alkaline soils, especially when soils had high DPSM3-2 or DPSM3-3. In comparison, soil FeO-P and DPSOl-b [Olsen P/(Olsen P + P sorption index)] each were significantly correlated to DRP concentrations in surface runoff, subsurface water and soil WEP concentration, and showed reasonable accuracy.
Compared to STP and routine DPS, a detailed soil DPS estimated from P sorption isotherm (DPSsorp) and P buffering capacity (PBC0), could provide reliable predictions of runoff DRP concentration across different soil types. Within each soil type, runoff DRP concentration increased linearly with increasing DPSsorp following a common slope of approximately 1.79, while the common change point was at a PBC0 value of approximately 0.29 L mg-1. A unit change in the PBC0 value resulted in a much greater change in runoff DRP concentration below the change point than above the change point. / The OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affaires) – MOE (Ontario Ministry of Environment) Nutrient Management Joint Research Program and the University of Guelph-OMAFRA (Environmental Sustainability Research Theme) Research Program.
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Grau de saturação de fósforo em solos tropicais altamente intemperizados / Degree of phosphorus saturation in highly weathered tropical soilsCampos, Murilo de 28 August 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um elemento essencial para o desenvolvimento das plantas e precisa ser suprido em quantidades adequadas para obtenção de altas produtividades das culturas agrícolas. O conteúdo de P no solo e consequente perda deste para as águas superficiais são importantes fatores relacionados a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos. Nesse trabalho foi obtido o Grau de saturação de P (GSP) em 29 solos tropicais altamente intemperizados e seus valores foram correlacionados com atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Antes de calcular o GSP, foram determinados parâmetros como Índice de sorção de P (ISP), Capacidade de sorção de P (CSP) e fator de escala ?. Os solos foram divididos em grupos, e os solos de cada grupo receberam doses diferenciadas de P para obtenção do ISP devido a variação na capacidade de adsorção,. As doses utilizadas foram 200, 500, 1000, 1500 e 3000 mg L-1 de P. Os períodos de reação avaliados foram 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, e 84 d. A porcentagem média de P adsorvida no final do período de contato (84 d) variou de 23% a 49% do P adicionado inicialmente. Os Latossolos, os Gleissolos e os Nitossolos apresentaram os maiores valores de ISP, enquanto os Argissolos e os Neossolos tiveram os menores valores. Os maiores valores foram encontrados nos solos com elevados teores de argila, matéria orgânica (MO) e óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de Fe e de Al. O ISP foi maior no final do período de contato (84 d), o que realça a influência do tempo na adsorção do P. O fator de escala ? e o GSP foram calculados em todos os períodos de contato. Os valores de ? aumentaram e os de GSP diminuíram em função do tempo devido à maior interação do P com o solo. Os menores valores de GSP foram obtidos nos solos com alta capacidade de adsorção de P, ao passo que os maiores valores de GSP foram dos solos com menor capacidade de adsorção. O maior GSP (31%) foi obtido no Neossolo Litólico. O valor limite de GSP considerado nesse trabalho foi 23%. As relações entre GSP, CSP, ISP e alguns atributos dos solos foram abordadas por meio da análise de componentes principais. Com o agrupamento de todos os solos, os teores de óxido mal cristalizado de alumínio (Alox), argila, MO e de óxido cristalino de alumínio (AlDCB) foram os que melhor se correlacionaram com o ISP e a CSP. Avaliando somente os Latossolos, os teores de argila e de óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de ferro e de alumínio (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB e Alox) representaram os componentes principais ligados à adsorção de P. Com a adição dos demais solos, os teores de fósforo extraídos por solução ácida de oxalato de amônio (Pox), Alox, argila e MO formaram os componentes principais para ISP e CSP. O GSP não correlacionou significativamente com nenhum dos atributos. A partir do dendograma, os solos foram separados em dois grupos. O grupo I foi composto por solos pouco suscetíveis a perdas de P em função dos valores de CSP e de GSP. Já o grupo II reuniu os solos mais suscetíveis. Equações de regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas na predição do ISP e CSP e duas delas obtiveram um alto coeficiente de determinação (R2 = 0,94 para ambas), podendo ser utilizadas para estimar a CSP e o ISP nos solos. / Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and must be supplied in adequate quantities to the growers obtain high yields of agricultural crops. The content of P in the soil and its loss to surface water are important factors related to eutrophication of aquatic environments. In this study, we obtained the degree of P saturation (DPS) in 29 highly weathered tropical soils, and their values were correlated with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes. Before calculating the DPS, parameters such as P sorption index (PSI), P sorption capacity (PSC) and the scaling factor ? were obtained. Because of the variation in the soils` ability to adsorb P, they were divided into groups, and the soils from each group received different P rates for obtaining the PSI. The rates were 200, 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg L-1 of P. The periods of reaction evaluated were 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, and 84 d. The average percentage of P adsorbed at the end of the contact period (84 d) ranged from 23% to 49% of P added initially. The Oxisols, the Gleysols and the Alfisols showed the highest values of PSI, while the Ultisols and Entisols had the lowest values. The highest values were found in soils with high clay contents of organic matter (OM) and crystalline and poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides. ISP was higher at the end of the contact period (84 d), which highlights the influence of weathering on P adsorption by soils. The scale factor ? and the DPS were calculated for all periods of contact. The values of ? increased while DPS decreased as a function of time because of the greater interaction of P with the soil. The lowest values of GSP were obtained in soils with high P adsorption capacity, whereas the highest values of DPS were obtained in soils with lower adsorption capacity. The largest DPS (31%) was obtained in the Typic Udorthent. The limit value of DPS considered in this study was 23%. Correlations between DPS, PSC, PSI and some soil attributes were addressed by principal component analysis. By grouping all soils, the levels of poorly crystalline aluminum (Alox), clay, OM and crystalline aluminum oxide (AlDCB) were the atributes best correlated with both PSI and PSC. When evaluating only the Oxisols, it was observed that the contents of clay and crystalline and poorly crystalline iron and aluminum oxides (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB and Alox) represented the main components related to the adsorption of P. When the other soils were added, the contents of P extracted by an acid ammonium oxalate solution (Pox), Alox, MO and clay composed the main components for PSC and PSI. DPS did not correlate significantly with any of the attributes. From the dendrogram, the soils were separated into two groups: group I, consisted of soils with little susceptiblity to P loss based on the PSC and DPS, and group II, that met the more susceptible soils for P losses. Multiple linear regression equations were used to predict PSI and PSC, and two of them had a high determination coefficient (R2 = 0.94 for both). So, they can be used to estimate the PSC and PSI at the soils.
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Grau de saturação de fósforo em solos tropicais altamente intemperizados / Degree of phosphorus saturation in highly weathered tropical soilsMurilo de Campos 28 August 2014 (has links)
O fósforo (P) é um elemento essencial para o desenvolvimento das plantas e precisa ser suprido em quantidades adequadas para obtenção de altas produtividades das culturas agrícolas. O conteúdo de P no solo e consequente perda deste para as águas superficiais são importantes fatores relacionados a eutrofização de ambientes aquáticos. Nesse trabalho foi obtido o Grau de saturação de P (GSP) em 29 solos tropicais altamente intemperizados e seus valores foram correlacionados com atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Antes de calcular o GSP, foram determinados parâmetros como Índice de sorção de P (ISP), Capacidade de sorção de P (CSP) e fator de escala ?. Os solos foram divididos em grupos, e os solos de cada grupo receberam doses diferenciadas de P para obtenção do ISP devido a variação na capacidade de adsorção,. As doses utilizadas foram 200, 500, 1000, 1500 e 3000 mg L-1 de P. Os períodos de reação avaliados foram 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, e 84 d. A porcentagem média de P adsorvida no final do período de contato (84 d) variou de 23% a 49% do P adicionado inicialmente. Os Latossolos, os Gleissolos e os Nitossolos apresentaram os maiores valores de ISP, enquanto os Argissolos e os Neossolos tiveram os menores valores. Os maiores valores foram encontrados nos solos com elevados teores de argila, matéria orgânica (MO) e óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de Fe e de Al. O ISP foi maior no final do período de contato (84 d), o que realça a influência do tempo na adsorção do P. O fator de escala ? e o GSP foram calculados em todos os períodos de contato. Os valores de ? aumentaram e os de GSP diminuíram em função do tempo devido à maior interação do P com o solo. Os menores valores de GSP foram obtidos nos solos com alta capacidade de adsorção de P, ao passo que os maiores valores de GSP foram dos solos com menor capacidade de adsorção. O maior GSP (31%) foi obtido no Neossolo Litólico. O valor limite de GSP considerado nesse trabalho foi 23%. As relações entre GSP, CSP, ISP e alguns atributos dos solos foram abordadas por meio da análise de componentes principais. Com o agrupamento de todos os solos, os teores de óxido mal cristalizado de alumínio (Alox), argila, MO e de óxido cristalino de alumínio (AlDCB) foram os que melhor se correlacionaram com o ISP e a CSP. Avaliando somente os Latossolos, os teores de argila e de óxidos cristalinos e mal cristalizados de ferro e de alumínio (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB e Alox) representaram os componentes principais ligados à adsorção de P. Com a adição dos demais solos, os teores de fósforo extraídos por solução ácida de oxalato de amônio (Pox), Alox, argila e MO formaram os componentes principais para ISP e CSP. O GSP não correlacionou significativamente com nenhum dos atributos. A partir do dendograma, os solos foram separados em dois grupos. O grupo I foi composto por solos pouco suscetíveis a perdas de P em função dos valores de CSP e de GSP. Já o grupo II reuniu os solos mais suscetíveis. Equações de regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas na predição do ISP e CSP e duas delas obtiveram um alto coeficiente de determinação (R2 = 0,94 para ambas), podendo ser utilizadas para estimar a CSP e o ISP nos solos. / Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for plant growth and must be supplied in adequate quantities to the growers obtain high yields of agricultural crops. The content of P in the soil and its loss to surface water are important factors related to eutrophication of aquatic environments. In this study, we obtained the degree of P saturation (DPS) in 29 highly weathered tropical soils, and their values were correlated with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes. Before calculating the DPS, parameters such as P sorption index (PSI), P sorption capacity (PSC) and the scaling factor ? were obtained. Because of the variation in the soils` ability to adsorb P, they were divided into groups, and the soils from each group received different P rates for obtaining the PSI. The rates were 200, 500, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg L-1 of P. The periods of reaction evaluated were 1, 3, 7, 21, 42, and 84 d. The average percentage of P adsorbed at the end of the contact period (84 d) ranged from 23% to 49% of P added initially. The Oxisols, the Gleysols and the Alfisols showed the highest values of PSI, while the Ultisols and Entisols had the lowest values. The highest values were found in soils with high clay contents of organic matter (OM) and crystalline and poorly crystalline Fe and Al oxides. ISP was higher at the end of the contact period (84 d), which highlights the influence of weathering on P adsorption by soils. The scale factor ? and the DPS were calculated for all periods of contact. The values of ? increased while DPS decreased as a function of time because of the greater interaction of P with the soil. The lowest values of GSP were obtained in soils with high P adsorption capacity, whereas the highest values of DPS were obtained in soils with lower adsorption capacity. The largest DPS (31%) was obtained in the Typic Udorthent. The limit value of DPS considered in this study was 23%. Correlations between DPS, PSC, PSI and some soil attributes were addressed by principal component analysis. By grouping all soils, the levels of poorly crystalline aluminum (Alox), clay, OM and crystalline aluminum oxide (AlDCB) were the atributes best correlated with both PSI and PSC. When evaluating only the Oxisols, it was observed that the contents of clay and crystalline and poorly crystalline iron and aluminum oxides (Feox, FeDCB, AlDCB and Alox) represented the main components related to the adsorption of P. When the other soils were added, the contents of P extracted by an acid ammonium oxalate solution (Pox), Alox, MO and clay composed the main components for PSC and PSI. DPS did not correlate significantly with any of the attributes. From the dendrogram, the soils were separated into two groups: group I, consisted of soils with little susceptiblity to P loss based on the PSC and DPS, and group II, that met the more susceptible soils for P losses. Multiple linear regression equations were used to predict PSI and PSC, and two of them had a high determination coefficient (R2 = 0.94 for both). So, they can be used to estimate the PSC and PSI at the soils.
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