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Studium fotodynamické inaktivace prionů ftalocyaniny. / Study of the photodynamic inactivation of prions by phthalocyanines.Kostelanská, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Transmissive spongiform encephalopathies, also called prion disorders, are fatal neurodegenerative diseases affecting mammals. In patients, the pathological prion protein (PrPTSE ) accumulates in CNS and causes death. Prions possess high binding affinity to surfaces. Moreover, they are highly resistant to conventional sterilization procedures which rise the risk of nosocomial transmission from patients in subclinical stage of prion disease through medical tools. In the thesis, we evaluate the efficiency of photodynamic inactivation (PDI) for prion decontamination. The PDI is induced by photoactivation of phthalocyanine (Pc) derivates AlPcOH(SO3)2, SiPc(OH)2(SO3)1-3 or ZnPc(SO3)1-3. Pc exposed to light generate reactive oxygen species, mainly singlet oxygen (O2(1 ∆g)). Production of O2(1 ∆g) in aqueous solution was confirmed by iodide method, quenching by NaN3 and oxidative degradation of uric acid. The photoactivation of Pc in infectious brain homogenate led to elimination of PrPres signal (= proteinase K-resistant PrPTSE fragment) below the detection limit of western blot by using nanomolar AlPcOH(SO3)2 concentration. The complete elimination of PrPres signal was accompanied with total protein concentration decrease by a maximum of 20% in brain homogenate No signs of protein fragmentation or...
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Dekontaminační pracoviště na evakuačních trasách ze zóny havarijního plánování po zrušení záchranných praporů / Organization and Activity of Decontaminating Workplace on the Evacuative Run from the Zone of the Critical Planning after the Abolition of Rescue BattalionsSEVEROVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Abstrakt The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of securing serviceability of decontamination sites using the forces and the means available after cancellation of rescue battalions, and on the current position of the Fire Rescue Service. The objective of the thesis was to draw attention to the problem arising from insufficient securing of decontamination after cancellation of the rescue battalions intended for this activity. The output of the analysis of the present state and the state before cancellation of the rescue batallions is the finding that the solution currently used to secure decontamination is less effective. Therefore I have proposed a more effective solution based on maintaining rescue battalions together with the Fire Rescue Service. The raised hypotheses were confirmed through the concise charts that addressed the capabilities of the rescue units and the communication between individual brigades and departments will be verified in the planned exercise ZÓNA 2010 that will take place from 22 to 23 September 2010. In my thesis I made use of the available literature, findings from my bachelor thesis and from exercises ZÓNA 2007 and ZÓNA 2008, observations of experts, and terrain reconnaissance leading to proposing a suitable decontamination site. The thesis includes a proposal of a decontamination site in Hluboká nad Vltavou {--} Zámostí. I believe that there would be justification for submission of this proposal to the competent bodies. I regard my thesis as a good material for assessing the current state of this issue, proposing various solutions, and returning to greater care of citizens, as it used to be in previous year.
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Rizika polutantů v půdě a jejich vliv na zdraví lidí / The hazards of soil pollutants and their effects on the human healthŠVEHLOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
Good soil condition belongs to the basic requirements of well-ballanced environment. That is why the soil has to correspond to hygienic requirements and be protected against substances harmful to human health, e.g. toxic materials, germs of transmissible illnesses and parasites. The most common cause of soil contamination is anthropogenic incidence. Contaminated soil belongs to waste and has to be removed in a proper way. is A special way of waste removal is soil decontamination. Its goal is to remove harmful substances and regain the original use of the soil.
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Problematika ošetřovatelské péče u pacientů s onemocněním Clostridium difficile / The issue of nursing care in patients with Clostridium difficileŠEDIVÁ, Ilona January 2014 (has links)
Nosocomial infections, which do not often relate to the diseases are increasing nowadays. Clostridium difficile belongs to the frequent nosocomial infections and it is known as post-antibiotic colitis. The main reason of colitis is the usage of antibiotics, especially broad-spectrum antibiotics. The thesis is divided into the theoretical part and practical, as well. Theoretical part describes the division of the nosocomial infections, infection of the intestinal tract, anatomy, physiology of the intestines and infectious diarrhoeal diseases. The thesis is subsequently aimed to the clostridial infections and precautions against the spread of the disease. Practical part is aimed to the knowledge of the nurses, skills and attitude towards this issue.The thesis uses quantitative investigation and technique of the questionnaires, hidden observation of the nurses working on the selected wards and additional interviews with head nurses. The research was conducted in hospital in Tábor, a.s. The questionnaires were distributed on the surgery, orthopaedics, surgical JIP, ARO, ONP, infective ward, rehabilitative ward, TRN, cardio JIP, internal ward-cardio, internal ward-gastro. The thesis was formed from 143 questionnaires and 171 questionnaires were distributed. Hidden observation was made by head nurses from individual wards and it was logged to the relevant observation sheets.From existing findings we can say that there exist specifics of nursing care at the patient with the clostridium difficile. Among to these specifics we can cite the barrier nursing care where we can include the isolation of the patient, disinfection and hygiene of hands,using protectors, appropriate usage of laundries and infectious waste, location of the patient according to the epidemiological perpective and individualization of the tools for the patients. From another investigation ensue that the nurses keep barrier nursing care, superficial disinfecion, decontamination of the tools. From the results is evident that the nurses do not know the methods of the transmission of the clostridial infection. On the base of another investigations we have found out that the nurses do not know principles of the barrier nursing care. In conclusion is it possible to say that the nurses do not have so extensive information, that are essential for care for the patiens with clotridium difficile. In order to care for these patients in right way is neccessary to know principles of the barrier nursing care and keep them all. Keeping the principles of the barrier nursing care is crucial step in preventing the transmission nosocomial infections. The results will be provided to the officials of the individual hospital´s wards as an option of improvement in caring for the patiens with clostridial infection. The results were partially presented at a conference in Tabor´s hospital in May 2014. We recommend to re-train the staff of the hospital, which would be specifically aimed towards the principles of the barrier nursing care and towards the disinfection and decontamination in related to the nosocomial infections. On the base of these findings was made a proposal of the nursing care standard, which would specify and unite the care for the patiens with clostride infection. Subsequently, it would be apropriate to repeat the research in 1 2 years and than both researches compare together.
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Připravenost Integrovaného záchranného systému České republiky při teroristickém zneužití nervově paralytických látek / Preparedness of the Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic during terroristic misuse of nerve agentsHON, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
Using questionnaire enquiry, this diploma thesis tries to find out the level of knowledge of single members of basic rescue bodies involved in the Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic in the area of nerve agents and subsequently compare this knowledge of single basic bodies. Another aim, which is based on literature examination and information available, is to suggest an appropriate procedure for Integrated Rescue System action in case of misuse of nerve agents by terrorists. The suggested procedure of activities of bodies involved in the Integrated Rescue System could serve as an example for establishing a model plan of activities of bodies involved the Integrated Rescue System in case of events with suspicion of terrorist attack performed by nerve agents or other highly toxic chemical agents. A comprehensive overview on nerve agents could be used for deepening and broadening of knowledge of single Integrated Rescue System bodies. Although such a terrorist attack has not happened in the Czech Republic yet, it cannot be excluded that it will occur in the future. Hence it is very important so that the Integrated Rescue System is perfectly equipped both materially and technically, and single Integrated Rescue System bodies are trained and educated systematically. It is better to be theoretically and practically well prepared, and never to use this knowledge and skills than to improvise and rely on decision carried out only on the place of disaster.
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Možnosti a způsoby dekontaminace a další manipulace se zvířaty v zájmových chovech v zóně havarijního plánování při možném vzniku radiační havárie na jaderných zařízeních / The methods and the ways of pets decontamination and handling in the emergency planning area within the possible emergence of radiation accident in nuclear facilities.BENDOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the mapping and the appraisal of current processes, using in the field of decontamination and the other manipulation with pets, in the emergency planning area within the possible emergence of radiation accident in nuclear facilities. There are meant animals which are kept like pets, not for farming. For nuclear facilities in our territory, collision plans are made, that contain methods, describing solution processes of radiation accident. The method of pet manipulation is solved only peripherally in these documents. Theoretical part of the thesis is oriented in pet problems in legislation and describes the bases of practical manipulation within the breeding and also the killing. There are described the precautions during the radiation accident, the undesirable effects of ionizing radiation on live organism and the basic techniques of decontamination. Practical part is focused on the data processing from contemporary valid rules and norms in this field and the description of precautions in the emergency planning area of the Nuclear Power Temelín in connection with protection and rescue of pets. The basic document, from which the applied process starts during the radiation accident in the emergency planning area of the Nuclear Power Temelín, is an external emergency plan. This document contains some concrete plans of activities, specifying these problems and that must be solved. These essential documents are important for this thesis ? the plans of iodine prophylaxis, the evacuation plan of individual person rescue, the decontamination and veterinary precautions. In the case of unsatisfactory finding of problems processing of pet handling, the proposal of possible methodology will be made in agreement with other Czech and foreign documents.
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Následky výbuchu špinavé bomby / Burst effects of radiation dispersal weaponSADÍLKOVÁ, Alexandra January 2008 (has links)
One of the relatively cheap and easily available instruments suitable for a terrorist attack is the dirty bomb. Using conventional charges (TNT, Semtex etc.) it disperses radioactive materials. Its use is based on contamination of the area where the explosion took place and on creating a radioactive cloud, which may travel rather fast depending on the wind, and which pollutes other areas with its fall-out particles. Such areas become dangerous to live or stay in for a longer period due to the danger of irradiation sickness and cancer. The polluted areas must be decontaminated, which is a very difficult task. Another problem that may occur after the explosion of such a bomb is also panic as well as burns and injuries caused by shells. This work deals with possibilities of radiological weapon construction, the results of using a dirty bomb and with the work of integrated emergency services on such an occasion.
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Projekt logistického řešení požadavku ochrany veřejného zdraví v oblasti zajištěného transportu pacienta v izolaci s rizikem kontaminace okolí / Project of Logistics Solution to Protection of Public Health in Area of Secure Transport of Patient in Isolation with Risk of Environmental ContaminationPAULY, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis aimed to create a concept of a universal vehicle meeting the requirements for safe transportation of patients with risk of environmental contamination including the possibility of repeated use. The vehicle should meet the highest degree of public health protection, namely the Biological safety levels 4 (BSL 4). The questionnaire was used to gather the information about the current status of Biohazard teams, their material and technical equipment, and the way of transport security, including the possibility of rotating/substitution of the intervening staff. The questionnaire was distributed to the providers of health rescue services in individual regions and in the capital city of Prague. The results of the questionnaire survey formed the basis for processing the concept of the vehicle to ensure the transport of patients suspected of a highly dangerous contagion. The concept of the vehicle should serve as the basis for the real vehicle construction that will be able to provide protection at the level of BSL 4. It counts on a separate cabin for two drivers, a rear cabinet superstructure with a clean area for storing material and medical equipment, and rest facilities for the staff. At the rear, a separate insulating container consisting of an insulating box for patients, a decontamination area for the needs of the rotating staff, and a transfer box for medical supplies and devices. The proposed vehicle brings numerous improvements that meet BSL 4 protection and thus the highest level of the public health protection. The vehicle can carry up to seven patients at one intervention with the risk of environmental contamination. During the transport, it is possible for the staff to rotate continuously. The separate storage of medical supplies and devices ensures the use and degradation of only the necessary materials and devices. To cover the territory of the Czech Republic, the optimal number of six vehicles would be optimal.
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Systémové řešení pro energetické využití zdravotnických odpadů / Systematic approach for medical waste-to-energy processingHanus, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the current situation of medical waste management in the Czech Republic and available medical waste treatment methods. The first part summarises the legislation of waste treatment and contains an analysis of the current situation of medical waste management in the Czech Republic and comparison to the situation in the European Union. The second part describes medical waste treatment methods and following technologies for energy utilization when thermal treatment method is applied. In the main part of this thesis, a complex medical waste-to-energy system in a model region is designed according to the input data. The design includes description of the collecting and transportation system of the waste, capacity of the unit and suitable thermal treatment and heat utilization technology choice. A calculation model is created for the proposed unit and based on this model, an analysis on energy utilization effectivity is made. As a result of the thesis, environmental, technical and economical assessment is created based on the estimation of the investment and operating costs.
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Opatření Krajského ředitelství policie Jihočeského kraje při vzniku radiační mimořádné události na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín / Measures of Regional Police Directorate of the South Bohemian Region by an occurrence of a radiological emergency in the Temelín Nuclear Power StationHRNEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to clarify fundamental principles of activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. These principles are concentrated in compact documentation with practical tasks for respective organizational segments of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region. This documentation will be consequently used as a methodical guide for concerned police officers. Fundamental terms are defined in the theoretical part of the diploma thesis, concerning and usable in the course of measures in the case of solving radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. The analysis of legal standards and technical bibliography is also performed in this part. The External Emergency Plan of the Temelín Nuclear power station is presented in detail, and a comparison of the previous and current atomic law is drawn. Last chapter of this part is devoted to the actual documentation of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region to manage the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. Necessary number of legal regulations, agreements and internal acts of management concerning the current topic was used for elaboration of this thesis. Information and findings of employees from the Department of Emergency Management of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region are also included. The practical part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the concentration of all materials and previous findings of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region in the case of measures for radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station into individual chapters. Each of these chapters presents particular activities of police officers of the Regional Directorate of the Police of the South Bohemian Region during performation of tasks in connection with managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. When listing particular tasks and processes, some of activities of other subjects participating together with members of the Police of the Czech Republic in measures concerning the radiological emergency are also mentioned in this part. The result of this thesis is a focused overview and operative material for police officers of the Police of the Czech Republic, usable for making them acquainted with questions of managing the radiological emergency at the Temelín Nuclear power station. It also serves as a background for regular practices and training courses on this subject.
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