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Study of Ionizaton of Quantum Systems with Delta Potentials in Damped and Undamped Time Periodic FieldsZhi, Qiu 24 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Behaviour of eigenfunction subsequences for delta-perturbed 2D quantum systemsNewman, Adam January 2016 (has links)
We consider a quantum system whose unperturbed form consists of a self-adjoint Δ-operator on a 2-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold, which may or may not have a boundary. Then as a perturbation, we add a delta potential/point scatterer at some select point ρ. The perturbed self-adjoint operator is constructed rigorously by means of self-adjoint extension theory. We also consider a corresponding classical dynamical system on the cotangent/cosphere bundle, consisting of geodesic flow on the manifold, with specular reflection if there is a boundary. Chapter 2 describes the mathematics of the unperturbed and perturbed quantum systems, as well as outlining the classical dynamical system. Included in the discussion on the delta-perturbed quantum system is consideration concerning the strength of the delta potential. It is reckoned that the delta potential effectively has negative infinitesimal strength. Chapter 3 continues on with investigations from [KMW10], concerned with perturbed eigenfunctions that approximate to a linear combination of only two "surrounding" unperturbed eigenfunctions. In Thm. 4.4 of [KMW10], conditions are derived under which a sequence of perturbed eigenfunctions exhibits this behaviour in the limit. The approximating pair linear combinations belong to a class of quasimodes constructed within [KMW10]. The aim of Chapter 3 in this thesis is to improve on the result in [KMW10]. In Chapter 3, preliminary results are first derived constituting a broad consideration of the question of when a perturbed eigenfunction subsequence approaches linear combinations of only two surrounding unperturbed eigenfunctions. Afterwards, the central result of this Chapter, namely Thm. 3.4.1, is derived, which serves as an improved version of Thm. 4.4 in [KMW10]. The conditions of this theorem are shown to be weaker than those in [KMW10]. At the same time though, the conclusion does not require the approximating pair linear combinations to be quasimodes contained in the domain of the perturbed operator. Cor. 3.5.2 allows for a transparent comparison between the results of this Chapter and [KMW10]. Chapter 4 deals with the construction of non-singular rank-one perturbations for which the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions approximate those of the delta-perturbed operator. This is approached by means of direct analysis of the construction and formulae for the rank-one-perturbed eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, by comparison that of the delta-perturbed eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Successful results are derived to this end, the central result being Thm. 4.4.19. This provides conditions on a sequence of non-singular rank-one perturbations, under which all eigenvalues and eigenbasis members within an interval converge to those of the delta-perturbed operator. Comparisons have also been drawn with previous literature such as [Zor80], [AK00] and [GN12]. These deal with rank-one perturbations approaching the delta potential within the setting of a whole Euclidean space Rⁿ, for example by strong resolvent convergence, and by limiting behaviour of generalised eigenfunctions associated with energies at every Eℓ(0,∞). Furthermore in Chapter 4, the suggestion from Chapter 2 that the delta potential has negative infinitessimal strength is further supported, due to the coefficients of the approximating rank-one perturbations being negative and tending to zero. This phenomenon is also in agreement with formulae from [Zor80], [AK00] and [GN12]. Chapter 5 first reviews the correspondence between certain classical dynamics and equidistribution in position space of almost all unperturbed quantum eigenfunctions, as demonstrated for example in [MR12]. Equidistribution in position space of almost all perturbed eigenfunctions, in the case of the 2D rectangular flat torus, is also reviewed. This result comes from [RU12], which is only stated in terms of the "new" perturbed eigenfunctions, which would only be a subset of the full perturbed eigenbasis. Nevertheless, in this Chapter it is explained how it follows that this position space equidistribution result also applies to a full-density subsequence of the full perturbed eigenbasis. Finally three methods of approach are discussed for attempting to derive this position space equidistribution result in the case of a more general delta-perturbed system whose classical dynamics satisfies the particular key property.
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Estabilidade de ground state para a equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com potenciais do tipo delta / Stability of the ground states for a logarithmic Schrödinger equation with delta-type potentialsHernandez Ardila, Alex Javier 16 May 2016 (has links)
Na primeira parte do trabalho estudamos a equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com um delta potencial; $V(x)=-\\gamma \\,\\delta(x)$, onde $\\delta$ é a distribuição de Dirac na origem e o parâmetro real $\\gamma$ descreve a intensidade do potencial. Estabelecemos a existência e unicidade das soluções do problema de Cauchy associado em um espaço de funções adequado. No caso do potencial atrativo ($\\gamma>0$), calculamos de forma explícita o seu único ground state e mostramos a sua estabilidade orbital.\\\\ A segunda parte trata detalhadamente da equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com um delta derivada potencial; $V(x)=-\\gamma\\, \\delta^{\\prime}(x)$. A boa colocação global para o problema de Cauchy é verificada em um espaço de funções adequado. No caso do potencial atrativo ($\\gamma>0$), o conjunto dos ground states é completamente determinado. Mais precisamente: se $0<\\gamma\\leq2$, então há um único ground state e é uma função ímpar; se $\\gamma>2$, então existem dois ground states não-simétricos. Em adição, provamos que cada ground state é orbitalmente estável através de uma abordagem variacional. Finalmente, usando a teoria de extensão de operadores simétricos, também mostramos um resultado de instabilidade para $\\gamma>2$. / The first part of this thesis deals with the logarithmic Schrödinger equation with a delta potential; $V(x)=-\\gamma \\,\\delta(x)$, where $\\delta$ is the Dirac distribution at the origin and the real parameter $\\gamma$ is interpreted as the strength of the potential. We establish the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the associated Cauchy problem in a suitable functional framework. In the attractive potential case ($\\gamma>0$), we explicitly compute the unique ground state and we show their orbital stability .\\\\ The second part deals with the case of the logarithmic Schrödinger equation with a delta prime potential; $V(x)=-\\gamma\\, \\delta^{\\prime}(x)$. Global well-posedness is verified for the Cauchy problem in a suitable functional space. In the attractive potential case ($\\gamma>0$), the set of the ground state is completely determined. More precisely: if $0<\\gamma\\leq2$, then there is a single ground state and it is an odd function; if $\\gamma>2$, then there exist two non-symmetric ground states. Moreover, we show that every ground state is orbitally stable via a variational approach. Finally, by applying the theory of extensions of symetric operators, we also prove a result of instability for $\\gamma>2$.
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Estabilidade de ground state para a equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com potenciais do tipo delta / Stability of the ground states for a logarithmic Schrödinger equation with delta-type potentialsAlex Javier Hernandez Ardila 16 May 2016 (has links)
Na primeira parte do trabalho estudamos a equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com um delta potencial; $V(x)=-\\gamma \\,\\delta(x)$, onde $\\delta$ é a distribuição de Dirac na origem e o parâmetro real $\\gamma$ descreve a intensidade do potencial. Estabelecemos a existência e unicidade das soluções do problema de Cauchy associado em um espaço de funções adequado. No caso do potencial atrativo ($\\gamma>0$), calculamos de forma explícita o seu único ground state e mostramos a sua estabilidade orbital.\\\\ A segunda parte trata detalhadamente da equação de Schrödinger logarítmica com um delta derivada potencial; $V(x)=-\\gamma\\, \\delta^{\\prime}(x)$. A boa colocação global para o problema de Cauchy é verificada em um espaço de funções adequado. No caso do potencial atrativo ($\\gamma>0$), o conjunto dos ground states é completamente determinado. Mais precisamente: se $0<\\gamma\\leq2$, então há um único ground state e é uma função ímpar; se $\\gamma>2$, então existem dois ground states não-simétricos. Em adição, provamos que cada ground state é orbitalmente estável através de uma abordagem variacional. Finalmente, usando a teoria de extensão de operadores simétricos, também mostramos um resultado de instabilidade para $\\gamma>2$. / The first part of this thesis deals with the logarithmic Schrödinger equation with a delta potential; $V(x)=-\\gamma \\,\\delta(x)$, where $\\delta$ is the Dirac distribution at the origin and the real parameter $\\gamma$ is interpreted as the strength of the potential. We establish the existence and uniqueness of the solutions of the associated Cauchy problem in a suitable functional framework. In the attractive potential case ($\\gamma>0$), we explicitly compute the unique ground state and we show their orbital stability .\\\\ The second part deals with the case of the logarithmic Schrödinger equation with a delta prime potential; $V(x)=-\\gamma\\, \\delta^{\\prime}(x)$. Global well-posedness is verified for the Cauchy problem in a suitable functional space. In the attractive potential case ($\\gamma>0$), the set of the ground state is completely determined. More precisely: if $0<\\gamma\\leq2$, then there is a single ground state and it is an odd function; if $\\gamma>2$, then there exist two non-symmetric ground states. Moreover, we show that every ground state is orbitally stable via a variational approach. Finally, by applying the theory of extensions of symetric operators, we also prove a result of instability for $\\gamma>2$.
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Estabilidade de ondas viajantes para a equação de Schrödinger de tipo cúbico com dois pontos simétricos de interação / Stability of travelling waves for the Schrödingers equation of cubic type with double symmetric delta-interactions wellsCeron, Luis Andres Rosso 04 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste, fundamentalmente, em estabelecer de forma analítica a existência e estabilidade orbital de soluções standing-wave de tipo peakon, para a seguinte equação de Schrödinger com dois pontos de interação, determinados por duas deltas de Dirac centradas nos pontos x = ±c (NLS-), i t u(x, t) + x 2 u(x, t) + Z[ c (x) + c (x)]u(x, t) = |u(x, t)| 2 u(x, t), (1) onde u : R×R C, Z R e c é a distribuição delta de Dirac agindo em x = c > 0, a saber, para H 1 (R), h c , i = (c). Para as soluções standing waves (ondas estacionárias) associadas à equação (1), i.e., u(x, t) = e it (x), mostramos que é possível determinar o perfil (x) da seguinte maneira: entre os pontos c e c o perfil admite, pelos menos, duas funções suaves e positivas dadas pelas funções elípticas de Jacobi conhecidas como dnoidal e cnoidal. Já para c < |x|, o perfil coincide com uma determinada translação do soliton-perfil secante hiperbólica\" (é bem conhecido na literatura que o perfil secante hiperbólica está associado à equação (1), no caso em que Z = 0). De fato, mostramos que para o caso Z > 0 é possível ajustar, entre os pontos de interação c e c, um perfil periódico de tipo dnoidal ; e para o caso Z < 0 mostramos como é construído entre os pontos de interação um perfil de tipo cnoidal. Uma questão crucial que surge no problema da existência de um perfil conveniente é aquela relacionada com a localização do ponto de interação c > 0. A maneira como respondimos a esta questão foi, de fato, determinante para a obtenção do nosso resultado de estabilidade/instabilidade. Isto se deve a que permitiu o uso de técnicas conhecidas na literatura no desenvolvimento do trabalho. En concreto, a escolha da localização do ponto de interação c, faz com que a segunda derivada do perfil , seja contínua neste ponto. Baseados em argumentos da teoria de Floquet, teoria de representação de formas bi- lineares, teoria de extensão de operadores simétricos e a teoria de perturbação analítica para operadores lineares, bem como nos resultados desenvolvidos por Weinstein e Grilla- kis&Shatah&Strauss, mostramos resultados sobre a estabilidade/instabilidade orbital des- sas ondas. Mais precisamente, mostramos que aquelas com um perfil dnoidal são instáveis e aquelas um perfil cnoidal são estáveis. Além disto, estudamos o problema de Cauchy para (1) no espaço de energia H 1 (R). Para tanto, usaremos informações do espectro do operador com interações pontuais d 2 ±c,Z = 2 Z[ c + c ], dx o qual representa formalmente uma das famílias de extensões auto-adjuntas do operador iii simétrico ( d 2 = dx 2 D() = {f H 1 (R) H 2 (R {±c}) : f (±c) = 0}. / This work consists mainly in establishing an analytical way the existence and orbital stability for the standing-wave solutions of \"peakon\"type of the following Schrödinger equation with two points of interaction, determined by two Diracs delta centered at the points x = ±c (NLS-), i t u(x, t) + x 2 u(x, t) + Z[ c + c ]u(x, t) = |u(x, t)| 2 u(x, t), (2) where u : R × R C, Z R and c is the Diracs delta distribution in x = c > 0, namely, for H 1 (R), h c , i = (c). For the standing-wave solutions associated to equation (2), i.e., u(x, t) = e it (x), we show that is possible to determine the profile (x) as follows: between the points c and c, the profile admits at least two smooth positive functions given by the Jacobi elliptic functions of dnoidal and cnoidal type. For c < |x|, the profile coincides with an specific shift of the soliton-profile hiperbolic secant profile (it is well-known in the literature that the hiperbolic secant profile is associated to the equation (2) for the case Z = 0). Indeed, we show for the case Z > 0 that it is possible to determine a periodic dnoidal profile between the points c and c. On the other hand, for the case Z < 0 we establish a periodic cnoidal profile between the points c and c. A crucial question arises in the problem of the existence of a suitable profile is the one related to the location of the interaction point c > 0. This question was crucial to the achievement of our stability/instability result. In fact, the choice of location of the interaction point c implies that the second derivative of the porfile is continuous at c. The stability/instability theory of these specific profiles are based on the analityc per- turbation theory and the framework developed by Weinstein and Grillakis&Shatah&Strauss. More precisely, we show that those ones with a dnoidal profile are unstable and those ones with a cnoidal profile are stable. In addition, we study the Cauchy problem in the energy space H 1 (R) for equation (2). For this purpose, it is necessary to study the spectrum of the operator d 2 ±c,Z = 2 Z[ c + c ]. dx This operator can be understood as the family of self-adjoint extension of the symmetric operator ( d 2 = dx 2 D() = {f H 1 (R) H 2 (R {±c}) : f (±c) = 0}.
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