Spelling suggestions: "subject:"demokratická"" "subject:"demokrati""
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Svobodná výchova v Sudbury Valley School / Democratic Education in Sudbury Valley SchoolProcházková, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the global phenomenon of free education as a radical alternative to the present mainstream educational system. The author's goal is to describe phenomenon of free education and to find out to what extent this Sudbury educational model is viable, realizable and requested in other environment (incl. CR) and what results it brings, on the base of a content analysis of domestic, but particularly foreign sources and by means of an analysis of media reports and questioning from the background of the American Sudbury Valley School. The thesis is opened by an explanation of the necessity to change the educational paradigm to make it reflect the reality of the 21st century, and by mutual specification of the terms traditional and free education. Further chapters introduce the concept of free education; a substantial part of the thesis then provides a detailed insight into the operation and normal life of the Sudbury Valley School, including the results of its graduates in further education and in practical life. In the last chapter the author summarizes the research results and concludes that free education in democratic schools is, despite criticism and scepticism of a part of the public, an interesting, feasible and viable (not in the CR yet because of legislation barriers) alternative to the...
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Zákon na ochranu republiky / Law for the Protection of the Republic (Republic Protection Act)Malá, Jaroslava January 2011 (has links)
The Protection of the Republic Act - Abstract / Key Words This thesis deals with The Protection of the Republic Act No. 50/1923 Coll. of the Acts and Regulations (Act) accepted at the beginning of the twenties of last century in responds to the assassination of the former Minister of Finance JUDr. Alois Rasin. Its purpose was to incorporate into the legal system criminal measurements to protect the newly founded Czechoslovakia and its constitutional officials especially all democratic principles on which this state was based but at the cost of restriction of some constituonally guarentted civil rights and freedoms. The aim of this thesis is to offer a detailed picture of the purpose and importance of the Act in the time of its creation; explain the reasons that led Svehla's cabinet and the coalition parties of the National Assembly to accept it; outline the difficult process of its approval; describe its content; some forms of its application in practice and assess whether the Act fulfilled its purpose. The thesis is divided into seven parts. The first chapter analyzes the causes of Act creation in the light of internal and foreign historical-political events. The initial moment is the creation of the Czechoslovak republic and the accepting of its first act the so-called receptional norm and the end of the...
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Role židovských kulturních zprostředkovatelů v pražských demokratických médiích v meziválečném období / The Role of the Jewish Cultural Mediators in Prague Democratic Media between the WoldwarsBosnovičová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the situation of the Jewish minority in the first Czechoslovak Republic concentrating on Prague as a unique case of the coexistence of the Czech, German and Jewish people. The aim of the research is to analyze the role of democratic German-language periodicals in the presentation of Zionism and Judaism based on the contributions of both Jewish and non-Jewish authors, the so-called intercultural mediators, and to answer questions about the extent to which the ideas of Zionism were presented in the democratic media, and how the question of Jewish identity was addressed in the German- language liberal press. The thesis is profiled as a political-historical and cultural-historical study. The research method chosen in its elaboration is the unique case study method. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the relations of these media to Judaism and Zionism, as well as the relations of Jews and Non-Jews to the issues of national identity, based on selected texts by both Jewish and non- Jewish writers and journalists. The analysis itself comprises a total of nine texts, and the identity of the author does not play a role in this case. The Jews in Prague mostly mastered German and Czech perfectly, and thus became translators and cultural mediators between the two nations. The...
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Porovnání demokratických hodnot v České republice mezi generacemi / Comparison of Democratic Values in the Czech Republic Between GenerationsPopovská, Linda January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of democratic values within the Czech Republic between the Millennial generation and Husak's Children generation. It sets out to answer the issue as to whether or not a significant difference can be found for the support of democracy within these two generations of the Czech Republic. It also sets out to answer the question whether or not Czech Millenials show low support for democracy. Based on the researched literature, the research for this paper found a low support of democracy of less than 50%. To answer the mentioned questions, data from the sixth round of the 2012 European Social Survey was analysed. The research was quantitative and SPSS was used to analyse the data. Differences in the support of democratic values were examined using exploratory factor analysis, analysis of variance ANOVA, and multiple linear regression. The level of support of the democracy of the Czech Millennials was resolved using descriptive statistics and pairwise comparisons. The results are presented in the form of graphs and contingency tables. The conclusions are also introduced in the form of contingency tables and graphs. The test results do not exhibit a significant aberration in the support of democratic values between the studied generations; however, there was a...
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Srovnání postavení vysídleného německého obyvatelstva po druhé světové válce v Německé demokratické republice a Spolkové republice Německo / Comparison of Status of Displaced German Inhabitans after the World War II. in German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of GermanyRajnišová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis "Comparison of Status of Displaced German Inhabitants after the World War II in German Democratic Republic and Federal Republic of Germany" focuses on status of German inhabitants forcedly displaced from Czechoslovakia. In the first part is concerned with the process of transfer itself, its theoretical background and the development of plans of different actors. Next part covers the process of the displacement and the case of problematic numerical expression of scale of the process. The following chapters analyze the status of displaced German inhabitants on the political, economic and social level in Allied occupied Germany as well in the latter both German's republics. The aim is to compare how divided Germany faced the influx of big amount of new inhabitants. Keywords Displacement, Germany, German democratic republic, Federal republic of Germany, Central Europe, Europe after WWII, forced migration, integration
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Efektivnost Východního partnerství EU / Effectiveness of the Eastern Partnership of the EUDračková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on analyzing the support of democracy model through the external governance and its efficiency as potentially more successful alternative to leverage and linkage. The theoretical part shows that democratic governance defines democracy according to the following principles: transparency, accountability and public participation. It is also based on the concept of external governance, which focuses on expanding EUs internal rules beyond its borders. For this purpose the case of Eastern Partnership was chosen. This case uses the mechanism of external governance and also applies the strategy of the support of the democracy in sector cooperation. The efficiency of this initiative or rather support of the democracy through the external governance is evaluated by comparative analysis of impact of cooperation of EU and partner country on their legislative development within the three selected sector policies (energy industry, environmental protection, justice and home affairs). The time period for the research is from establishing of the initiative in 2009 to the summit in Vilnius in the fall 2013. After general assessment of the results it can be said that the EU was successful in more than half the studied cases and thus EU is, more or less capable of an integration of its democratic...
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Art and democracy: The impact and the role of the right to freedom of artistic expression in various political regimes / Umění a demokracie: Dopad a role práva na svobodu uměleckého projevu v různých politických režimechPajgrt, Adam January 2012 (has links)
The access to technology, the effects of instant information and the emergence of an increasingly empowered global citizen have contributed to the fundamental shift of the global political and economic landscape over the last twenty years. In consequence, the soft-power resources are becoming more and more important components of nation's foreign policy. Foreign policy instruments of public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy can effectively utilize such soft-power resources in order to assert foreign policy goals by purposefully supporting wide range of cultural and artistic activities. It is the aim of the thesis to examine both the direct and indirect impacts of artistic production on societies with various degrees of democratic culture and in connection to elaborate on the relevance of the right to freedom of artistic expression and creativity. The essential aim of this thesis is to look at the role that art production plays in the development of a democratic society.
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Personalizace polských politických stran po roce 2005 / Personalization of Polish political parties after 2005Harzer, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis called "Personalisation of Polish political parties after 2005" is to examine the process of personalisation among selected Polish political parties between the parliamentary elections in 2005 and the parliamentary elections in 2015, and to determine whether personalisation of Polish political parties increased after 2005. The thesis is based around the most well-known theories of personalisation of politics and a number of assumptions articulated by Polish experts on the subject. Personalisation is examined predominantly at an institutional level. The theoretical part presents different approaches to research the phenomenon, and defines three main concepts: personalisation, presidentialisation, and celebritisation. Several important personalised projects carried out in Poland between 1989 and 2005 are also described. The empirical part of the thesis analyses the level and development of personalisation within and outside the selected Polish political parties. This thesis does not strive to extend the theoretical concepts of personalisation of politics; instead, it aims to enrich the research of Polish politics after 2005.
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Diskurzivní analýza fenoménu Velká pardubická steeplechase / Discourse analysis of Velka pardubicka steeplechase phenomenonMatějková, Miloslava January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the discoursive analysis of the Great Pardubice Steeplechase phenomenon. The race, which is considered to be the most difficult and the longest hurdle race on the European continent. In the introductory part is explained the metodology of discourse analysis, together with the technique of data collection. The work also includes a brief history of Par force hunting, which was the cause of this race creation. The empirical part of this thesis is focused on the analysis of articles from local newspapers of the period from 1880 to 2011. For greater clarity was divided into four chapters - four different historic periods - that influenced the development of the Great Pardubice Steeplechase. There is also a chapter analysing interviews contents, which were conducted on this topic. The work introduces the reader with an unusual view of this race, as the previously released publications were dedicated only to outstanding personalities whose fates were linked with the race. This piece is on the contrary focused on important aspects in its development, both in historical and social point of view.
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Pedagogické a psychologické aspekty vztahu pedagoga volného času a dítěte mladšího školního věku / Educational and psychological aspects of relationship between a leisure time pedagogue and a younger school age childČEČÁKOVÁ, Marcela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with relationship between a leisure time padegogue and a younger school age child from pedagogical and psychological standpoints. At the beginning the relationship is shown in relation to the philosophical and historical background. In the next stepI characterize the kdy concepts and draw attention to aspects supporting the development of the relationship.
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