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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réalisabilité classique : nouveaux outils et applications / Classical realizability : new tools and applications

Geoffroy, Guillaume 29 March 2019 (has links)
La réalisabilité classique de Jean-Louis Krivine associe à chaque modèle de calcul et chaque modèle de la théorie des ensembles un nouveau modèle de la théorie des ensembles, appelé modèle de réalisabilité, d'une façon similaire au forcing. Chaque modèle de réalisabilité est muni d’une algèbre de Boole caractéristique $\gimel 2$ (gimel 2), dont la structure donne des informations sur les propriétés du modèle de réalisabilité. En particulier, les modèles de forcing correspondent au cas où $\gimel 2$ est l'algèbre de Boole à deux éléments.Ce travail présente de nouveaux outils pour manipuler les modèles de réalisabilité et donne de nouveaux résultats obtenus en les exploitant. L'un d'entre eux est qu'au premier ordre, la théorie des algèbres de Boole à au moins deux éléments est complète pour $\gimel 2$, au sens où $\gimel 2$ eut être rendue élémentairement équivalente à n'importe quelle algèbre de Boole. Deux autres résultats montrent que $\gimel 2$ peut être utilisée pour étudier les modèles dénotationnels de langage de programmation (chacun part d'un modèle dénotationnel et classifie ses degrés de parallélisme à l'aide de $\gimel 2$). Un autre résultat montre que la technique de Jean-Louis Krivine pour réaliser l'axiome des choix dépendants à partir de l'instruction quote peut se généraliser à des formes plus fortes de choix. Enfin, un dernier résultat, obtenu en collaboration avec Laura Fontanella, accompagne le précédent en adaptant la condition d'antichaîne dénombrable du forcing au cadre de la réalisabilité, ce qui semble semble ouvrir une piste prometteuse pour réaliser l'axiome du choix. / Jean-Louis Krivine's classical realizability defines, from any given model of computation and any given model of set theory, a new model of set theory called the realizability model, in a similar way to forcing. Each realizability model is equipped with a characteristic Boolean algebra $\gimel 2$ (gimel 2), whose structure encodes important information about the properties of the realizability model. For instance, forcing models are precisely the realizability models in which $\gimel 2$ is the Boolean algebra with to elements.This document defines new tools for studying realizability models and exploits them to derive new results. One such result is that, as far as first-order logic is concerned, the theory of Boolean algebras with at least two elements is complete for $\gimel 2$, meaning that for each Boolean algebra B (with at least two elements), there exists a realizability model in which $\gimel 2$ is elementarily equivalent to B. Next, two results show that $\gimel 2$ can be used as a tool to study denotational models of programming languages (each one of them takes a particular denotational model and classifies its degrees of parallelism using $\gimel 2$). Moving to set theory, another results generalizes Jean-Louis Krivine's technique of realizing the axiom of dependant choices using the instruction quote to higher forms of choice. Finally, a last result, which is joint work with Laura Fontanella, complements the previous one by adapting the countable antichain condition from forcing to classical realizability, which seems to open a new, promising approach to the problem of realizing the full axiom of choice.

Primitive Direcursion and Difunctorial Semantics of Typed Object Calculus

Glimming, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the first part of this thesis, we contribute to the semantics of typed object calculus by giving (a) a category-theoretic denotational semantics using partial maps making use of an algebraic compactness assumption, (b) a notion of "wrappers'' by which algebraic datatypes can be represented as object types, and (c) proofs of computational soundness and adequacy of typed object calculus via Plotkin's FPC (with lazy operational semantics), thus making models of FPC suitable also for first-order typed object calculus (with recursive objects supporting method update, but not subtyping). It follows that a valid equation in the model induces operationally congruent terms in the language, so that program algebras can be studied. For (c), we also develop an extended first-order typed object calculus, and prove subject reduction. The second part of the thesis concerns recursion principles on datatypes including the untyped lambda calculus as a special case. Freyd showed that in certain domain theoretic categories, locally continuous functors have minimal invariants, which possess a structure that he termed dialgebra. This gives rise to a category of dialgebras and homomorphisms, where the minimal invariants are initial, inducing a powerful recursion scheme (direcursion) on a complete partial order. We identify a problem that appears when we translate (co)iterative functions to direcursion, and as a solution to this problem we develop a recursion scheme (primitive direcursion). This immediately gives a number of examples of direcursive functions, improving on the situation in the literature where only a few examples have appeared. By means of a case study, this line of work is connected to object calculus models.</p> / Delarbete II är även publicerad som Teknisk rapport, 2007, Oct, No2.

Primitive Direcursion and Difunctorial Semantics of Typed Object Calculus

Glimming, Johan January 2007 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis, we contribute to the semantics of typed object calculus by giving (a) a category-theoretic denotational semantics using partial maps making use of an algebraic compactness assumption, (b) a notion of "wrappers'' by which algebraic datatypes can be represented as object types, and (c) proofs of computational soundness and adequacy of typed object calculus via Plotkin's FPC (with lazy operational semantics), thus making models of FPC suitable also for first-order typed object calculus (with recursive objects supporting method update, but not subtyping). It follows that a valid equation in the model induces operationally congruent terms in the language, so that program algebras can be studied. For (c), we also develop an extended first-order typed object calculus, and prove subject reduction. The second part of the thesis concerns recursion principles on datatypes including the untyped lambda calculus as a special case. Freyd showed that in certain domain theoretic categories, locally continuous functors have minimal invariants, which possess a structure that he termed dialgebra. This gives rise to a category of dialgebras and homomorphisms, where the minimal invariants are initial, inducing a powerful recursion scheme (direcursion) on a complete partial order. We identify a problem that appears when we translate (co)iterative functions to direcursion, and as a solution to this problem we develop a recursion scheme (primitive direcursion). This immediately gives a number of examples of direcursive functions, improving on the situation in the literature where only a few examples have appeared. By means of a case study, this line of work is connected to object calculus models. / Delarbete II är även publicerad som Teknisk rapport, 2007, Oct, No2.

Intensional Context-Free Grammar

Little, Richard 02 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a new generative grammar, based on the principles of intensional logic. More specifically, the goal is to create a psychologically real grammar model for use in natural language processing. The new grammar consists of a set of context-free rewrite rules tagged with intensional versions. Most generative grammars, such as transformational grammar, lexical functional-grammar and head-driven phrase structure grammar, extend traditional context-free grammars with a mechanism for dealing with contextual information, such as subcategorization of words and agreement between different phrasal elements. In these grammars there is not enough separation between the utterances of a language and the context in which they are uttered. Their models of language seem to assume that context is in some way encapsulated in the words of the language instead of the other way around. In intensional logic, the truth of a statement is considered in the context in which it is uttered, unlike traditional predicate logic in which truth is assigned in a vacuum, regardless of when or where it may have been stated. To date, the application of the principles of intensionality to natural languages has been confined to semantic theory. We remedy this by applying the ideas of intensional logic to syntactic context, resulting in intensional context-free grammar. Our grammar takes full advantage of the simplicity and elegance of context-free grammars while accounting for information that is beyond the sentence itself, in a realistic way. Sentence derivation is entirely encapsulated in the context of its utterance. In fact, for any particular context, the entire language of the grammar is encapsulated in that context. This is evidenced by our proof that the language of an intensional grammar is a set of context-free languages, indexed by context. To further support our claims we design and implement a small fragment of English using the grammar. The English grammar is capable of generating both passive and active sentences that include a subject, verb and up to two optional objects. Furthermore, we have implemented a partial French to English translation system that uses a single language dimension to initiate a translation. This allows us to include multiple languages in one grammar, unlike other systems which must separate the grammars of each language. This result has led this author to believe that we have created a grammar that is a viable candidate for a true Universal Grammar, far exceeding our initial goals. / Graduate / 0984 / 0800 / 0290 / rlittle@uvic.ca

Structures concurrentes en sémantique des jeux / Concurrent structures in game semantics

Castellan, Simon 13 July 2017 (has links)
La sémantique des jeux permet l'étude et la modélisation abstraite des langages de programmation d'un point de vue mathématique, en gardant assez d'informations concrètes sur la structure des programmes, mais en laissant de côté les détails superflus. Durant mon doctorat, j'ai travaillé sur l'association de la sémantique des jeux avec les structures d'événements pour proposer des modèles dénotationnels vraiment concurrents de langages concurrents d'ordresupérieur. Dans un premier temps, je construis un modèle réalisant cette association, qui retient suffisamment d'informations sur le comportement des programmes pour interpréter adéquatement une grande variété de langages concurrents et non déterministes pour des notions fines de convergences. La construction de ce modèle se base surl'introduction de symétrie afin d'établir que le modèle forme une catégorie cartésienne fermée. Dans un second temps, je propose une généralisation dans ce cadre des notions d'innocence et de bon parenthésage, essentielles en sémantiquedes jeux pour comprendre les effets calculatoires, et résolvant ainsi des problèmes ouverts de la sémantique des jeux concernant l'innocence concurrente et non-déterministe. Dans un dernier temps je propose une interprétation dans ce modèle, de langages concurrents avec mémoire faible, un des premiers travaux de sémantique dénotationnelle pour ce type de langages. Bien que théoriques, ces modèles sont compositionnels et basés sur des ordres partiels, et donc pourraient permettre de faire passer la vérification de programmes concurrents à l'échelle (une problématique importante du domaine). / Game semantics is an effective tool to study and model abstractly programming languages from a mathematical point of view, by keeping enough concrete information on the structure of programs but yet leaving aside superfluous details. During my PhD thesis, I worked on merging game semantics with event structures to propose truly concurrent denotational models of higher-order concurrent languages. In the first part, I build a model based on this merge, retaining enough information about the behaviour of programs to interpret adequately a large variety of concurrent programming languages for various notions of convergence. The construction of this model is based on the introduction of symmetry to prove that the model is indeed in a cartesian-closed category. In the second part, I propose a generalization, in this setting, of innocence and well-bracketing, key notions in game semantics to understand the computational effects, and thusly closing openproblems of game semantics about concurrent and nondeterministic innocence.In the last part, I propose an interpretation in this model of concurrent languages with weak shared memory, one of the first works of denotational semantics for these kinds of languages. Althoughtheoretical, these models are compositional and based on partial orders, and thus could permit scaling verification of concurrent programs (an important problem of the domain).

A mathematical basis for medication prescriptions and adherence

Diemert, Simon 25 August 2017 (has links)
Medication prescriptions constitute an important type of clinical intervention. Medication adherence is the degree to which a patient consumes their medication as agreed upon with a prescriber. Despite many years of research, medication non-adherence continues to be a problem of note, partially due to its multi-faceted in nature. Numerous interventions have attempted to improve adherence but none have emerged as definitive. A significant sub-problem is the lack of consensus regarding definitions and measurement of adherence. Several recent reviews indicate that discrepancies in definitions, measurement techniques, and study methodologies make it impossible to draw strong conclusions via meta-analyses of the literature. Technological interventions aimed at improving adherence have been the subject of ongoing research. Due to the increasing prevalence of the Internet of Things, technology can be used to provide a continuous stream of data regarding a patient's behaviour. To date, several researchers have proposed interventions that leverage data from the Internet of Things, however none have established an acceptable means of analyzing and acting upon this wealth of data. This thesis introduces a computational definition for adherence that can be used to support continued development of technological adherence interventions. A central part of the proposed definition is a formal language for specifying prescriptions that uses fuzzy set theory to accommodate imprecise concepts commonly found in natural language medication prescriptions. A prescription specified in this language can be transformed into an evaluation function which can be used to score the adherence of a given medication taking behaviour. Additionally, the evaluator function is applied to the problem of scheduling medication administrations. A compiler for the proposed language was implemented and had its breadth of expression and clinical accuracy evaluated. The results indicate that the proposed computational definition of adherence is acceptable as a proof of concept and merits further works. / Graduate

HOLCF '11: A Definitional Domain Theory for Verifying Functional Programs

Huffman, Brian Charles 01 January 2011 (has links)
HOLCF is an interactive theorem proving system that uses the mathematics of domain theory to reason about programs written in functional programming languages. This thesis introduces HOLCF '11, a thoroughly revised and extended version of HOLCF that advances the state of the art in program verification: HOLCF '11 can reason about many program definitions that are beyond the scope of other formal proof tools, while providing a high degree of proof automation. The soundness of the system is ensured by adhering to a definitional approach: New constants and types are defined in terms of previous concepts, without introducing new axioms. Major features of HOLCF '11 include two high-level definition packages: the Fixrec package for defining recursive functions, and the Domain package for defining recursive datatypes. Each of these uses the domain-theoretic concept of least fixed points to translate user-supplied recursive specifications into safe low-level definitions. Together, these tools make it easy for users to translate a wide variety of functional programs into the formalism of HOLCF. Theorems generated by the tools also make it easy for users to reason about their programs, with a very high level of confidence in the soundness of the results. As a case study, we present a fully mechanized verification of a model of concurrency based on powerdomains. The formalization depends on many features unique to HOLCF '11, and is the first verification of such a model in a formal proof tool.

Relational graph models and Morris's observability : resource-sensitive semantic investigations on the untyped λ-calculus / Modèles de Graphe Relationnels et Observabilité à la Morris : recherches sémantiques sensibles aux ressources sur le λ-calcul non typé

Ruoppolo, Domenico 13 December 2016 (has links)
La thèse contribue à l’étude du λ-calcul non-typé de Church, un système de réécriture dont la règle principale est la β-réduction (formalisant l’exécution d’un programme). Nous nous concentrons sur la sémantique dénotationnelle, l’étude de modèles du λ-calcul interprétant de la même façon les λ-termes β-convertibles. On examine la sémantique relationnelle, une sémantique sensible aux ressources qui interprète les λ-termes comme des relations avec les entrées regroupées en multi-ensembles. Nous définissons une classe de modèles relationnels, les modèles de graphe relationnels (rgm’s), que nous étudions avec une approche issue de la théorie des types et de la démonstration, par le biais de certains systèmes de types avec intersection non-idémpotente. D’abord, nous découvrons la plus petite et la plus grande λ–théorie (théorie équationnelle étendant la β-conversion) représentées dans la classe. Ensuite, nous utilisons les rgm’s afin de résoudre le problème de l’adéquation complète pour la λ–théorie observationnelle de Morris, à savoir l’équivalence contextuelle de programmes que l’on obtient lorsqu’on prend les β-formes normales comme sorties observables. On résoudre le problème de différentes façons. En caractérisant la β-normalisabilité avec les types, nous découvrons une infinité de rgm’s complètement adéquats, que nous appelons uniformément sans fond. Puis, nous résolvons le problème de façon exhaustive, en prouvant qu’un rgm est complètement adéquat pour l’observabilité de Morris si et seulement si il est extensionnel (il modèle l’ŋ-conversion) et λ-König. Moralement un rgm est λ-König si tout arbre récursif infini a une branche infinie témoignée par un type non-bien-fondé / This thesis is a contribution to the study of Church’s untyped λ-calculus, a term rewritingsystem having the β-reduction (the formal counterpart of the idea of execution of programs) asmain rule. The focus is on denotational semantics, namely the investigation of mathematical models of the λ-calculus giving the same denotation to β-convertible λ-terms. We investigate relational semantics, a resource-sensitive semantics interpreting λ-terms as relations,with their inputs grouped together in multisets. We define a large class of relational models,called relational graph models (rgm’s), and we study them in a type/proof-theoretical way, using some non-idempotent intersection type systems. Firstly, we find the minimal and maximal λ-theories (equational theories extending -conversion) represented by the class.Then we use rgm’s to solve the full abstraction problem for Morris’s observational λ-theory,the contextual equivalence of programs that one gets by taking the β-normal forms asobservable outputs. We solve the problem in different ways. Through a type-theoretical characterization of β-normalizability, we find infinitely many fully abstract rgm’s, that wecall uniformly bottomless.We then give an exhaustive answer to the problem, by showing thatan rgm is fully abstract for Morris’s observability if and only if it is extensional (a model of ŋ-conversion) and λ-König. Intuitively an rgm is λ-König when every infinite computable tree has an infinite branch witnessed by some type of the model, where the witnessing is a property of non-well-foundedness on the type.

Semantics for an algebraic specification language / Semântica para uma Linguagem de Especificação Algébrica

Azevedo Terceiro, Antonio Soares de January 2006 (has links)
Prosoft é um grupo de pesquisa do Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa homônimo e coordenado pelo Professor Daltro José Nunes. O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um ambiente de desenvolvimento de software completo, o Ambiente Prosoft, que é baseado nos conceitos de Modelos, Cálculo Lambda, Tipos Abstratos de Dados e Orientação a Objetos. Um dos componentes do Ambiente Prosoft é sua linguagem de especificação algébrica: o Prosoft Algébrico. Apesar de ser base e tema de diversos trabalhos no grupo de pesquisa Prosoft, o Prosoft Algébrico não tem sua semântica devidamente definida. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos até agora foram baseados em noções operacionais, e apresentam diferentes interpretações do Prosoft Algébrico. Esta dissertação apresenta uma especificação de semântica denotacional para o Prosoft Algébrico, compreendendo, entre outras características, sua primitiva de comunicação entre tipos de dados, chamada ICS, e sua notação gráfica para representação de instanciação de tipos abstratos de dados. Essa dissertação apresenta também um estudo sobre prototipação semântica usando a linguagem de programação Haskell. O conceito de Literate Programming e a proximidade entre Cálculo Lambda e Haskell foram cruciais no rápido desenvolvimento de uma implementação protótipo do Prosoft Algébrico, baseada na sua semântica especificada. As principais contribuições dessa dissertação incluem: uma interpretação precisa e sem ambiguidades do Prosoft Algébrico, através da especificação da sua semântica; a definição de semântica para a ICS, um conceito único (até o limite do nosso conhecimento) que fornece um mecanismo de passagem de mensagens entre tipos de dados algébricos; uma implementação protótipo do Prosoft Algébrico, que pode realmente ser utilizada para experimentar e testar a definição da linguagem e a especificação da semântica do Prosoft Algébrico; resultados sobre prototipação semântica de especificações tanto de semântica denotacional quanto de semântica operacional usando a linguagem de programação Haskell para desenvolvimento rápido de protótipos de linguagens baseados na sua semântica. Como grande parte do desenvolvimento do Ambiente Prosoft é realizado através de projetos de cooperação internacional e essa dissertação irá influenciar fortemente o seu desenvolvimento futuro, o texto foi escrito em inglês para facilitar a troca de informação entre o grupo Prosoft e seus parceiros estrangeiros. / Prosoft is a research project at Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, developed by the research group with the same name and coordinated by Professor Daltro José Nunes. The project’s goal is to develop a full software development environment, the Prosoft Environment, based on the concepts of Models, Lambda Calculus, Abstract Data Types and Object orientation. One of the components of the Prosoft Environment is its algebraic specification language: Algebraic Prosoft. Although being the basis and theme of several works in the Prosoft research group, Algebraic Prosoft doesn’t have its semantics properly defined. Works done up to now were based on operational notions and presented different interpretations of Algebraic Prosoft. This thesis presents a denotational semantics specification for Algebraic Prosoft, comprising, among other features, its “inter-data type” communication primitive, called ICS, and its graphical notation for representing instantiations of abstract data types. This thesis also presents a study of semantic prototyping using the Haskell programming language. The concept of Literate Programing and the proximity between lambda calculus and Haskell were crucial to the rapid development of a prototype implementation of Algebraic Prosoft, based on its specified semantics. This thesis’ main contributions include: a precise and unambiguous interpretation of Algebraic Prosoft, through a semantics specification; the definition of semantics to the ICS, a unique (to the best of our knowledge) concept that provides a messagepassing mechanism between algebraic data types; a prototype implementation of Algebraic Prosoft, which can actually be used to experiment and test the Algebraic Prosoft language definition and semantics specification; results regarding semantics prototyping of both denotational and operational semantics specifications using the Haskell programming language for rapid development of semantics-based prototypes of languages. Since a large portion of Prosoft Environment’s development is done through international cooperation projects and this thesis will strongly influence its future development, the text was written in English in order to facilitate the information exchange between the Prosoft research group and its foreign partners.

Semantics for an algebraic specification language / Semântica para uma Linguagem de Especificação Algébrica

Azevedo Terceiro, Antonio Soares de January 2006 (has links)
Prosoft é um grupo de pesquisa do Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa homônimo e coordenado pelo Professor Daltro José Nunes. O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um ambiente de desenvolvimento de software completo, o Ambiente Prosoft, que é baseado nos conceitos de Modelos, Cálculo Lambda, Tipos Abstratos de Dados e Orientação a Objetos. Um dos componentes do Ambiente Prosoft é sua linguagem de especificação algébrica: o Prosoft Algébrico. Apesar de ser base e tema de diversos trabalhos no grupo de pesquisa Prosoft, o Prosoft Algébrico não tem sua semântica devidamente definida. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos até agora foram baseados em noções operacionais, e apresentam diferentes interpretações do Prosoft Algébrico. Esta dissertação apresenta uma especificação de semântica denotacional para o Prosoft Algébrico, compreendendo, entre outras características, sua primitiva de comunicação entre tipos de dados, chamada ICS, e sua notação gráfica para representação de instanciação de tipos abstratos de dados. Essa dissertação apresenta também um estudo sobre prototipação semântica usando a linguagem de programação Haskell. O conceito de Literate Programming e a proximidade entre Cálculo Lambda e Haskell foram cruciais no rápido desenvolvimento de uma implementação protótipo do Prosoft Algébrico, baseada na sua semântica especificada. As principais contribuições dessa dissertação incluem: uma interpretação precisa e sem ambiguidades do Prosoft Algébrico, através da especificação da sua semântica; a definição de semântica para a ICS, um conceito único (até o limite do nosso conhecimento) que fornece um mecanismo de passagem de mensagens entre tipos de dados algébricos; uma implementação protótipo do Prosoft Algébrico, que pode realmente ser utilizada para experimentar e testar a definição da linguagem e a especificação da semântica do Prosoft Algébrico; resultados sobre prototipação semântica de especificações tanto de semântica denotacional quanto de semântica operacional usando a linguagem de programação Haskell para desenvolvimento rápido de protótipos de linguagens baseados na sua semântica. Como grande parte do desenvolvimento do Ambiente Prosoft é realizado através de projetos de cooperação internacional e essa dissertação irá influenciar fortemente o seu desenvolvimento futuro, o texto foi escrito em inglês para facilitar a troca de informação entre o grupo Prosoft e seus parceiros estrangeiros. / Prosoft is a research project at Instituto de Informática da UFRGS, developed by the research group with the same name and coordinated by Professor Daltro José Nunes. The project’s goal is to develop a full software development environment, the Prosoft Environment, based on the concepts of Models, Lambda Calculus, Abstract Data Types and Object orientation. One of the components of the Prosoft Environment is its algebraic specification language: Algebraic Prosoft. Although being the basis and theme of several works in the Prosoft research group, Algebraic Prosoft doesn’t have its semantics properly defined. Works done up to now were based on operational notions and presented different interpretations of Algebraic Prosoft. This thesis presents a denotational semantics specification for Algebraic Prosoft, comprising, among other features, its “inter-data type” communication primitive, called ICS, and its graphical notation for representing instantiations of abstract data types. This thesis also presents a study of semantic prototyping using the Haskell programming language. The concept of Literate Programing and the proximity between lambda calculus and Haskell were crucial to the rapid development of a prototype implementation of Algebraic Prosoft, based on its specified semantics. This thesis’ main contributions include: a precise and unambiguous interpretation of Algebraic Prosoft, through a semantics specification; the definition of semantics to the ICS, a unique (to the best of our knowledge) concept that provides a messagepassing mechanism between algebraic data types; a prototype implementation of Algebraic Prosoft, which can actually be used to experiment and test the Algebraic Prosoft language definition and semantics specification; results regarding semantics prototyping of both denotational and operational semantics specifications using the Haskell programming language for rapid development of semantics-based prototypes of languages. Since a large portion of Prosoft Environment’s development is done through international cooperation projects and this thesis will strongly influence its future development, the text was written in English in order to facilitate the information exchange between the Prosoft research group and its foreign partners.

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