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A Measure of the Amount of Phosphate Adsorption and the Rate of Release of Indigenous Phosphate from a Desert SoilEvans, Robert Lindsey 01 May 1973 (has links)
The capacity of a calcareous desert soil, Thiokol silt loam, to retain natural , as well as added , orthophosphate-P was measured by equilibrium adsorption employing a batch technique and evaluated using the two-slope Langmuir adsorption isotherm. From these data, corrected to account for indigenous soil P, a hypothesis was formulated as to the nature of retention of P by the soil, including the identification of two interfacial reactions involving P, and a value calculated for the adsorption maximum as defined by the Langmuir isotherm equation f o r P with soil at each of two soil depths and t h ree constant temperatures within the range of biological activity . The initial reaction was considered to be surface adsorption , where phosphate ions interact with the clayand lime mineral surfaces at definite sites. The activity of the second mechanism was identified as adsorption, and in addition, the heterogeneous nucleation of metal phosphates on the lime mineral surfaces.
In addition to these quantitative studies, the flux of P in the soil was also investigated for the same soil and temperatures by means of kinetic experiments conducted to identify the nature (mechanisms) and measure the rates and release maxima of indigenous P release from the soil. These experiments were carried out using an anion-exchange resin as an infinite sink for P, again applying a batch technique. Ultimately, the release of indigenous P from the soil under saturated conditions was attributed to three simultaneous first-order reactions. 'll1e rate constants of the three reactions were found to be of orders of 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 (1/sec), and did not vary significantly with soil depth or ternperature. The three reactions above were identified as dissolution of poorly crystalline or amorphous calcium phosphates, the desorption of surface site adsorbed or labile P, and the slow dissolution of calcium hydroxyapatite, respectively.
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Evaluating Nutrient Availability in Low Fertility Soils With Resin Capsules and Conventional Soil TestsJones, Mary Pletsch 06 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Commonly used soil analysis and resin capsule procedures are used to assess nutrient status in fertile soils, but their validity in semi-arid ecosystems is unknown. Three studies were performed to assess resin capsule effectiveness in semi-arid ecosystems. An incubation study was completed in which loamy sand and sandy clay loam soils were treated with rates of N, P, Fe and Zn. Each soil treatment was implanted with a resin capsule and incubated for 60 or 120 days. Resin capsules reflected NH4-N and P fertilizer at low rates in the loamy sand. NO3-N reflected rates in both soils, but did not reflect Fe or Zn application. Resin capsule NH4-N was a better indicator than KCl-extractable NH4-N, but resin capsule NO3-N was not as effective as water extraction, and resin capsule P was poor compared to NaHCO3-P. A second study was performed in glasshouse conditions using the incubation study soils. Soils were treated with rates of N, P and resin capsules were placed in pots. Pots were seeded with squirreltail grass (Elymus elymoides) and placed in a glasshouse. Resin capsules were removed at 120 days, soil samples taken, grass harvested and yield measured. Yield and total nutrient removal was correlated to resin NH4-N, marginally related to resin or soil NO3-N, and unrelated to resin P. Yield and total nutrient removal was correlated with application rates and resin NH4-N and NaHCO3-extracted P. The third field study, compared two sites with rates of N and P application were established on clay loam and sandy loam soils. Resin capsule and conventional soil tests for NO3-N, NH4-N and P were measured and plant nutrient status examined. Resin capsules were removed and replaced and soil samples taken every 90 days. Resins P was not related to P application or to plant tissue P but NaHCO3-extracted P was, while resin NO3-N, KCl-extracted NO3-N and NH4-N were correlated to N application and plant N. Soil test P was more effective in predicting P status and bioavailability than resin capsules. Resin NH4-N and NO3-N predicted N status and bioavailability, but soil tests were just as effective in semi-arid conditions.
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Importance of Placement Depth in Evaluating Soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sulfur Using Ion Exchange Resin Capsules in Semi-Arid, Low Fertility SoilsBuck, Rachel Lynn 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ion exchange resin capsules provide a possible alternative to conventional soil testing procedures. Previous studies with semi-arid, low fertility soils observed poor relationships with poorly mobile nutrients such as phosphorus (P). We propose that placement depth may improve those relationships. Our objective was to (1) determine if placement depth could improve resin capsule estimation of the bioavailability of nitrogen (N), P, and sulfur (S) and (2) to determine if resin capsules can effectively estimate S availability in semi-arid, low fertility soils. Field sites were established in Rush and Skull Valleys, Utah on loam and sandy loam soils, respectively. Fertilizer was surface applied as ammonium sulfate and triple superphosphate with six N, P and S treatments (0, 5.5, 11, 22, 44 and 88 kg ha-1 of N and P2O5 and 0, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 kg ha-1 of S). Thirty 4.0-m2 plots were established at each field location. Resin capsules were placed three per plot at 0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm deep in the soil and soil samples taken at respective depths. The capsules were removed and replaced after approximately 90 d. Final removal and soil sampling occurred approximately 240 d later. For the second study, fertilizer was surface applied as ammonium sulfate with six S treatments (0, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 kg ha-1 of S) with one resin capsule placed in each 4.0-m2 plot at a depth of 5 cm in the soil. Resin capsules were removed and replaced approximately every 90 d for a total of four samplings. Soil samples were taken with every resin capsules install and removal. In the first study, bicarbonate extractable P was significantly related to P application at all depths and times except the two lowest depths at the time of final sampling, and resin capsule P was only related to P application 398 days after application in the 0–5 and 5–10 cm depths. However, this is an improvement in estimates of bioavailability compared to a single placement depth. The 5–10 cm depth was the best for placement for determination of NH4-N, and resin capsules improved upon soil test estimates. For NO3-N, depth was not important, but resin capsules had a stronger relationship with N applied than the soil test 398 d after application. In addition, both resin capsules and the S soil test were related to S applied, but resin capsules were more able to pick up S cycling through the system. In the second study resin capsules and conventional soil tests were both effective in distinguishing between fertilizer rates, though only the conventional soil test was related to S applied at the last sampling (366 d after fertilizer application). Overall resin capsules were effective at reflecting application rates, and may be a good tool to estimate nutrient bioavailability. Correlation with plant uptake is required to determine if soil tests or resin capsules were a better estimate of bioavailable nutrients.
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