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Rozvoj a využití nedestruktivních zkušebních metod z hlediska soudního inženýrství / Development and use of non-destructive testing methods from the point of view of forensic engineeringBílek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Concretes reinforced by, using distributed steel reinforcements (fibres) are known as fibre-concrete. In case of disturbances or accidents of concrete structures reinforced with wires, it is necessary to carefully examine the actual implementation of dispersed reinforcement. Fibre concretes belong to modern building materials whose possible applications have not been fully utilized so far. Have been mainly used for floor structures loaded with factory halls and warehouses. Recently, thanks to well-known physical and mechanical properties of fibre-concrete, there were numerous attempts of designers, and namely investors, to utilize this kind of materials for support structures either. Favorable properties of wire-concrete can be utilized if there is a necessity to increase the resistance of concrete to stresses exceeding its strength, cyclic stress or impact stress. Daily practice shows to prove that the applications of fibre-concrete in such structures lead to the economic success. Necessary condition for successful application of steel fiber reinforced concrete in constructions however consists in its uniform dispersion, a homogeneous distribution of the wires throughout the volume of the structure. In case of inappropriate processing and deposition of the mixture during the manufacturing process fiber-concrete structures, the fibers are often unevenly distributed. Wires itself represent unfavourably shaped mixture components and they are extremely deteriorating its workability. A grouping of wires may be encountered as well, which reduces the overall homogeneity and the quality of steel fiber-concrete structures. If the homogeneity of fibre-concrete is not kept, the material possess different properties in various parts of the structure (for example, tensile strength), which can lead to defects in the structure (generation and development of cracks). The relevant lower reliability of the structure which is caused by unequal distribution of fibres (wires) in concrete volume can lead to damage of the property as well as the safety and the human lives can be jeopardized. Hence it is necessary to secure the effective control of the fibre-concrete homogeneity in ready support fibre-concrete structures. Contemporary homogeneity control is still ongoing on fresh blends, but if the fibre-concrete hardened and is a part of the construction, no known reliable methods are currently in available to test the homogeneity of the fibre-concrete on the structure without its destruction. The methods developed to control the concentration of wires in wire-concrete structures are based mostly on magnetic or electromagnetic properties of wires. The thesis deals with the development of the magnetic method in situ using permanent magnets for monitoring the distribution of fibers in hardened steel fiber-concrete structures. The test principle is based on measurements of the changes in magnetic field strength of permanent magnets which are induced by a change in wire distribution in steel fibre-concrete structure. Test is characterized as a so called local- failure- test using a small diameter core drill. In this sense it is a semi-destructive method.
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The doctoral thesis deals with a non-destructive testing method (NDT) designed to evaluate the uniformity of distribution and determination of the concentration of steel fibres in steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). At present, no non-destructive method is available in the field of diagnostics of building structures to assess the concentration and the homogeneity of SFRC. The Institute of Building Testing (SZK FAST BUT Brno) has several diagnostic devices, but their utility for the evaluation of selected parameters of SFRC has not proven during the research activity. This knowledge led to the design of a new measuring instrument in cooperation with the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (UTEE FEKT BUT in Brno) and the methodology for evaluation of these parameters. The proposed NDT method has been experimentally tested and verified for its utility for the evaluation of SFRC in building practice.
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Ultrazvukové měření velkoformátových obkladů / Ultrasonic measurement of large format tilesČaněk, Michal January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with influence of the used adhesive to large format tiles properties after installation. Properties on large format tiles were monitored by ultrasonic pulse velocity method. Hydraulic setting adhesives were tested in second part. Strength and modulus of elasticity were tested. The development of shrinkage over time was also monitored. The results were summarized in tabular and graphical form and were examined by simple statistical analysis to determine resulting conclusions.
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Svařování heterogenních spojů laserem / Welding of heterogeneous joints by laserCharvátová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with welding of two dissimilar materials by laser. The samples were welded by direct beam guidance and wobbling, with and without using high alloy filler material and with the use of a diffusion barrier in the form of nickel. Welding was done with different shielding atmospheres. Nondestructive (VT, PT, UT-PA, RT) and destructive tests were performer (tensile test at room and elevated temperatures, microhrardness). Metalography was suplemented by EDX analysis of selected elements.
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Analýza porušování kvazikřehkých materiálů za použití numerického modelování a akustické/elektromagnetické emise / Analysis of fracture of quasibrittle materials using numerical modelling and acoustic/electromagnetic emissionVodák, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis gives overview of non-destructive tests of concrete and provides detailed information concerning the acoustic and electromagnetic emission during monitoring of concrete failure. Conducted loading tests of plain concrete specimens are described in the thesis together with the performed numerical simulations of these tests in the software ATENA. The simulation results of concrete failure are analysed in detail and compared with the experimental results recording failure processes with the help of acoustic and electromagnetic emission. The majority of simulation results in software ATENA 3D show good agreement with the recorded data.
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Stavební průzkum a diagnostika železobetonové konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Reinforced Concrete StructureFilipu, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with concrete properties and it introduces problematics of building survey. In each part the study deals with diagnostic methods used for building construction. Then it closely examines selected methods, which are used for recognisability of steel reinforcement in concrete. In the practical part I conducted two engineering surveys of reinforced concrete industrial buildings. The main aims were to identify the position of reinforcement in selected elements of crane runway and to evaluate the quality of used concrete. The last part of thesis is focused on static assessment of short corbel of crane runway.
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Imagerie topologique ultrasonore des milieux périodiques / Ultrasonic topological imaging of periodic mediaHafidi Alaoui, Hamza 31 May 2019 (has links)
La détection, la localisation et le suivi de l’évolution de défauts dans les milieux périodiques et les guides d’ondes est un enjeu majeur dans le domaine du Contrôle Non Destructif (CND). La propagation d’ondes dans ce genre de milieux est complexe, par exemple lorsque la vitesse dépend de la fréquence (dispersion) ou de la direction de propagation (anisotropie). La signature du défaut peut également être « noyée » dans le champ acoustique renvoyé par la structure (réverbération ou diffusion multiple). C’est pour répondre à ces enjeux de taille que l’Optimisation Topologique (OT) a été adaptée aux problèmes de diffraction des ondes acoustiques par des défauts infinitésimaux afin d’obtenir des images de réflectivité des milieux inspectés. La méthode peut être appliquée à toutes sortes de milieux, quelle que soit leur complexité, à condition d’être capable de simuler correctement (sur un milieu de référence) la propagation des ondes de l’expérience physique. En s’inspirant de l’OT, les travaux de cette thèse proposent de mettre en oeuvre des méthodes d’imagerie qualitatives adaptées aux spécificités des Cristaux Phononiques (CP) et des guides d’ondes. Dans un premier temps, nous nous attachons à la description du formalisme mathématique de l’Optimisation Topologique et de la Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). Bien que ces méthodes ne cherchent pas à résoudre les mêmes problèmes inverses, nous mettons en évidence leurs points communs. Dans un deuxième temps, nous appliquons l’Imagerie Topologique (IT) à l’inspection en réflexion des milieux faiblement hétérogènes. Dans un troisième temps, nous nous inspirons de l’IT pour définir une nouvelle variante de celle-ci nommée Imagerie Topologique Hybride (ITH). Nous appliquons ces méthodes pour l’inspection en réflexion des CP crées par des tiges d’acier immergées dans l’eau. Nous comparons les performances de ces méthodes en fonction du type de défaut dans le CP. Les simulations numériques correspondantes à certains cas d’étude sont appuyées par des essais expérimentaux concluants. Dans un quatrième temps, nous adaptons l’IT à une configuration d’inspection en transmission afin de mette en oeuvre une méthode de Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) des guides d’ondes. A ce propos, nous avons mis au point une nouvelle méthode d’imagerie mieux adaptée que l’IT aux configurations d’inspection en transmission. / The detection, localization and monitoring of the evolution of defects in periodic media and waveguides is a major issue in the field of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). Wave propagation in such media is complex, for example when the velocity depends on the frequency (dispersion) or direction of propagation (anisotropy). The signature of the defect can also be "embedded" in the acoustic field reflected by the structure (reverberation or multiple diffusion). It is to answer these stakes of the size that the Topological Optimization (TO) has been adapted to the problems of diffraction of the acoustic waves by infinitesimal defects in order to obtain reflectivity images of the inspected media. The method can be applied to all kinds of media, regardless of their complexity, provided an exact simulation of the wave propagation in a reference medium (without defects) is performed. Inspired by the TO, the work of this thesis proposes to implement qualitative imaging methods adapted to the specificities of Phononic Crystals (PC) and waveguides. First, we focus on the description of the mathematical formalism of Topological Optimization and Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI). Although these methods do not try to solve the same inverse problems, we highlight their similarities. In a second step, we apply Topological Imaging (TI) to the inspection in pulse-echo configuration of weakly heterogeneous media. Thirdly, we draw inspiration from TI to define a new variant of this method called Hybrid Topological Imaging (HTI).We apply these methods for the pulse-echo configuration inspection of PCs created by steel rods immersed in water.We compare the performance of these methods according to the kind of defects in the PC. Numerical simulations for some case studies are supported by conclusive experimental trials. In a fourth step, we adapt the TI to a pitch-catch configuration in order to implement a new method of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of waveguides. In this regard, we have developed a new imaging method that is better suited than TI to pitch-catch configurations.
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Untersuchung des Anwendungspotenzials der Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Epoxidharzen und FaserverbundmaterialienGäbler, Simone 08 June 2017 (has links)
Die dielektrischen Eigenschaften, also die Interaktion mit elektrischen Feldern, sind ein wichtiger Qualitätsparameter der Matrix in Faserverbundmaterialien und allgemein in Harzen. Sie werden bisher mit Hilfe von kapazitiven Verfahren oder Hochfrequenzverfahren wie z. B. der Mikrowellentechnik gemessen. Allerdings können beide Verfahren nicht an elektrisch leitfähigen Materialien wie Kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (CFK) eingesetzt werden und auch bei der Anwendung der Methoden an Kunststoffen oder elektrisch isolierenden Faserverbundmaterialien gibt es Nachteile. So benötigt die kapazitive Messtechnik meist eine spezielle Probenpräparation für quantitative Messungen und erreicht eine vergleichsweise schlechte Ortsauflösung beim Permittivitätsmapping.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich daher der Untersuchung einer alternativen, in diesem Kontext neuen Methode zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften: Die Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik, welche bisher zur Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und magnetischen Permeabilität genutzt wird, wird theoretisch und praktisch hinsichtlich ihres Anwendungspotentials zur Permittivitätsmessung an Epoxidharzen und Faserverbundwerkstoffen diskutiert. Dabei werden zuerst Grundlagen wie Anwendungsfelder für die Nutzung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Harzen und Verbundwerkstoffen zur Qualitätssicherung bzw. gängige Messverfahren erläutert. Anschließend wird theoretisch gezeigt, warum dielektrische Eigenschaften auf das Hochfrequenzwirbelstrom (HFWS)-Signal wirken. Dabei werden sowohl die Maxwell-Gleichungen genutzt, als auch Finite Elemente (FE)-Simulationen. Der Schwerpunkt der Forschungsarbeit liegt dann auf der experimentellen Untersuchung der Permittivitätsmessung mittels HFWS. Es werden verschiedene Anwendungsfälle betrachtet: von zeitlich kontinuierlichen Permittitivitätsänderungen (am Beispiel der Aushärtung von Epoxidharzen), über lokale Permittivitätsabweichungen (in Folge von Defekten, Textureigenschaften oder thermischen Überlasten) bis hin zu quantitativen Permittivitätsmessungen (zur Materialcharakterisierung bzw. Alterungsuntersuchung). Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, die Permittivität von Faserverbundwerkstoffen und Epoxidharzen mittels HFWS zu charakterisieren, selbst wenn das zu prüfende Material elektrisch nicht leitfähig ist.
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3D Probe for Magnetic Imaging and Non-destructive Testing / Sonde 3D pour l'imagerie magnétique et le contrôle non destructifHadadeh, Fawaz 14 November 2018 (has links)
La thèse est dédiée au développement des sondes à base de capteurs magnétorésistifs capable de détecter les trois composantes du champ simultanément pour le contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault et pour l’imagerie magnétique. Une première partie donne un aperçu de l’état de l’art des capteurs et des méthodes d’imagerie et du contrôle. Dans une seconde partie, la réalisation des sondes trois axes est donnée. Cela a inclus la micro fabrication, la réalisation de l’électronique de lecture, la conception et la réalisation de la partie mécanique et d’émission. Pour cela un travail important de simulation a été nécessaire. L’application de ces sondes sur des cas modèle pour l’imagerie magnétique avec une résolution submillimétrique est ensuite décrite. La sonde proposée dans cette thèse a été aussi utilisée avec succès pour détecter des défauts dans des échantillons d'aluminium et de titane avec un bon rapport signal sur bruit. / The thesis is dedicated to the development of probes based on magnetoresistive sensors capable of detecting the three components of the field simultaneously for eddy current non-destructive testing and for magnetic imaging. A first part provides an overview of the state of the art of sensors, and imaging and control methods. In a second part, the realization of the three-axis probes is given. This included the micro-fabrication, the realization of the reading electronics, the design and realization of the mechanical part and emission. For this, an important simulation work was necessary. The application of these probes to model cases for magnetic imaging with submillimeter resolution is then described. The probe proposed in this thesis has also been used successfully to detect defects in aluminum and titanium samples with a good signal-to-noise ratio.
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Komplexní diagnostika konstrukce bytového domu před rekonstrukcí / The complex diagnostics of apartment building construction before reconstructionKocich, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the diagnosis of a residential building from the late nineteen twenties for the needs of reconstruction. The methods generally used in the diagnosis of structures are briefly described in the theoretical part. More deeply this section describes the methods that were used during this particular research. The practical part deals with the diagnosis of the object itself. The first section describes the layout of the villa, its design solution, its faults and defects detected during the inspection. The next section deals with evaluating the current state of construction materials. Static reports of several structural parts were calculated in the last section.
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