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Problémy institutu vazby / The Issue of Pre-trial Detention in Criminal ProcedureDoležalová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
- The Issue of Pre-trail Detention in Criminal Procedure This diploma thesis deals with the problems of pre-trail detention. The issue of pre-trail detention is a current and widely discussed topic due to two main reasons. First is the very nature of pre-trail detention as a means of procedural criminal law, with which the law most intensely interferes with the personal freedom of the individual. The second reason is its development and anchoring in the Czech legal system. Pre-trial detention has very specific characteristics because it interferes with personal freedom of an individual whose guilt has not been determined by the court. Consequently, there is a conflict between the human right to personal freedom and the need for the state to ensure the proper conduct of criminal proceedings and investigation. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter deals with the concept of criminal detention itself and its role in criminal proceedings. The next chapter is dedicated to the development of the law of detention from 1873 to the present. The historical overview of the legal regulation of pre-trail detention is important for the understanding and interpretation of its perception today, and shows a gradual increase in the level of protection of human rights. The third chapter briefly...
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La réforme pénitentiaire / The prison ReformGarraud, Astrid 04 December 2015 (has links)
Si la prison fait beaucoup parler d’elle, ses caractéristiques sont trop souvent connues par les données négatives qu’elle reflète. Révélées par de multiples facteurs dont le surpeuplement pénitentiaire, les violences carcérales ou encore la santé fragile des détenus (etc.), les problématiques de la prison remettent en question sa capacité à remplir ses missions de garde et d’accompagnement de la personne détenue. Dans ces conditions, la notion de réinsertion de l’individu incarcéré pourrait être largement compromise. Le sujet de cette thèse est loin d’être anodin : c’est précisément de ces difficultés que semble se nourrir le débat pénitentiaire. Ce sont, en effet, autant d’éléments qui font barrage à l’efficacité de notre réponse pénitentiaire mais qui donnent raison aux préconisations et impératifs européens d’humanisation des prisons. Encouragé par le droit supranational du Conseil de l’Europe, notre droit tiraillé entre deux perceptions sécuritaire et humaniste, se tourne vers d’autres solutions pour satisfaire à la qualité opérante de la politique pénale. Il faut donc faire le constat de l’avancée majeure de la probation, laquelle concurrence la sanction strictement pénitentiaire. Indéniablement, et parce que la peine de prison demeure, toutefois, la peine la plus élevée sur l’échelle de gravité des peines, des réflexions efficaces sont devenues indispensables pour guérir les maux du droit pénitentiaire. Cette thèse permet alors d’analyser la signification, en matière pénitentiaire, du terme « réforme » et souscrit ainsi à la réflexion d’une nouvelle structure émancipatrice du droit de l’exécution de la peine singulière que représente la peine privative de liberté. / If prisons have been under discussion, they all too often find themselves in the public eye as a result of their negative image. Revealed through multiple factors such as overcrowding, violence and poor inmate health, the inherent problems of the prison system cast doubt on its capacity to fulfill its mission of both detention and prisoner support. Under such conditions, rehabilitation of the person incarcerated has little chance of success. The subject of this thesis is therefore by no means insignificant: such difficulties are precisely what appear to feed the prison debate. These are all elements which hamper efforts to find an effective prison solution but which justify European recommendations and imperatives on prison humanization. Encouraged by Council of Europe supranational law and torn between security and humanitarian issues, our domestic law has had to seek alternative solutions to satisfy the functional requirements of penal policy. The major advance provided by probation should be noted here, as opposed to strictly custodial sentencing. Undeniably, however, as prison remains the highest sanction on the sentencing scale, effective reflection is now essential if we are to remedy the wrongs of a scattered and ephemeral prison law. This thesis is therefore designed to analyze the meaning, in penitentiary matters, of the term “reform” and thus reflect on a new emancipatory approach to enforcement law with regard to the singular difficulty of the custodial sentence.
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