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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Geology of the southern Warmbad Basin Margin - Tephrostratigraphy, Age, Fossil Record and Sedimentary Environment of Carboniferous-Permian Glacigenic Deposits of the Dwyka Group, Zwartbas, southern Namibia

Geiger, Markus January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
At Zwartbas, about 10 km west of Vioolsdrif, southern Namibia, the Dwyka succession is composed of tillites and distal fossiliferous dropstone-bearing glacio-marine shales. The completely exposed Dwyka succession is interbedded with thin bentonites, altered distal pyroclastic deposits, which were derived from the magmatic arc at the southern rim of Gondwana. Dropstone-bearing and dropstonefree sequences intercalate with four diamictites, of which the two lowest were certainly recognised as tillites. Four events of deglaciation were proven at Zwartbas and thus consist with correlative deposits in southern Africa. Numerous fossilised fishes, trace fossils, and plant fragments appear frequently within the lower half of the Dwyka succession whereas trace fossils were principally found in the complete succession. Although the environmental determination is quite problematic, the fossil assemblage rather implies proximal, shallow water conditions with temporary restricted oxygenation. The hinterland was covered with considerable vegetation, which points to a moderate climate. Water salinity determinations based on shale geochemistry rectify contrary palaeontological results and point to rather brackish or non-marine conditions in comparison to present-day salinites. Geochemical analyses of the bentonites relate the pyroclastic deposits with acid to intermediate source magmas, as they are known from the magmatic arc in present-day Patagonia. Tectono-magmatic comparisons furthermore emphasise a syn-collision or volcanic-arc situation of the magma source. However, significant cyclicity in the production of the pyroclastic deposits was not observed. Radiometric age determinations of two tuff beds clearly date the onset of glacial activity into the Late Carboniferous.

An Explanation of the Geological Map 1:10000 of the Namibian borderland along the Orange River at Zwartbas - Warmbad District - Karas Region - Namibia

Geiger, Markus January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
The locality of Zwartbas is situated at the border of Namibia and South Africa about 15 km west of Noordoewer. The mapped area is confined by the Tandjieskoppe Mountains in the north and the Orange River in the south. Outcropping rocks are predominantly sediments of the Nama Group and of the Karoo Supergroup. During the compilation of this paper doubts arose about the correct classification of the Nama rocks as it is found in literature. Since no certain clues were found to revise the classification of the Nama rocks, the original classification remains still valid. Thus the Kuibis and Schwarzrand Subgroup constitute the Nama succession and date it to Vendian age. A glacial unconformity represents a hiatus for about 260 Ma. This is covered by sediments of the Karoo Supergroup. Late Carboniferous and early Permian glacial deposits of diamictitic shale of the Dwyka and shales of the Ecca Group overlie the unconformity. The shales of the Dwyka Group contain fossiliferous units and volcanic ash-layers. A sill of the Jurassic Tandjiesberg Dolerite Complex (also Karoo Supergroup) intruded rocks at the Dwyka-Ecca-boundary. Finally fluvial and aeolian deposits and calcretes of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Kalahari Group and recent depositionary events cover the older rocks occasionally. / Die Lokalität Zwartbas liegt an der namibisch-südafrikanischen Grenze, etwa 15 km westlich von Noordoewer. Das Kartiergebiet wird durch die Tandjiesberge im Norden und den Oranje Fluß im Süden begrenzt. Die anstehenden Gesteine bestehen hauptsächlich aus Sedimenten der Nama Gruppe und der Karoo Supergruppe. Während der Erarbeitung dieser Abhandlung entstanden Zweifel an der Klassifikation der Nama Gesteine, so wie sie in der Literatur zu finden ist. Da keine sicheren Hinweise zur Revision der Klassifikation der Nama Gesteine gefunden wurden, bleibt die ursprünglich Klassifikation jedoch gültig. Die Kuibis und Schwarzrand Untergruppe bilden also die Nama Abfolge und datieren sie ins Vendian. Eine glaziale Diskontinuität repräsentiert einen Hiatus von etwa 260 Mio Jahren. Sie wird überlagert von Sedimenten der Karoo Supergruppe. Spät-karbone und früh-permische glaziale Ablagerungen von diamiktitischen Tonsteinen der Dwyka Gruppe und Tonsteine der Ecca Gruppe liegen über dieser Diskontinuität. Die Sedimente der Dwyka Gruppe sind fossilführend und enthalten Tufflagen. Ein Sill des jurassischen Tandjiesberg Dolerit Komplex (auch Karoo Supergruppe) intrudierte in die Gesteine an der Dwyka-Ecca Grenze. Schließlich bedecken lokal fluviatile und äolische Ablagerungen und Kalkkrusten der kretazischen und tertiären Kalahari Gruppe und jüngerer Ablagerungsereignisse die älteren Gesteine.

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