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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Korelacija između sastava i svojstava amorfnog As2S3 dopiranog bizmutom / Correlation Between Composition and Properties of Amorphous Bismuth-doped As2S3

Šiljegović Mirjana 04 March 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja termičkih, mehaničkih, električnih i optičkih karakteristika kvazibinarnih halkogenida iz sistema Bi-As2S3. Na osnovu termičkih merenja analizirana je kinetika kristalizacionih i predkristalizacionih procesa i utvrđen je mehanizam dekompozicije za različite sastave dobijenih stakala. Primenom impedansne spektroskopije kvantitativno su ocenjeni doprinosi relaksacionih procesa na pojedinim temperaturama u ukupnoj polaraziciji za stakla sa 5 i 7 at.% Bi. Na osnovu merenja Raman spektroskopije identifikovane su nastale strukturne jedinice i konstatovana pojava nanofazne separacije u staklima sa 1.5 i 3 at.% Bi. Mehanička merenja ispitivanih halkogenida različitog sastava ukazala su na povećanje Vickers-ove tvrdoće sa povećanjem udela primesnih atoma. Na osnovu procenjene vrednosti modula elastičnosti ustanovljeno je da uzorak sa 5 at.% Bi odlikuje najgu&scaron;će atomsko pakovanje. Merenja električnih karakteristika u jednosmernom režimu (DC) pokazala su da je udeo lokalizovanih stanja u ukupnom mehanizmu provođenja značajan samo za manje koncentracije primesnih atoma, a da za veće koncentracije dominantan faktor postaju preskoci između delokalizovanih stanja. Skok u provodljivosti za nekoliko redova veličine kod sastava sa složenijom strukturom protumačen je kao posledica fazne separacije. Rezultati&nbsp; ACmerenja dobijeni za sastav sa 5 at.% Bi ukazali su da je u mernom frekventnom intervalu i dalje dominantan mehanizam termičke aktivacije nosilaca naelektrisanja. Kod sastava sa maksimalnim sadržajem Bi uočena je promena provodljivosti u funkciji frekvencije na svim temperaturama, a dobijeni rezultati su u skladu sa postavkama modela korelisanih preskoka barijere (CHB model).</p> / <p>This paper presents the results of investigation ofthermal, mechanical, electrical and optical propertiesof quasibinar chalcogenides from the system Bi-As2S3.&nbsp;Kinetics analysis of softening and crystallizationprocesses was done on the basis of thermalmeasurements, as well the analysis of decompositionmechanism for different compositions of obtainedglasses. The application of impedance spectroscopy enabled quantitative description of relaxation process contributions at selected temperatures in the overallpolarization for the samples with 5 and 7 at.% Bi.&nbsp;Based on measurements of Raman spectroscopy identification of structural units in the investigated chalcogenides was made, as well as the appearance of&nbsp;nano-scale phase separation in the glasses with 1.5 and 3 at.% Bi. Mechanical measurements pointed to the increase of the Vickers hardness with increase of&nbsp;doping atoms content. &nbsp;Based on the estimated value of the modulus of elasticity it was found that the sample &nbsp;with 5 at.% Bi is characterized by the densest atomic&nbsp;arrangement. Measurements of the electrical properties in dc regime (DC) pointed out that the share of localized states in the whole mechanism of conduction&nbsp;is significant only for the smaller concentrations of doping atoms. For the samples with higher concentrations dominant &nbsp;factor in conductivity are transitions between delocalized states. The jump in conductivity by few orders of magnitude, noticed for&nbsp;the compound with heterogeneous structure was interpreted as a consequence of micro-scale phase&nbsp; separation. Results of&nbsp; ACmeasurements for the&nbsp; composition with 5 at.% Bi showed that the mechanism of thermal activation of charge carriers is&nbsp;still dominant in the measured frequency range. For&nbsp;&nbsp; the composition with the maximum content of Bi changes in conductivity versus frequency were observed at all temperatures, and the results were interpreted in accordance with the model of correlated hopping over the barrier (CHB).</p>

Dobijanje i karakterizacija 2D i 3D funkcionalnih materijala iz klase halkogenida dopiranih srebrom / Preparation and characterisation of 2D and 3D functional materials from the group of chalcogenides doped with silver

Čajko Kristina 13 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su bila halkogenidna stakla iz sistema Ag<sub>x</sub>(As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>)<sub>100&ndash;x</sub> (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15 at. % Ag) &ndash; 3D forma i tanki filmovi preparirani iz prethodno sintetisanih stakala (x &le; 5 at. % Ag) &ndash; 2D forma.<br />Utvrđena je oblasti amorfnosti u faznom dijagramu po odabranom preseku.&nbsp; Ispitivan je uticaj procentualnog udela srebra&nbsp; na&nbsp; fizičke&nbsp; karakteristike sintetisanih stakala i prepariranih tankih filmova koje su&nbsp; od&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; za&nbsp; primenu&nbsp; ovakvih&nbsp; materijala.<br />Izvr&scaron;ena je karakterizacija električnih,&nbsp; optičkih, strukturnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; termičkih&nbsp; osobina&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su izvedeni&nbsp; zaključci&nbsp; o&nbsp; uticaju&nbsp; i&nbsp; modifikaciji&nbsp; strukture As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30 </sub>halkogenidne matrice usled inkorporacije atoma srebra. Strukturna analiza ispitivanih sastava je potvrdila homogenost uzoraka sa manjom koncentracijom srebra (x &le; 5 at. %&nbsp; Ag), dok je&nbsp; kod uzoraka sa većim procentualnim udelom ovog metala (x = 10, 13, 15 at. % Ag) pokazano da postoji fazna separacija. Kod sastava sa x = 13 i 15 at. % Ag potvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; prisutnost kristalnih centara AgAsSe<sub>2.</sub> Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih DSC tehnikom, pokazano je da pri zagrevanju balk uzoraka dolazi do delimične kristalizacije koja se odvija zapreminski sa dvodimenzionalnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; trodimenzionalnim rastomkristalnih centara. Optička i spektralna ispitivanja su pokazala&nbsp; da uvođenje&nbsp; Ag&nbsp; u&nbsp; matricu&nbsp; stakla As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>&nbsp; dovodi&nbsp; do&nbsp; smanjenja&nbsp; &scaron;irine&nbsp; optički zabranjene zone i kod 3D i 2D uzoraka, kao i da svi sastavi ispoljavaju normalan oblik disperzije indeksa prelamanja. Takođe, rezultati Raman&nbsp; spektroskopije su ukazali&nbsp; na&nbsp; činjenicu&nbsp; da&nbsp; inkorporacija&nbsp; srebra&nbsp; u strukturnu&nbsp; mrežu&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; stakala&nbsp; utiče&nbsp; na formiranje Ag&ndash;(S,Se)&ndash;As veza, odnosno uzrokuje formiranje novih strukturnih jedinica koje bi mogle uticati na provodljivost ovih sastava.&nbsp; Merenja električnih karakteristika 3D uzoraka izvr&scaron;ena su u jednosmernom i naizmeničnom režimu i pokazano je da&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; srebra&nbsp; ima&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na električne&nbsp; osobine.&nbsp; Utvrđeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; mehanizmi odgovorni za transport&nbsp; nosilaca naelektrisanja zavisno od&nbsp; koncentracije dopanta.&nbsp; Kompleksni impedansni spektri svih sastava&nbsp; su&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; na prisustvo temperaturske zavisnosti procesa relaksacije, na ne idealan Debye&ndash;vski tip relaksacije, kao i negativni temperaturski koeficijent otpornosti koji je karakterističan za poluprovodnike.</p> / <p>The subject of this dissertation are chalcogenide&nbsp; glasses from the system Agx(As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>)<sub>100&ndash;x</sub> (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 15 at. % Ag) &ndash; 3D form and thin films prepared from previously synthesised&nbsp; glasses (x &le; 5 at. % Ag) &ndash; 2D form. The amorphous&nbsp; area in the phase diagram was determined by the&nbsp; selected&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tie&ndash; line. The influence of the silver&nbsp; percentage on the physical characteristics of the&nbsp; synthesized glasses and prepared thin films was&nbsp; investigated due to the importance of such materials&nbsp; for the application. Characterization of electrical, optical, structural and thermal properties has been performed, based on which conclusions on theinfluence and structure modification of the As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub>&nbsp; chalcogenide&nbsp; matrix due to the&nbsp; incorporation of silver atoms have been derived. Structural analysis of the investigated samples confirmed the homogeneity of samples with a lower silver concentration (x&nbsp; &le;&nbsp; 5&nbsp; at.%&nbsp; Ag),&nbsp; while&nbsp; in samples with a higher percentage content of&nbsp; this metal (x = 10, 13, 15 at.% Ag) it was shown that&nbsp; there was a phase separation. The presence of crystal&nbsp; centers AgAsSe<sub>2</sub> was confirmed in the samples with x = 13 and 15 at. % Ag. Based on the results obtained with the DSC technique, it has been shown that by heating the samples, partial crystallization takes place voluminously, with two&ndash;dimensional and three&ndash;dimensional growth of crystalline centers.&nbsp; Opticaland spectral investigations have shown that the introduction of Ag into the glass matrix As<sub>40</sub>S<sub>30</sub>Se<sub>30</sub> leads to a reduction in the optical band gap in both 3D and 2D samples, and that all compositions exhibit a normal dispersion of index of&nbsp; refraction. Also, the Raman spectroscopy results pointed to the fact that the incorporation of silver into the structural network of the investigated samples influences the formation of&nbsp; Ag&ndash;(S,Se)&ndash;As structures that is, causes the formation of new structural units that could affect the conductivity of these compositions. Measurements of the electrical characteristics of the 3D samples were performed in&nbsp; DC and AC regime and it was shown that silver concentration has a significant effect on electrical properties. Different mechanisms that are responsible for the transport of charge carriers depending on dopant concentration were determined. The complex&nbsp; impedance spectra of all compositions indicated the presence of the temperature dependence of the relaxation process, the non&ndash;Debye relaxation and the negative temperature coefficient of resistance which is characteristic of the semiconductors.</p>

Анализа дисипације енергије у проблемима судара два или више тела / Analiza disipacije energije u problemima sudara dva ili više tela / Аnalysis of energy dissipation in the impact problems of two or more bodies

Grahovac Nenad 08 December 2011 (has links)
<p>Анализиран је судар два тела као и дисипација енергије укључена кроз механизам сувог трења моделираног неглатком вишевредносном функцијом и кроз деформацију вискоеластичног штапа чији модел укључује фракционе изводе. Проблем судара два тела је приказан у форми Кошијевог проблема који припада класи неглатких вишевредносних диференцијалних једначина произвољног реалног<br />реда. Кошијев проблем је решен нумеричким поступком заснованим на Тарнеровом алгоритму. Испитано је кретање система и дисипација енергије за разне вредности улазних параметара. Показано је да се уведене методе могу применити и на проблем судара три тела.</p> / <p>Analiziran je sudar dva tela kao i disipacija energije uključena kroz mehanizam suvog trenja modeliranog neglatkom viševrednosnom funkcijom i kroz deformaciju viskoelastičnog štapa čiji model uključuje frakcione izvode. Problem sudara dva tela je prikazan u formi Košijevog problema koji pripada klasi neglatkih viševrednosnih diferencijalnih jednačina proizvoljnog realnog<br />reda. Košijev problem je rešen numeričkim postupkom zasnovanim na Tarnerovom algoritmu. Ispitano je kretanje sistema i disipacija energije za razne vrednosti ulaznih parametara. Pokazano je da se uvedene metode mogu primeniti i na problem sudara tri tela.</p> / <p> Impact of two bodies was analyzed as well as energy dissipation, which was<br /> included through dry friction phenomena modelled by a set-valued function,<br /> and through deformation of a viscoelastic rod modelled by fractional<br /> derivatives. The impact problem was presented in the form of the Cauchy<br /> problem that belongs to a class of set-valued fractional differential equations.<br /> The Cauchy problem was solved by the numerical procedure based on<br /> Turner&rsquo;s algorithm. Behaviour and energy dissipation of the system was<br /> investigated for different values of input parameters. It was shown that<br /> suggested procedure can be applied on the problem of impact of three<br /> bodies.</p>

Voltametrijske metode na bazi jednostavnih i savremenih elektroda/senzora za određivanje odabranih analita od farmakološkog značaja / Voltammetric methods based on simple and contemporary electrodes/sensors for the determination of selected analytes of pharmacological significance

Vajdle Olga 08 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Danas, u raznim analitičkim laboratorijama postoji veći broj analitičkih protokola,<br />zasnovanih bilo na izuzetno sofisticiranim ili jednostavnijim tehnikama, koji služe za<br />određivanje različitih ciljnih analita od farmakolo&scaron;kog značaja. Među tim grupama ciljnih analita pripadaju i antibiotici koji predstavljaju veliko otkriće u oblasti medicine i zahvaljujući njima spa&scaron;eno je vi&scaron;e od sedam miliona života, ali pored navedenih koristi, antibiotici mogu da izazovu&nbsp; veliki broj neželjenih efekata i žučne kiseline zajedno sa svojim derivatima, koji su fiziolo&scaron;ki deterdženti, mogu biti citotoksične za organizam ako se njihova koncentracija ne kontroli&scaron;e. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji prikazan je razvoj analitičkih metoda pre svega voltametrijskihmetoda u kombinaciji sa jednostavnim i savremenim elektrodama/senzorima za određivanje&nbsp; odabranih analita kao &scaron;to je antraciklični antibiotik doksorubicin (DOX), makrolidni antibiotici<br />eritromicin-etilsukcinata (EES), azitromicina (AZI), klaritromicina (CLA) i roksitromicina&nbsp; (ROX) i 3-dehidro-deoksiholne kiseline.</p><p>Voltametrijska karakterizacija i određivanje gore navedenih antibiotika primenom obnovljive srebro-amalgam film elektrode (Hg(Ag)FE)rađena je direktnom katodnom&nbsp; voltametrijom sa pravougaonim talasima (SWV) i visoko osetljivom adsorptivnom voltametrijom sa pravougaonim talasima (SW-AdSV) u Briton-Robinson puferu, kao pomoćnom elektrolitu, obuhvatajući &scaron;irok opseg pH vrednosti. Odgovor DOX-a primenom&nbsp; Hg(Ag)FE&nbsp;praćen je u intervalu potencijala od -0,20 do -0,80 V.&nbsp; Za analizu tragova, optimizacija metode ukazuje da su optimalni parametri za analitički pik na potencijalu (Ep ) -0,57 V u odnosu na zasićenu kalomelovu elektrodu (ZKE): pH 6,0, potencijal&nbsp; akumulacije -0,20 V i vreme&nbsp; akumulacije 140 s. U model rastvoru, DOX je određivan u koncentracionom opsegu 4,99-59,64&nbsp; ng mL<sup>-1</sup>. Razvijena SW-AdSV metoda je primenjena za određivanje DOX-a u obogaćenom uzorku humanog urina. Niža koncentracija DOX-a 9,89ng mL<sup>-1&nbsp;</sup>u voltametrijskoj&nbsp; ćeliji je određivana sa relativnom standardnom devijacijom (RSD) manjom od 6,0%. &Scaron;to se ispitivanih makrolida tiče oni su pokazali redukcione signale u dalekoj negativnoj oblasti potencijala. Ispitivanja direktnom katodnom SWV rađena su u opsegu potencijala od -0,75 V do -2,00 V u odnosu na ZKE, pri čemu su dobijena jedan ili dva redukciona pika u opsegu potencijala od -1,5 V do -1,9 V. Oblik i intenzitet signala zavisi od primenjene pH vrednosti u &scaron;irokoj pH oblasti. Za analitičke svrhe, radi razvoja direktne katodne SWV i adsorptivne inverzne/striping SWV metode, pogodnim su se pokazale neutralna i slabo alkalna sredina tj. pH 7,0 sa&nbsp; E<sub>p</sub> na -1,67 V u odnosu na ZKE za ROX i EES i pH 7,2 sa E<sub>p</sub> na -1,85 V u odnosu na ZKE za AZI i pH 7,4 sa E<sub>p</sub> na -1,64 V u odnosu na ZKE za CLA. Na osnovu snimljenih cikličnih voltamograma na&nbsp; optimalnim pH vrednostima, može se predložiti adsorptivno-kontrolisan kinetički proces na elektrodi u slučaju sva&nbsp; četiri ispitivana jedinjenja. Takođe,&nbsp; <sup>1</sup>H NMR merenja uz potiskivanje&nbsp; signala vode u pH oblasti između pH 6,0 i 10,5 ukazuju na to da su makrolidni molekuli pri optimalnim analitičkim uslovima predominantno u protonovanoj formi preko tercijerne amino grupe &scaron;to potpomaže, u sva&nbsp; četiri slučaja, njihovu adsorpciju na odgovarajuće polarizovanoj Hg(Ag)FE. Optimizovane direktne katodne SWV metode&nbsp; pokazuju dobru linearnost u koncentracionom opsegu 4,81-23,3&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> , 4,53-29,8&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> , 1,96-28,6&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> i 1,48-25,9 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> za AZI, EES, CLA odnosno ROX. Razvijene SW-AdSV metode rezultiraju u linearnom odgovoru pri nižim koncentracionim intervalima 1,0-2,46 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> ,&nbsp; 0,69-2,44&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, 0,05-0,99 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> i 0,10-0,99&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> , za AZI, EES, CLA i ROX. RSD za sve razvijene metode nije veća od 1,5% izuzev SWV metode u slučaju AZI-a gde je 4,5%. Direktna katodna SWV metoda&nbsp; je uspe&scaron;no primenjena za određivanje EES-a u farmaceutskom proizvodu Eritromicin<sup>&reg;</sup> dok SW-AdSV metoda je primenjena u slučaju određivanja EES-a u obogaćenom uzorku humanog urina i&nbsp;za određivanje ROX-a u farmaceutskom proizvodu Runac<sup>&reg;</sup> . U svim pomenutim slučajevima, primenjena je metoda standardnog dodatka. Pouzdanost i tačnost elaboriranih procedura u slučaju određivanja EES-a u model sistemu i&nbsp; farmaceutskom proizvodu Eritromicin<sup>&reg;</sup> su potvrđena poređenjem sa rezultatima dobijenim primenom HPLC-DAD metode.</p><p>Nakon preliminarnih studija 3-dehidro-deoksiholne&nbsp; kiseline/3-dehidro-deoksiholata primenom elektrode od staklastog ugljenika (GCE), gde je uočeno da ne dolazi do formiranja redukcionog signala u Briton-Robinson puferu između pH 5,0 i 11,8 primenom direktne katodne SWV, bizmut-film je izdvojen&nbsp; <em>ex situ</em> na povr&scaron;ini iste elektrode od staklastog ugljenika (BiF-GCE) iz uobičajeno kori&scaron;ćenog rastvora za elektrodepoziciju (0,02 mol L<sup>-1</sup> Bi(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, 1,0 mol L<sup>-1</sup> HCl i 0,5 mol L<sup>-1</sup> KBr) i tako pripremljena elektroda je primenjena za karakterizaciju i određivanje pomenutog jedinjenja u alkalnoj sredini. Redukcioni signal ispitivanog analita od analitičkog značaja je uočen jedino primenom BiF-GCE u Briton-Robinson puferusa pH vrednostima između 9,5 i 11,8 u režimu adsorptivne inverzne/stripingvoltametrije sa pravougaonim talasima, dok u slučaju direktnih katodnih SWV eksperimentalnih uslova uočen je slab redukcioni pik sa niskom strujom maksimuma pika. Optimizovani eksperimentalni uslovi za određivanje 3-dehidro-deoksiholata obuhvataju odgovarajuće kondicioniranje elektrode uključujući kondicioniranje&nbsp; <em>ex situ</em> pripremljene BiF-GCE u Briton-Robinson pomoćnom elektrolitu pH 11,8 do stabilizacije struje bazne linije elektrohemijskim cikliranjem potencijala radne elektrode u potencijalskom opsegu između -1,00 i -2,00 V u odnosu na ZKE (blizu 15 puta) i primenu dva ključna parametara adsorptivne voltametrije sa pravougaonim talasima: vreme akumulacije od 30 s i potencijal akumulacije&nbsp; -1,00 V u odnosu na ZKE. Zbog relativne asimetričnosti dobijenih redukcionih signala ispitivanog analita sa&nbsp; E<sub>p</sub> na -1,35 V u odnosu na ZKE, &scaron;to je takođe prisutno i u slučaju primene SW-AdSV, određivanje ispitivanog analita je zasnovano na linearnoj zavisnosti između povr&scaron;ine pika redukcionog signala&nbsp; spitivanog analita i njegove odgovarajuće koncentracije i postignuta granica detekcije je 1,43 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> sa dva linearna opsega kalibracione krive od 4,76 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> do 13,0 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> i od 13,0 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> do 23,1 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> za razvoj analitičke metode. RSD metode je 3,22%. Dodatni eksperimenti, elektroliza ispitivanog analita na potencijalu -1,55 V (blizu maksimuma pika ciljnog analita) u odnosu na ZKE su rađeni primenom GCE u obliku ploče (povr&scaron;ina 33,52 cm 2 ) modifikovane sa&nbsp; <em>ex situ&nbsp;</em>pripremljenim bizmut-filmom. Rastvor od interesa uzorkovan je na početku eksperimenta, nakon 2,5 h i nakon 4,5 h tretmana. Ovakvi uzorci su analizirani primenom <sup>1</sup>H NMR merenja uz potiskivanje signala vode u puferskom rastvoru pH 11,8. Može se pretpostaviti da tokom elektrolize 3-dehidro-deoksiholata dolazi do redukcije keto grupe prisutne u strukturi ispitivanog analita.</p><p>Na osnovu literaturnih podataka da neki od ciljnihmakrolidnih antibiotika kao &scaron;to je npr. azitromicin pokazuju oksidativno pona&scaron;anje na elektrodi od ugljenične paste i elektrodi od zlata deteljna karakterizacija i određivanje&nbsp; četiri makrolidna antibiotika rađena je primenom&nbsp; asične&nbsp;elektrode od ugljenične paste (CPE) koja se sastoji samo od grafitnog praha i parafinskog ulja sa optimizovanih direktnih anodnih SWV metoda. U slučaju EES-a i AZI-a diferencijalna pulsna voltametrija (DPV) je testirana za iste svrhe. Ključni&nbsp; parametar u slučaju razvoja analitičkih voltametrijskih metoda je odabir pH vrednosti pomoćnog elektrolita gde je oblik/simetričnost i intenzitet oskidacionog pika glavni kriterijum prilikom odabira. Kao odgovarajuće pH vrednosti za voltametrijsko određivanje EES-a primenom SWV metode odabrana je pH 8,0 sa E<sub>p</sub> na 0,83<br />V u odnosu na ZKE, dok u slučaju DPV metode pH 12,0 sa&nbsp; E<sub>p</sub> na 0,55 V u odnosu na ZKE je bila najpogodnija za analitičke svrhe. Za određivanje AZI-a, u slučaju obe SWV i DPV metode pH 7,0 se pokazala najpogodnijom sa E<sub>p</sub> analitičkog signala na 0,85 V odnosno 0,80 V u odnosu na ZKE, dok u slučaju CLA i ROX koji su ispitivani samo primenom SWV metode za analitičke svrhe pH 12,0 je bila najpogodnija sredina sa E<sub>p</sub> analitičkog signala na 0,65 V odnosno na 0,63 V&nbsp;u odnosu na ZKE. Postignute granice detkcije primenom nemodifikovane CPE i direktne anodne SWV su uglavnom u submikrogramskom koncentracionom opsegu 0,17 &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> , 0,32&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> i 0,30&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, u slučaju EES-a, AZI-a i ROX-a i u niskom mikrogramskom koncentracionom opsegu 1,43&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> za CLA. Razvijena SWV metoda sa jednostavnom CPE pokazala se pogodnom za određivanje ROX-a u komercijalnom proizvodu Runac<sup>&reg;</sup> tableti. U slučaju optimizovanih DPV metoda postignute granice detekcije za EES i AZI su u niskom mikrogramskom&nbsp; koncentracionom opsegu 1,03&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> odnosno 1,53&nbsp; &micro;g&nbsp; mL<sup>-1</sup> . U želji da se&nbsp;postigne niža granica detekcije za AZI, DPV metoda&nbsp; je testirana u kombinaciji sa&nbsp; CPE radnom elektrodom povr&scaron;inski modifikovanom sa zlatnim nanočesticama&nbsp; prečnika 10 nm (Au-CPE) i&nbsp; postignuta granica detekcije je 0,95&nbsp; &micro;g mL<sup>-1</sup> sa&nbsp; E<sub>p</sub> analitičkog signala na 0,80 V u odnosu na&nbsp; ZKE. RSD metode u slučaju Au-CPE je 3,5%, dok je u slučaju nemodifikovane CPE 6,0%.&nbsp; Linearnost analitičke metode zasnovane na primeni Au-CPE je dva puta &scaron;ira nego u slučaju&nbsp; primene nemodifikovane CPE.</p><p>Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da&nbsp; odgovarajuće kombinacije&nbsp; optimizovanih voltametrijskih tehnika sa ekolo&scaron;ki prihvatljivim i lako primenljivim radnim&nbsp; elektrodama, kao &scaron;to su Hg(Ag)FE, BiF-GCE i CPE zajedno sa Au-CPE, rezultuju razvojem&nbsp; pouzdanih analitičkih metoda, kako u oksidacionim tako i u redukcionim proučavanjima, koje&nbsp; često omogućuju&nbsp; određivanje tragova analita od farmakolo&scaron;kog značaja u jednostavnim, a u&nbsp;nekim slučajevima i u složenim sistemima.&nbsp;</p> / <p>Nowadays in different analytical laboratories there is the increasing number of analytical protocols, either based on highly sophisticated or simpler measurements techniques, which serving for determination of different target analytes of pharmacological importance. Among such target groups of the analyte belongs the antibiotics which present a great discovery in the field of medicine and thanks to them were saved more than seven million people but beside to the mentioned great benefits, antibiotics can cause a large number of side effects and bile acids together with their derivatives which are physiological detergents but if their concentration is not<br />controlled they can be cytotoxic to the body. In the present doctoral dissertation the development of analytical methods, primarily analytical voltammetric methods in combination with simple and contemporary electrodes/sensors, for the determination of selected analytes as antracycline antibiotic doxorubicin (DOX), macrolide antibiotics erythromycin ethylsuccinate (EES), azithromycin (AZI), clarithromycin (CLA) and roxithromycin (ROX) and 3-dehydrodeoxycholic acid were performed.</p><p>Voltammetric characterization and determination of the above mentioned antibiotics using a renewable silver-amalgam film electrode (Hg(Ag)FE) was performed by direct cathodic square-wave voltammetry (SWV) and by highly sensitive adsorptive square-wave voltammetry (SW-AdSV) in aqueous Britton-Robinson buffer solutions as supporting electrolyte covering the wider pH range. The Hg(Ag)FE response of DOX was monitored in the potential range between -0.20 and -0.80 V. For the trace level analysis the method optimization showed that the optimal conditions for the analytical peak with peak potential (E<sub>p</sub>) at -0.57 V vs. SCE were: the pH 6.0, the accumulation potential -0.20 V, and the accumulation time 140 s. In the model solutions, DOX was determined in the concentration range of 4.99-59.64 ng mL<sup>-1</sup>. The developed SWAdSV method was applied for the determination of DOX in spiked human urine sample. The lowest concentration of DOX of 9.89 ng mL<sup>-1</sup> in voltammetric vessel was determined with the relative standard deviation (RSD) less than 6%. As for the investigated macrolides, they showed reduction signals in fairly negative potential range. During direct cathodic SWV investigations conducted over the potential range from -0.75 V to -2.00 V vs. SCE, either one or two reduction peaks were obtained in the&nbsp; potential range from -1.5 to -1.9 V. For analytical purposes concerning the development of direct cathodic SWV and adsorptive stripping SWV methods the neutral&nbsp; and slightly alkaline media were suitable as pH 7.0 with E<sub>p</sub> at -1.67 V vs.&nbsp; SCE for ROX and EES and pH 7.2 and pH 7.4 with E<sub>p</sub> at -1.85 V and -1.64 V vs. SCE for AZI and CLA, respectively. Based on the cyclic voltammograms recorded at these pH values, adsorptioncontrolled electrode kinetics process can be proposed for all four investigated compounds. The water suppressed <sup>1</sup>H NMR measurements in the pH range between 6.0 and 10.5 indicated that the macrolide molecules at the optimal analytical conditions are predominantly in protonated form via their tertiary amino groups which supported in all four cases their adsorption on the appropriately polarized Hg(Ag)FE electrode. The optimized direct cathodic SWV methods showed good linearity in concentration ranges 4.81-23.3 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, 4.53-29.8 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, 1.96-28.6&nbsp; &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, and 1.48-25.9 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> for AZI, EES, CLA and ROX, respectively. The SW-AdSV methods resulted in the linear responses at lower concentration ranges as 1.0-2.46 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, 0.69- 2.44 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, 0.05-0.99 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> and 0.10-0.99 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, for AZI, EES, CLA and ROX, respectively. The RSD for all developed methods was not higher than 1.5% except the SWV method for AZI with 4.7%. The direct cathodic SWV method was successfully applied for the determination of EES in the pharmaceutical preparation Eritromicin<sup>&reg;</sup>, while SW-AdSV was tested in the case of the spiked urine sample and for determination of ROX in pharmaceutical preparation Runac<sup>&reg;</sup>. In all above cases, the standard addition method was used. The reliability and accuracy of the above procedures in the case of EES determination in model system and pharmaceutical preparation Eritromicin<sup>&reg;</sup> were validated by comparing them with those obtained by means of HPLC-DAD measurements.</p><p>After initial study of 3-dehydro-deoxycholic acid/3-dehydro-deoxycholate by glassy carbon electrode, where the absence of any reduction peak was observed in the Britton-Robinson buffer solutions between pH 5.0 and 11.8 by direct cathodic SWV, a bismuth-film was electrodeposited ex situ on the same glassy carbon electrode surface (BiF-GCE) from the usually used plating solution (0.02 mol L<sup>-1</sup> Bi(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, 1.0 mol L<sup>-1</sup> HCl and 0.5 mol L<sup>-1</sup> KBr) and such prepared film-electrode was applied for the characterization and determination of the the target analyte in alkaline media. The reduction signal of analytical importance was observed only by BiF-GCE in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions with pH values between 9.5 and 11.8 in adsorptive stripping square-wave voltammetry working regime, while in the case of the direct cathodic SWV experimental protocol only a very poor reduction peak was obtained. The optimized experimental conditions for the 3-dehydro-deoxycholate determination consist of the optimized electrode conditioning including the electrochemical cycling of the <em>ex situ </em>prepared BiF-GCE potentials in the potential span between -1.0 and -2.0 V vs. SCE (nearly 15 times) in the Britton-Robinson supporting electrolyte pH 11.8 till the stabilization of the baseline current, and the application of two key parameters of the adsorptive square-wave voltammetric protocol: the accumulation time as 30 s and accumulation potential as -1.0 V vs. SCE. Because of the relative asymmetry of the obtained reduction signals of the target analyte with peak E<sub>p</sub> at -1.35 V vs. SCE, which is still present in the case of the SW-AdSV, the quantification of the target analyte was based on the linear correlation between peak area of the reduction signal and its appropriate concentrations, and reached limit of detection is 1.43 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> and with two linear ranges of calibration curve from 4,76 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> to 13.0 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> and from 13,0 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> to 23,1 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> for the development of analytical method. The RSD of the method&nbsp; was 3.22%. Additional experiments were performed applying GCE with rectangular form (area 35.32 cm<sup>2</sup>) modified with ex situ prepared bismuth-film for the electrolysis of the target analyte which was performed at the potential -1.55 V (nearly the peak maxima of the target analyte) vs. SCE. The solution of interest was sampled at the beginning of the experiment, after 2.5 h and after 4.5 h of treatment. Such samples were analysed by simply water suppressing <sup>1</sup>H NMR measurements in the buffered solution at pH 11.8. It can be assumed that during electrolysis of 3-dehydrodeoxycholate the reduction of the keto group present in the structure of the target analyte can be occurred.</p><p>Driven by earlier literature data about the fact that some of the target macrolide antibiotics as e.g. azithromycin showed oxidation behavior at a carbon paste and gold working electrodes detailed characterization and determination of four target macrolide antibiotics were performed on classical carbon paste electrode (CPE) constituted only from graphite powder and paraffin oil with optimized direct anodic SWV methods. In the cases of EES and AZI differential pulse voltammetric (DPV) methods were tested for the same purpose as well. The key parameter in the case of the development of the analytical voltammetric methods is the selection of the pH value of the supporting electrolyte where the shape/simmetry and intensity of the oxidation peak were the criteria. As the appropriate pH value for determination of EES by SWV method the pH 8.0 was selected with E<sub>p</sub> at 0.83 V vs. SCE while in the case of the DPV method the pH 12.0 with E<sub>p</sub> at 0.55 V vs. SCE was the most suitable for analytical&nbsp; purpose. As for AZI determination, in the case of both SWV and DPV methods the pH 7.0 was the most appropriate supporting electrolyte with the Ep of analytical signal at 0.85 V and 0.80 V vs. SCE, respectively, while in the case of CLA and ROX which were investigated only with SWV method for the analytical purposes the pH 12.0 was the most suitable with E<sub>p</sub> at 0.65 V and at 0.63 V vs. SCE. The obtained detection limits applying the bare CPE and the direct anodic SWV are mainly&nbsp; in submicrogram concentration range as 0.17 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>; 0.32 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> and 0.30 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> for EES, AZI, and ROX and in the low microgram concentration range as 1.43 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> for the CLA, respectively. The developed method succesfully tested for the determination of ROX in the commercial formulation, Runac<sup>&reg;</sup> tablet. In the case of the optimized DPV methods the obtained detection limits for EES and AZI are in the low microgram concentration range 1.03 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> and 1.53 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. For the improvement of the sensitivity for AZI the DPV method was tested in combination with a&nbsp; CPE working electrode surface modified with gold nanoparticles with diameter of 10 nm (Au-CPE) and reached the limit of detection was 0.95 &mu;g mL<sup>-1</sup> at E<sub>p</sub> of 0.80 V vs. SCE. The RSD of the method in the case of the Au-CPE is 3.5% while in the case of the native CPE 6.0%. The linearity of the Au-CPE based analytical method is twice wider then it is case with the bare CPE applying protocol.</p><p>Based on the obtained results it can be conclude that the appropriate combination of the optimized voltammetric pulse techniques and the environmentally friendly and easy to use working electrodes as Hg(Ag)FE, BiF-GCE and CPE together with Au-CPE resulted in the development of reliable analytical method either in the oxidation or reduction studies, often allowing trace level determination of pharmacological importance target analytes in simpler and in some case complexes systems.</p>

Voltametrijske metode zasnovane na primeni jednostavnih i savremenih elektroda/senzora na bazi ugljeničnih materijala za određivanje vodonik-peroksida u odabranim uzorcima / Voltammetric methods based on the application of simple and contemporary carbonaceousmaterials-based electrodes/sensors for the determination of hydrogen-peroxide in the selected samples

Anojčić Jasmina 22 November 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je&nbsp; bio&nbsp; razvoj&nbsp; brzih&nbsp; i&nbsp; pouzdanih&nbsp; voltametrijskih&nbsp; metoda zasnovanih na primeni jednostavnih i savremenih elektroda/senzora na bazi ugljeničnih materijala (ugljenične&nbsp; paste&nbsp; napravljene&nbsp; od&nbsp; grafitnog&nbsp; praha&nbsp; i&nbsp; parafinskog&nbsp; ulja&nbsp; i&nbsp; &scaron;tampanih&nbsp; ugljeničnih elektroda)&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u&nbsp; odabranim&nbsp; složenim&nbsp; model&nbsp; i&nbsp; realnim&nbsp; uzorcima.&nbsp; U&nbsp; tu&nbsp; svrhu, ispitana je primenljivost različitih radnih elektroda. Amperometrijska&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; zasnovana&nbsp; na&nbsp; elektrodi&nbsp; od&nbsp; ugljenične&nbsp; paste&nbsp; (CPE)&nbsp; zapreminski modifikovane&nbsp; sa&nbsp; 5%&nbsp; (m:m)&nbsp; MnO2 je,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; optimizovanim&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; i&nbsp; pri&nbsp; radnom&nbsp; potencijalu&nbsp; od 0,40 V&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; zasićenu&nbsp; kalomelovu&nbsp; elektrodu&nbsp; (ZKE)&nbsp; u&nbsp; fosfatnom&nbsp; puferu&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 7,50&nbsp; kao pomoćnom elektrolitu, omogućila kvantifikaciju H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u opsegu koncentracija od 1,4 do 65 &micro;g mL -1 sa&nbsp; relativnom&nbsp; standardnom&nbsp; devijacijom&nbsp; (RSD)&nbsp; manjom&nbsp; od&nbsp; 10%.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp; za određivanje sadržaja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u uzorcima podzemne vode iz centralnog Banata (Pokrajina Vojvodina, Srbija)&nbsp; tretirane&nbsp; Fentonovim&nbsp; (Fe<sup> 2+</sup> i&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> )&nbsp; i&nbsp; Fentonu-sličnim&nbsp; (Fe <sup>3+</sup> i&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> )&nbsp; reagensima&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju uklanjanja&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; organskih&nbsp; materija&nbsp; (POM)&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; su&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćene&nbsp; različite&nbsp; početne koncentracije&nbsp; gvožđa&nbsp; i&nbsp; različiti&nbsp; odnosi&nbsp; molarnih&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; gvožđa&nbsp; i&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> .&nbsp; Utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da oksidaciono&nbsp; stanje&nbsp; gvožđe&nbsp; (Fe<sup> 2+</sup> ili&nbsp; Fe <sup>3+</sup>)&nbsp; i&nbsp; molarni&nbsp; odnos&nbsp; jona&nbsp; Fe&nbsp; i&nbsp; H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> utiču&nbsp; na&nbsp; stepen potro&scaron;nje/razgradnje&nbsp; H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub><br />u&nbsp; podzemnoj&nbsp; vodi&nbsp; sa&nbsp; visokim&nbsp; sadržajem&nbsp; POM.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučaju Fentonu-sličnog&nbsp; procesa,&nbsp; za&nbsp; sve&nbsp; početne&nbsp; koncentracije&nbsp; Fe <sup>3+</sup> i&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 ,</sub>&nbsp; signifikantna&nbsp; količina&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>ostaje&nbsp; neiskori&scaron;ćena,&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; nižu&nbsp; efikasnost&nbsp; ovakvog&nbsp; sistema u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; Fentonovim procesom.&Scaron;tampana&nbsp; ugljenična&nbsp; elektroda&nbsp; (SPCE)&nbsp; zapreminski&nbsp; modifikovana&nbsp; sa&nbsp; MnO 2 kao medijatorom&nbsp; je&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; sadržaja&nbsp; H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u&nbsp; toku&nbsp; Fentonovog&nbsp; (Fe <sup>2+</sup> ,&nbsp; H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> )&nbsp; i vidljivom&nbsp; svetlo&scaron;ću&nbsp; potpomognutog&nbsp; foto-Fentonovog&nbsp; (Fe<sup> 2+ </sup>,&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>,&nbsp; h&nu;)&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; uklanjanja neonikotinoidnog&nbsp; insekticida&nbsp; acetamiprida&nbsp; (ACT).&nbsp; Pri&nbsp; optimizovanim&nbsp; uslovima&nbsp; (radni&nbsp; potencijal 0,40&nbsp; V&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; ZKE,&nbsp; fosfatni&nbsp; pufer&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 7,50&nbsp; kao&nbsp; pomoćni&nbsp; elektrolit)&nbsp; amperometrijskog određivanja&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ,&nbsp; postignuta&nbsp; je&nbsp; linearnost&nbsp; u&nbsp; opsegu&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; 0,01&ndash;1,24&nbsp; mmol&nbsp; L-1(0,34&ndash; 42,2 &micro;g mL -1<br />) i vrednost RSD nije prelazila 4,2%. U ispitivanimuzorcima (nakon odgovarajućeg<br />pode&scaron;avanja pH vrednosti od 2,8 do 7,5 odmah nakon&nbsp; uzorkovanja radi stopiranja ili maksimalnog usporavanja&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; oksidacije,&nbsp; filtriranja,&nbsp; zamrzavanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; odmrzavanja&nbsp; neposredno&nbsp; pre&nbsp; merenja) sadržaj&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je&nbsp; određen&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; standardnog&nbsp; dodatka&nbsp; analiziranjem&nbsp; odgovarajućih amperometrijskih&nbsp; krivi.&nbsp; Paralelna&nbsp; HPLC-DAD&nbsp; merenja&nbsp; su&nbsp; vr&scaron;ena&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; praćenja koncentracije/uklanjanja ACT. U slučaju foto-Fentonovog procesa (početne koncentracije 0,31; 2,0 i 3,0 mmol L -1 (70,0; 111,7 i 102,1 &micro;g mL -1 ) za ACT, Fe<br /><sup>2+</sup> i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, redom) nakon 10 min H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>je izreagovao, a može se smatrati da je ACT uklonjen nakon 5 min. U toku Fentonovog procesa ACT je&nbsp; uklonjen&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; 20&nbsp; min&nbsp; tretmana&nbsp; i&nbsp; oko&nbsp; 10%&nbsp; početne&nbsp; koncentracije&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je&nbsp; ostalo&nbsp; u&nbsp; sistemu<br />neiskori&scaron;ćeno.CPE&nbsp; je&nbsp; povr&scaron;inski&nbsp; modifikovane&nbsp; kompozitom&nbsp; na&nbsp; bazi&nbsp; nanočestica&nbsp; Pt&nbsp; (&lt;&nbsp; 5&nbsp; nm)&nbsp; i grafitizovanog&nbsp; ugljenika&nbsp; (Pt-C,&nbsp; 10%&nbsp; Pt&nbsp; na&nbsp; Vulkanu&nbsp; XC72)&nbsp;&nbsp; etodom&nbsp; nano&scaron;enja&nbsp; kapi. Nemodifikovana&nbsp; CPE&nbsp; i&nbsp; modifikovana&nbsp; (Pt-C/CPE)&nbsp; su&nbsp;&nbsp; okarakterisane&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; SEM/EDS&nbsp; i&nbsp; CV merenja.&nbsp; Pt-C/CPE&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; izuzetne&nbsp; elektrokatalitičke&nbsp; osobine&nbsp; u&nbsp; pogledu&nbsp; elektrohemijskeredoks&nbsp; reakcije&nbsp; H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; nemodifikovanom&nbsp; CPE&nbsp; u&nbsp; fosfatnom&nbsp; puferu&nbsp; (0,1 mol&nbsp; L -1 ;<br />pH 7,50),&nbsp; a&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; acetatnom&nbsp; puferu&nbsp; (0,1&nbsp; mol&nbsp; L -1 ;&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 4,50)&nbsp; kao&nbsp;&nbsp; pomoćnim&nbsp; elektrolitima. Prilikom&nbsp; amperometrijskog&nbsp; određivanja&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> primenom&nbsp; Pt-C/CPE&nbsp; u&nbsp; model&nbsp; sistemima, zadovoljavajuća linearnost je postignuta u koncentracionom opseguH<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>od 0,15 do 1,45 &micro;g mL -1 ,dok su vrednosti GO iznosile 0,06 &micro;g mL -1 (pH 7,50, radni potencijal 0,20 V) i 0,10 &micro;g mL -1 (pH<br />4,50,&nbsp; radni&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; 0,50&nbsp; V).&nbsp; Optimizovane&nbsp; analitičke&nbsp; metode&nbsp; su&nbsp; primenjene&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje sadržaja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u komercijalno dostupnim proizvodima za ličnu negu: rastvoru za dezinfekciju (pH 7,50)&nbsp; i&nbsp; rastvoru&nbsp; za&nbsp; či&scaron;ćenje&nbsp; kontaktnih&nbsp; sočiva&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 4,50).&nbsp; Amperometrijski&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; u dobrom&nbsp; slaganju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; rezultatima&nbsp; dobijenim&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; tradicionalne&nbsp; spektrofotometrijske&nbsp; metode bazirane&nbsp; na&nbsp; titanijum-sulfatu&nbsp; kao&nbsp; reagensu&nbsp; sa&nbsp; određenim&nbsp; koncentracijama&nbsp; 2,91%&nbsp; i&nbsp; 2,94%&nbsp; za<br />dezinfekcioni rastvor i 3,04% i 3,17% za rastvor zakontaktna sočiva, redom. RSD je bila manja od 2%.&nbsp; Postignuti&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; dobrom&nbsp; slaganju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; sadržajem&nbsp; H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>deklarisanim&nbsp; od&nbsp; strane proizvođača (3%) u oba ispitivana uzorka. Pt-C/CPE je takođe testirana za praćenje koncentracije H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u rastvoru za kontaktna sočiva u toku procesa njegove neutralizacije/razgradnje. Nakon 6 h procesa neutralizacije, 24,68&nbsp; &micro;g mL -1 je bila određena koncentracija H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 ,</sub> &scaron;to je ispod dozvoljene<br />H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>koncentracije u rastvoru za kontaktna sočiva imajući u vidu granicu koja izaziva iritaciju oka. CPE&nbsp; je&nbsp; povr&scaron;inski&nbsp; modifikovana&nbsp; vi&scaron;ezidnim&nbsp; ugljeničnim&nbsp; nanocevima&nbsp; (MWCNT)&nbsp; i kompozitima MnO 2 -MWCNT ili Pt-MWCNT metodom nano&scaron;enja kapi radi pripreme jednostavnih, osetljivih i pouzdanih voltametrijskih senzora za&nbsp; određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u odabranom uzorku. Rezultati SEM/EDS&nbsp; analize&nbsp; kompozitnih&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; su&nbsp; potvrdili da&nbsp; su&nbsp; medijatori,&nbsp; čestice&nbsp; MnO 2 i&nbsp; Pt, nasumično&nbsp; raspoređeni na povr&scaron;ini MWCNT i zastupljeni sa blizu 5% (m:m) u kompozitu izraženo<br />preko Mn i Pt. CV merenja su vr&scaron;ena sa pripremljenim radnim elektrodama u acetatnom (pH 4,50), fosfatnom&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 7,50)&nbsp; i&nbsp; boratnom&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 9,18)&nbsp; puferu&nbsp; kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; okarakterisalo&nbsp; osnovno elektrohemijsko&nbsp; pona&scaron;anje&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>i&nbsp; odabrali&nbsp; pogodni&nbsp; radni&nbsp; potencijali&nbsp; za&nbsp; amperometrijsko određivanje ovog ciljnog analita. Pt- WCNT/CPE je primenljiva za rad kako u fosfatnom puferu pH&nbsp; 7,50&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; acetatnom&nbsp; puferu&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 4,50&nbsp; V&nbsp; kako&nbsp; pri&nbsp; negativnim&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; pri&nbsp; pozitivnim&nbsp; radnim<br />potencijalima, pri&nbsp; čemu su vrednosti RSD uglavnom ispod 2,5%. U slučaju MnO 2<br />-MWCNT/CPE, na&nbsp; potencijalu&nbsp; 0,30&nbsp; V&nbsp; i&nbsp; vi&scaron;im&nbsp; vrednostima,&nbsp; oksidacioni&nbsp; signali&nbsp; H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> su&nbsp; signifikantni&nbsp; u&nbsp; blago alkalnoj sredini (pH 7,50), pri pH 4,50 ova elektroda pokazuje nezadovoljavajuće pona&scaron;anje, dok&nbsp; pri pH 9,18 ima prihvatljive performanse. Granice određivanja (GO) su bile u oblasti &micro;g mL -1 . H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je&nbsp; određen&nbsp; u&nbsp; spajkovanom&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; mleka&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; standardnog&nbsp; dodatka&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; odgovarajuće pripreme&nbsp; uzorka&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; pode&scaron;avanje&nbsp; i&nbsp; centrifugiranje)&nbsp; i&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; optimizovane&nbsp; amperometrijske procedure (acetatni pufer pH 4,50, radni&nbsp; potencijal-0,75 V) koristeći Pt-MWCNT/CPE kao radnu elektrodu. RSD za tri&nbsp; ponovljena merenja je iznosila 2,5%, dok je prinos metode bio ne&scaron;to veći od 71%.<br />Kompozitni materijali koji se sastoje od MWCNT i&nbsp; čestica na bazi Pd (Pd-MWCNT) ili Pt (Pt-MWCNT) su primenjeni za pripremu zapreminski modifikovanih SPCE (Pd-MWCNT-SPCE i Pt-MWCNT-SPCE)&nbsp; i&nbsp; povr&scaron;inski&nbsp; modifikovane&nbsp; SPCE&nbsp; (Pd-MWCNT/SPCE).&nbsp; Ove&nbsp; elektrode,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i nemodifikovana&nbsp; SPCE&nbsp; i&nbsp; MWCNT-SPCE,&nbsp; su&nbsp; okarakterisane primenom&nbsp; CV&nbsp; i&nbsp; amperometrije&nbsp; u fosfatnom puferu pH 7,50 radi određivanja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> . Pd-MWCNT-SPCE i Pd-MWCNT/SPCE su se pokazale&nbsp; pogodnim&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> na&nbsp; radnim&nbsp; potencijalima&nbsp; između&nbsp; -0,50&nbsp; i&nbsp; 0,50&nbsp; V,&nbsp; a&nbsp; PtMWCNT-SPCE na ispitivanim radnim potencijalima od -0,80 do 0,70 V. Ove&nbsp; elektrode su zatim modifikovane&nbsp; enzimom&nbsp; glukoza&nbsp; oksidazom&nbsp; (GOx)&nbsp; metodom&nbsp; nano&scaron;enja&nbsp; kapi&nbsp; rastvora&nbsp; GOx&nbsp; i Nafion &reg; -a&nbsp; na&nbsp; njihovu&nbsp; povr&scaron;inu,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; je&nbsp; optimizovana&nbsp; količina&nbsp; nanetog&nbsp; biofilma.&nbsp; GOx/PdMWCNT-SPCE&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; bolje&nbsp; analitičke&nbsp; performanse&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; glukoze&nbsp; u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa GOx/Pd- WCNT/SPCE.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; optimalan&nbsp; radni&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE&nbsp; je&nbsp; odabrana<br />vrednost&nbsp; potencijala&nbsp; -0,40&nbsp; V&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; ZKE,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; zadovoljavajućom&nbsp; linearno&scaron;ću&nbsp; u&nbsp; ispitivanom opsegu&nbsp; koncentracija&nbsp; glukoze&nbsp; od&nbsp; 0,16&nbsp; do&nbsp; 0,97&nbsp; mmol&nbsp; L -1 (od&nbsp; 29,1&nbsp; do&nbsp; 174&nbsp; &micro;g&nbsp; mL -1),&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; GO iznosila 0,14 mmol L -1 (25 &micro;g mL<br />-1 ). Optimizovana metoda zasnovana na GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE je&nbsp; uspe&scaron;no&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; glukoze&nbsp; u&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; livadskog&nbsp; meda.&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; u dobroj&nbsp; saglasnosti&nbsp; sa&nbsp; onima&nbsp; dobijenim&nbsp; primenom&nbsp; komercijalno&nbsp; dostupnog&nbsp; aparata&nbsp; za&nbsp; merenje glukoze. Pogodan radni potencijal za GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE je bio -0,50 V u odnosu na ZKE, pri čemu je zadovoljavajuća linearnost postignuta u ispitivanom opsegu koncentracija glukoze od 65,8 do 260,6 &micro;g mL -1 , sa GO 35 &micro;g mL -1 . Optimizovana metoda zasnovana na GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE je&nbsp; uspe&scaron;no&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp; za&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; glukoze&nbsp; u&nbsp; u&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; belog&nbsp; grožđa&nbsp; i&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; tableta (Traubenzucker-bonbons),&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; su&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; u&nbsp; dobroj&nbsp; saglasnosti&nbsp; sa&nbsp; rezultatima dobijenim primenom Accu-Chek aparata.<br />Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; zaključiti&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; razvijene&nbsp; analitičke&nbsp; metode&nbsp; pre svega jednostavne, pouzdane i pogodne za dobijanje brzih informacija o sadržaju H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u različitim tipovima&nbsp; uzoraka.&nbsp; Svakako&nbsp; odabir&nbsp; pogodne&nbsp; radne&nbsp; elektrode,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; optimizacija&nbsp; eksperimentalnih uslova su ključni faktori za uspe&scaron;no određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub></p> / null / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation was the development of fast and reliable voltammetric methods&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; simple&nbsp; and&nbsp; contemporary&nbsp; electrodes/sensors&nbsp; based&nbsp; on carbonaceous materials (carbon paste made of graphite powder and paraffin oil and screen printed carbon electrodes) for the determination of H <span id="cke_bm_571S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_571E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> in the selected complex model and real samples.For this purpose, applicability of different working electrodes was investigated.The&nbsp; amperometric&nbsp; method&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; paste&nbsp; electrode&nbsp; (CPE)&nbsp; bulk- modified&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; with 5% (m:m) MnO 2 , under optimized conditions, with a working potential of 0.40 V vs. the saturated calomel&nbsp; elect<span id="cke_bm_572E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>rode&nbsp; (SCE)&nbsp; and&nbsp; a&nbsp; phosphate&nbsp; buffer&nbsp; solution&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 7.50)&nbsp; as&nbsp; supporting&nbsp; electrolyte, enabled the quantitation of H <span id="cke_bm_577S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_577E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub>in the concentration interval from 1.4 to 65 &micro;g mL &minus;1 with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of less than 10%. This meth<span id="cke_bm_578E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>od was applied for the determination of the H<span id="cke_bm_583S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_583E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>consumption&nbsp; in&nbsp; samples&nbsp; of&nbsp; groundwater&nbsp; fro<span id="cke_bm_584E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>m&nbsp; the&nbsp; Central&nbsp; Banat&nbsp; region&nbsp; (Province&nbsp; of Vojvodina, Serbia) treated by the Fenton (Fe <sup>2+ </sup>and H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) and Fenton-&nbsp; like (Fe <sup>3+</sup>and H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) reagents to remove natural organic matter (NOM) at&nbsp; differentinitial concentrations of iron species, and of their molar ratios to the initial concentration of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> . It was found that the form of Fe (Fe <sup>2+</sup> or Fe <sup>3+</sup> )and the molar&nbsp; ratio to H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>influenced the degree of the H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> decomposition in the groundwater with high NOM content. Besides, in the case of the Fenton-like process, for all initial doses of Fe <sup>3+</sup> and H<span id="cke_bm_604S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_604E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub>, a sign<span id="cke_bm_605E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>ificant amount of H<span id="cke_bm_610S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_610E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> remained unused, whi<span id="cke_bm_611E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>ch also indicates a lower efficiency of such system compared to the Fenton process. Screen&nbsp; printed&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; electrode&nbsp; (SPCE)&nbsp; bulk-modified&nbsp; with&nbsp; MnO&nbsp;<sub> 2</sub> as&nbsp; a&nbsp; mediator&nbsp; was applied&nbsp; for&nbsp; amperometric&nbsp; determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; H <span id="cke_bm_617S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_617E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> content&nbsp; during&nbsp; the&nbsp; Fenton&nbsp; (Fe <sup>2+</sup> ,&nbsp; H <span id="cke_bm_624S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_624E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>)&nbsp; and <span id="cke_bm_625E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>visible&nbsp; light-assisted<span id="cke_bm_618E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>,&nbsp; photo-Fenton&nbsp; (Fe <sup>2+&nbsp;</sup> ,&nbsp; H <span id="cke_bm_631S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_631E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> ,&nbsp; h&nu;)<span id="cke_bm_632E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; based&nbsp; removal&nbsp; of&nbsp; neonicotinoid&nbsp; insecticide acetamiprid (ACT). Under&nbsp; optimized conditions (working potential of 0.40 V vs. SCE, phosphate buffer&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 7.50&nbsp; as&nbsp; supporting&nbsp; electrolyte)&nbsp; amperometric&nbsp; determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; H <span id="cke_bm_637S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_637E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>showed&nbsp; a&nbsp; linear dynamic range from 0.01 to 1.24 mmol L -1 (from 0.34 to 42.2 &micro;g mL -1) and the RSD did not exceed 4.2%. In the investigated samples (after appropriate pH adjustment from 2.8 to 7.5 instantly after the sampling<span id="cke_bm_638E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> to stop or maximum decelerate the oxidation processes, filtering, and storage of the deep- frozen sample with defrosting immediately before the measurements) the H <span id="cke_bm_643S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_643E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub>&nbsp; contents were determined by the standard addition method by analyzing the corresponding amperometric curves. Parallel HPLC-DAD measurements were performed to monito<span id="cke_bm_644E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>r the concentration/removal of ACT. In the case of the photo- Fenton process (initial concentrations: 0.31; 2.0 and 3.0 mmol L -1 (70.0; 111.7 and 102.1 &micro;g mL -1 ) of ACT, Fe<sup> 2+</sup> and H <span id="cke_bm_650S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_650E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub>, respec<span id="cke_bm_651E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>tively) after 10 min of irradiation H <span id="cke_bm_656S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_656E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> was&nbsp; consumed&nbsp; and&nbsp; it&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; consi<span id="cke_bm_657E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>dered&nbsp; that&nbsp; ACT&nbsp; was&nbsp; removed&nbsp; after&nbsp; 5&nbsp; min.&nbsp; During&nbsp; the&nbsp; Fenton process ACT was removed after 20 min of treatment and around 10% of the initial concentration of the H 2O2 remained still unused.<br />CPE&nbsp; was&nbsp; surface&nbsp; modified&nbsp; with&nbsp; a&nbsp; composite&nbsp; of&nbsp; Pt&nbsp; nanoparticles&nbsp; (&lt;&nbsp; 5&nbsp; nm)&nbsp; on&nbsp; graphitized carbon (Pt-C, 10% Pt on Vulcan XC72) by simply dropcoating method. The unmodified CPE and the&nbsp; modified&nbsp; one&nbsp; (Pt-C/CPE)&nbsp; were&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp;&nbsp; EM/EDS&nbsp; and&nbsp; CV&nbsp; measurements.&nbsp; The&nbsp; PtC/CPE showed remarkable electrocatalytic propertiestoward the electrochemical redox reaction of H<span id="cke_bm_662S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_662E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> compared to&nbsp; modified CPE in phosphate buffer (0.1 mol L -1 ; pH 7.50), as well in acetatebuffer&nbsp; (0.1 mol&nbsp; L -1 ; pH .50) supporting&nbsp; electrolytes. Amperometry of&nbsp; H2O2 in the concentration range from 0.15 to 1.45 &micro;g mL -1 with the Pt-C/CPE showed acceptable linearity, while the obtained values of LOQs were 0.06 &micro;g mL -1&nbsp; (pH 7.50, working potential 0.20 V) and 0.10 &micro;g mL -1 (pH 4<span id="cke_bm_663E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>.50, working potential 0.50 V). The proposed analytical&nbsp; methods were applied to the determination of the H 2O2 content in commercially available personal care products; i.e., disinfection (pH 7.50) and contact lens cleaning solutions (pH 4.50). The obtained amperometric results are in good agreement with those measured by traditional titanium sulfatereagent based spectrophotometric method with determined concentrations as 2.91% and 2.94%&nbsp; for the disinfection product, and 3.04% and 3.17% for the contact lens solution, respectively. RSD was lower than 2%. The obtained results are in a good agreement with the amounts of the H<span id="cke_bm_668S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_668E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>declared by producers (3%) in the both investigated samples. The Pt-C/CPE was also tested for monitoring of the H<span id="cke_bm_674S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_674E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> residual concentration in contact lens&nbsp; solution&nbsp; during&nbsp; its&nbsp; neutralization/decomposition&nbsp; rocess.&nbsp; At&nbsp; 6&nbsp; h&nbsp; of<span id="cke_bm_675E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; neutralization&nbsp; treatment 24.68 &micro;g mL -1 of the H <span id="cke_bm_680S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_680E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>was&nbsp; determined which is almost half of the allowedH2<span id="cke_bm_681E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O2 concentration in the case of the contact lens solution concerningthe limit of eye irritation. CPE&nbsp; was&nbsp; surface&nbsp;&nbsp; modified&nbsp; with&nbsp; multiwalled&nbsp; carbon&nbsp; nanotubes&nbsp; (MWCNT)&nbsp; and&nbsp; with composites of MnO<sub> 2 </sub>-MWCNT or Pt-MWCNT by drop coating method to prepare simply, sensitive and reliable volta<span id="cke_bm_669E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>mmetric sensors for the determination of H <span id="cke_bm_687S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_687E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>in selected sample. The results of the&nbsp; SEM/<span id="cke_bm_688E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>EDS&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; composite&nbsp; materials&nbsp; have&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; mediators,&nbsp; MnO <sub>2</sub> and&nbsp; Pt&nbsp; articles, are randomly distributed on the surface of MWCNT and represent nearly 5% (m:m) of the composite expressed as Mn and Pt. CV measurements were performed&nbsp; with prepared electrodes in acetate&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 4.50),&nbsp; phosphate&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 7.50)&nbsp; and&nbsp; borate&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; 9.18)&nbsp; buffers&nbsp; to&nbsp; characterize&nbsp; the&nbsp; basic electrochemical&nbsp; behavior&nbsp; of&nbsp; H <span id="cke_bm_694S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_694E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2</sub> and&nbsp; to&nbsp; select&nbsp; the&nbsp; working&nbsp; potentials&nbsp; suitable&nbsp; for&nbsp; amperometric determination&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; target&nbsp; analyte.&nbsp; The&nbsp; Pt-MWCNT/CPE&nbsp; performs&nbsp; well&nbsp; in&nbsp; phosphate&nbsp; buffer pH .50 and acetate buffer solution pH 4.50 in the&nbsp; negative as well as in the positive polarization range with RSD mainly lower than 2.5%. In case of MnO<sub> 2 </sub>-MWCNT/CPE at <span id="cke_bm_695E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>0.30 V and above the H<span id="cke_bm_701S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_701E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>oxidation signal is rem<span id="cke_bm_702E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>arkable in slightly alkaline media (pH 7.50), at pH 4.50 this electrode showed poor behavior and at pH 9.18 offered acceptable performance. LOQs were in the &micro;g mL -1 concentration&nbsp; range.&nbsp; H<span id="cke_bm_707S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_707E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>was&nbsp; determined&nbsp; in&nbsp; a&nbsp; spiked&nbsp; milk&nbsp; sample&nbsp; by&nbsp; standard addition&nbsp; method after&nbsp; appropriate&nbsp; sample&nbsp; preparation&nbsp; (pH&nbsp; adjustment and&nbsp; centrifugation)&nbsp; and&nbsp; using&nbsp; optimized amperometric p<span id="cke_bm_708E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>rocedure (acetate buffer pH 4.50, working potential -0.75 V) by Pt-MWCNT/CPE as a working electrode. RSD for three repeated measurements was 2.5%, while the recovery of the method was a bit higher than 71%. The&nbsp; composite&nbsp; materials&nbsp; consisting&nbsp; of&nbsp; MWCNT&nbsp; and&nbsp; Pd&nbsp; (Pd-MWCNT)&nbsp; or&nbsp; Pt&nbsp; containing particles&nbsp; (Pt-WCNT)&nbsp; were&nbsp; applied&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; preparation&nbsp; of&nbsp; bulk- modified&nbsp; SPCEs&nbsp; (Pd-MWCNTSPCE and Pt-MWCNT-SPCE) and surface modifiedSPCE (Pd- MWCNT/SPCE). These electrodes, as well as unmodified SPCE and MWCNT-SPCE,&nbsp; were characterized by CV and&nbsp; amperometry&nbsp; in phosphate&nbsp; buffer&nbsp; solution&nbsp; of&nbsp; pH&nbsp; 7.50&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; H<span id="cke_bm_713S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_713E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O<sub>2 </sub>determination.&nbsp; Pd-MWCNT-SPCE&nbsp; and&nbsp; PdMWCNT/SPCEare convenient for the etermination of H 2O2 at working potentials from -0.50 to 0.50 V, and Pt-MWCNT-SPCE at investigated working potentials in the range from -0.80 to 0.70 V. These electrodes were then modified with glucose&nbsp; oxidase (GOx) by drop coating a solution of GOxand Nafion &reg; on their surface, whereby the applied amount of biococktail was optimized. GOx/PdMWCNT-SPCE&nbsp; showed&nbsp; better&nbsp; analytical&nbsp; performance&nbsp; for&nbsp; glucose&nbsp; determination&nbsp; in&nbsp; comparison with&nbsp; GOx/Pd-MWCNT/SPCE.&nbsp; The&nbsp; optimal&nbsp; working&nbsp; potential&nbsp; for&nbsp; GOx/Pd-MWCNT- SPCE&nbsp; was -0.40 V vs. SCE and <span id="cke_bm_714E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>satisfactory linearity was obtained in the investigated glucose concentration range from 0.16 to 0.97 mmol L -1 (from 29.1 to 174&nbsp; &micro;g mL -1 ), hile the LOQ was 0.14 mmol L -1 (25 &micro;g mL -1 ). The optimized method based on GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE was successfully applied to the determination of glucose in multifloral honey sample.&nbsp; The results are in a good agreement with those&nbsp; obtained by commercially available equipment for determination of glucose. Optimal working potential&nbsp; for&nbsp; GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE&nbsp; was&nbsp; -0.50&nbsp; V&nbsp; vs.&nbsp; SCE,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp; satisfactory&nbsp; linearity&nbsp; was obtained in the investigated concentration range ofglucose from 65.8 to 260.6&nbsp; &micro;g mL -1 , with LOQ of 35&nbsp; &micro;g mL -1 . The optimized method based on GOx/Pt- MWCNT-SPCE was successfully applied for determination of glucose in white grape and glucose tablets (Traubenzucker-bonbons) samples, whereby&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; were&nbsp; in&nbsp; a&nbsp; good&nbsp; agreement&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; Accu-Chek device. Based on the results, the developed analytical methods are first of all simple, reliable and suitable&nbsp; for&nbsp; obtaining&nbsp; fast&nbsp; information&nbsp; about&nbsp; the&nbsp; content&nbsp; of&nbsp; H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> in&nbsp; different&nbsp; types&nbsp; of&nbsp; samples. Certainly the selection of a suitable working electrode, as well as the optimization of experimental conditions are key factors for the successful determination of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>.</p>

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