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Studium nikl-silicidové vrstvy vytvořené přetavením Ni Si vrstvy nanesené elektrochemicky / Nickel silicides layer by electron beam melting of electro deposited layerPetr, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the possibility of creating a compact nickel-silicide layer on austenitic substrates. The theoretical part describes a variety of surface treatments, silicide division, and basic principles of electron beam. The experimental part contains a description of used experimental methods for evaluation of samples, creation of Ni-Si coating using electroplating, and the parameters of electron beam used for melting the sample coating. The last part is devoted to structural evaluation of the sample coating and its microhardness.
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Příprava a charakterizace směsných hydrogelů na bázi systému hyaluronan-albumin / Preparation and Characterization of Mixed Hydrogels Based on the System Hyaluronan-AlbuminHájovská, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with preparation and subsequent characterization of albumin (BSA) and mixed hyaluronan-albumin (HA+BSA) hydrogels. The experimental characterization was based on the rheological measurements of the influence of ionic strength, pH and molar mass of HA on the gelation process and the properties of formed gels, as well as the time stability of these properties. Following object of the study was swelling of hydrogels in water and buffers with different pH value. Characterization was extended by thermal analysis, morphology description using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and study of transport properties of hydrogels for selected model substance. Due to increasing ionic strength, the gel point was shifted towards higher temperature values and the resulting gels exhibited higher values of complex moduli. In case when pH was lower than isoelectric point of BSA, attractive electrostatic interactions between albumin and hyaluronan took place and the faster gelation occurred, compared to the case when pH was higher than isoelectric point of BSA. On the contrary, values of complex moduli increased with increasing pH. The gel samples prepared in the presence of low molecular weight HA reached higher values of complex moduli, compared to samples with the high molecular weight HA. Rheological properties of BSA gels were stable over time, whereas the mixed HA+BSA were characterized by significant decrease of complex moduli during the first three days of storage. Due to heating up to 100 °C, more than 80 % of the weight of studied samples was lost, as a result of water evaporation. Further heating of hydrogels, up to 250 °C, did not cause other changes associated with weight loss, in contrast with crystalline powder BSA, in which another weight loss at 220 °C was observed, as a result of the beginning degradation. Swelling studies, as well as SEM images, indicated higher crosslink density of BSA gels, compared to HA+BSA samples, which exhibited higher values of swelling ratio. The lowest values of equilibrium swelling ratio were observed at pH 4, which is close to the isoelectric point of albumin. Calculated diffusion coefficients relative to diffusivity of methylene blue in water ranged between the order of 10E-2 for diffusion into physiological solution and the order of 10E-3 for the diffusion into water. Ongoing transport of model dye from gel to solution was significantly slower, compared to its diffusion in water, as a result of gel porosity and electrostatic immobilization of positively charged molecules of methylene blue on the negatively charged BSA and HA chains.
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Traktografie axonálních svazků založená na multi-tensorových modelech / Multi-tensor model based tractography of axonal bundlesPiskořová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Cílem semestrální práce je návrh trasovacího algoritmu, který zohledňuje mikrostrukturní vlastnosti nervové tkáně. K této problematice je sepsána rešerše obsahující úvod do problematiky. Je zde popsán jev difuze, princip difuzně váženého MRI a odhad profilu anizotropní difuze. K podrobnější analýze byl vybrán algoritmus COMMIT, u kterého byla navržena alternativní optimalizační metoda.
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Příprava nadeutektických slitin hliníku s využitím obětovatelných povlaků / Formation of Hypereutectic Aluminium Alloys Using Sacrificial CoatingsGregor, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Master‘s thesis deals with the forming of hypereutectic aluminium alloys using sacrificial coatings. Literature research is focused on analysing the characteristics of aluminium and its alloys. Attention is also focused to the heat treatment of aluminium alloys and the influence of alloying elements on these alloys. Analysis of characteristics and increase the useful properties of Al - Ni alloys is another object of literary research. Attention is also focused to the analysis of thermal spraying methods by focusing on the principle of individual methods and the characteristics of the coatings made by these methods. The object of experimental part is to prepare the hypereutectic aluminium alloys using sacrificial nickel based coatings. This is an unconventional manufacturing process comprising coating the surface of the aluminium substrate with using HVOF technology and subsequent thermal exposure. Furthermore, the work deals with the metallographic evaluation of prepared samples with a particular focus on the influence of temperature and time of heat treatment on the final structure of the experimental samples.
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Volba parametru metody SUPG pro konečné prvky vyššího řádu přesnosti / Choice of the SUPG parameter for higher order finite elementsKohutka, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
In this work, we deal with the finite element method Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) and use it to solve boundary value problem for the stationary convection-diffusion equation with dominant convection with Dirichlet boundary condition on the whole boundary of bounded polyhedral computational domain of dimension 1 and 2, respectively. We consider a quadratic Lagrangian finite elements on the line segments and triangles, respectively. The core of the work is a proposition of choice of stabilizing parameter of SUPG method as an elementwise affine function in outflow boundary layer and as an elementwise constant function in the rest of the computational domain. We show that this choice gives a more accurate solution than the choice of the stabilization parameter as a constant in each element. 1
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Facebook v českých tištěných médiích v období 2005-2009 / Facebook in czech printed media between 2006 - 2009Bauer, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this study is to explore how Czech printed media referred about online social network Facebook from its founding till the period when number of Czech users reached approximately one million. Contend analysis is being used as a research method. Covered period is from September 2005 until end of July 2009. The study is grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory as well as in the social-constructivist view on media. Previous foreign studies with a similar topics are also presented in the theoretical part. Methodological part deals with the method of content analysis and presents research questions as well as the research sample. Analytical part presents results of the research, relates them to the theoretical standpoints and puts them into historical context. Findings show that during observed period there were changes in the way and intensity how Facebook was presented and that there could be found themes that Facebook was predominantly associated with.
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Studium struktury feromagnetických polovodičů metodami rtg rozptylu / Study of the structure of ferromagnetic semiconductors by x-ray scattering methodsHorák, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
We studied epitaxial layers of Gallium Manganese Arsenide by various x-ray scattering methods. Since the positions of the Mn dopant in the a host GaAs lattice are crucial for magnetic properties of this material, we focused mainly on a development of the laboratory diffraction method capable to identify Mn in particular crystallographic positions. From the measured diffracted intensity distributed along Crystal Truncation Rods, it is possible deduce the density of Mn interstitials in two non-equivalent crystallographic positions. It is possible to decrease the interstitial Mn density by annealing. We demonstrated our method on severally annealed epitaxial layer. The depth profile of interstitial density was determined after each annealing. The annealing process was simulated by the solving of the Drift- Diffusion equations. From the comparison with the experimentally determined interstitial densities, we estimated the diffusivity of Mn interstitials in the GaAs lattice. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Hyperkapnie a difuse plynů ve sněhové lavině (Změny funkčních parametrů jedinců v krizové situaci) / Hypercapnia and diffusion of gases in avalanche (Changes in functional parameters of individuals in a crisis situation)Mašek, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Název: Hyperkapnie a difuse plynů ve sněhové lavině - (Změny funkčních parametrů jedinců v krizové situaci) Cíle práce: Cílem studie bylo kontinuální sledování kompenzačních mechanismů, zejména změn ventilačně-respiračních ukazatelů, v simulované sněhové lavině. Metoda: K získání dat byl použit experiment a nestandardizovaný dotazník. Výběr souboru byl vzhledem ke sledované problematice přísně selektivní. Výzkumu se účastnilo 22 probandů, ale po analýze dat bylo pro nesplnění požadovaných kritérií 11 osob vyřazeno. Soubor tedy tvořilo 11 zdravých mužů průměrného věku 25,3 let. Před vlastním experimentem byla pomocí osobního spirometru testována senzitivita na hyperkapnii a hypoxii (výdrž v apnoi) a dechová zdatnost (vitální kapacita plic s usilovným výdechem). Experimentální situaci představovalo jak dýchání do uzavřeného objemu (8 l), tak do vytvořené vzduchové kapsy ve sněhu (400 ml). Kontinuální záznamy oběhových funkcí (srdeční frekvence, krevní tlak) a ventilačně-respiračních parametrů (dechová frekvence, dechový objem, minutová ventilace, obsah O2 a CO2 ve vdechovaném a vydechovaném vzduchu, odpor při výdechu a saturace krve kyslíkem) byly snímány pacientským monitorem DATEX Ohmeda. Vzhledem k charakteru dat byla využita analýza rozptylu při opakovaném měření se dvěma faktory (dvoucestná...
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Identifikace inovačních lídrů mezi uživateli moderních technologií / Identifying innovators among consumers of modern technologiesFilová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The methods currently used in innovation marketing research are focused on the late phases of the innovation process and are usually methodologically complex. This limits their practical impact. The presented thesis aims to create a simple self-report scale applicable in the initial and late phases of innovation process, highly modular and suitable for wide range of research. The main battery of questions was inspired by adopter categorization by Rogers. The questions determine both (1) general characteristics of innovation adopters and (2) their relationship to a specific innovation. The scale was tested during a robust longitudinal online research, thematically focused on users of modern technologies. Representative sample of 4,000 Internet users in the Czech Republic took part in the survey from April 2013 to January 2015. The result is a new self-report scale measuring consumer innovativeness applicable for prototyping, strategic decisions and effective communication of innovations to consumers.
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Hydrogely s uhlíkovými vlákny / Hydrogels with carbon fibersKučerová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of the behaviour of carbon fibers in the hydrogel, especially the viscoelastic modules od these gels ort he coefficient of color transmission through the gel. The main goals were to optimize the samples and measure their viscoelastic modules on a rheometer, in several different modes. This was followed by simulation of physiological conditions for selected samples and their measurement on the rheometer. There was also an experiment of continuous diffusion in cuvettes, in which the penetration of the dye through the gel with the addition of fibers and for comparison also without them. Last but not least diffusion pairs were prepared.
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