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Method Development for Three-Dimensional Particle Tracing in Laboratory Fast X-ray MicrotomographySiebert, Judith Marie Undine 30 October 2024 (has links)
In this contribution, a methodology for particle tracing based on computed tomography and digital image processing is presented. It enables the tracing of particles in opaque structures using laboratory X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT) systems that are not capable of time-resolved particle tracking. Through the development, it becomes apparent that an X-ray source with a cone beam geometry and the ability to perform fast, dynamic scans is a prerequisite for generating parabolic motion artefacts. Moreover, experimental tests are used to acquire data from simple particle sedimentations as well as from self-developed filter structures based on deep bed filtration. These experiments confirm that the particle position is located at the apex of the motion artefacts. Following the data assessment, multiple options for the particle coordinate extraction are discussed, and strategies thoroughly examined. A combination of random sample consensus (RANSAC) and the least squares method proves to be the most useful for determining the particle position. Besides, the developed methodology is validated using artificially generated data in which the motion artefact parameters of size, spatial orientation, and curvature, as well as noise, are varied. Supplementary, data is analysed manually in order to draw a comparison. In addition, to the presentation and discussion of the application of the methodology, a comparison with an artificial neural network (ANN) and the advantages and disadvantages of both methods are discussed. Finally, a first comparison of an extracted particle trace with a flow simulation through the complex structure is carried out, which shows that the particle trace follows the flow.:Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. vi
List of Formula Symbols ......................................................................................................... vii
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. x
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
2 Fundamentals .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Methods for Particle Tracking and Tracing .............................................................. 5
2.2 Computed Tomography .......................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Tomography Design and Functional Principle ................................................ 10
2.2.2 Data Reconstruction ......................................................................................... 15
2.3 Digital Image Processing .......................................................................................... 18
3 Material............................................................................................................................. 30
3.1 Laboratory X-ray Tomography System TomoTU ................................................... 30
3.2 Experimental Setup .................................................................................................. 33
3.3 Choice of Particles and Medium ............................................................................. 34
4 Method development ...................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Characterisation of the Motion Artefacts ............................................................... 38
4.2 Method Consideration ............................................................................................. 45
4.3 Pre-processing .......................................................................................................... 46
4.4 Combination of Random Sample Consensus and Least Squares Method.......... 48
4.5 Multiple Particle Tracing .......................................................................................... 51
4.6 Coordinate Processing ............................................................................................. 53
4.7 Method Validation .................................................................................................... 53
5 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................... 59
5.1 Evaluation experimental data ................................................................................. 59
5.2 Comparison with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ....................................... 68
5.3 Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks with the Developed Classical Digital Image Processing Approach ............................................................................................... 70
6 Summary, Conclusion and Outlook ............................................................................... 74
7 References ........................................................................................................................ 76 / Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine auf Computertomografie und digitaler Bildverarbeitung basierte Methodik für die Partikelverfolgung dar. Diese ermöglicht es, mittels Labor- Microcomputertomografie (μCT) Anlagen, welche nicht dazu in der Lage sind, zeitaufgelöste Partikelverfolgung zu realisieren, Partikel in opaken Strukturen zu verfolgen. Durch die Methodenentwicklung ergibt sich, dass eine Röntgenquelle mit Kegelstrahlgeometrie sowie die Durchführungsmöglichkeit von schnellen, dynamischen Scans Voraussetzungen sind, um parabelförmige Bewegungsartefakte zu erzeugen. Dafür werden durch experimentelle Untersuchungen Daten erzeugt, die sowohl von einfachen Partikelsedimentationen als auch von eigens entwickelten Filterstrukturen, die sich an der Tiefenfiltration orientieren, abgeleitet werden. Diese Experimente bestätigen, dass sich die Partikelposition am Scheitelpunkt der Bewegungsartefakte befindet. Auf Grundlage der ersten Messungen werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten für die Partikelkoordinatenbestimmung diskutiert und Ansätze kritisch betrachtet. Dabei hat sich eine Kombination aus dem Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) Algorithmus und der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate als am sinnvollsten für die Bestimmung der Partikelposition ergeben. Zudem wird die entwickelte Methodik anhand von künstlich erzeugten Daten validiert, bei welchen die Bewegungsartefakt-Parameter Größe, Raumorientierung und Krümmung sowie Rauschen variiert werden. Zusätzlich werden auch Daten manuell ausgewertet, um einen Vergleich ziehen zu können. Neben der Präsentation und Diskussion der Anwendung der Methodik wird außerdem ein Vergleich zu künstlichen neuronalen Netzen (KNNs) und die Vor- und Nachteile beider Methoden diskutiert. Abschließend wird ein erster Vergleich einer extrahierten Partikelspur mit einer Strömungssimulation durch die komplexe Struktur durchgeführt, welche zeigt, dass die Partikelspur der Strömung folgt.:Table of Contents
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. i
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. vi
List of Formula Symbols ......................................................................................................... vii
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. x
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
2 Fundamentals .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Methods for Particle Tracking and Tracing .............................................................. 5
2.2 Computed Tomography .......................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Tomography Design and Functional Principle ................................................ 10
2.2.2 Data Reconstruction ......................................................................................... 15
2.3 Digital Image Processing .......................................................................................... 18
3 Material............................................................................................................................. 30
3.1 Laboratory X-ray Tomography System TomoTU ................................................... 30
3.2 Experimental Setup .................................................................................................. 33
3.3 Choice of Particles and Medium ............................................................................. 34
4 Method development ...................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Characterisation of the Motion Artefacts ............................................................... 38
4.2 Method Consideration ............................................................................................. 45
4.3 Pre-processing .......................................................................................................... 46
4.4 Combination of Random Sample Consensus and Least Squares Method.......... 48
4.5 Multiple Particle Tracing .......................................................................................... 51
4.6 Coordinate Processing ............................................................................................. 53
4.7 Method Validation .................................................................................................... 53
5 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................... 59
5.1 Evaluation experimental data ................................................................................. 59
5.2 Comparison with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) ....................................... 68
5.3 Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks with the Developed Classical Digital Image Processing Approach ............................................................................................... 70
6 Summary, Conclusion and Outlook ............................................................................... 74
7 References ........................................................................................................................ 76
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Experimentación y modelación de mezcla de vapor y gases no-condensablesCórdova Chávez, Yaisel 02 September 2024 (has links)
[ES] La descarga de vapor en forma de chorro en piscinas con agua subenfriada es una forma muy eficiente de condensar vapor y es muy utilizada en diversas aplicaciones industriales, como la industria farmacéutica, metalúrgica, química, sistemas de propulsión sumergida y nuclear. Siendo especialmente esencial en los sistemas de seguridad de las centrales nucleares, concretamente en la piscina de supresión de presión de los Reactores de Agua en Ebullición (BWR, Boiling Water Reactor) y en el tanque de almacenamiento de agua de reabastecimiento en la contención de los reactores avanzados de agua a presión. La eficiencia de esta técnica, denominada Condensación por Contacto Directo (DCC, Direct Contact Condensation), radica en la rápida condensación del vapor proporcionando una alta capacidad de transferencia de calor e intercambio de masa. En las últimas décadas, se han llevado a cabo muchos experimentos sobre los chorros sumergidos de gases no condensables y vapor puro en piscinas, que han proporcionado mucha información de interés, aunque continúan los esfuerzos para adquirir información adicional.
Para estudiar en detalle el comportamiento de las descargas de chorros turbulentos se han llevado a cabo una serie de experimentos en una instalación que ha sido diseñada para representar diversos entornos de interés crítico para la seguridad en centrales nucleares. Su singularidad radica en la capacidad de poder reproducir fenomenologías similares a situaciones específicas que podrían surgir en una central nuclear, desde sistemas de despresurización hasta roturas con pérdida de refrigerante. La instalación posibilita el estudio con vapor, aire o una mezcla de ambos utilizando geometrías simples (boquilla) o complejas (sparger) en una piscina con agua en reposo.
Se ha utilizado una cámara de alta velocidad con Dispositivo de Carga Acoplada (CCD, Charged-Coupled Device) para capturar imágenes de la descarga del chorro en la piscina y así determinar la interfase entre el gas y el líquido, utilizando técnicas de visualización directa. Para llevar a cabo el procesamiento de dichas imágenes, se han aplicado una serie de procedimientos de procesado, filtrado y post-procesado utilizando una subrutina implementada en MATLAB.
Tras la adquisición de las imágenes, se ha caracterizado el comportamiento del chorro de vapor y aire, el efecto de la fracción volumétrica de aire sobre la mezcla y el efecto de la variación del tamaño de la boquilla. Además, se ha medido la longitud del momento del chorro y se ha comprobado su estrecha relación con el diámetro de la boquilla, la velocidad del chorro y el porcentaje de la mezcla. Por otro lado, se ha caracterizado el comportamiento del chorro horizontal en la zona de transición. La transición indica el cambio de un chorro dominado exclusivamente por la fuerza de momento a un régimen en el que las fuerzas de flotación prevalecen. Esta prueba se ha realizado utilizando cinco boquillas intercambiables y para cada caudal de vapor se ha determinado el porcentaje de aire en el que ocurre la transición.
Otro de los principales objetivos de esta tesis es la modelación utilizando herramientas de códigos de Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD), específicamente descargas de chorros de aire en agua subenfriada. Para esto se ha empleado el software ANSYS CFX. El comportamiento del flujo multifásico se ha simulado utilizando el modelo euleriano-euleriano no homogéneo; debido a que es más conveniente para estudiar fluidos interpenetrados. Los resultados CFD se han validado con datos experimentales y resultados teóricos. Las cifras de mérito de la longitud de penetración adimensional y la longitud de flotabilidad adimensional muestran una buena concordancia con las mediciones experimentales. Las correlaciones para estas variables se obtuvieron en función de números adimensionales para dar generalidad utilizando sólo condiciones iniciales de contorno. / [CA] La descàrrega de vapor en forma de xorrat en piscines amb aigua subrefredada és una forma molt eficient de condensar vapor i s'utilitza àmpliament en diverses aplicacions industrials, com la indústria farmacèutica, metal·lúrgica, química, sistemes de propulsió submergida i nuclear. És especialment essencial en els sistemes de seguretat de les centrals nuclears, concretament en la piscina de supressió de pressió dels Reactors d'Aigua en Bulliment (BWR) i en el dipòsit d'aigua de reaprovisionament a la contenció dels reactors avançats d'aigua a pressió. L'eficiència d'aquesta tècnica, anomenada Condensació per Contacte Directe (DCC), rau en la ràpida condensació del vapor proporcionant una alta capacitat de transferència de calor i intercanvi de massa. En les últimes dècades, s'han realitzat molts experiments sobre els raigs submergits de gasos no condensables i vapor pur en piscines, que han proporcionat molta informació d'interès, tot i que continuen els esforços per adquirir informació addicional.
Per estudiar amb detall el comportament de les descàrregues de raigs turbulents s'han dut a terme una sèrie d'experiments en una instal·lació que ha estat dissenyada per representar diversos entorns d'interès crític per a la seguretat en centrals nuclears. La seua singularitat rau en la capacitat de poder reproduir fenomenologies semblants a situacions específiques que podrien sorgir en una central nuclear, des de sistemes de despressurització fins a ruptures amb pèrdua de refrigerant. La instal·lació possibilita l'estudi amb vapor, aire o una barreja de tots dos utilitzant geometries simples (busseta) o complexes (sparger) en una piscina amb aigua en repòs. A més, és possible combinar aquestes situacions amb diferents condicions de cabal, pressió o temperatura.
S'ha utilitzat una càmera de alta velocitat (CCD) per capturar imatges de la descàrrega del raig a la piscina i així determinar la interfase entre el gas i el líquid, emprant tècniques de visualització directa. Per dur a terme el processament d'aquestes imatges, s'han aplicat una sèrie de procediments complexes de processat, filtrat i post-processat mitjançant una subrutina implementada en MATLAB.
Després de l'adquisició de les imatges, s'ha caracteritzat el comportament del raig de vapor i aire, l'efecte de la fracció volumètrica d'aire sobre la barreja i l'efecte de la variació de la grandària de la busseta. A més, s'ha mesurat la longitud del moment del raig i s'ha comprovat la seua estreta relació amb el diàmetre de la busseta, la velocitat del raig i el percentatge de la barreja. D'altra banda, s'ha caracteritzat el comportament del raig horitzontal en la zona de transició. La transició indica el canvi d'un raig dominat exclusivament per la força de moment a un règim en què les forces de flotació prevalen. Aquesta prova s'ha realitzat utilitzant cinc bussetes intercanviables i per a cada cabal de vapor s'ha determinat el percentatge d'aire en què ocorre la transició.
Un altre dels principals objectius d'aquesta tesi és la modelització utilitzant eines de codis de Dinàmica de Fluids Computacionals (CFD), específicament descàrregues de xorrades d'aire en aigua subrefredada. Per a això s'ha utilitzat el software ANSYS CFX. El comportament del flux multifàsic s'ha simulat utilitzant el model eulerià-eulerià no homogeni, ja que és més convenient per estudiar fluids interpenetrats. Els resultats CFD s'han validat amb dades experimentals i resultats teòrics. Les figures de mèrit de la longitud de penetració adimensional i la longitud de flotabilitat adimensional mostren una bona concordança amb les mesures experimentals. Les correlacions per a aquestes variables s'han obtingut en funció de nombres adimensionals per donar generalitat utilitzant només condicions inicials de contorn. El model numèric CFD desenvolupat té la capacitat de simular el comportament de gasos no condensables descarregats en aigua. / [EN] The discharge of steam in the form of a jet in pools with subcooled water is a highly efficient way to condense steam and is widely used in various industrial applications, such as the pharmaceutical, metallurgical, chemical, submerged propulsion, and nuclear industries. It is particularly essential in the safety systems of nuclear power plants, specifically in the pressure suppression pool of Boiling Water Reactors (BWR) and in the water replenishment tank in the containment of advanced pressurized water reactors. The efficiency of this technique, known as Direct Contact Condensation (DCC), lies in the rapid condensation of steam, providing a high heat transfer and mass exchange capacity. In recent decades, numerous experiments have been conducted on submerged jets of non-condensable gases and pure steam in pools, yielding valuable information, although efforts continue to gather additional data.
To study in detail the behavior of turbulent jet discharges, a series of experiments have been carried out in a facility designed to simulate various critical environments for safety in nuclear power plants. Its uniqueness lies in the ability to reproduce phenomenologies like specific situations that could arise in a nuclear power plant, from depressurization systems to ruptures with coolant loss. The facility enables the study with steam, air, or a mixture of both using simple geometries (nozzle) or complex geometries (sparger) in a pool with quiescent water. Additionally, it is possible to combine these situations with different flow, pressure, or temperature conditions.
A high-speed camera with Charge-Couple Device (CCD) has been used to capture images of the jet discharge in the pool, aiming to determine the gas-liquid interface through direct visualization techniques. Following the image acquisition, a series of complex processing, filtering, and post-processing procedures have been applied using a subroutine implemented in MATLAB.
After obtaining the images, the behavior of the steam and air jet, the effect of the volumetric fraction of air on the mixture, and the impact of varying the nozzle size have been characterized. Additionally, the length of the jet momentum has been measured, establishing its close relationship with the nozzle diameter, jet velocity, and mixture percentage. Furthermore, the behavior of the horizontal jet in the transition zone has been characterized. The transition denotes the shift from a jet dominated exclusively by momentum force to a regime where buoyancy forces prevail. This test has been conducted using five interchangeable nozzles, and for each steam flow rate, the percentage of air at which the transition occurs has been determined.
Another main objective of this thesis is modeling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools, specifically jet discharges of air into subcooled water. The ANSYS CFX software has been employed for this purpose. Multiphase flow behavior has been simulated using the non-homogeneous Eulerian-Eulerian model, as it is more convenient for studying interpenetrated fluids. CFD results have been validated with experimental data and theoretical results. The dimensionless penetration length and dimensionless buoyancy length merit figures show good agreement with experimental measurements. Correlations for these variables were obtained as a function of dimensionless numbers to provide generality using only initial boundary conditions. The developed CFD numerical model has the capability to simulate the behavior of non-condensable gases discharged into water. / Córdova Chávez, Y. (2024). Experimentación y modelación de mezcla de vapor y gases no-condensables [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207266
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Процена квалитета слике и видеа кроз очување информација о градијенту / Procena kvaliteta slike i videa kroz očuvanje informacija o gradijentu / Gradient-based image and video quality assessmentBondžulić Boban 14 April 2016 (has links)
<p>У овој дисертацији разматране су објективне мере процене квалитета<br />слике и видеа са потпуним и делимичним референцирањем на изворни<br />сигнал. За потребе евалуације квалитета развијене су поуздане,<br />рачунски ефикасне мере, засноване на очувању информација о<br />градијенту. Мере су тестиране на великом броју тест слика и видео<br />секвенци, различитих типова и степена деградације. Поред јавно<br />доступних база слика и видео секвенци, за потребе истраживања<br />формиране су и нове базе видео секвенци са преко 300 релевантних<br />тест узорака. Поређењем доступних субјективних и објективних скорова<br />квалитета показано је да је објективна евалуација квалитета веома<br />сложен проблем, али га је могуће решити и доћи до високих<br />перформанси коришћењем предложених мера процене квалитета слике<br />и видеа.</p> / <p>U ovoj disertaciji razmatrane su objektivne mere procene kvaliteta<br />slike i videa sa potpunim i delimičnim referenciranjem na izvorni<br />signal. Za potrebe evaluacije kvaliteta razvijene su pouzdane,<br />računski efikasne mere, zasnovane na očuvanju informacija o<br />gradijentu. Mere su testirane na velikom broju test slika i video<br />sekvenci, različitih tipova i stepena degradacije. Pored javno<br />dostupnih baza slika i video sekvenci, za potrebe istraživanja<br />formirane su i nove baze video sekvenci sa preko 300 relevantnih<br />test uzoraka. Poređenjem dostupnih subjektivnih i objektivnih skorova<br />kvaliteta pokazano je da je objektivna evaluacija kvaliteta veoma<br />složen problem, ali ga je moguće rešiti i doći do visokih<br />performansi korišćenjem predloženih mera procene kvaliteta slike<br />i videa.</p> / <p>This thesis presents an investigation into objective image and video quality<br />assessment with full and reduced reference on original (source) signal. For<br />quality evaluation purposes, reliable, computational efficient, gradient-based<br />measures are developed. Proposed measures are tested on different image<br />and video datasets, with various types of distorsions and degradation levels.<br />Along with publicly available image and video quality datasets, new video<br />quality datasets are maded, with more than 300 relevant test samples.<br />Through comparison between available subjective and objective quality<br />scores it has been shown that objective quality evaluation is highly complex<br />problem, but it is possible to resolve it and acchieve high performance using<br />proposed quality measures.</p>
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Quantificação da dinâmica de estruturas em imagens de medicina nuclear na modalidade PET. / Quantification of dynamic structures in nuclear medicine images in the PET modality.Flórez Pacheco, Edward 10 February 2012 (has links)
A presença que tem hoje a Medicina Nuclear como modalidade de obtenção de imagens médicas é muito importante e um dos principais procedimentos utilizados hoje nos centros de saúde, tendo como grande vantagem a capacidade de conseguir analisar o comportamento metabólico do paciente, fazendo possíveis diagnósticos precoces. Este projeto está baseado em imagens médicas obtidas através da modalidade PET (Positron Emission Tomography) a qual está tendo uma crescente difusão e aceitação. Para isso, temos desenvolvido uma estrutura integral de processamento de imagens tridimensionais PET, a qual está constituída por etapas consecutivas que se iniciam na obtenção das imagens padrões (gold standard), sendo utilizados volumes simulados ou phantoms do Ventrículo Esquerdo do Coração criadas como parte do projeto, assim como geradas a partir do software NCAT-4D. A seguir, nos volumes simulados, é introduzido ruído quântico tipo Poisson que é o ruído característico das imagens PET e feita uma análise que busca certificar que o ruído utilizado corresponde efetivamente ao ruído Poisson. Em sequência é executada a parte de pré-processamento, utilizando para este fim, um conjunto de filtros tais como o filtro da mediana, o filtro da Gaussiana ponderada e o filtro que mistura os conceitos da Transformada de Anscombe e o filtro pontual de Wiener. Posteriormente é aplicada a etapa de segmentação que é considerada a parte central da sequência de processamento. O processo de segmentação é baseado na teoria de Conectividade Fuzzy e para isso temos implementado quatro diferentes abordagens: Algoritmo Genérico, Algoritmo LIFO, Algoritmo kTetaFOEMS e o Algoritmo utilizando Pesos Dinâmicos. Sendo que os três primeiros algoritmos utilizam pesos específicos selecionados pelo usuário, foi preciso efetuar uma análise para determinar os melhores pesos de segmentação que se reflitam numa segmentação mais eficiente. Finalmente, para terminar a estrutura de processamento, um procedimento de avaliação foi utilizado como métrica para obter quantitativamente três parâmetros (Verdadeiro Positivo, Falso Positivo e Máxima Distância) que permitiram conhecer o nível de eficiência e precisão de nosso processo e do projeto em geral. Constatamos que os algoritmos implementados (filtros e algoritmos de segmentação) são bastante robustos e atingem ótimos resultados chegando-se a obter, para o caso do volume do Ventrículo Esquerdo simulado, taxas de VP e FP na ordem de 98.49 ± 0.27% e 2,19 ± 0.19%, respectivamente. Com o conjunto de procedimentos e escolhas feitas ao longo da estrutura de processamento, encerramos o projeto com a análise de um grupo de volumes produto de um exame PET real, obtendo a quantificação destes volumes. / The usefulness of Nuclear medicine nowadays as a modality to obtain medical images is very important, and it has turned into one of the main procedures utilized in Health Care Centers. Its great advantage is to analyze the metabolic behavior of the patient, by allowing early diagnosis. This project is based on medical images obtained by the PET modality (Positron Emission Tomography), which has won wide acceptance. Thus, we have developed an integral framework for processing Nuclear Medicine three-dimensional images of the PET modality, which is composed of consecutive steps that start with the generation of standard images (gold standard) by using simulated images or phantoms of the Left Ventricular Heart that were generated in this project, such as the ones obtained from the NCAT-4D software. Then Poisson quantum noise is introduced into the whole volume to simulate the characteristic noises in PET images and an analysis is performed in order to certify that the utilized noise is the Poisson noise effectively. Subsequently, the pre-processing is executed by using specific filters, such as the median filter, the weighted Gaussian filter, and the filter that joins the concepts of Anscombe Transformation and the Wiener filter. Then the segmentation, which is considered the most important and central part of the whole process, is implemented. The segmentation process is based on the Fuzzy Connectedness theory and for that purpose four different approaches were implemented: Generic algorithm, LIFO algorithm, kTetaFOEMS algorithm, and Dynamic Weight algorithm. Since the first three algorithms used specific weights that were selected by the user, an extra analysis was performed to determine the best segmentation constants that would reflect an accurate segmentation. Finally, at the end of the processing structure, an assessment procedure was used as a measurement tool to quantify some parameters that determined the level of efficiency and precision of our process and project. We have verified that the implemented algorithms (filters and segmentation algorithms) are fairly robust and achieve optimal results, assist to obtain, in the case of the Left Ventricular simulated, TP and FP rates in the order of 98.49 ± 0.27% and 2.19 ± 0.19%, respectively. With the set of procedures and choices made along of the processing structure, the project was concluded with the analysis of a volumes group from a real PET exam, obtaining the quantification of the volumes.
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Quantificação da dinâmica de estruturas em imagens de medicina nuclear na modalidade PET. / Quantification of dynamic structures in nuclear medicine images in the PET modality.Edward Flórez Pacheco 10 February 2012 (has links)
A presença que tem hoje a Medicina Nuclear como modalidade de obtenção de imagens médicas é muito importante e um dos principais procedimentos utilizados hoje nos centros de saúde, tendo como grande vantagem a capacidade de conseguir analisar o comportamento metabólico do paciente, fazendo possíveis diagnósticos precoces. Este projeto está baseado em imagens médicas obtidas através da modalidade PET (Positron Emission Tomography) a qual está tendo uma crescente difusão e aceitação. Para isso, temos desenvolvido uma estrutura integral de processamento de imagens tridimensionais PET, a qual está constituída por etapas consecutivas que se iniciam na obtenção das imagens padrões (gold standard), sendo utilizados volumes simulados ou phantoms do Ventrículo Esquerdo do Coração criadas como parte do projeto, assim como geradas a partir do software NCAT-4D. A seguir, nos volumes simulados, é introduzido ruído quântico tipo Poisson que é o ruído característico das imagens PET e feita uma análise que busca certificar que o ruído utilizado corresponde efetivamente ao ruído Poisson. Em sequência é executada a parte de pré-processamento, utilizando para este fim, um conjunto de filtros tais como o filtro da mediana, o filtro da Gaussiana ponderada e o filtro que mistura os conceitos da Transformada de Anscombe e o filtro pontual de Wiener. Posteriormente é aplicada a etapa de segmentação que é considerada a parte central da sequência de processamento. O processo de segmentação é baseado na teoria de Conectividade Fuzzy e para isso temos implementado quatro diferentes abordagens: Algoritmo Genérico, Algoritmo LIFO, Algoritmo kTetaFOEMS e o Algoritmo utilizando Pesos Dinâmicos. Sendo que os três primeiros algoritmos utilizam pesos específicos selecionados pelo usuário, foi preciso efetuar uma análise para determinar os melhores pesos de segmentação que se reflitam numa segmentação mais eficiente. Finalmente, para terminar a estrutura de processamento, um procedimento de avaliação foi utilizado como métrica para obter quantitativamente três parâmetros (Verdadeiro Positivo, Falso Positivo e Máxima Distância) que permitiram conhecer o nível de eficiência e precisão de nosso processo e do projeto em geral. Constatamos que os algoritmos implementados (filtros e algoritmos de segmentação) são bastante robustos e atingem ótimos resultados chegando-se a obter, para o caso do volume do Ventrículo Esquerdo simulado, taxas de VP e FP na ordem de 98.49 ± 0.27% e 2,19 ± 0.19%, respectivamente. Com o conjunto de procedimentos e escolhas feitas ao longo da estrutura de processamento, encerramos o projeto com a análise de um grupo de volumes produto de um exame PET real, obtendo a quantificação destes volumes. / The usefulness of Nuclear medicine nowadays as a modality to obtain medical images is very important, and it has turned into one of the main procedures utilized in Health Care Centers. Its great advantage is to analyze the metabolic behavior of the patient, by allowing early diagnosis. This project is based on medical images obtained by the PET modality (Positron Emission Tomography), which has won wide acceptance. Thus, we have developed an integral framework for processing Nuclear Medicine three-dimensional images of the PET modality, which is composed of consecutive steps that start with the generation of standard images (gold standard) by using simulated images or phantoms of the Left Ventricular Heart that were generated in this project, such as the ones obtained from the NCAT-4D software. Then Poisson quantum noise is introduced into the whole volume to simulate the characteristic noises in PET images and an analysis is performed in order to certify that the utilized noise is the Poisson noise effectively. Subsequently, the pre-processing is executed by using specific filters, such as the median filter, the weighted Gaussian filter, and the filter that joins the concepts of Anscombe Transformation and the Wiener filter. Then the segmentation, which is considered the most important and central part of the whole process, is implemented. The segmentation process is based on the Fuzzy Connectedness theory and for that purpose four different approaches were implemented: Generic algorithm, LIFO algorithm, kTetaFOEMS algorithm, and Dynamic Weight algorithm. Since the first three algorithms used specific weights that were selected by the user, an extra analysis was performed to determine the best segmentation constants that would reflect an accurate segmentation. Finally, at the end of the processing structure, an assessment procedure was used as a measurement tool to quantify some parameters that determined the level of efficiency and precision of our process and project. We have verified that the implemented algorithms (filters and segmentation algorithms) are fairly robust and achieve optimal results, assist to obtain, in the case of the Left Ventricular simulated, TP and FP rates in the order of 98.49 ± 0.27% and 2.19 ± 0.19%, respectively. With the set of procedures and choices made along of the processing structure, the project was concluded with the analysis of a volumes group from a real PET exam, obtaining the quantification of the volumes.
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Signal Processing Algorithms For Digital Image ForensicsPrasad, S 02 1900 (has links)
Availability of digital cameras in various forms and user-friendly image editing softwares has enabled people to create and manipulate digital images easily. While image editing can be used for enhancing the quality of the images, it can also be used to tamper the images for malicious purposes. In this context, it is important to question the originality of digital images. Digital image forensics deals with the development of algorithms and systems to detect tampering in digital images. This thesis presents some simple algorithms which can be used to detect tampering in digital images. Out of the various kinds of image forgeries possible, the discussion is restricted to photo compositing (Photo montaging) and copy-paste forgeries.
While creating photomontage, it is very likely that one of the images needs to be resampled and hence there will be an inconsistency in some of its underlying characteristics. So, detection of resampling in an image will give a clue to decide whether the image is tampered or not. Two pixel domain techniques to detect resampling have been presented. The rest of them exploits the property of periodic zeros that occur in the second divergences due to interpolation during resembling. It requires a special condition on the resembling factor to be met. The second technique is based on the periodic zero-crossings that occur in the second divergences, which does not require any special condition on the resembling factor. It has been noted that this is an important property of revamping and hence the decay of this technique against mild counter attacks such as JPEG compression and additive noise has been studied. This property has been repeatedly used throughout this thesis.
It is a well known fact that interpolation is essentially low-pass filtering. In case of photomontage image which consists of resample and non resample portions, there will be an in consistency in the high-frequency content of the image. This can be demonstrated by a simple high-pass filtering of the image. This fact has also been exploited to detect photomontaging. One approach involves performing block wise DCT and reconstructing the image using only a few high-frequency coercions. Another elegant approach is to decompose the image using wavelets and reconstruct the image using only the diagonal detail coefficients. In both the cases mere visual inspection will reveal the forgery.
The second part of the thesis is related to tamper detection in colour filter array (CFA) interpolated images. Digital cameras employ Bayer filters to efficiently capture the RGB components of an image. The output of Bayer filter are sub-sampled versions of R, G and B components and they are completed by using demosaicing algorithms. It has been shown that demos icing of the color components is equivalent to resembling the image by a factor of two. Hence, CFA interpolated images contain periodic zero-crossings in its second differences. Experimental demonstration of the presence of periodic zero-crossings in images captured using four digital cameras of deferent brands has been done. When such an image is tampered, these periodic zero-crossings are destroyed and hence the tampering can be detected. The utility of zero-crossings in detecting various kinds of forgeries on CFA interpolated images has been discussed.
The next part of the thesis is a technique to detect copy-paste forgery in images. Generally, while an object or a portion if an image has to be erased from an image, the easiest way to do it is to copy a portion of background from the same image and paste it over the object. In such a case, there are two pixel wise identical regions in the same image, which when detected can serve as a clue of tampering. The use of Scale-Invariant-Feature-Transform (SIFT) in detecting this kind of forgery has been studied. Also certain modifications that can to be done to the image in order to get the SIFT working effectively has been proposed.
Throughout the thesis, the importance of human intervention in making the final decision about the authenticity of an image has been highlighted and it has been concluded that the techniques presented in the thesis can effectively help the decision making process.
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New Algorithms for Macromolecular Structure Determination / Neue Algorithmen zur Strukturbestimmung von MakromolekülenHeisen, Burkhard Clemens 08 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Restauração de imagens digitais com texturas utilizando técnicas de decomposição e equações diferenciais parciaisCasaca, Wallace Correa de Oliveira [UNESP] 25 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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casaca_wco_me_sjrp.pdf: 5215634 bytes, checksum: 291e2a21fdb4d46a11de22f18cc97f93 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Neste trabalho propomos quatro novas abordagens para tratar o problema de restauração de imagens reais contendo texturas sob a perspectiva dos temas: reconstrução de regiões danificadas, remoção de objetos, e eliminação de ruídos. As duas primeiras abor dagens são designadas para recompor partes perdias ou remover objetos de uma imagem real a partir de formulações envolvendo decomposiçãode imagens e inpainting por exem- plar, enquanto que as duas últimas são empregadas para remover ruído, cujas formulações são baseadas em decomposição de três termos e equações diferenciais parciais não lineares. Resultados experimentais atestam a boa performace dos protótipos apresentados quando comparados à modelagens correlatas da literatura. / In this paper we propose four new approaches to address the problem of restoration of real images containing textures from the perspective of reconstruction of damaged areas, object removal, and denoising topics. The first two approaches are designed to reconstruct missing parts or to remove objects of a real image using formulations based on image de composition and exemplar based inpainting, while the last two other approaches are used to remove noise, whose formulations are based on decomposition of three terms and non- linear partial di®erential equations. Experimental results attest to the good performance of the presented prototypes when compared to modeling related in literature.
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Restauração de imagens digitais com texturas utilizando técnicas de decomposição e equações diferenciais parciais /Casaca, Wallace Correa de Oliveira. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Maurílio Boaventura / Banca: Evanildo Castro Silva Júnior / Banca: Alagacone Sri Ranga / Resumo: Neste trabalho propomos quatro novas abordagens para tratar o problema de restauração de imagens reais contendo texturas sob a perspectiva dos temas: reconstrução de regiões danificadas, remoção de objetos, e eliminação de ruídos. As duas primeiras abor dagens são designadas para recompor partes perdias ou remover objetos de uma imagem real a partir de formulações envolvendo decomposiçãode imagens e inpainting por exem- plar, enquanto que as duas últimas são empregadas para remover ruído, cujas formulações são baseadas em decomposição de três termos e equações diferenciais parciais não lineares. Resultados experimentais atestam a boa performace dos protótipos apresentados quando comparados à modelagens correlatas da literatura. / Abstract: In this paper we propose four new approaches to address the problem of restoration of real images containing textures from the perspective of reconstruction of damaged areas, object removal, and denoising topics. The first two approaches are designed to reconstruct missing parts or to remove objects of a real image using formulations based on image de composition and exemplar based inpainting, while the last two other approaches are used to remove noise, whose formulations are based on decomposition of three terms and non- linear partial di®erential equations. Experimental results attest to the good performance of the presented prototypes when compared to modeling related in literature. / Mestre
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An?lise e classifica??o de imagens de les?es da pele por atributos de cor, forma e textura utilizando m?quina de vetor de suporteSoares, Heliana Bezerra 22 February 2008 (has links)
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HelianaBS_da_capa_ate_cap4.pdf: 2361373 bytes, checksum: 3e1e43e8ba1aadc274663b8b8e3de72f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008-02-22 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and the increase of its incidence must, in part, caused by the behavior of the people in relation to the exposition to the sun. In Brazil, the non-melanoma skin cancer is the most incident in the majority of the regions. The dermatoscopy and videodermatoscopy are the main types of examinations for the diagnosis of dermatological illnesses of the skin.
The field that involves the use of computational tools to help or follow medical diagnosis in dermatological injuries is seen as very recent. Some methods had been proposed for automatic classification of pathology of the skin using images. The present work has the objective to present a new intelligent methodology for analysis and classification of skin cancer images, based on the techniques of digital processing of images for extraction of color characteristics, forms and texture, using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and learning techniques called Support Vector Machine (SVM). The Wavelet Packet Transform is applied for extraction of texture characteristics in the images. The WPT consists of a set of base functions that represents the image in different bands of frequency, each one with distinct resolutions corresponding to each scale. Moreover, the characteristics of color of the injury are also computed that are dependants of a visual context, influenced for the existing colors in its surround, and the attributes of form through the Fourier describers. The Support Vector Machine is used for the classification task, which is based on the minimization principles of the structural risk, coming from the statistical learning theory. The SVM has the objective to construct optimum hyperplanes that represent the separation between classes. The generated hyperplane is determined by a subset of the classes, called support vectors. For the used database in this work, the results had revealed a good performance getting a global rightness of 92,73% for melanoma, and 86% for non-melanoma and benign injuries. The extracted describers and the SVM classifier became a method capable to recognize and to classify the analyzed skin injuries / O c?ncer de pele ? o mais comum de todos os c?nceres e o aumento da sua incid?ncia deve-se, em parte, ao comportamento das pessoas em rela??o ? exposi??o ao sol. No Brasil, o c?ncer de pele n?o melanoma ? o mais incidente na maioria das regi?es. A dermatoscopia e ideodermatoscopia s?o os principais tipos de exames para o diagn?stico de doen?as da pele dermatol?gicas. O campo que envolve o uso de ferramentas computacionais para o aux?lio ou acompanhamento do diagn?stico m?dico em les?es dermatol?gicas ainda ? visto como muito recente. V?rios m?todos foram propostos para classifica??o autom?tica de patologias da pele utilizando imagens. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma nova metodologia inteligente para an?lise e classifica??o de imagens de c?ncer de pele, baseada nas t?cnicas de processamento digital de imagens para extra??o de caracter?sticas de cor, forma e textura, utilizando a Transformada Wavelet Packet (TWP) e a t?cnicas de aprendizado de m?quina denominada M?quina de Vetor de Suporte (SVM Support Vector Machine). A Transformada Wavelet Packet ? aplicada para extra??o de caracter?sticas de textura nas imagens. Esta consiste de um conjunto de fun??es base que representa a imagem em diferentes bandas de freq??ncia, cada uma com resolu??es distintas correspondente a cada escala. Al?m disso, s?o calculadas tamb?m as caracter?sticas de cor da les?o que s?o dependentes de um contexto visual, influenciada pelas cores existentes em sua volta, e os atributos de forma atrav?s dos descritores de Fourier. Para a tarefa de classifica??o ? utilizado a M?quina de Vetor de Suporte, que baseia-se nos princ?pios da minimiza??o do risco estrutural, proveniente da teoria do aprendizado estat?stico. A SVM tem como objetivo construir hiperplanos ?timos que apresentem a maior margem de separa??o entre classes. O hiperplano gerado ? determinado por um subconjunto dos pontos das classes, chamado vetores de suporte. Para o banco de dados utilizado neste trabalho, os resultados apresentaram um bom desempenho obtendo um acerto global de 92,73% para melanoma, e 86% para les?es n?o-melanoma e benigna. O potencial dos descritores extra?dos aliados ao classificador SVM tornou o m?todo capaz de reconhecer e classificar as les?es analisadas
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