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Electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 cathode with dinitrile-based electrolytesLin, Jing-Heng 31 August 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, high-voltage nitrile-based electrolytes for lithium ion batteries were investigated. The electrolytes were composed of nitrile, dinitrile, and vinylene carbonate (VC) as an additive. Scanning electron microscopy showed the change of surface morphology of electrodes. The chemical compositions of the solid electrolyte interface were characterized by high resolution X-ray photo electron spectroscopy (HR-XPS). We found that the optimal ratio of dinitrile to nitrile is 6 to 4 by volume in terms of electrochemical performances. 5wt% VC as the additive has the enhanced electrochemical performances. The oxidation potential of the nitrile-based electrolytes can reach to 5.7 V. The discharge capacity of the Li||LiFePO4 cell with the nitrile-based electrolyte is about 80 mAhg-1 at a charge/discharge rate of 5 C under 30 oC, and its discharge efficiency after 100 cycles still keeps 94.35%.
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Sinteza novih steroidnih jedinjenja od potencijalnog biomedicinskog značaja / Synthesis of new steroidal compounds of potentialbiomedical importanceNikolić Andrea 25 April 2014 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bila sinteza novih steroidnih 16,17-seko-16,17a-dinitrila polazeći od dehidroepiandrosterona (1), odnosno estrona (14). U androstanskoj seriji su izvršene modifikacije 16,17-seko-16,17a-dinitrila 12 u A i/ili B prstenu steroidnog jezgra, pri čemu novosintetizovana jedinjenja sadrže 4-en-3-on, 1,4-dien-3-on ili 1,4,6-trien-3-on sistem, kao i supstituente u položajima C-4, odnosno C-6 (6-metilen, 6-keto i 6-oksimino). U radu je takođe proučavan uticaj odabranih novosintetizovanih jedinjenja na proliferaciju sedam ćelijskih linija humanih tumora, dok je kao kontrola služila jedna zdrava humana ćelijska linija.</p> / <p>Starting from dehydroepiandrosterone (1) or estrone (14) new steroidal 16,17-seco-16,17a-dinitriles were synthesized. Modification of 16,17-seco-16,17a-dinitrile 12 afforded androstane derivatives containing 4-en-3-on, 1,4-dien-3-on or 1,4,6-trien-3-on system, with different substituents on position C-4 or C-6 (6-methylene, 6-keto i 6-oximino). Antiproliferative activity of some newly synthesized compounds were examined against seven human tumor cell lines, while healthy cells served as control.</p>
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