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Integration of electric vehicles in a flexible electricity demand side management frameworkWu, Rentao January 2018 (has links)
Recent years have seen a growing tendency that a large number of generators are connected to the electricity distribution networks, including renewables such as solar photovoltaics, wind turbines and biomass-fired power plants. Meanwhile, on the demand side, there are also some new types of electric loads being connected at increasing rates, with the most important of them being the electric vehicles (EVs). Uncertainties both from generation and consumption of electricity mentioned above are thereby being introduced, making the management of the system more challenging. With the proportion of electric vehicle ownership rapidly increasing, uncontrolled charging of large populations may bring about power system issues such as increased peak demand and voltage variations, while at the same time the cost of electricity generation, as well as the resulting Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, will also rise. The work reported in this PhD Thesis aims to provide solutions to the three significant challenges related to EV integration, namely voltage regulation, generation cost minimisation and GHG emissions reduction. A novel, high-resolution, bottom-up probabilistic EV charging demand model was developed, that uses data from the UK Time Use Survey and the National Travel Survey to synthesise realistic EV charging time series based on user activity patterns. Coupled with manufacturers' data for representative EV models, the developed probabilistic model converts single user activity profiles into electrical demand, which can then be aggregated to simulate larger numbers at a neighbourhood, city or regional level. The EV charging demand model has been integrated into a domestic electrical demand model previously developed by researchers in our group at the University of Edinburgh. The integrated model is used to show how demand management can be used to assist voltage regulation in the distribution system. The node voltage sensitivity method is used to optimise the planning of EV charging based on the influence that every EV charger has on the network depending on their point of connection. The model and the charging strategy were tested on a realistic "highly urban" low voltage network and the results obtained show that voltage fluctuation due to the high percentage of EV ownership (and charging) can be significantly and maintained within the statutory range during a full 24-hour cycle of operation. The developed model is also used to assess the generation cost as well as the environmental impact, in terms of GHG emissions, as a result of EV charging, and an optimisation algorithm has been developed that in combination with domestic demand management, minimises the incurred costs and GHG emissions. The obtained results indicate that although the increased population of EVs in distribution networks will stress the system and have adverse economic and environmental effects, these may be minimised with careful off-line planning.
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Rétrodiffusion micro-onde par la surface océanique en incidence élevée : approche conjointe expérimentale et théorique / Microwave backscattering from the sea surface at large incidence angles : a joint theoretical and experimental approachGuerraou, Zaynab 26 September 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de données satellitaires et aéroportées acquises dans le domaine micro-ondes sur la surface demer est aujourd’hui disponible. L’interprétation correcte de ces observations dépend d’une part de la précision desmodèles de diffusion électromagnétiques, et d’une autre part de la maîtrise des propriétés hydrodynamiques etstatistiques de la surface. Ces dernières années ont connu une amélioration considérable des modèlesélectromagnétiques et spectraux. Cependant, certains phénomènes sont encore mal compris et non pris en comptepar ces modèles. En particulier, la variation angulaire de la surface de mer est à ce jour non totalement caractériséeet modélisée. Ce travail de thèse concerne l’étude de cette variation azimutale et des asymétries directionnelles de lasurface de mer. Une première étape consiste à effectuer une analyse expérimentale en se basant sur les données dela littérature mais également sur d’autres jeux de données acquises par l’ONERA et le DSTO. Cette analysepermettra de caractériser les asymétries directionnelles en fonction de la géométrie d’observation, l’état de mer et lafréquence électromagnétique. Une seconde étape consiste à proposer des mécanismes physiques pouvant être àl’origine des asymétries directionnelles. L’asymétrie upwind-crosswind étant essentiellement liée à la fonctiond’étalement du spectre directionnel, notre étude théorique a principalement porté sur la caractérisation del’asymétrie upwind-downwind. Nous étudions l’influence de la prise en compte des formes déferlantes, initialementà travers des formes simples de vagues fortement asymétriques, et ensuite à travers une distribution de pentesexpérimentale prenant en compte ces formes de vagues. Les asymétries obtenues par un modèle deux-échellesprenant en compte ces formes de vagues sont en accord qualitatif avec les asymétries observées pour les bandes defréquences X et L. Une étape supplémentaire consiste ensuite à calculer les asymétries obtenues par un code dediffusion rigoureux sur des profils numérisés d’une expérience en soufflerie et permet la validation des résultatsobtenus avec un modèle deux-échelles. / An increasing number of airborne and spaceborne data acquired in the microwave regime on the sea surface is nowavailable. The appropriate interpretation of these observations depends on the precision of the electromagneticscattering models as well as the knowledge of hydrodynamic and statistical properties of the sea surface. Aconsiderable improvement has been realized in electromagnetic and spectral models in the recent years. However,some phenomena are still poorly understood and not correctly taken into account in these models. In particular, theangular variation of the sea surface is still not totally characterized and modeled. This PhD work concerns the studyof this azimuthal variation and the related directional asymmetries. A first step consists in carrying out anexperimental analysis based on data of the literature and other datasets acquired by ONERA and DSTO. Thisanalysis enables the characterization of the directional asymmetries with respect to acquisition geometry, sea stateand electromagnetic frequency. A second step consists in suggesting and testing physical mechanisms that may beat the origin of these directional asymmetries. As the upwind-crosswind asymmetry is essentially related to thespreading function of the directional spectrum, our theoretical study focused on the study of the upwind-downwindasymmetry. We investigate the influence of the presence breaking waves, initially through simple forms of stronglyasymmetric waves, and then through an experimental slope distribution including these wave forms. Theasymmetries obtained by a two-scale model taking into account these wave forms are in qualitative agreement withthe asymmetries observed at X and L bands. A further step consists in calculating the asymmetries using a rigorousmodel on digitized wind tank experiment profiles and allows the validation of the results previously obtained usinga two-scale model.
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Estudo da influência do levantamento de eixos em veículos comerciais no desempenho na frenagem e na estabilidade direcional / Study of commercial vehicles elevated axle influence on braking performance and on directional stabilityVianna, Eduardo Piquera 22 March 2006 (has links)
Os sistemas que elevam os eixos dos veículos comerciais foram inicialmente desenvolvidos com o objetivo de economizar pneus. Até o final da década de 90, o uso destes sistemas era restrito, não causando um efeito estatístico sensível na segurança veicular. Devido a um acordo entre concessionárias rodoviárias e o governo, os veículos comerciais pagam nas praças de pedágio o valor correspondente ao número de eixos em contato com o solo naquele momento, minimizando as tarifas dos veículos que fazem uso deste sistema. Esta prática se difundiu rapidamente e poucos estudos técnicos foram realizados focando sua influência na segurança veicular. A elevação dos eixos altera de forma significativa a margem de estabilidade do veículo e a distribuição ideal das forças de frenagem, podendo elevar os riscos de acidentes. Este trabalho consiste num estudo aprofundado do desempenho dos veículos comerciais com estes sistemas de elevação de eixos, sob o ponto de vista técnico e operacional, focando a segurança veicular. Para tanto, são utilizados como metodologia modelos matemáticos já desenvolvidos na literatura científica em veículos exemplos. Parâmetros como a margem de estabilidade, gradiente de esterçamento, eficiência da frenagem dentre outros são analisados; também os efeitos na resposta direcional durante o período transitório em manobras e nos instantes iniciais da frenagem. As influências da elevação dos eixos são analisadas conforme normas e requisitos estabelecidos pela ABNT e ECE R13, inclusive anexo 10, pois a prática da elevação dos eixos pode estar infringindo requisitos impostos por estas normas. Como conclusão é visto que o levantamento dos eixos é prejudicial ao desempenho dinâmico do veículo. Em virtude disto, o seu uso deveria ser fundamentado tanto nas fases conceitual e de desenvolvimento quanto na legislação vigente no país. / The systems that elevate the axles of the commercial vehicles were initially developed with the objective of saving tires. The use of these systems was restricted, not causing a notable statistical effect in the vehicle safety. Due to an agreement between road concessionaires and the government, the commercial vehicles pay toll value according to the number of axles in contact with the soil on that moment, minimizing the taxes of the vehicles using this system. This practice was diffused quickly and few technical studies were accomplished focusing its influence in the vehicle safety. The elevated axles alters in a significant way the vehicle static margin of stability and the ideal distribution of the braking forces, increasing the accident risks. This work consist in deepened studies of the commercial vehicles with these systems of elevation of axles, of the technical and operational point of view, focusing the vehicle safety. For this is used as methodology mathematical models developed already in the scientific literature in vehicles examples. Parameters as the margin of stability, steer gradient, braking efficiency and others are analyzed. Likewise, the effects in the directional response during the transient maneuvers and in the initial instants of the braking. The influences of the elevation of the axes are analyzed according to norms and established requirements for ABNT and ECE R13, including annex 10, because the practice of the elevation of the axes can be infringing requirements imposed by these norms. As main conclusion these systems are prejudicial to vehicle dynamics and handling and its use could be anticipated in conceptual and design phase and in brazilian transport laws.
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Dynamic characterisation of vibration isolatorsDickens, John D., Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1998 (has links)
A vibration isolator is designed to reduce the vibration and structure borne noise transmitted from a vibratory source, such as machinery and equipment, to the supporting structure. The vibration and structure borne noise transmitted depends upon the dynamic properties of the foundation, the source mounting point and the vibration isolator. Therefore knowledge of the frequency dependent dynamic properties of vibration isolators is a necessary part of the acoustic prediction and control/reduction process. Vibration isolators may be characterised by measuring their four-pole parameters. A measurement procedure is proposed that employs the floating mass method, measures the direct forces and corrects for the errors introduced by the direct force measurement. Compared to the basic method, it extends the frequency limits of measurement in both directions. The development of a novel vibration isolator test facility that implements the proposed measurement procedure is described, and its satisfactory operation is experimentally demonstrated. The vibration isolator test facility is capable of characterizing vibration isolators commonly used in industrial and maritime applications, under service conditions. A method is proposed for measuring the four-pole parameters of a uni-directional asymmetrical vibration isolator under static load. The method is called the two masses method, and is suitable for determining the four???pole parameters of active vibration isolators with feedback control. The method is also applicable to uni-directional symmetrical and bi-directional symmetrical and bi-directional asymmetrical vibration isolators. It may be regarded as a universal method for characterising vibration isolators. Experimental data is presented and the method is validated. Modelling of vibration isolators is complicated by the highly non-linear nature of their rubber elements. The notion of an effective rubber cylinder is proposed to account for the barrelling of rubber elements under static load. Consequently, a general static compression model is proposed that applies to vibration isolators having unfilled and filled rubber elements of regular prismatic shapes. The model predicts the dependence of the four-pole parameters on the compression ratio of the rubber element. The predictions derived from the effective rubber cylinder and general static compression model agree excellently with experimental work of this study and other researchers.
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Essays on Productive Efficiency, Shadow Prices, and Human Capital / Analyser av produktionseffektivitet, skuggpriser, och humankapitalMarklund, Per-Olov January 2004 (has links)
This thesis consists of five papers, four of them basically concerning environmental issues, while the fifth paper addresses the issue of measuring output from the educational sector. The first paper starts from the fact that industrial activity causes environmental damage. Therefore, public authorities are called upon to regulate the behavior of producers by, e.g., legislating maximally allowed emission levels, which give rise to abatement costs. In this paper, marginal abatement costs (MACs) are estimated and a procedure to empirically analyze why MACs may vary between producers is suggested. The main focus is on whether the MACs in the Swedish pulp industry reveal that differences between counties in, e.g., economical characteristics, were influential when the authority, during 1983-1990, restricted 12 geographically scattered plants regarding emissions. The result indicates that county differences were influential. The second paper analyses and suggests a procedure for testing the Porter hypothesis. Part of this hypothesis is based on the argument that increased environmental stringency not only brings a cleaner environment, but also makes the polluting producers aware of the opportunity of using resources more efficiently. The particular test suggested considers whether there is a positive correlation between producers’ technical output efficiency and environmental stringency, approximated by a regulatory intensity index. It is empirically applied on 12 Swedish pulp plants during 1983-1990. No support for the Porter hypothesis is found in this particular case. The third paper deals with the climate policy issue. Under the Kyoto Protocol, the European Union agreed to reduce its emission of greenhouse gases by 8 percent in comparison with the level in 1990. The Burden-Sharing Agreement (BSA) further redistributes the 8 percent reduction target among the member states. This paper evaluates the BSA both from an economical and a political perspective, i.e., whether cost-efficiency and equity, respectively, were considered when the BSA was settled. The empirical result indicates that both efficiency and equity were considered as important to the BSA. The fourth paper evaluates the Swedish Producer Responsibility Ordinance (PRO), fully implemented in 1994, which states that sorted out, domestically collected waste paper, must be recycled by the paper industry and, therefore, cannot be incinerated by the heating industry in purpose of recovering energy. The result indicates that this policy has contributed to inefficient waste paper allocation among some of the paper producers. The result further indicates that the priority made by the PRO, i.e., that waste paper recycling is preferable to incineration, should be reconsidered. The fifth paper relates the empirical attempts of measuring output from the educational sector to theoretical results about the welfare significance of a comprehensive Net National Product (NNP) measure. It is shown that economic theory provides a more focused way of interpreting such output estimates. The paper also contains estimates of the output from the Swedish educational sector. Among the results, it is shown that the private gross output value produced by higher education is approximately 2 percent of GDP. Furthermore, the private rate of return on investments in higher education in Sweden is calculated to 8.6 percent.
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On small-signal analysis and control of the single- and the dual-active bridge topologiesDemetriades, Georgios D. January 2005 (has links)
High-frequency dc-dc converters are nowadays widely used in a diversity of power electronic applications. High operating frequencies entail a reduction in size of the passive components, such as inductors, capacitors and power transformers. By operating the converter at higher frequencies with conventional hard-switching topologies, the transistor switching losses increase at both turn-on and turn-off. High-voltage converters in the power range of 1-10MW will therefore have excessive switching losses if the switching frequency is higher than 4 kHz. In order to achieve a high-frequency operation with moderate switching losses a number of soft-switched topologies have been studied in [Dem1]. The favourable DC-DC converter was found to be the Dual-Active Bridge when a bi-directional power flow is demanded. Additionally, the Single-Active Bridge (SAB) topology was introduced for the first time. In this thesis the two topologies are thoroughly studied. The dynamic small-signal models are presented and the dynamic behaviour of the converters is discussed in deep. Different control strategies are presented concerning the two converters and the advantages and the disadvantages of the different control strategies are stated. Critical issues as efficiency and stability are presented separately for the two converters. / QC 20101005
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Pavement Deterioration and PE Pipe Behaviour Resulting from Open-Cut and HDD Pipeline Installation TechniquesAdedapo, Adedamola Adedeji 14 September 2007 (has links)
The damaging impact of continuous utility cuts on flexible pavement performance has been shown to be a major problem for urban roads and pavement mangers due to high reconstruction and maintenance costs. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a trenchless construction method that does not require continuous trenching. HDD pipe installation techniques can reduce reinstatement costs, shorten construction periods, and lower social costs due to reduced user traffic delays. In this thesis, a detailed field study and numerical investigations was completed to quantify pavement deterioration and polyethylene (PE) pipe performance when pipelines are installed under flexible pavements using both traditional open-cut and HDD construction methods.
Two 200mm SDR-17 DIPS HDPE pipes were installed 1.5m below a flexible pavement using open-cut and HDD construction technique. A state-of-the-art instrumentation and data acquisition systems were developed to measure HDD drill rig, PE pipes and pavement responses during pipe installations and for a period of about three years afterwards. Field data from (GPR) surveys, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests, surface distress surveys, and ground surface elevation survey were used to evaluate pavement deterioration due to the pipeline installations. The mechanisms of ground deformations during HDD and open-cut pipe installation were numerically investigated with FLAC3D, a commercial finite difference program. A hybrid constitutive model consisting of the traditional Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model and Mohr-Coulomb perfectly plastic model was developed and implemented in FLAC3D to simulate the non-linear stress-strain and stress dependent behavior of granular materials.
Field test results show that the HDD installed pipe have significantly lower construction induced strains and ring deflections when compared to the open cut-and-cover installation and the mechanism of pipe deformation differs for the two construction techniques. The two pipes performed satisfactory over the long-term monitoring period as deflections and strain levels were below acceptable limits and there was no apparent deterioration of the pipe.
Pipe deflections resulting from environmental effects (freeze and thaw) were found to be more significant than those due to material creep. Furthermore, the modified Iowa’s and Plastic Pipe Institute’s (PPI) ring deflection equations were found to over estimate pipe deflection for the open-cut and HDD installed pipes by about 114 and 50 percent, respectively.
Results from field tests found that the HDD installation did not results in any observable change in the condition of the pavement structure performance, while the structure and integrity of pavement section in the vicinity of the open-cut was adversely impacted by utility cut excavation. It was determined numerically that when an unsupported excavation is created within a typical flexible pavement structure, distress zones that extend laterally from the face of the excavation to a distance of approximately 80% of the depth of excavation is developed. The results of the analyses suggests that better restoration techniques are required to eliminate the adverse effect caused by the stress relief within the pavement structure during a utility cut. Furthermore, the area of potential pavement deterioration should be extended beyond the edge of the utility cut to encompass the ‘distress zones’ when determining fees to cover pavement damage and restoration costs.
Results obtained from numerical simulations advanced the understanding of the mechanism, magnitude, and extent of deformation within the pavement structure during HDD pipe installation in frictional and cohesive subgrade soils. Relationship between HDD annular bore pressures and displacements have been incorporated into design Charts and Tables for use in estimating maximum allowable bore pressures for HDD installation beneath flexible pavements. Critical bore pressures that would limit ground deformations and prevent excessive pavement deformations are presented. Critical bore pressures were compared to estimated allowable bore pressures obtained from the widely used Delft Geotechnics equation. The Delft Geotechnics equation was found to over estimate allowable bore pressure for HDD installation beneath flexible pavement.
HDD pipeline installations under flexible pavement were found to have significantly lower restoration costs, social costs and maintenance cost than open-cut pipeline installations.
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Pavement Deterioration and PE Pipe Behaviour Resulting from Open-Cut and HDD Pipeline Installation TechniquesAdedapo, Adedamola Adedeji 14 September 2007 (has links)
The damaging impact of continuous utility cuts on flexible pavement performance has been shown to be a major problem for urban roads and pavement mangers due to high reconstruction and maintenance costs. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a trenchless construction method that does not require continuous trenching. HDD pipe installation techniques can reduce reinstatement costs, shorten construction periods, and lower social costs due to reduced user traffic delays. In this thesis, a detailed field study and numerical investigations was completed to quantify pavement deterioration and polyethylene (PE) pipe performance when pipelines are installed under flexible pavements using both traditional open-cut and HDD construction methods.
Two 200mm SDR-17 DIPS HDPE pipes were installed 1.5m below a flexible pavement using open-cut and HDD construction technique. A state-of-the-art instrumentation and data acquisition systems were developed to measure HDD drill rig, PE pipes and pavement responses during pipe installations and for a period of about three years afterwards. Field data from (GPR) surveys, falling weight deflectometer (FWD) tests, surface distress surveys, and ground surface elevation survey were used to evaluate pavement deterioration due to the pipeline installations. The mechanisms of ground deformations during HDD and open-cut pipe installation were numerically investigated with FLAC3D, a commercial finite difference program. A hybrid constitutive model consisting of the traditional Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model and Mohr-Coulomb perfectly plastic model was developed and implemented in FLAC3D to simulate the non-linear stress-strain and stress dependent behavior of granular materials.
Field test results show that the HDD installed pipe have significantly lower construction induced strains and ring deflections when compared to the open cut-and-cover installation and the mechanism of pipe deformation differs for the two construction techniques. The two pipes performed satisfactory over the long-term monitoring period as deflections and strain levels were below acceptable limits and there was no apparent deterioration of the pipe.
Pipe deflections resulting from environmental effects (freeze and thaw) were found to be more significant than those due to material creep. Furthermore, the modified Iowa’s and Plastic Pipe Institute’s (PPI) ring deflection equations were found to over estimate pipe deflection for the open-cut and HDD installed pipes by about 114 and 50 percent, respectively.
Results from field tests found that the HDD installation did not results in any observable change in the condition of the pavement structure performance, while the structure and integrity of pavement section in the vicinity of the open-cut was adversely impacted by utility cut excavation. It was determined numerically that when an unsupported excavation is created within a typical flexible pavement structure, distress zones that extend laterally from the face of the excavation to a distance of approximately 80% of the depth of excavation is developed. The results of the analyses suggests that better restoration techniques are required to eliminate the adverse effect caused by the stress relief within the pavement structure during a utility cut. Furthermore, the area of potential pavement deterioration should be extended beyond the edge of the utility cut to encompass the ‘distress zones’ when determining fees to cover pavement damage and restoration costs.
Results obtained from numerical simulations advanced the understanding of the mechanism, magnitude, and extent of deformation within the pavement structure during HDD pipe installation in frictional and cohesive subgrade soils. Relationship between HDD annular bore pressures and displacements have been incorporated into design Charts and Tables for use in estimating maximum allowable bore pressures for HDD installation beneath flexible pavements. Critical bore pressures that would limit ground deformations and prevent excessive pavement deformations are presented. Critical bore pressures were compared to estimated allowable bore pressures obtained from the widely used Delft Geotechnics equation. The Delft Geotechnics equation was found to over estimate allowable bore pressure for HDD installation beneath flexible pavement.
HDD pipeline installations under flexible pavement were found to have significantly lower restoration costs, social costs and maintenance cost than open-cut pipeline installations.
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Image and Texture Analysis using Biorthogonal Angular Filter BanksGonzalez Rosiles, Jose Gerardo 09 July 2004 (has links)
In this thesis we develop algorithms for the processing of textures and images using a ladder-based biorthogonal directional filter bank (DFB). This work is based on the DFB originally
proposed by Bamberger and Smith. First we present a novel implementation of this filter bank using ladder structures. This new DFB provides non-trivial FIR perfect reconstruction systems
which are computationally very efficient. Furthermore we address the lack of shift-invariance in the DFB by presenting a novel
undecimated DFB that preserves the computational simplicity of its maximally decimated counterpart. Finally, we study the use of the
DFB in combination with pyramidal structures to form polar-separable image decompositions.
Using the proposed filter banks we develop and evaluate algorithms for texture classification, segmentation and synthesis. We perform a comparative study with other image representations and find that the DFB provides some of the best results reported on the data
sets used.
Using the proposed directional pyramids we adapt wavelet thresholding algorithms. We find that our decompositions provide better edge and contour preservation than the best results reported using the undecimated discrete wavelet transform.
Finally, we apply the developed algorithms to the analysis and processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery. SAR image analysis is impaired by the presence of speckle noise. Our first objective will be to study the removal of speckle to enhance the visual quality of the image. Additionally, we implement land cover
segmentation and classification algorithms taking advantage of the textural characteristics of SAR images. Finally, we propose a model-based SAR image compression algorithm in which the speckle
component is separated from the structural features of a scene. The speckle component is captured with a texture model and the scene component is coded with a wavelet coder at very low bit rates. The resulting decompressed images have a better perceptual quality than SAR images compressed without removing speckle.
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Silicon-on-Insulator Polarization Beam Splitter Based on a Taper Asymmetrical Directional CouplerXiao, Min-Yuan 25 July 2012 (has links)
Polarization dependences of optical devices in highly-integrated optical systems become a major problem. To overcome this issue, one can implement polarization diversity scheme to achieve a single polarization on-chip network. One of the essential components in a polarization diversity scheme is the polarization beam splitter (PBS). In this thesis, we will a PBS based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform with reduced device size and broad operation bandwidth.
We use the three-dimensional Finite-Difference Time-Domain (3D-FDTD) method to perform the simulation. First, we use two asymmetric waveguides to design an asymmetric directional coupler with only TE-like mode phase matching condition. We then tape the lower waveguide to keep the TE-polarized light, and split the TE- and TM- polarized light. By utilizing an asymmetrical directional coupler with a tapered waveguide, we have achieved a 7.3
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