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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efekti percpiranih roditeljskih postupaka prilikom korigovanja neprimerenih ponašanja dece na aktuelna uverenja o disciplinovanju u mlađem odraslom dobu: retrospektivna studija / Effects of perceived parental discipline behaviors during correction of child misbehaviours on discipline beliefs of young adults: retrospective study

Isaković Olivera 12 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraţivanja je bio da ispita efekte opaţenog iskustva disciplinovanja, na uverenja o disciplinovanju dece u mlaĊem odraslom dobu, kao i ulogu uslova i naĉina na koji je roditeljska disciplina sprovoĊena, u relacionom odnosu iskustva i aktuelnih uverenja o disciplinovanju. Iskustva disciplinovanja iz detinjstva su operacionalizovana preko &scaron;irokog spektra roditeljske korektivne discipline, tj. kaţnjavajućih i nekaţnjavajućih postupaka prilikom korigovanja neprimerenih pona&scaron;anja dece. Pored roditeljske disciplinske prakse, okolnosti disciplinovanja su operacionalizovane i preko uslova u okviru kojih je sprovoĊena disciplina (emocionalna klima, partnerski<br />iii<br />konflikti, neefikasnost u disciplinovanju) i naĉina na koji su roditelji korigovali pona&scaron;anja dece (toplina i doslednost, fleksibilnost, taktiĉnost/impulsivnost). Uverenja o disciplinovanju su operacionalizovana preko dimenzija pozitivne discipline, kaţnjavajuće discipline, te disciplinovanja uskraćivanjem ljubavi i agresivno&scaron;ću.<br />U uzorak istraţivanja je ukljuĉeno 276 studenata Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, pri ĉemu je broj studentkinja bio ne&scaron;to veći i iznosi 55%. Od ukupog broja, 79% ispitanika je odraslo sa oba roditelja, a 64% se izjasnilo da potiĉe iz porodice proseĉnog materijalnog statusa. Najveći broj roditelja ima srednji nivo obrazovanja (majke 64%, oĉevi 68%).<br />Prilikom prikupljanja podataka kori&scaron;ćena je testovna baterija, Inventar dimenzija disciplinovanja - forma za odrasle (Dimensions of Discipline Inventory Adult-recall form - DDI A), ĉiji su autori Straus i Fauchier (2007). Pored procene disciplinskih postupaka roditelja, DDI A omogućava procenu uslova i naĉina koji su bili dominantni u tim situacijama, a vezani su za period detinjstva, kada su ispitanici imali 10 godina, tako da su dobijeni podaci retrospektivne prirode. TakoĊe, bateriju saĉinjava i skala kognitivne procene korektivnih postupaka roditelja prema deci (uverenja o disciplinovanju), te skala sociodemografskih podataka. Kako je DDI A inventar kod nas prvi put upotrebljen upravo za potrebe ovog istraţivanja, pored prevoda instrumenta, sprovedena je i provera strukture i psihometrijskih karakteristika. Rezultati faktorske analize ukazuju na manje stabilnu strukturu instrumenta na domaćem uzorku, u odnosu na originalna istraţivanja, &scaron;to se moţe pripisati kulturolo&scaron;kim specifiĉnostima roditeljskog disciplinovanja. Psihometrijske karakteristike svih skala u inventaru su zadovoljavajuće.</p><p>Proverom hipotetskog modela, utvrĊeni su direktni efekti koje demografske karakteristike i iskustvo disciplinovanja ostvaruju na uverenja o disciplinovanju mladih odraslih, a pored toga, utvrĊeni su i moderatorski efekti disciplinskih okolnosti na aktuelna uverenja o kaţnjavajućoj disciplini. Znaĉajne interakcije su utvrĊene za disciplinsko pona&scaron;anje oĉeva (stroga i restriktivna disciplina) i majki (suoĉavanje sa posledicama neprimerenih pona&scaron;anja, fiziĉka i psiholo&scaron;ka agresivnost), u odnosu na specifiĉne uslove (partnerski konflikti) i naĉine (taktiĉnost/impulsivnost) disciplinovanja. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu teorije socijalnog uĉenja, u smislu potvrde efekata neposrednog iskustva disciplinovanja na uverenja o disciplinovanju u mlaĊem odraslom dobu, kao i potvrde znaĉaja disciplinskih okolnosti, tj. specifiĉnih uslova i naĉina na koji je disciplinovanje sprovoĊeno. Pored toga, razmatrane su i praktiĉne implikacije rezultata istraţivanja u kontekstu aktuelne izmene zakonske regulative, vezane za mogućnost uvoĊenja zabrane fiziĉkog kaţnjavanja, kao i<br />v<br />znaĉaja kulturolo&scaron;kih karakteristika disciplinovanja u planiranju i sprovoĊenju izmena roditeljske disciplinske prakse.</p> / <p>The aim of the research was to examine the observed effects of early discipline experiences in relation with the parents on beliefs on disciplining of young adults, as well as to examine the role of context in which parental discipline is conducted. The experiences of discipline in childhood were operationalised through a wide spectrum of parental correctional discipline i.e. punitive and non-punitive acts which are used while correcting child&lsquo;s misbehavior.<br />Besides disciplinary behavior practice of a parent, the discipline settings were operationalised through the context under which the discipline is conducted (emotional climate, relationship conflicts, discipline inefficiency) and the modes parents used in order to correct their children&lsquo;s behaviour (affection, consistency, flexibility, tactfulness, impulsiveness). The discipline beliefs were operationalised through positive discipline, punitive discipline as well as disciplining by love withdrawal and aggression.</p><p>The sample consists of 276 students from the University of Novi Sad. The number of female students was slightly higher and amounts to 55% of the total students. 79% of the students grew up in the families with both parents, and 64% claimed to have belonged to middle class families. The majority of their parents had secondary education (64% of mothers, 68% of fathers).<br />In the process of data collecting, the test battery -Dimensions of Discipline Inventory Adult recall form &ndash; DDI A, whose authors are Straus and Fauchier (2007), was used. Besides parent discipline behaviour evaluation, DDI A enables the evaluation of the dominant context and modes, related to childhood period when the interviewees were 10 years old. Therefore, the data gathered is of retrospective nature. Furthermore, the battery contains the scales of cognitive appraisal of different corrective acts of parents towards their children (discipline beliefs), as well as the scale of demographic data.<br />As DDI A inventory is used for the first time in Serbia for the purposes of this research, the<br />ix<br />instrument was translated and the structure with psychometric characteristics was tested. The results of factor analysis show less stable structure of the instrument on domestic sample in comparison to the original research, which can be attributed to the cultural specifications of the parental discipline. Psychometric characteristics of all the scales in the inventory are satisfactory.<br />By testing hypothetic model, direct effects of the demographic characteristics and the experience of disciplining in the childhood were established. Furthermore, the moderator effects of discipline setting based on contemporary beliefs on punitive discipline were also established. Significant interactions for discipline manner of the fathers (strict, restrictive discipline) and the mothers (dealing with consequences of misbehavior, physical and psychological aggression), based on specific context (relationship conflicts) and modes of discipline (tactfulness, impulsiveness) were also established. The results were discussed in accordance with the theory of social studies, which confirms the effects of immediate experience of the discipline on discipline beliefs during early adulthood, and also proves the importance of discipline setting, i.e. specific context and modes used for discipline conduction.<br />Practical implications of the results of this research were also analysed, as they could be taken into consideration during the current<br />x<br />changes in legislation related to possible prohibition of corporal punishment, while the importance of the cultural characteristics of the discipline should be considered during planning and implementation of the changes in discipline practice.</p>

The Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions of Classroom Teachers and School Administrators Regarding Corporal Punishment in Rural Texas Schools

Price, Anthony D. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perspectives that classroom teachers and school administrators have regarding corporal punishment as an alternative method to correct or change negative classroom behaviors. With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, schools have been forced to identify instructional and administrative practices that will increase student achievement while decreasing students' negative classroom behaviors. Negative classroom behaviors among students can interfere with the learning process and impede teachers' instructional delivery. The theories of Piaget and Kohlberg provided a conceptual basis for understanding the behaviors and developmental changes of school-age children. The research questions examined the perceptions of classroom teachers and school administrators concerning corporal punishment use or nonuse as a deterrent to negative student classroom behaviors. Data collection involved 5 survey questions, one-on-one interviews with teachers and administrators, and review of archival records provided by Texas rural school districts. Data for this case study were analyzed at 2 levels. At the first level, the specific analytical techniques of coding and categorization were used, and at the second level, the comparative method was used to analyze the coded and categorized data to determine emerging themes that served as the basis for the findings of the study. The study has positive implications for social change in the educational environment, in that the findings may be applied to efforts to control negative classroom behaviors and may thus promote academic excellence, leading to improved grades and standardized test scores.

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