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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The clinical presentation of childhood-onset schizophrenia : a literature review

Foster, Kim Alison 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This literature review explores the research on the clinical presentation of childhood onset schizophrenia (COS) that has been conducted over the past ten years. A literature search was done using internet search engines and psychological databases to collect English language journals from 1994 onwards. Research indicates that COS is a stable diagnosis. Generally, there is a clear history of premorbid abnormalities, an insidious onset and a deteriorating course. For the majority of cases there seems to be a poor outcome. In conclusion, despite the limitations in the research conducted thus far, findings provide important insights regarding COS and several possibilities for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie literere oorsig fokus op navorsing wat die afgelope tien jaar gedoen is oor die kliniese aanbieding van skisofrenie wat in die kinderjare begin (COS). Daar is gebruik gemaak van Internet "soek enjins" en sielkundige databasisse ten einde Engelstalige joernale op te spoor wat vanaf 1994 tot nou oor die onderwerp verskyn het. Navorsing dui daarop dat COS 'n stabiele diagnose is. Oor die algemeen toon dit 'n duidelike geskiedenis van premorbiede abnormaliteite, 'n ongemerkte aanvang en verloop en agteruitgang oor tyd. In die meeste gevalle blyk daar 'n swak uitkoms te wees. Laastens bied die bevindinge belangrike insigte ten opsigte van COS en heelwat moontlikhede vir toekomstige navorsing, ten spyte van die beperkinge in die navorsing wat tot dusver gedoen is.

Handbook of statistics for the psychology student

Smith, James Calvin, Jr. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Die verband tussen aggressie en sosiale vaardighede

Storm, Wiandi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Violence and aggression are becoming commonplace occurrences in the South African society. It has no cultural, age or gender preference and its effects are becoming more and more visible in the economic, social and interpersonal levels. This assignment aimed to reflect the relationship between aggression and social skills by means of a literature survey. Different theories were discussed to explain the development off aggression and social skills as well as the relationship between these two variables. The primary focus was on the influence of exposure to aggression and/or social skills in childhood years. The development of aggression and social skills plays an important role when it comes to the clarification of the interaction between aggression and social skills. The focus was on external factors like socio-political and socio-economical factors, as well as factors on a more interpersonal level like the family and the education system outside the family. Researchers found that there is an interaction between aggression and the shortfall off specific social skills like: effective communication skills, assertiveness, conflict management or problemsolving skills, disclosure and emotional support. In conclusion, recommendations are made with future research in mind. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geweld en aggressie is besig om 'n allerdaagse verskynsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap te word. Dié geweld het geen grense ten opsigte van kultuur, ouderdom of geslag nie en oefen sigbare druk op sosiale, ekonomiese en interpersoonlike vlakke uit. Die doel van hierdie werkstuk was om die moontlike verband tussen aggressie en sosiale vaardighede aan die hand van 'n literatuurstudie te bespreek. Verskeie teorieë is bespreek om die ontwikkeling van aggressie en sosiale vaardighede asook die verband tussen die twee veranderlikes te ondersoek. Daar is hoofsaaklik gefokus op die invloed van blootstelling aan aggressie en/of sosiale vaardighede in die kinderjare. Die ontstaan van aggressie en sosiale vaardighede speel 'n belangrike rol by die verklaring van die verband tussen aggressie en sosiale vaardighede. Daar is gefokus op eksterne faktore naamlik sosio-politiese en sosio-ekonomiese faktore asook faktore op 'n meer interpersoonlike vlak naamlik die gesin en die opvoedingstelsel buite die gesin. Navorsers het gevind dat daar 'n verband is tussen aggressie en 'n tekort aan spesifieke sosiale vaardighede naamlik: effektiewe kommunikasievaardighede, selfgelding, konflikbestuur of probleemoplossingsvaardighede, ontsluiting en emosionele ondersteuning. Ten slotte is aanbevelings met die oog op toekomstige navorsing gemaak.

Selfagting en lokus van kontrole as voorspellers van aggressie

Fourie, Rene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aggression is an everyday occurrence in South Africa. If the detrimental effect of aggression on the individual, as well as society, is taken into account, it becomes necessary to conduct more research on the factors that can enhance and lower aggression. The main aim of this research was to gain insight into the relationship between level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression. An additional aim was to establish whether male and female students differed in their level of aggression towards men and women. In this regard four types of aggression were distinguished, namely physical and verbal aggression, anger and hostility. The results of this study can be utilised to combat aggression by limiting the emergence and execution of aggression. Male and female first year students attending Stellenbosch University were asked to participate in this study. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. Altogether 149 people (40 male students and 109 female students) completed the questionnaires. The study group spoke either Afrikaans or English at horne. The ages of the participants fell between 17 and 27 years. Five measuring instruments were used. The researcher compiled a biographical questionnaire to gain information about the participant's sex, age, horne language and citizenship. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) was used to measure level of self-esteem. The RSE was also adapted to measure the stability of self-esteem. Stability of self-esteem was also measured with the Rosenberg Stability of Self Scale (RSSS). The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) was used to determine the level of aggression the individual had towards others. The AQ also distinguished between four types of aggression, namely physical and verbal aggression, anger and hostility. The Adult Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale (ANSIE) was used to measure locus of control. Significant relationships were found between the following variables: • Level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression for female students. Only locus of control was a significant predictor of aggression; • Level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression for male students. None of the predictor variables were significant. The following significant differences were found: • Male students were significantly more physically aggressive towards their own sex than female students towards their own sex; • Female students were significantly more physically aggressive towards the opposite sex than male students towards the opposite sex. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aggressie is 'n alledaagse verskynsel in Suid-Afrika. Indien die nadelige invloed daarvan op die individu, sowel as die samelewing, in ag geneem word, is dit noodsaaklik dat meer navorsing gedoen word oor die faktore wat aggressie kan verhoog en verlaag. Die hoofdoelstelling van hierdie ondersoek was om die verband tussen vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting en lokus van kontrole, en aggressie te verken. Verdere spesifieke doelstellings was om te bepaal of mans- en damestudente van mekaar verskil in die vlak van aggressie wat hulle gebruik teenoor mans en vroue. In hierdie opsig is daar onderskei tussen vier tipes aggressie, naamlik fisiese en verbale aggressie, woede en vyandigheid. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek kan benut word om aggressie teen te werk deur die ontstaan en uitvoering van aggressie te beperk. Manlike en vroulike eerstejaarstudente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is by die ondersoek betrek. Deelname was vrywillig en anoniem. Altesame 149 persone (40 mansstudente en 109 damestudente) het die vraelyste voltooi. Die ondersoekgroep was Afrikaans of Engels as huistaal magtig. Die ouderdomme van die deelnemers was tussen 17 en 27 jaar. Vyfmeetinstrumente is gebruik. 'n Biografiese vraelys is deur die navorser self opgestel om inligting te verkry oor die deelnemer se geslag, ouderdom, huistaal en burgerskap. Die Rosenberg Selfagting Skaal (RSAS) is gebruik om vlak van selfagting te meet. Die RSAS is ook aangepas om die stabiliteit van selfagting te meet. Stabiliteit van selfagting is ook gemeet deur die Rosenberg Stabiliteit van Self Skaal (RSSS). Die Aggressie Vraelys (AV) is gebruik om die vlak van aggressie van die individu teenoor ander te bepaal. Die AVonderskei ook tussen vier tipes aggressie, naamlik fisiese en verbale aggressie, woede en vyandigheid. Die Nowicki- Strickland Skaal vir Interne-Eksterne Kontrole vir Volwassenes (N-SIEV) is gebruik om lokus van kontrole te meet. Daar is beduidende verbande tussen die volgende veranderlikes gevind: • Vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting en lokus van kontrole, en aggressie by damestudente. Slegs lokus van kontrole was 'n beduidende voorspeller van aggressie by damestudente; • Vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting, lokus van kontrole, en aggressie by mansstudente. Geeneen van die voorspellerveranderlikes was beduidend by mansstudente nie. Die volgende beduidende verskille is gevind: • Mansstudente was beduidend meer fisies aggressief teenoor hul eie geslag as damestudente teenoor hul eie geslag; • Damestudente was beduidend meer fisies aggressief teenoor die teenoorgestelde geslag as mansstudente teenoor die teenoorgestelde geslag.

Die mentaliteit van die Abeldammers

Hattingh, M. C January 1934 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- Stellenbosch University, 1934. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See item for full text / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien item vir volteks.

Kognitiewe terapie en hipnose in die behandeling van sosiale fobie

Posthumus, Tanya 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cognitive-behaviour therapy is criticised for focusing almost exclusively on strategic cognitive processing and for not attending sufficiently to non-verbal, automatic thoughts. Combining hypnosis with existing cognitive-behaviour therapy procedures is seen as a way of addressing this problem. The objective of the present study was therefore to investigate whether the effectiveness of a structured group cognitive behavioural therapy programme could be significantly improved if it is combined with hypnosis and whether such improvements will be maintained. This study, with a test-retest-follow-up design, involved 45 patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of social phobia. Fifteen patients were treated with Heimberg's (1991) group cognitive-behaviour therapy for social phobia (the combined programme, consisting of cognitive restructuring and exposure treatment), while 16 patients were allocated to a waiting-list control condition. The effectiveness of the two treatments was assessed in terms of 13 dependent variables which were divided into the following broad categories: target phobia variables (anxiety/avoidance/escape with regard to a specific target phobia), social phobia variables (degree, nature, aspects and/or consequences of social phobia), cognitive variables (dysfunctional automatic thoughts, fear of negative evaluation and attentional bias), and severity of depression. Treatment was presented by two co-therapists in 12 \Neekly group sessions of 2 hours each. Patients were assessed in terms of the dependent variables before and after treatment and again at follow-up after 3 months. Compared to the waiting-list controls, patients in the combined treatment group (receiving cognitive restructuring and exposure) showed significant improvement at the end of treatment on all the target phobia variables, most of the social phobia variables (except for interaction anxiety and avoidance/distress), dysfunctional automatic thoughts and severity of depression. These improvements were maintained at follow-up. The combined treatment with hypnosis yielded similar results, when compared to the waiting-list control condition. In addition, this group also showed significant improvement in avoidance of and distress in social situations. A comparison of the two treatment conditions showed that they largely rendered similar results. However, the combined treatment with hypnosis yielded significantly greater improvement in terms of dysfunctional automatic thoughts compared to the treatment without hypnosis. Tentative indications were also found that adding hypnosis to the combined treatment fascilitated its ability to reduce avoidance behaviour in social phobia. The combined treatment with hypnosis did not, however, render greater change in attentional bias as reflected by the emotional Stroop task. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Belangrike beswaar teen die kognitiewe gedragsterapie is dat dit grootliks op strategiese kognitiewe prosessering fokus en dat daar nie genoegsaam aan nie-bewustelike, nie-verbale, outomatiese gedagtes aandag gegee word nie. Die kombinasie van hipnose met bestaande kognitiewegedragsterapeutiese prosedures word toenemend beskou as 'n manier om die probleem op te los. Die doel van hierdie studie was derhalwe om na te gaan of die effektiwiteit van 'n gestruktureerde groepkognitiewegedragsterapieprogram vir die behandeling van sosiale fobie beduidend verbeter kan word deur hipnose by die program te inkorporeer, en indien sodanige verbetering plaasgevind het, of dit oor 'n langer termyn gehandhaaf sou word. Die studie het 'n toets-hertoets-opvolgontwerp behels en 45 pasiënte met 'n DSM-lV-diagnose van sosiale fobie het daaraan deelgeneem. Vyftien pasiënte is met Heimberg (1991) se groepkognitiewegedragsterapie vir sosiale fobie (bestaande uit kognitiewe herstrukturering en blootstelling en ook die gekombineerde behandeling genoem) behandel, terwyl16 pasiënte dieselfde behandeling aangevul met hipnose ontvang het. Veertien pasiënte het 'n waglys-kontrolegroep gevorm. Vir behandelingsdoeleindes is die twee behandelingsgroepe in twee subgroepe van 7 of 8 deelnemers elk verdeel. Die uitwerking van die behandelings is in terme van 13 afhanklike veranderlikes wat in die volgende vier breë kategorieë verdeel is, ondersoek: teikenfobie-veranderlikes (angs/vermyding/ontsnapping ten opsigte van 'n spesifieke fobie), sosialefobie-veranderlikes (wat met die graad, aard, aspekte en/of gevolge van sosiale fobie verband hou), kognitiewe veranderlikes (gedagte-funksionaliteit, vrees-virnegatiewe- evaluasie deur ander en aandagsverdraaiing), en graad van depressie. Behandeling deur twee ko-terapeute het in 12 weeklikse groepsessies van 2 uur elk geskied. Pasiënte is voor behandeling, na afloop daarvan en na 'n opvolgperiode van 3 maande in terme van die afhanklike veranderlikes beoordeel. Die gekombineerde behandeling (bestaan uit kognitie-.ve herstrukturering en blootstelling) het, in vergelyking met die waglys-kontrolekondisie, aan die einde van behandeling tot 'n verbetering gelei van al die teikenfobie-veranderlikes, die meeste van die sosialefobie-veranderlikes (met uitsondering van sosialefobie-interaksie-angs en sosialefobie-vermyding/-ongemak), disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes en graad van depressie. Hierdie verbeterings is gehandhaaf oor die opvolgperiode van 3 maande. In vergelyking met die waglys-kontrolekondisie het die gekombineerde behandeling met hipnose dieselfde resultate gele-.ver as die gekombineerde behandeling daarsonder. Addisioneel hiertoe het hierdie groep ook beduidend verbeter in terme van vermyding van en ongemak in sosiale-situasies. 'n Vergelyking van die effekte van die twee behandelingsprosedures het aangetoon dat hulle grootliks dieselfde resultate gel9lNer het. Die gekombineerde behandeling met hipnose het egter 'n groter verbeterende effek op disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes gehad as die gekombineerde behandeling daarsonder. Aanduidings is ook gevind dat die byvoeging van hipnose by die gekombineerde behandeling 'n groter verbetering in vermydingsgedrag gefasiliteer het. Die gekombineerde behandeling met hipnose het egter nie 'n groter effek op aandagsverdraaiing as die behandeling daarsonder gehad nie.

Mothering as a three-generational process : the psychological experience of low-income mothers sharing childcare with their mothers

De Villiers, Suzanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Very little is known about the psychological experiences related to childcare use among lowincome mothers in South Africa. In rural and semi-rural communities, where affordable and accessible childcare is almost non-existent, low-income mothers often have no alternative but to rely on their own mothers for childcare. Despite strong theoretically based indications that these particular childcare arrangements are psychologically complex, research on this topic is almost completely lacking. This dissertation sets out to investigate (a) how childcare arrangements (including multigenerational childcare) manifest in one particular low-income South African community, and (b) how low-income South African mothers experienced the use of childcare psychologically. This study was set in a poor, semi-rural, so-called Coloured community in the Western Cape, South Africa. Two open-ended, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight participants. The transcribed interviews were analysed using constructivist grounded theory and case studies in a sequential data analysis approach. Theoretically, this study was informed by postmodernism, social constructionism, feminism and psychoanalytic theory. The data analysis resulted in a detailed documentation of the range of childcare arrangements utilised by the participants. It further showed that contextual, relational and personal constraints made it impossible for the participants to mother and care for their children as they wanted to. The participants had to compromise on their childcare ideals and this created a range of psychological and emotional sequelae. In order to cope with these, the participants resorted to both conscious and unconscious coping mechanisms and processes. The findings indicated that the use of multigenerational childcare was psychologically complex, as mother-daughter relationships consciously and unconsciously impacted on childcare decision-making, the emotional and psychological repercussions and the participants’ coping therewith. The absence of men and fathers in the provision of childcare concurred with international findings on the gendered nature of childcare. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that mothering and childcare are indeed issues of concern to low-income mothers. It is also a subject that warrants further investigation in the discipline of psychology. Recommendations in this regard are included and highlight the need to use theoretical frameworks and research methods that are sensitive to the multilayered, complex psychological experiences of motherhood and childcare among low-income women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie min is bekend oor die sielkundige ervarings wat verband hou met kindersorg onder laeinkomste moeders in Suid-Afrika. In landelike en semi-landelike gebiede waar bekostigbare en toeganklike kindersorg feitlik niebestaande is, het lae-inkomstemoeders dikwels geen ander keuse as om op hul eie moeders staat te maak vir kindersorg nie. Ten spyte van sterk teoreties gebaseerde aanduidings dat hierdie spesifieke kindersorgreëlings sielkundig kompleks is, ontbreek navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp feitlik heeltemal. Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek (a) hoe kindersorgreëlings (met inbegrip van multigeneratiewe kindersorg) manifesteer in een spesifieke Suid-Afrikaanse lae-inkomstegemeenskap en (b) hoe laeinkomste Suid-Afrikaanse moeders die gebruik van kindersorg sielkundig beleef. Die studie is in ’n behoeftige, semi-landelike, sogenaamde bruin gemeenskap in die Wes- Kaap geplaas. Twee oop, diepgaande onderhoude is met agt deelnemers gevoer. Die getranskribeerde onderhoude is geanaliseer met gebruikmaking van konstruktivisties gegronde teorie en gevallestudies volgens ’n sekwensiële data-ontledingsbenadering. Teoreties is hierdie studie beïnvloed deur postmodernisme, sosiale konstruksionisme, feminisme en psigo-analitiese teorie. Die data-ontleding het gelei tot ’n gedetailleerde dokumentasie van die omvang van kindersorgreëlings wat deur die deelnemers gebruik is. Dit het verder gewys dat kontekstuele, relasionele en persoonlike beperkings dit vir die deelnemers onmoontlik gemaak het om hul kinders te bemoeder en te versorg soos hulle graag wou. Die deelnemers moes hul kindersorgideale kompromitteer en dit het ’n reeks sielkundige en emosionele gevolge geskep. Ten einde dit te hanteer, het die deelnemers gebruik gemaak van sowel bewuste as onbewuste hanteringsmeganismes en -prosesse. Die bevindinge het aangedui dat die gebruik van multigeneratiewe kindersorg sielkundig kompleks was, aangesien moeder-dogter verhoudings bewustelik en onbewustelik ’n uitwerking gehad het op kindersorgbesluite, die emosionele en sielkundige belewing daarvan, en die deelnemers se hantering daarvan. Die afwesigheid van mans en vaders in die voorsiening van kindersorg het ooreengestem met internasionale bevindinge oor die gender-gebaseerde aard van kindersorg. Gebaseer op die bevindinge van hierdie studie kan tot die slotsom gekom word dat moedersorg en kindersorg inderdaad kwessies van belang onder lae-inkomstemoeders is. Dit is ook ’n onderwerp wat verdere navorsing in die sielkunde vakgebied regverdig. Aanbevelings in hierdie verband word ingesluit en vestig die aandag op die behoefte om teoretiese raamwerke en navorsingsmetodes te gebruik wat sensitief is ten opsigte van die veelvlakkige, komplekse sielkundige ervarings van moederskap en kindersorg onder laeinkomstevroue.

Families’ experiences with schizophrenia

Molefi, Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Families of people with schizophrenia often experience difficult challenges when it comes to dealing with this illness. Contemporary researchers suggest that families often take on the task of caring for their ill relatives with limited resources and support. Mental health professionals often fail to include the families in the treatment of their relatives. Although psychoeducation has been shown to be an important process that helps not only the families but relatives as well, mental health professionals commonly do not involve families in such activities. This study explored the experiences of families of people with schizophrenia and their subsequent contact with mental health professionals, as well as their understanding of schizophrenia as a mental disorder. To this end, a small sample of 10 families (four Xhosa speaking families as well as six Coloured families) was drawn in the Western Cape area on a convenience basis. In each case a family caregiver was interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were content analyzed. The findings of the study indicate that families find it difficult to deal with their ill relatives. Families often experience stigma-related incidents because of their relatives. They feel isolated and alone. Families often yearn to receive more information about the illness of their relatives. Also, the contact between mental health professionals and families was reported to be minimal at best. Family members reported that mental health professionals do not include them in the treatment process. Recommendations for further research and practice are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die families van mense met skisofrenie kom moeilike uitdagings teë op hul pad met hierdie versteuring. Hedendaagse navorsers vind dat die families gereeld die verantwoordelikheid aanneem om na die siek familielid om te sien met beperkte hulpbronne en ondersteuning. Geestesgesondheidswerkers sluit dikwels nie die families in by die behandeling van hul familielede nie. Alhoewel psigo-opvoeding as 'n belangrike proses erken word, wat nie net die families nie, maar ook die siek familielid help, word dit nie in die praktyk toegepas deur geestesgesondheidwerkers nie. Hierdie studie verken die ervaringe van die families van mense met skisofrenie en hul daaropvolgende kontak met geestesgesondheid werkers, asook hul begrip van skisofrenie as ’n versteuring. Heirvoor is ’n klein steekproef (vier Xhosa-sprekende asook ses Kleurling families) geneem in die Wes-Kaap op ’n gerieflikheidsbasis. In elke geval is ’n semigestruktureerde onderhoud gevoer met ’n familie versorger. Die data is geanaliseer volgens inhoud. Die bevindinge van die studie dui aan dat families dit moeilik vind om hul siek familielede te hanteer. Families ervaar dikwels stigma as gevolg van hul siek familielede. Hulle voel geïsoleerd en alleen. Families smag dikwels daarna om inligting te bekom oor die versteuring van hul familielede. Verder is die kontak tussen families en geestesgesondheidswerkers minimaal ten beste van tye. Families rapporteer dat geestesgesondheid werkers hulle as families nie by die behandelingsproses insluit nie. Voorstelle vir verdure navorsing en die praktyk word gemaak.

Emosionele intelligensie en die impak daarvan op beroepsbesluitneming : 'n literatuurstudie

Wood, Amanda 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This literature study presents a comprehensive overview of Emotional Intelligence, with an in depth discussion of the important role of emotions in Career Decisionmaking. The essentiality of such a study is identified from individuals' incapacity to make successful, gratifying and sustainable career decisions. Considering the novelty of the concept of Emotional Intelligence in the South African context, this literature study serves as an exploration of this unknown field of emotional functioning In career decision-making, before any further empirical research is undertaken. The first part of the literature study intends to define and explain the concepts of emotions, intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. In the second part of the literature study the focus shifts to the important role of Emotional Intelligence in Career Decision-making. In view of the absence of a theoretical basis for the role of emotions in Career Decision-making, Emotional Intelligence is recommended as a theory to fill this gap. Accordingly, a complete test battery is presented which could be utilised in an Emotional-intelligent Career Decision-making Process. This literature study concludes that the process of Career Decision-making could well present a new focus area. In a period of increasing career-instability and -change, which we are currently experiencing, emotions could be used optimally in the Career Decision-making process. Eventually Emotional Intelligence will become a critical skill in adapting to a rapidly changing career landscape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie literatuurstudie bevat 'n omvattende oorsig oor Emosionele Intelligensie, met 'n indiepte bespreking van die belangrike rol van emosies in Beroepsbesluitneming. Die noodsaaklikheid van so 'n studie is geïdentifiseer vanuit individue se onvermoë om suksesvolle, bevredigende en volhoubare beroepsbesluite te neem. Aangesien die konsep van Emosionele Intelligensie nog betreklik nuut is in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, dien hierdie literatuurstudie as verkenning van die onbekende veld van emosionele funksionering in beroepsbesluitneming, voordat verdere empiriese navorsing onderneem word. Die eerste deel van die literatuurstudie het ten doelom die konsepte van emosies, intelligensie en Emosionele Intelligensie te definieer en te verduidelik. Die fokus verskuif in die tweede gedeelte van die literatuurstudie na die belangrike rol van Emosionele Intelligensie in Beroepsbesluitneming. Aangesien 'n teoretiese grondslag vir die rol van emosies in Beroepsbesluitneming tot hede afwesig was, word Emosionele Intelligensie voorgestel as teorie om hierdie leemte te vul. Na aanleiding daarvan word 'n volledige toetsbattery voorgestel wat gebruik kan word in 'n Emosioneel-intelligente Beroepsbesluitnemingsproses. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie literatuurstudie is dat daar met nuwe oë na die proses van Beroepsbesluitneming gekyk kan word. Tans heers 'n periode van toenemende beroepsontstabiliteit en -verandering, waar emosies optimaal aangewend kan word in die proses van Beroepsbesluitneming. Emosionele Intelligensie sal uiteindelik as 'n kritiese vaardigheid aangewend kan word om aan te pas by 'n vinnig-veranderende beroepslandskap .

The development of a Xhosa translation of the Beck Depression Inventory-II

Swart, Hermann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A review of the literature shows the Beck-Depression Inventory (BOl), and its revisions, to have received world-wide support over the past four decades as a screening instrument for depression, proving to be robust amongst various populations and in various translations. Although popular amongst health care practitioners in South Africa, the BOl and its revisions are, however, currently unstandardised amongst South African populations. This current research culminates in the development of a Xhosa translation of the latest revision of the BOl, the BOl-II that accurately reflects the contents of the BOlli, the BOl-Il-X. It is regarded as linguistically and grammatically robust enough to be easily understood by a broad spectrum of Xhosa respondents. The development of the BDI-II-X is discussed, and suggestions regarding future research are given. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Oorsig van die literatuur dui aan dat die Beck Depression Inventory (BOl), en sy hersienings, oor die afgelope vier dekades wêreldwye erkenning ontvang het as 'n meetinstrument vir die identifisering van depressie, onder verskeie populasies en in verskeie vertalings. Alhoewel dit populêr onder gesondheidspraktisyne in Suid-Afrika is, bly die BOl, en sy hersienings, huidiglik ongestandardiseerd onder Suid-Afrikaanse populasies. Die navorsing wat aangebied word, word saamgevat in die ontwikkelling van 'n Xhosa vertaling van die nuutste hersiening van die BOl, die BOl-II, wat die inhoud van die BOl-II akkuraat reflekteer, die BOl-li-X. Taalkundig word die BOI-II-X beskou as 'n vertaling wat maklik onder 'n breë spektrum van die Xhosa populasie verstaanbaar is. Die ontwikkelling van die BOI-II-X word bespreek, en aanbevelings rakende toekomstige navorsing word aangebied.

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