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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cooperative Game Theory and Non-convex Optimization Analysis of Spectrum Sharing

Suris, Juan Emilio 19 December 2007 (has links)
Opportunistic spectrum access has become a high priority research area in the past few years. The motivation behind this actively researched area is the fact that the limited spectrum available is currently being utilized in an inefficient way. The complete wireless spectrum is assigned and reserved, but not necessarily being used. At the same time, the demand for innovation in wireless technology is growing. Since there is no room in the wireless spectrum to allocate significant frequency bands for future wireless technologies, the only recourse is to increase utilization of the spectrum. To achieve this, we must find a way to share the spectrum. Spectrum sharing techniques will require coordination between all the layers of the protocol stack. The network and the wireless medium are inextricably linked and, thus, both must be considered when optimizing wireless network performance. Unfortunately, interactions in the wireless medium can lead to non-convex problems which have been shown to be NP-hard. Techniques must be developed to tackle the optimization problems that arise from wireless network analysis. In this document we focus on analyzing the spectrum sharing problem from two perspectives: cooperative game theory and non-convex optimization. We develop a cooperative game theory model to analyze a scenario where nodes in a multi-hop wireless network need to agree on a fair allocation of spectrum. We show that in high interference environments, the utility space of the game is non-convex, which may make some optimal allocations unachievable with pure strategies. However, we show that as the number of channels available increases, the utility space becomes close to convex and thus optimal allocations become achievable with pure strategies. We propose the use of the NBS and show that it achieves a good compromise between fairness and efficiency, using a small number of channels. We also propose a distributed algorithm for spectrum sharing and show that it achieves allocations reasonably close to the NBS. In our game theory analysis, we studied the possible outcomes of the spectrum sharing problem and propose the NBS as a desirable outcome and propose an algorithm to achieve the NBS spectrum allocation. However, the expression used to compute the NBS is a non-convex optimization problem. We propose an optimization model to solve a class of problems that incorporate the non-convex dynamics of the wireless medium that occur when the objective is a function of SINR. We present two case studies to show the application of the model to discrete and continuous optimization problems. We propose a branch and bound heuristic, based on the RLT, for approximating the solution of continuous optimization problems. Finally, we present results for the continuous case study. We show simulation results for the heuristic compared to a time constrained mixed integer linear program (MILP) as well as a nonlinear optimization using random starting points. We show that for small networks the MILP achieves the optimal in reasonable time and the heuristic achieves a value close to the optimal. We also show that for large networks the heuristic outperforms the MILP as well as the nonlinear search. / Ph. D.

Parallel Mining of Association Rules Using a Lattice Based Approach

Thomas, Wessel Morant 01 January 2009 (has links)
The discovery of interesting patterns from database transactions is one of the major problems in knowledge discovery in database. One such interesting pattern is the association rules extracted from these transactions. Parallel algorithms are required for the mining of association rules due to the very large databases used to store the transactions. In this paper we present a parallel algorithm for the mining of association rules. We implemented a parallel algorithm that used a lattice approach for mining association rules. The Dynamic Distributed Rule Mining (DDRM) is a lattice-based algorithm that partitions the lattice into sublattices to be assigned to processors for processing and identification of frequent itemsets. Experimental results show that DDRM utilizes the processors efficiently and performed better than the prefix-based and partition algorithms that use a static approach to assign classes to the processors. The DDRM algorithm scales well and shows good speedup.

Distributed Linear Filtering and Prediction of Time-varying Random Fields

Das, Subhro 01 June 2016 (has links)
We study distributed estimation of dynamic random fields observed by a sparsely connected network of agents/sensors. The sensors are inexpensive, low power, and they communicate locally and perform computation tasks. In the era of large-scale systems and big data, distributed estimators, yielding robust and reliable field estimates, are capable of significantly reducing the large computation and communication load required by centralized estimators, by running local parallel inference algorithms. The distributed estimators have applications in estimation, for example, of temperature, rainfall or wind-speed over a large geographical area; dynamic states of a power grid; location of a group of cooperating vehicles; or beliefs in social networks. The thesis develops distributed estimators where each sensor reconstructs the estimate of the entire field. Since the local estimators have direct access to only local innovations, local observations or a local state, the agents need a consensus-type step to construct locally an estimate of their global versions. This is akin to what we refer to as distributed dynamic averaging. Dynamic averaged quantities, which we call pseudo-quantities, are then used by the distributed local estimators to yield at each sensor an estimate of the whole field. Using terminology from the literature, we refer to the distributed estimators presented in this thesis as Consensus+Innovations-type Kalman filters. We propose three distinct types of distributed estimators according to the quantity that is dynamically averaged: (1) Pseudo-Innovations Kalman Filter (PIKF), (2) Distributed Information Kalman Filter (DIKF), and (3) Consensus+Innovations Kalman Filter (CIKF). The thesis proves that under minimal assumptions the distributed estimators, PIKF, DIKF and CIKF converge to unbiased and bounded mean-squared error (MSE) distributed estimates of the field. These distributed algorithms exhibit a Network Tracking Capacity (NTC) behavior – the MSE is bounded if the degree of instability of the field dynamics is below a threshold. We derive the threshold for each of the filters. The thesis establishes trade-offs between these three distributed estimators. The NTC of the PIKF depends on the network connectivity only, while the NTC of the DIKF and of the CIKF depend also on the observation models. On the other hand, when all the three estimators converge, numerical simulations show that the DIKF improves 2dB over the PIKF. Since the DIKF uses scalar gains, it is simpler to implement than the CIKF. Of the three estimators, the CIKF provides the best MSE performance using optimized gain matrices, yielding an improvement of 3dB over the DIKF. Keywords: Kalman filter, distributed state estimation, multi-agent networks, sensor networks, distributed algorithms, consensus, innovation, asymptotic convergence, mean-squared error, dynamic averaging, Riccati equation, Lyapunov iterations, distributed signal processing, random dynamical systems.

Une étude formelle de la théorie des calculs locaux à l'aide de l'assistant de preuve Coq

Filou, Vincent 21 December 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de produire un environnement permettant de raisonner formellement sur la correction de systèmes de calculs locaux, ainsi que sur l'expressivité de ce modèle de calcul. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons l'assistant de preuve Coq. Notre première contribution est la formalisation en Coq de la sémantique des systèmes de réétiquetage localement engendrés, ou calculs locaux. Un système de calculs locaux est un système de réétiquetage de graphe dont la portée est limitée. Nous proposons donc tout d'abord une implantation succincte de la théorie des graphes en Coq, et utilisons cette dernière pour définir les systèmes de réétiquetage de graphes localement engendrés. Nous avons relevé, dans la définition usuelle des calculs locaux, certaines ambiguïtés. Nous proposons donc une nouvelle définition, et montrons formellement que celle-ci capture toutes les sous-classes d'algorithmes étudiées. Nous esquissons enfin une méthodologie de preuve des systèmes de calculs locaux en Coq.Notre seconde contribution consiste en l'étude formelle de l'expressivité des systèmes de calculs locaux. Nous formalisons un résultat de D. Angluin (repris par la suite par Y. Métivier et J. Chalopin): l'inexistence d'un algorithme d'élection universelle. Nous proposons ensuite deux lemmes originaux concernant les calculs locaux sur les arêtes (ou systèmes LC0), et utilisons ceux-ci pour produire des preuves formelles d'impossibilité pour plusieurs problèmes: calcul du degré de chaque sommet, calcul d'arbre recouvrant, etélection. Nous proposons informellement une nouvelles classes de graphe pour laquelle l'élection est irréalisable par des calculs locaux sur les arêtes.Nous étudions ensuite les transformations de systèmes de calculs locaux et de leur preuves. Nous adaptons le concept de Forward Simulation de N. Lynch aux systèmes de calculs locaux et utilisons ce dernier pour démontrer formellement l'inclusion de deux modes de détection de terminaison dans le cas des systèmes LC0. La preuve de cette inclusion estsimplifiée par l'utilisation de transformations "standards" de systèmes, pour lesquels des résultats génériques ont été démontrés. Finalement, nous réutilisons ces transformations standards pour étudier, en collaboration avec M. Tounsi, deux techniques de composition des systèmes de réétiquetage LC0. Une bibliothèque Coq d'environ 50000 lignes, contenant les preuves formelles des théorèmes présentés dans le mémoire de thèse à été produite en collaboration avec Pierre Castéran (dont environ 40%produit en propre par V. Filou) au cours de cette thèse. / The goal of this work is to build a framework allowing the study, in aformal setting, of the correctness of local computations systems aswell as the expressivity of this model. A local computation system isa set of graph relabelling rules with limited scope, corresponding to a class of distributed algorithms.Our first contribution is the formalisation, in the Coq proofassistant, of a relationnal semantic for local computation systems.This work is based on an original formal graph theory for Coq.Ambiguities inherent to a "pen and paper" definition of local computations are corrected, and we prove that our definition captures all sub-classes of relabelling relations studied in the remainder. We propose a draft of a proof methodology for local computation systems in Coq. Our second contribution is the study of the expressivity of classes of local computations inside our framework. We provide,for instance, a formal proof of D. Angluin results on election and graph coverings. We propose original "meta-theorems" concerningthe LC0 class of local computation, and use these theorem to produce formal impossibility proofs.Finally we study possible transformations of local computation systemsand of their proofs. To this end, we adapt the notion of ForwardSimulation, originally formulated by N. Lynch, to localcomputations. We use this notion to define certified transformationsof LC0 systems. We show how those certified transformation can be useto study the expressivity of certain class of algorithm in ourframework. We define, as certified transformation, two notions ofcomposition for LC0 systems.A Coq library of ~ 50000 lines of code, containing the formal proofs of the theorems presented in the thesis has been produced in collaboration with Pierre Castéran.

Distribuovaný MCTS pro hry s týmem kooperujících agendů / Distributed Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Games with Team of Cooperative Agents

Filip, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is design, implementation and experimental evaluation of distributed algorithms for planning actions of a team of cooperative autonomous agents. Particular algorithms require different amount of communication. In the work, the related research on Monte-Carlo tree search algorithm, its parallelization and distributability and algorithms for distributed coordination of autonomous agents. Designed algorithms are tested in the environment of the game of Ms Pac-Man. Quality of the algorithms is tested in dependence on computational time, the amount of communication and the robustness against communication failures. Particular algorithms are compared according to these characteristics. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Maritime Transportation Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms in the Era of Big Data and Internet of Things

Cheraghchi, Fatemeh 19 July 2019 (has links)
With maritime industry carrying out nearly 90% of the volume of global trade, the algorithms and solutions to provide quality of services in maritime transportation are of great importance to both academia and the industry. This research investigates an optimization problem using evolutionary algorithms and big data analytics to address an important challenge in maritime disruption management, and illustrates how it can be engaged with information technologies and Internet of Things. Accordingly, in this thesis, we design, develop and evaluate methods to improve decision support systems (DSSs) in maritime supply chain management. We pursue three research goals in this thesis. First, the Vessel Schedule recovery Problem (VSRP) is reformulated and a bi-objective optimization approach is proposed. We employ bi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) to solve optimization problems. An optimal Pareto front provides a valuable trade-off between two objectives (minimizing delay and minimizing financial loss) for a stakeholder in the freight ship company. We evaluate the problem in three domains, namely scalability analysis, vessel steaming policies, and voyage distance analysis, and statistically validate their performance significance. According to the experiments, the problem complexity varies in different scenarios, while NSGAII performs better than other MOEAs in all scenarios. In the second work, a new data-driven VSRP is proposed, which benefits from the available Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. In the new formulation, the trajectory between the port calls is divided and encoded into adjacent geohashed regions. In each geohash, the historical speed profiles are extracted from AIS data. This results in a large-scale optimization problem called G-S-VSRP with three objectives (i.e., minimizing loss, delay, and maximizing compliance) where the compliance objective maximizes the compliance of optimized speeds with the historical data. Assuming that the historical speed profiles are reliable to trust for actual operational speeds based on other ships' experience, maximizing the compliance of optimized speeds with these historical data offers some degree of avoiding risks. Three MOEAs tackled the problem and provided the stakeholder with a Pareto front which reflects the trade-off among the three objectives. Geohash granularity and dimensionality reduction techniques were evaluated and discussed for the model. G-S-VSRPis a large-scale optimization problem and suffers from the curse of dimensionality (i.e. problems are difficult to solve due to exponential growth in the size of the multi-dimensional solution space), however, due to a special characteristic of the problem instance, a large number of function evaluations in MOEAs can still find a good set of solutions. Finally, when the compliance objective in G-S-VSRP is changed to minimization, the regular MOEAs perform poorly due to the curse of dimensionality. We focus on improving the performance of the large-scale G-S-VSRP through a novel distributed multiobjective cooperative coevolution algorithm (DMOCCA). The proposed DMOCCA improves the quality of performance metrics compared to the regular MOEAs (i.e. NSGAII, NSGAIII, and GDE3). Additionally, the DMOCCA results in speedup when running on a cluster.

Distributed stochastic algorithms for communication networks. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2010 (has links)
Designing distributed algorithms for optimizing system-wide performances of large scale communication networks is a challenging task. The key part of this design involves a lot of combinatorial network optimization problems, which are computationally intractable in general and hard to approximate even in a centralized manner. Inspired by the seminal work of Jiang-Walrand, Markov approximation framework was proposed for synthesizing distributed algorithms for general combinatorial network optimization problems. To provide performance guarantees, convergence properties of these distributed algorithms are of significance. / First, we consider instances of the designed Markov chain over resource allocation algorithms. We focus on the convergence issues. We find several examples such that the related convergence results can be applied directly. These examples include optimal path (or tree) selection for wireline networks, optimal neighboring selection for peer-to-peer networks, and optimal channel (or power) assignment for wireless local area networks. / In this thesis, we first review Markov approximation framework and further develop this framework by studying convergence properties of distributed algorithms. These system-wide algorithms consist of the designed Markov chain and resource allocation algorithms. We concentrate on two general scenarios: the designed Markov chain over resource allocation algorithms and resource allocation algorithms over the designed Markov chain. With imprecise measurements of network parameters and without the time-scale separation assumption, we prove convergence to near-optimal solutions for both scenarios under mild conditions. Then we apply Markov approximation framework and associated convergence results to various combinatorial network optimization problems. / Second, we consider instances of resource allocation algorithms over the designed Markov chain. We focus on the system-wide performances. Two instances are investigated: cross-layer optimization for wireless networks with deterministic channel model and wireless networks with network coding. For both instances, guided by Markov approximation framework, we design distributed schemes to achieve maximum utilities. These schemes include primal-dual flow control algorithms, Markov chain based scheduling algorithms, and routing (or network coding) algorithms. Under time-dependent step sizes and update intervals, we show that these distributed schemes converge to the optimal solutions with probability one. Further, under constant step sizes and constant update intervals, we prove that these distributed schemes also converge to a bounded neighborhood of optimal solutions with probability one. These analytical results are validated by numerical results as well. / Shao, Ziyu. / Adviser: Shou Yen Robert Li. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-03, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-140). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Uma Interface de ProgramaÃÃo DistribuÃda para AplicaÃÃes em OtimizaÃÃo CombinatÃria / A Programming Interface for Distributed Applications in Combinatorial Optimization

Allberson Bruno de Oliveira Dantas 12 September 2011 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho foi motivado pela necessidade da exploraÃÃo do potencial do paralelismo distribuÃdo em aplicaÃÃes em OtimizaÃÃo CombinatÃria. Para tanto, propomos uma interface de programaÃÃo distribuÃda, na qual prezamos dois requisitos principais: eficiÃncia e reuso. O primeiro advÃm da necessidade de aplicaÃÃes de CAD exigirem mÃximo desempenho possÃvel. Assim sendo, especificamos esta interface como uma extensÃo da biblioteca MPI, a qual à assumida como eficiente para aplicaÃÃes distribuÃdas. O requisito reuso deve tornar compatÃveis duas caracterÃsticas importantes: assincronismo e operaÃÃes coletivas. O assincronismo deve estar presente na interface, uma vez que as aplicaÃÃes em OtimizaÃÃo CombinatÃria, em sua maioria, possuem uma natureza assÃncrona. OperaÃÃes coletivas sÃo funcionalidades que devem estar disponÃveis na interface, de modo que possam ser utilizadas por aplicaÃÃes em suas execuÃÃes. Tendo em vista atender o requisito reuso, baseamos esta interface nos Modelos de ComputaÃÃo DistribuÃda Dirigidos por Eventos e por Pulsos, pois os mesmos sÃo assÃncronos e permitem a incorporaÃÃo de operaÃÃes coletivas. Implementamos parcialmente a inteface definida neste trabalho. Tendo em vista validar uso desta inteface por aplicaÃÃes em OtimizaÃÃo CombinatÃria, selecionamos duas aplicaÃÃes e as implementamos utilizando a interface. SÃo elas a tÃcnica Branch-and-Bound e o Problema do Conjunto Independente MÃximo (CIM). Fornecemos tambÃm alguns resultados experimentais. / This work was motivated by the need of exploiting the potential of distributed paralelism in combinatorial optimization applications. propose a distributed programming interface, To achieve this goal, we in which we cherish two main requirements: eciency and reuse. The rst stems from the need of HPC (High applications require maximum possible performance. Performance Computing) Therefore, we specify our interface as an extension of the MPI library, which is assumed to be ecient for distributed applications. The reuse requirement must make compatible two important features: asynchronism and collective operations. Asynchronism must be present at our interface, once most of combinatorial optimization applications have an asynchronous nature. Collective operations are features that should be available in the interface, so that they can be used by applications in their execution. In order reach the reuse requirement, we based this interface on the Event- and Pulse-driven Models of Distributed Computing, once they are asynchronous and allow the incorporation of collective operations. We implemented partially the interface dened in this work. In order to validate the use of the inteface by combinatorial optimization applications, we selected two applications and implemented them using our interface. They are the Branch-and-Bound technique and the Maximum Stable Set Problem (MSSP). We also provide some experimental results.

Distributed and privacy preserving algorithms for mobility information processing

Katsikouli, Panagiota January 2018 (has links)
Smart-phones, wearables and mobile devices in general are the sensors of our modern world. Their sensing capabilities offer the means to analyze and interpret our behaviour and surroundings. When it comes to human behaviour, perhaps the most informative feature is our location and mobility habits. Insights from human mobility are useful in a number of everyday practical applications, such as the improvement of transportation and road network infrastructure, ride-sharing services, activity recognition, mobile data pre-fetching, analysis of the social behaviour of humans, etc. In this dissertation, we develop algorithms for processing mobility data. The analysis of mobility data is a non trivial task as it involves managing large quantities of location information, usually spread out spatially and temporally across many tracking sensors. An additional challenge in processing mobility information is to publish the data and the results of its analysis without jeopardizing the privacy of the involved individuals or the quality of the data. We look into a series of problems on processing mobility data from individuals and from a population. Our mission is to design algorithms with provable properties that allow for the fast and reliable extraction of insights. We present efficient solutions - in terms of storage and computation requirements - , with a focus on distributed computation, online processing and privacy preservation.

Symmetry breaking in congested models: lower and upper bounds

Riaz, Talal 01 August 2019 (has links)
A fundamental issue in many distributed computing problems is the need for nodes to distinguish themselves from their neighbors in a process referred to as symmetry breaking. Many well-known problems such as Maximal Independent Set (MIS), t-Ruling Set, Maximal Matching, and (\Delta+1)-Coloring, belong to the class of problems that require symmetry breaking. These problems have been studied extensively in the LOCAL model, which assumes arbitrarily large message sizes, but not as much in the CONGEST and k-machine models, which assume messages of size O(log n) bits. This dissertation focuses on finding upper and lower bounds for symmetry breaking problems, such as MIS and t-Ruling Set, in these congested models. Chapter 2 shows that an MIS can be computed in O(sqrt{log n loglog n}) rounds for graphs with constant arboricity in the CONGEST model. Chapter 3 shows that the t-ruling set problem, for t \geq 3, can be computed in o(log n) rounds in the CONGEST model. Moreover, it is shown that a 2-ruling set can be computed in o(log n) rounds for a large range of values of the maximum degree in the graph. In the k-machine model, k machines must work together to solve a problem on an arbitrary n-node graph, where n is typically much larger than k. Chapter 4 shows that any algorithm in the BEEP model (which assumes 'primitive' single bit messages) with message complexity M and round complexity T can be simulated in O(t(M/k^2 + T) poly(log n)) rounds in the k-machine model. Using this result, it is shown that MIS, Minimum Dominating Set (MDS), and Minimum Connected Dominating Set (MCDS) can all be solved in O(poly(log n) m/k^2) rounds in the k-machine model, where 'm' is the number of edges in the input graph. It is shown that a 2-ruling set can be computed even faster, in O((n/k^2+ k) poly(log n)) rounds, in the k-machine model. On the other hand, using information theoretic techniques and a reduction to a communication complexity problem, an \Omega(n/(k^2 poly(log n))) rounds lower bound for MIS in the k-machine model is also shown. As far as we know, this is the first example of a lower bound in the k-machine model for a symmetry breaking problem. Chapter 5 focuses on the Max Clique problem in the CONGEST model. Max Clique is trivially solvable in one round in the LOCAL model since each node can share its entire neighborhood with all neighbors in a single round. However, in the CONGEST model, nodes have to choose what to communicate and along what communication links. Thus, in a sense, they have to break symmetry and this is forced upon them by the bandwidth constraints. Chapter 5 shows that an O(n^{3/5})-approximation to Max Clique in the CONGEST model can be computed in O(1) rounds. This dissertation ends with open questions in Chapter 6.

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