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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Restoration of the naturalness of boreal forests

Hekkala, A.-M. (Anne-Maarit) 29 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract Restoration is considered to be a crucial action in order to maintain and enhance ecosystem functioning and halt the decline of biodiversity. Within forested ecosystems, heavily exploited forests have lost a great part of their biodiversity values, and even nature conservation is insufficient to prevent the loss of habitats and the endangerment of species. The aim of this thesis was to provide new information on the impacts of forest restoration methods on boreal forest naturalness, including forest structure, forest-dwelling species and ecosystem processes and functions. This information is needed to develop the restoration methods and their cost-efficiency and to support decision-making concerning restoration and nature conservation. The restoration methods studied were felling with a chainsaw either without or with subsequent burning, and storm treatment, in which the trees were uprooted with an excavator. The variables measured were vegetation assemblages, deadwood dynamics, and deadwood-dependent insect assemblages. In addition to field measurements, a simulation approach was used so as to predict deadwood continuity after different restoration methods. The main finding of this thesis is that the aspects of naturalness studied were most enhanced by burning, whereas felling had the least effect. Restoration burning increased deadwood volume and diversity, enabled the establishment of pioneer plants, increased the relative cover of the forest keystone species Vaccinium myrtillus, enhanced the regeneration of the keystone tree Populus tremula, and provided habitat for red-listed, especially pyrophilous beetles (Coleoptera) and flat bugs (Heteroptera: Aradidae). Felling only increased the volume of deadwood. Storm treatment with tree uprooting was a more effective method than felling with a chainsaw, due to the additional disturbance it caused to ground, enhancing the regeneration of e.g. Pinus sylvestris. According to simulation models, compared to controls restored stands are predicted to have greater deadwood volumes at least for 40 years. The study shows that restoration can be used to accelerate the development of degraded forests towards a higher level of naturalness. The results can be used to choose appropriate restoration methods for forests, based on their initial stage and the goal set for the level of their naturalness. / Tiivistelmä Ennallistamista pidetään tärkeänä keinona palauttaa ja ylläpitää luonnontilaisten ekosysteemien toimintaa. Metsien ennallistamista tarvitaan, koska tehokkaasti hoidettujen metsien monimuotoisuus on köyhtynyt niin pitkälle, ettei pelkkä suojelu enää riitä pysäyttämään elinympäristöjen häviämistä ja lajien uhanalaistumista. Väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa siitä, miten erilaiset metsien ennallistamiskeinot vaikuttavat metsän luonnontilaisuuden elementteihin, kuten rakennepiirteisiin, lajistoon ja toiminnallisuuteen. Tietoa tarvitaan ennallistamismenetelmien ja niiden kustannustehokkuuden parantamiseksi sekä tukemaan ennallistamista ja luonnonsuojelua koskevaa päätöksentekoa. Tutkitut ennallistamismenetelmät olivat: lahopuun lisäys sahaamalla joko ilman polttoa tai polton kanssa ja myrskytuhokäsittely, jossa puut kaadettiin juurineen. Metsän aluskasvillisuus, lahopuusto ja lahopuusta riippuvaisten hyönteisten lajiyhteisöt olivat mitattuja muuttujia. Maastoinventointien ohella tehtiin simulaatiomallinnuksia, joilla ennustettiin ennallistamisen jälkeistä lahopuujatkumoa. Väitöskirjatyön keskeisin havainto on, että ennallistamispoltot paransivat tutkittuja luonnontilaisuuden elementtejä eniten, kun taas lahopuun lisäyksellä oli vähäisimmät vaikutukset. Ennallistamispoltto lisäsi lahopuun tilavuutta ja monimuotoisuutta, mahdollisti sukkession varhaisvaiheen kasvillisuuden kehittymisen, lisäsi mustikan (Vaccinium myrtillus) suhteellista peittävyyttä, paransi monimuotoisuudelle tärkeän puulajin, haavan (Populus tremula), uudistumista sekä lisäsi lahopuuriippuvaisten, erityisesti palanutta puuta suosivien kovakuoriaisten (Coleoptera) ja latikoiden (Heteroptera:Aradidae), laji- ja yksilömääriä. Myrskytuhon jäljittely oli tehokkaampi ennallistamiskeino kuin lahopuun lisäys sahaamalla, sillä juurilaikku lisäsi maanpinnan häiriötä parantaen samalla mm. männyn (Pinus sylvestris) taimettumista. Simulaatiomallinnus osoitti, että verrattuna kontrollialueisiin ennallistetuilla alueilla lahopuuta on runsaammin vähintään 40 vuoden ajan. Väitöskirja osoittaa, että kaikkia työssä tutkittuja ennallistamismenetelmiä voidaan käyttää nopeuttamaan metsän kehittymistä kohti luonnontilaa, mutta menetelmät eroavat toisistaan vaikutuksiltaan. Saatuja tuloksia voidaan käyttää, kun valitaan metsiin niihin parhaiten soveltuvaa ennallistamismenetelmää.

Holocene Vegetation and Disturbance Dynamics in the Araucaria araucana Forest: a paleoecological contribution for conservation

Moreno-González, Ricardo 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Disturbance, recovery and resilience in tropical forests : a focus on the coastal peat swamp forests of Malaysian Borneo

Cole, Lydia Eve Spencer January 2013 (has links)
Tropical forests have existed for up to one hundred million years, and today provide many ecosystem services vital for human well-being. They also harbour great biodiversity, which, in addition to its intrinsic value, plays a key role in the functioning of these ecosystems. Despite their local to global significance, there are still many knowledge gaps concerning the dynamic processes that govern the functioning of tropical forests. Rapid rates of deforestation and landscape conversion, predominantly for logging and industrial agriculture, are limiting the time and opportunity available to collect the information needed to fill these gaps. This research aims to shed light on the long-term ecological functioning of tropical forests, specifically investigating the history of disturbance in these ecosystems and the response of forest vegetation to past perturbations. The carbon-rich tropical peat swamp forests found along the coast of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, are a central focus of this study. For these forests in particular, a large deficit of knowledge surrounding their history and unique ecological functioning is coupled with some of the highest conversion rates of all tropical forest ecosystems across the world. In this thesis, palaeoecological data has been used to reconstruct temporal variability in forest vegetation coincident with external perturbations in order to identify changes in the resilience of these ecosystems through time, via indicators such as slowing rates of recovery and reduced regeneration of forest vegetation. Results suggest that tropical forest ecosystems have, for the most part, shown resilience to natural disturbances in the past, ranging from instantaneous localised tree-fall to longer-term regional climatic change; but that recent anthropogenic disturbances, of novel forms and greater intensities, are jeopardizing the potential for forest recovery and thus compromising ecosystem resilience. These findings enhance our understanding of the ecology of tropical peat swamp forests, and tropical forests more broadly. They also provide a context for contemporary tropical forest management, allowing for predictions on future responses to disturbance and enabling more ecologically sustainable landscape planning.

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