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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the nature of teacher’s classroom practices when teaching electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom : a case in the Tshwane West District

Ramashia, Vonani Japhta 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to explore teacher’s classroom practices when teaching electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom. This qualitative interpretive study involves three participants who perceive electric circuits to be a difficult topic to teach in the Tshwane west district, Gauteng Province. The study uses the Classroom Practice Diagnostic framework to present and analyse results. Pseudonyms are used to protect the identities of the participants. The study reveals that teachers’ classroom practices differ from one participant to the other, despite the same perception that electric circuits is a difficult topic to teach. / Ndivho khulwane ya ngundo/Tsedzusulo iyi ndi u bveledza na u tandavhudza mugudisi kha ngudo dza kilaŝini musi a tshi gudisa sekhethe dza mudagasi kha gireidi ya 12(ya vhufumbili) kilasini. Nyangaredzo ya thaluso ya ngudo I katela vhashelamulenzhe vhararu vhane vha vhona sekhete dza mudagasi dzi tshi konda kha Tshitiriki tsha Tswane Vhubhaduvha; na kha vunda la Gauteng. Ngudo iyi I shuma u ita tsedzuluso u itela u netshedza na u ita tsedzuluso yo dzhenelelaho ya mvelelo. Madzina o dzumbamiswaho o shumisa u nwala muvhigo u tsereledza vhashelamuledhe vha ngudo iyi. Tsedzuluso yo dzumbulula uri zwine vhagudisi vha ita kilasini zwi fhambana u bva kha munwe mudededzi uya kha munwe; nga nnda ha ndavhelelo ya uri ngudo ya sekethe ya mudagasi I a konda u funza. / Maikaelelo a serutwa se ke go katisa morutabana gore a nne le bokgone jwa go ruta sekete ya motlakase ka mo phaposing ya gagwe ya materiki. Ka kakaretso tlhaloso ya serutwa se sa sekete ya motlakase se akaretsa batsaya karolo ba ba raro ba ba reng serutwa se se thata, mme ba tswa kwa Tshwane West le kwa Porofenseng ya Gauteng. Serutwa se se dirisiwa go dira dipatlisiso le go neela dipatlisiso tse di tseneletseng tsa dipholo tsa batsaya karolo. Mo dipatlisisong tse go dirisitswe maina a a bofitlha go sireletsa batsaya karolo ba patlisiso e. Serutwa se kgotsa patliso e,e re lemosa gore se barutabana ba se dirang mo phaposing se a farologana go tswa go morutabana mongwe le mongwe, ka ntlha ya gore serutwa sa sekete ya motlase se thata. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Natural Science Education)

Constructing a career satisfaction and employability profile for knowledge workers / Samestelling van ’n loopbaantevredenheids- en indiensneembaarheidsprofiel vir kenniswerkers / Go hlama phrofaele ye e kgotsofatsago mosomo le go thwalega mosomong go basomi ba tsa tsebo

Engelbrecht, Louise 01 1900 (has links)
English, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho summaries / Die algemene doel van hierdie navorsing was om ’n loopbaantevredenheids- en indiensneembaarheidsprofiel vir kenniswerkers saam te stel, gebaseer op die verhoudingsdinamika tussen individue se biografiese eienskappe (ouderdom, ras en indiensnemingstatus), loopbaankognisies (loopbaanaanpasbaarheid en psigososiale loopbaanpreokkupasies as voorgangers), hulle psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne (indiensneembaarheidskenmerke, loopbaanankers en loopbaanwaardes as moderators) en hulle loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid (gevolge of uitkomste). Die einddoel van die navorsing was om gevolgtrekkings te maak oor die verhoudingsdinamika (omvang en rigting) tussen die konsepte ten einde organisatoriese loopbaanontwikkelingspraktyke vir die kenniswerker voor te stel. ’n Kwantitatiewe deursneenavorsingsbenadering is gevolg en het ’n steekproef van N = 404 kenniswerkers behels wat by professionele Suid-Afrikaanse liggame geregistreer is. Beskrywende, korrelasie- en meerveranderlike inferensiële statistiek is ingespan. Aanvullend tot die kanoniese korrelasieresultate, het regressie and strukturele vergelykingsmodellering ontledings aangetoon dat die loopbaantevredenheidsprofiel unieke beïnvloedingsfaktore het terwyl die selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheidsprofiel ook oor sy eie unieke beïnvloedingsfaktore beskik. Moderering regressie-ontleding het gewys dat individue se loopbaankognisies (dit is die vlakke van loopbaanaanpasbaarheid en loopbaanpreokkupasies) nie voorwaardelik ten opsigte van hulle psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne was (dit is, indiensneembaarheidseienskappe, loopbaanankers en loopbaanwaardes) om hulle vlakke van loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid te verduidelik nie. Die loopbaankognisies en psigososiale loopbaanhulpbronne het individuele, bepaalde hoofgevolge om te oorweeg ten einde kenniswerkers se loopbaantevredenheid en selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid te verstaan. Stapsgewyse regressie en hiërargies-moderering regressie-ontleding het gewys dat ouderdom, ras en indiensnemingstatus belangrike oorwegings was wat betref die loopbaantevredenheidsprofiel van kenniswerkers. Ras in die besonder het geblyk belangrik te wees om in aanmerking te neem ooreenkomstig hulle selfwaargenome indiensneembaarheid. Verskille tussen die biografiese groepe het ook aan die hand gedoen dat unieke loopbaanontwikkeling oorweeg moet word in multikulterele, diverse werkskontekste. Die loopbaantevredenheid en indiensneembaarheidsprofiel is saamgestel, gebaseer op die belangrikste insigte wat uit die essensiële, betekenisvolle bevindings bekom is. Loopbaantevredenheid en indiensneembaarheidsteorie is in hierdie navorsing uitgebrei. Aanbevelings vir organisatoriese loopbaanontwikkelingondersteuningspraktyke is gemaak, gebaseer op die voorgestelde profiel vir die professionele kenniswerker. / Maikemisetsomagolo a dinyakisiso e bile go go hlama phrofaele ye e kgotsofatsago mosomo le go thwalega mosomong go basomi ba tsa tsebo go lebeletswe seemo sa dikamano magareng ga dipharologantsi tsa dipalopalo ka ga batho (e lego mengwaga, bong, mohlobo le maemo a mosomo), go kwesisa ka ga mesomo (go tlwaela mosomo le seemo sa menagano ya setshaba ka ga mesomo bjalo ka dilo tseo di tlago peleng), methopo ya bona mosomo mabapi le menagano ya setshaba (dikokwane tsa go kgona go thwalega mesomong, dihlohleletsi tsa go hwetsa mesomo le maitshwaro a mesomong bjalo ka dilo tseo di lekolago mesomo) le go kgotsofatsa ga dinyakwa tsa mesomo le go ipona bjalo ka yo a thwalegago (seo se tlago ka moragonyana goba bjalo ka poelo). Maikemisetso ao a nepilwego a dinyakisiso e bile go tla ka dipheto mabapi le seemo sa dikamano (bogolo bja tsona le fao di lebilego gona) magareng ga kago ya maikemisetso a go sisinya ditiro tsa tlhabollo ya basomi ka dikhamphaning go mosomi yo a somago ka menagano. Mokgwa wa dinyakisiso wa bontsi wa mafapha a mantis o dirisitswe gomme sampole ya N = 404 ya basomi ba tsa tsebo o dirisitswe le go akaretsa mekgatlo ya sephrofesenale ya ka Afrika Borwa. Dipalopalo tsa go hlatholla, tsa papetso le tsa tshupetso ya makala a mantsi di dirilwe. Dipoelo tsa papetso tsa tatelano di laeditse gore go phrofaele ya go kgotsofatsa mosomo e na le dintlha tsa khuetso tsa go swana di nnosi mola e le gore phrofaele ya go ipona bjalo ka yo a thwalegago le yona e na le dintlha tsa khuetso tsa go swana di nnosi. Tshekatsheko ya poelomorago yeo e hlokometswego e laeditse gore dikwesiso tsa batho ka ga mosomo (ke gore, maemo a tsinkelo mosomong le go tlwaelo go phethagatsa mosomo) ga se tsa lebana le seemo sa methopo ya go phethagatsa mosomo wa mabapi le menagano ya setshaba (ke gore, dipharologantshi tsa go thwalega mesomong, dihlohleletsi tsa mesomo le maitshwaro a mesomong) go hlalosa maemo a bona a go kgotsofatsa phethagatso ya mesomo le go ipona o thwalega mosomong. Dikwesiso ka ga mesomo le methopo ya mesomo mabapi le menagano ya setshaba di bile le diabe tse itsego go batho tseo di swanetsego go hlokomelwa gore re kwesise go kgotsofatsa ga mesomo ka basomi ba tsa tsebo le go ipona ba thwalega mesomong. Tshekatsheko ya poelomorago ka dikgato tse mmalwa le ya poelomorago ya basomi go ya ka tatelano ya bona di laeditse gore mengwaga, morafe le maemo a mosomo di bile bohlokwa go di hlokomela mabapi le phrofaele ya go kgotsofatsa mesomo ga basomi ba tsa tsebo. Morafe o bonagala o tloga o le bohlokwa kudu go hlokomela mabapi le go ipona ba thwalega mesomong. Diphapano magareng ga dihlopha tsa merafe le mehlobo le tsona di sisintse gore go hlokega tlohabollo ya ka mesomong ye e swanago e nnosi yeo e swanetsego go dirwa ka seemong sa mesomo fao go somago batho ba ditso tse di fapafapanego. Phrofaele ya tlhabollo ya basomi le go thwalega mesomong go hlamilwe go lebeletswe tsebo ye bohlokwa ye e hweditswego go dikutollo tsa motheo tse bohlokwa. Dinyakisiso di katolositse teori ya mabapi le tlhabollo ya basomi le ya go thwalega mesomong. Go dirilwe ditshisinyo mabapi le ditiro tsa thekgo ya tlhabollo ya basomi ka dikhamphaning ka ga phrofaele ye e sisintswego ya mosomi wa tsa tsebo wa sephrofesenale. / The general aim of the research was to construct a career satisfaction and employability profile for the knowledge worker based on the relationship dynamics among individuals’ biographical characteristics (age, gender, race and employment status), career cognitions (career adaptability and psychosocial career preoccupations as antecedents), their psychosocial career resources (employability attributes, career anchors and career values as moderators) and their career satisfaction and self-perceived employability (consequences or outcomes). The end goal of the research was to draw conclusions on the relationship dynamics (magnitude and direction) between the constructs for the purpose of proposing organisational career development practices for the knowledge worker. A quantitative cross-sectional research approach was followed and involved a sample of N = 404 knowledge workers registered with South African professional bodies. Descriptive, correlation and multivariate inferential statistics were performed. Supplementary to the canonical correlation analysis, regression and structural equation modelling analysis indicated that the career satisfaction profile has unique influencing factors while the self-perceived employability profile also has its unique influencing factors. Moderated regression analysis showed that individuals’ career cognitions (i.e. levels of career adaptability and psychosocial career preoccupations) were not conditional upon their psychosocial career resources (i.e. employability attributes, career anchors and career values) in explaining their levels of career satisfaction and self-perceived employability. The career cognitions and psychosocial career resources had individually specific main effects to consider in understanding knowledge workers’ career satisfaction and self-perceived employability. Stepwise regression and the hierarchical moderated regression analysis showed that age, race and employment status were important to consider in terms of the career satisfaction profile of knowledge workers. Race seemed especially important to consider in terms of their self-perceived employability. Differences among the biographical groups also suggested unique career development needs to consider in multi-culturally diverse work contexts. The career satisfaction and employability profile was constructed based on the key insights derived from the core significant findings. The research extended career satisfaction and employability theory. Recommendations for organisational career development support practice were made based on the proposed profile for the professional knowledge worker. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

The displacement of a Northern Cape community : an anthropological research

Becker, Elize 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Tswana with keywords in English and Tswana / Displacement in the South African context is a complex and diverse phenomenon which is under-researched, particularly from the point of view of post-resettlement stress. The Meetse-a-tala community from Groenwater, Northern Cape, was resettled in 1964 and returned in 1999 to their ancestral land after a 25 year struggle to do so. The community anticipated that the land would present all the natural resources they had in 1964, but unfortunately, when they returned, the outlook seemed a lot different. / Verskuiwing in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks is ‘n diverse en komplekse verskynsel wat nog nie voldoende nagevors is, veral vanuit die oogpunt van post-hervestigingsstres nie. Die Meetse-a-tala-gemeenskap van Groenwater in Noord-Kaap is in 1964 hervestig en het in 1999 teruggekeer na die land van hul voorouers na ‘n 25 jaarlange stryd om dit te bewerkstellig. Die gemeenskap het verwag dat die gebied weer al die natuurlike hulpbronne sou aanbied wat hulle in 1964 gehad het, maar ongelukkig, met hul terugkeer, het die vooruitsigte heel anders gelyk. / Tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka dikgoka mo bokaong jwa Aforikaborwa e tlhagisa marara a a farologaneng ka ntlha ya dipatlisiso tse di lekanyeditsweng malebana le kgatelelo ya maikutlo e e amanang le morago ga go fudusiwa. Baagi ba Meetse-a-tala go tswa kwa Groenwater, kwa Kapabokone, ba itemogetse tiragalo ya go fudusiwa ka 1964 mme morago ga go kgaratlha dingwaga tse 25 go boela kwa lefatsheng la badimo ba bona, ba boetse ka 1999. Baagi ba ne ba solofetse gore lefatshe le tlaa ba neela ditlamelo tsotlhe tsa tlholego tse ba neng ba na natso fa ba tsamaya ka 1964, mme ka bomadimabe, e rile fa ba bowa, ba fitlhela le lebega le farologane thata. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)

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