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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adding stable carbon isotopes improves model representation of the role of microbial communities in peatland methane cycling

Deng, Jia, McCalley, Carmody K, Frolking, Steve, Chanton, Jeff, Crill, Patrick, Varner, Ruth, Tyson, Gene, Rich, Virginia, Hines, Mark, Saleska, Scott R., Li, Changsheng 06 1900 (has links)
Climate change is expected to have significant and uncertain impacts on methane (CH4) emissions from northern peatlands. Biogeochemical models can extrapolate site-specificCH(4) measurements to larger scales and predict responses of CH4 emissions to environmental changes. However, these models include considerable uncertainties and limitations in representing CH4 production, consumption, and transport processes. To improve predictions of CH4 transformations, we incorporated acetate and stable carbon (C) isotopic dynamics associated with CH4 cycling into a biogeochemistry model, DNDC. By including these new features, DNDC explicitly simulates acetate dynamics and the relative contribution of acetotrophic and hydro-genotrophic methanogenesis (AM and HM) to CH4 production, and predicts the C isotopic signature (delta C-13) in soil C pools and emitted gases. When tested against biogeochemical and microbial community observations at two sites in a zone of thawing permafrost in a subarctic peatland in Sweden, the new formulation substantially improved agreement with CH4 production pathways and delta C-13 in emitted CH4 (delta C-13-CH4), a measure of the integrated effects of microbial production and consumption, and of physical transport. We also investigated the sensitivity of simulated delta C-13-CH4 to C isotopic composition of substrates and, to fractionation factors for CH4 production (alpha(AM) and alpha(HM)), CH4 oxidation (alpha(MO)), and plant-mediated CH4 transport (alpha(TP)). The sensitivity analysis indicated that the delta C-13-CH4 is highly sensitive to the factors associated with microbial metabolism (alpha(AM), alpha(HM), and alpha(MO)). The model framework simulating stable C isotopic dynamics provides a robust basis for better constraining and testing microbial mechanisms in predicting CH4 cycling in peatlands.

Modelling nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from rice field in impacts of farming practices: A case study in Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province (Central Vietnam)

Ngo, Duc Minh, Mai, Van Trinh, Tran, Dang Hoa, Hoang, Trong Nghia, Nguyen, Manh Khai, Nguyen, Le Trang, Ole Sander, Bjorn, Wassmann, Reiner 07 January 2019 (has links)
Nitrous oxide (N2O) emisison from paddy soil via the soil nitrification and denitrification processes makes an important contribution to atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The soil N2O emission processes are controlled not only by biological, physical and chemical factors but also by farming practices. In recent years, modeling approach has become popular to predict and estimate greenhouse gas fluxes from field studies. In this study, the DeNitrification–DeComposition (DNDC) model were calibrated and tested by incorporating experimental data with the local climate, soil properties and farming management, for its simulation applicability for the irrigated rice system in Duy Xuyen district, a delta lowland area of Vu Gia-Thu Bon River Basin regions. The revised DNDC was then used to quantitatively estimate N2O emissions from rice fields under a range of three management farming practices (water management, crop residue incorporation and nitrogen fertilizer application rate). Results from the simulations indicated that (1) N2O emissions were significantly affected by water management practices; (2) increases in temperature, total fertilizer N input substantially increased N2O emissions. Finally, five 50-year scenarios were simulated with DNDC to predict their long-term impacts on crop yield and N2O emissions. The modelled results suggested that implementation of manure amendment or crop residue incorporation instead of increased nitrogen fertilizer application rates would more efficiently mitigate N2O emissions from the tested rice-based system. / Phát thải nitơ ôxít (N2O) từ canh tác lúa nước (thông qua quá trình nitrat hóa và phản nitrat hóa) đóng góp đáng kể vào tổng lượng khí nhà kính có nguồn gốc từ sản xuất nông nghiệp. Quá trình phát thải N2O là không chỉ phụ thuộc vào các yếu tố sinh-lý-hóa học mà còn phụ thuộc các phương pháp canh tác. Trong những năm gần đây, việc ứng dụng mô hình hóa nhằm tính toán và ước lượng sự phát thải khí nhà kính ngày càng trở lên phổ biến. Trong nghiên cứu này, số liệu quan trắc từ thí nghiệm đồng ruộng và dữ liệu về đất đai, khí hậu, biện pháp canh tác được sử dụng để kiểm nghiệm và phân tích độ nhạy của mô hình DNDC (mô hình sinh địa hóa). Sau đó, mô hình được sử dụng để tính toán lượng N2O phát thải trong canh tác lúa nước dưới các phương thức canh tác khác nhau (về chế độ tưới, mức độ vùi phụ phẩm, bón phân hữu cơ, phân đạm) tại huyện Duy Xuyên, thuộc vùng đồng bằng thấp của lưu vực sông Vu Gia-Thu Bồn. Kết quả kiểm định chỉ ra rằng (1) sự phát thải N2O bị ảnh hưởng đáng kể do sự thay đổi chế độ tưới; (2) nhiệt độ tăng và lượng phân bón N tăng sẽ làm tăng phát thải N2O. Kết quả mô phỏng về tác động lâu dài (trong 50 năm) của các yếu tố đến năng suất cây trồng và phát thải N2O cho thấy: Việc sử dụng phân hữu cơ và phụ phẩm nông nghiệp thay thế cho việc bón phân đạm sẽ giúp giảm phát thải N2O đáng kể.

Suivi des surfaces rizicoles par télédétection radar / Rice monitoring using radar remote sensing

Phan, Thi Hoa 03 December 2018 (has links)
Le riz est la principale denrée de plus de la moitié de la population mondiale et joue un rôle particulièrement important dans l'économie mondiale, la sécurité alimentaire, la consommation d'eau, et le changement climatique. L'objectif de cette thèse consistait à développer des méthodes pour le suivi du riz basées sur des données Sentinel-1 ainsi qu'a utiliser les produits de cartographie obtenus dans diverses applications portant sur la sécurité alimentaire et l'environnement mondial. Plus spécifiquement, l'étude a pour but de fournir des outils pour observer la culture du riz, en produisant la cartographie des surfaces cultivées, celle des stades phénologiques de la plante comprenant le début de la saison, celle des deux principales catégories de variétés de riz à cycle court et cycle long, la hauteur de la plante, et la carte annuelle du nombre de récoltes de riz par an. Ces informations sont nécessaires à l'estimation de la production du riz, et à la gestion des cultures à l'échelle régionale. Nous étudions aussi l'intégration des produits ainsi développés dans un modèle de processus destinés à estimer le rendement du riz, et un modèle permettant la dérivation de l'émission du méthane et le volume d'eau nécessaire à la culture. La région test est l'une des régions rizicoles majeures à l'échelle mondiale, qui est le Delta du Mékong, au Vietnam. Cette région est caractérisée par une grande diversité de pratiques agricoles, du nombre de cultures du riz par an, et dans les calendriers des récoltes. La première phase du travail est la compréhension de la variation temporelle des valeurs de rétrodiffusion radar de Sentinel-1, en polarisation VH et VV. Pour cela, des données de terrain ont été collectées sur 60 champs, sur 5 saisons de riz pendant 2 ans. Les variations temporelles des mesures radar ont été interprétées en fonction de la croissance des plantes le long des stades phénologiques. Les mêmes courbes caractéristiques observées lors des 5 saisons ont suggéré l'utilisation d'une courbe 'type' dans le développement des méthodes pour fournir les produits requis. Les résultats obtenus sur le Delta du Mékong ont été validés à l'aide des données terrain de référence, et sont très satisfaisants : 98% de précision pour la carte riz/non riz, une RMSE de 4 jours pour la date de semis, une RMSE de 0.78 cm pour la hauteur de plante, 91,7% de précision pour la distinction entre deux types de riz (cycle court et cycle long), et 98% de précision sur l'estimation du stade phénologique. Enfin, nous avons évalué l'utilisation de ces produits issus de données Sentinel-1 dans le modèle ORYZA2000 destiné à estimer le rendement du riz, et dans le modèle DNDC destiné à estimer le volume d'eau nécessaire à la culture, ainsi que l'émission de méthane par les rizières. Les résultats, préliminaires, montrent le bon potentiel de l'approche pour fournir le rendement, le bilan d'eau, et les taux d'émission de méthane sur les champs de riz considérés. Cette approche permettrait de faire des analyses de sensibilité, par exemple pour optimiser la gestion d'irrigation afin de réduire la consommation d'eau et l'émission de méthane, tout en préservant le rendement du riz. Ces travaux, qui démontrent le potentiel des données Sentinel-1 pour le suivi du riz à large échelle, seront à compléter afin de réaliser des applications effectives opérationnelles. Il s'agira de renforcer les méthodes et de les tester sur différents systèmes rizicoles, et de poursuive l'étude sur l'intégration de ces produits de télédétection dans les modèles permettant d'évaluer la productivité, les besoins en eau et les émissions des gaz à effet de serre des rizières. / Rice is the primary staple food of more than half of world’s population and plays an especially important role in global economy, food security, water use and climate change. The objective of this thesis was to develop methods for rice monitoring based on Sentinel-1 data and to effectively use the mapping products in various applications concerning food security and global environment. Specifically, the study aims at providing tools for observation of the rice cultivation systems, by generating products such as map of rice planted area, map of rice start-of-season and phenological stages, and map of rice crop intensity, together with rice crop parameters such as category of rice varieties (long or short cycle), and plant height. The information to be provided is necessary for the estimation of crop production, and for the management of rice ecosystems at the regional scale. We also investigated on how the products derived from EO Sentinel-1 data can be integrated in process-based models for rice production estimation and methane emission estimation. The test region is one of the world’s major rice regions: the Mekong River Delta, in Vietnam. This region presents a diversity in rice cultivation practices, in cropping density, from single to triple crop a year, and in crop calendar. The first step was to understand the temporal variation of the backscatter Sentinel-1 backscatter of rice fields, at VH and VV polarizations. For this purpose, in-situ data have been collected on 60 fields during 2 years, for the 5 rice seasons. It was found that backscatter time series of rice fields show very specific temporal behavior, with respect to other land use land cover types. The temporal and polarization variations of the rice backscatter have been interpreted with respect to physical interaction mechanisms to relate the backscatter dynamics to the key phenological stages, when the plants change its morphology and biomass. Because the same trend of temporal curves was observed over 5 rice seasons, it was possible to derive a mean curve to be used in the methodology developed for detecting rice phenology, and deriving information such as the date of sowing, the rice varieties of long and short duration cycle, or plant height, at each SAR acquisition date. The methods have been developed and applied to the Mekong delta. Products validation provides a good agreement with the reference data sets: 98% in rice/non-rice accuracy, the sowing dates RMSE of about 4 days, plant height RMSE of 7.8 cm, the long/short variety map has 91.7% accuracy and for phenology, only one season has been processed with good detection rate of 59/60. Finally, the use of the rice monitoring products as inputs in two process-based models was assessed. The models are ORYZA2000 for rice production estimation and DNDC for methane emission and water demand estimation. Sentinel-1 data retrieved information (sowing date, phenology, long/short variety, plant height) were used as model inputs, giving good agreement with the results making use of ground survey only. Based on the two process models with inputs from Sentinel-1 data, it was possible to have an integrated result on rice yield, water use, and methane emissions. The preliminary results show a good potential for the optimization of water management in rice fields in order to reduce water use and GHG emission, without reducing the yield. To achieve the objective which is the effective use of Sentinel-1 data for rice monitoring for food security and global environment, more works need to be done concerning the consolidation of the rice monitoring method development and the integration of Sentinel-1 derived information in models aiming at estimating and predicting rice production, methane emission and water use

Exploring the mitigation potential role of legumes in European agriculture : a modelling approach

Angelopoulos, Nikolaos G. January 2015 (has links)
The increasing atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) has direct consequences on humans and threatens the sustainability of natural and managed ecosystems. The European Union has set high targets for reducing their emissions by 80‐95% of the 1990 levels by 2050 and is working progressively to achieve these reductions. Legumes are an important group of crop species as they have the potential to reduce N2O emissions. Biogeochemical modelling can provide a valuable tool to explore options for mitigating GHG emissions and especially N2O from European agriculture by simulating novel legume based rotations. UK‐DNDC is a process based, biogeochemical model that can be used towards that goal. The model was tested for various regions in Europe and showed that it can simulate the N dynamics within crop rotations across a range of pedoclimatic zones. It is a useful tool in 1) identifying where and when high emissions occur, 2) highlighting the effects of the management practices on emissions and 3) exploring the impact of alternative managements on emissions. New rotations, which include legumes, have been proposed in order to assess the sustainability of the legumes in European agriculture and the effect that they will have on N2O production. Five regions in Europe, namely Sweden, Germany, Italy, Scotland and Romania, were selected in order to test the differences between legume based rotations and non‐legume based. These regions represent a wide range of pedo‐climatic zones in Europe. In most case studies, legumes showed that they can make an important contribution to mitigating N2O emissions. However, there were cases in which legumes enhanced the production of N2O. Modelling can help to understand system dynamics and it can also help to explore mitigation options for European agriculture in terms of N2O production. An important element of environmental modelling is to understand the uncertainty and sensitivity of model parameters in relation to the model outputs. The sensitivity testing of the model showed that clay content, initial soil organic carbon content and atmospheric background CO2 concentration are three key input parameters Nitrous oxide emissions were one of the results that showed great uncertainty in all the analyses. That highlights the challenges of the modelling activity for accurate N2O simulations in a dynamic ecosystem.

Model-Based Environmental Impact Assessment of Agricultural Conservation Practices on Corn Production

Steinbeck, Garrett W. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Characterizing N2O Gas Dynamics in Groundwater Ecosystems with the Wetland DNDC Model

Johns, Thomas D. 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Global soil respiration: interaction with macroscale environmental variables and response to climate change

Jian, Jinshi 05 February 2018 (has links)
The response of global soil respiration (Rs) to climate change determines how long the land can continue acting as a carbon sink in the future. This dissertation research identifies how temporal and spatial variation in environmental factors affects global scale Rs modeling and predictions of future Rs under global warming. Chapter 1 describes the recommend time range for measuring Rs across differing climates, biomes, and seasons and found that the best time for measuring the daily mean Rs is 10:00 am in almost all climates and biomes. Chapter 2 describes commonly used surrogates in Rs modeling and shows that air temperature and soil temperature are highly correlated and that they explain similar amounts of Rs variation; however, average monthly precipitation between 1961 and 2014, rather than monthly precipitation for a specific year, is a better predictor in global Rs modeling. Chapter 3 quantifies the uncertainty generated by four different assumptions of global Rs models. Results demonstrate that the time-scale of the data, among other sources, creates a substantial difference in global estimates, where the estimate of global annual Rs based on monthly Rs data (70.85 to 80.99 Pg C yr-1) is substantially lower than the current benchmark for land models (98 Pg C yr-1). Chapter 4 simulates future global Rs rates based on two temperature scenarios and demonstrates that temperature sensitivity of Rs will decline in warm climates where the level of global warming will reach 3°C by 2100 relative to current air temperature; however, these regional decelerations will be offset by large Rs accelerations in the boreal and polar regions. Chapter 5 compares CO2 fluxes from turfgrass and wooded areas of five parks in Blacksburg, VA and tests the ability of the Denitrification-Decomposition model to estimate soil temperature, moisture and CO2 flux across the seasons. Cumulatively, this work provides new insights into the current and future spatial and temporal heterogeneity of Rs and its relationship with environmental factors, as well as key insights in upscaling methodology that will help to constrain global Rs estimates and predict how global Rs will respond to global warming in the future. / Ph. D. / CO₂ flux emitted from global soil is the second largest carbon exchange between the land and atmosphere. Accurately estimating global soil CO₂ flux and how it responds to climate change is critical to predict terrestrial carbon stocks. The objectives of this dissertation are to evaluate how time-scale affects our ability to estimate global soil CO₂ flux. In Chapter 1, we show that the best time period for measuring daily mean soil CO₂ flux is at around 10:00 am in almost all climate regions and vegetation types. The previously recommended time range (09:00 am and 12:00 pm) reasonably captures the daily mean soil CO₂ flux. The results from Chapter 2 indicate that air temperature is a good proxy for soil temperature in modeling global soil CO₂ flux. However, monthly precipitation is a uniformly poor proxy for soil water content; instead, average monthly precipitation is a better predictor for global soil CO₂ flux modeling. Chapter 3 demonstrates that the time-scale used in parameterizing models strongly affects the prediction of global CO₂ flux. When using monthly time-scale soil CO₂ flux and air temperature data, soil CO₂ flux increases as air temperature increases at air temperatures below 27 ℃, but soil CO₂ flux begins to decrease when air temperature is over 27 ℃. However, when using annual time-scale data, this response to temperature is masked, soil CO₂ flux increases as air temperature increases in all temperature conditions. As a result, the estimate of global annual soil CO₂ flux, based on monthly soil respiration data (70.85 to 80.99 Pg C yr⁻¹ ), is lower than the estimate based on the annual soil respiration data (98 Pg C yr⁻¹ ). Chapter 4 shows that if the level of global warming maintains its current rate (3ºC by the year 2100), then the annual soil CO₂ flux will either decrease or remains the same in arid, winter-dry temperate and tropical climate regions. However, these regional decelerations were offset by large soil CO₂ flux accelerations in the boreal and polar regions. Chapter 5 shows a significant difference in CO₂ flux among the five selected parks in Blacksburg, VA. The Denitrification-Decomposition model, despite having been developed for agriculture and undeveloped lands, closely estimates soil temperature, moisture and CO₂ flux across the seasons and therefore can be used to estimate and understand CO₂ fluxes from urban ecosystems in future studies. This study highlights that the relationship between soil CO₂ fluxes and environmental factors such as air temperature and precipitation differs from region to region. The study also demonstrates that daily and monthly time-scale soil CO₂ fluxes and environmental data help constrain global soil CO₂ flux estimates and help to predict how global soil CO₂ fluxes will respond to global warming in the future.

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